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Tackling the Team (The Vassi Collection)

Page 7

by Marco Vassi

  The other women just stepped back and seemed not especially perturbed to have been caught in this extremely revealing situation.

  “That’s Jack,”‘ Sandy said. “He’s the head coach.”‘

  Jack stepped into the room as though he were stepping into a bar on a Saturday night with nothing more in his mind than starting a good brawl. He seemed not the least bit interested in the fact that four naked and near-naked women had been fingering and licking one another before his very eyes.

  “I see you’re breaking the new one in,”‘ he said, his voice like gravel. He turned to me and fastened me with those opaque eyes, and I immediately realized that he had a power that so far surpassed Jeffs that I was frightened just thinking about it. And that it was a power that had been trained and developed and honed to such a fine edge that he could take sixty-five male brutes and run them through bone-crushing exercises until they dropped from fatigue without so much as working up a sweat himself.

  “You look like a nice girl,”‘ he said. “Have fun, but don’t get crazy.”‘ And then swinging his gaze to the others he added, “Tony wants you outside in a half-hour.”‘ And with that he spun around and walked out of the room, leaving the impression that a rhinocerous had just thundered past.

  “Whew,”‘ Irene said. “That man!”‘

  “He scared me a little,”‘ I said.

  “Well he should,”‘ Marian told me. “He’s like an atomic pile, and when he explodes he shatters everything in the area. I’ve seen him pick up men twice his size and toss them around as though they were children.”‘

  “If he ever fucks you, be prepared not to use your pussy for a week afterward,”‘ Sandy said. “He’s got a cock like a mule’s, and as much finesse as a steam roller. He just throws you down, rams inside, and starts pounding like a jack hammer. And he goes on for hours and hours. I mean, literally hours. Until your legs ache and your ass is burning and your cunt is turning to farina. And all you can do is scream and scream, because he fills you with liquid fire. And after you’ve had your fiftieth orgasm of the night and think you’re going to pass out, he really cuts loose and becomes a tiger, grabbing and swiping and scratching and thrashing around as though someone had shoved a poker up his ass. And when he comes, it feels like Niagara Falls cascading into your snatch.”‘

  “My, my,”‘ said Irene, “you sure do tell it pretty.”‘

  “But he’s really very sweet,”‘ said Marian. “He’s always solicitous and fatherly afterwards.”‘

  “Why on earth should I want to fuck him then?”‘ I asked.

  “Oh, honey,”‘ Sandy told me. “You saw his eyes, you felt his strength. If that man wants you, do you think there’s any way in the world you’re going to be able to say no?”‘

  “And why should you want to say no,”‘ Irene put in. “A fuck like that is the experience of a lifetime. And what is there in life beside experience?”‘

  There was nothing in her words I could put my finger on, but what she said sent a chill of terror down my spine. It was so dismal-sounding, so calculating, so empty, that for a moment I was gripped in an existential dread. She had unwittingly pulled the covers off my behavior, off the behavior of all of us, and the words we had found so amusing before, “decadent, degenerate,”‘ now returned to my mind with a more sinister intonation.

  “What am I letting myself in for?”‘ I wondered. I was learning a great deal very rapidly, but I couldn’t be sure that I was assimilating it or whether it was assimilating me. Perhaps I was in the very process of becoming something, a someone that I might, in other moments, view with disgust and loathing. These thoughts, so sombre and far-reaching, did not, however, go very deeply, for they had to contend with the aroused lust that was pulsating in my body. And it seemed that that, for better or worse, was to be my primary guideline for the immediate future.

  “Well girls, thirty minutes,”‘ said Sandy.

  “Too bad,”‘ said Irene, “and we were just starting to get it on, too.”‘ Marian went over to one of the couches and flopped down on it. “Well, call me when it’s time,”‘ she said and closed her eyes. Irene went over to the same couch, looked down at the other woman’s inviting body for a moment, and then slowly and deliberately reached behind her and unsnapped her bra, letting the large soft tits fall in on themselves and spread to either side of her chest. She threw the garment onto the floor and then bent over and rolled Marian’s panties down her thighs, over her knees, finally yanking them over her feet, leaving the tall woman completely naked. Irene stepped out of her own panties, and I got a glimpse of her red bush of hair before she first knelt and then lay on the couch next to Marian. The two women snuggled up close to each other and began running their tongues over one another’s faces and their hands over one another’s bodies.

  Sandy looked over at me, her smooth white skin and shimmering blonde hair a picture of divine sensuality. Her mouth was open and her tongue running over her lips as she watched the other two. Then quite deliberately she walked over, her eyes never leaving Irene’s rolling ass, stood next to the couch a second, and knelt down. She ran her hands over Irene’s cheeks, then brought her face forward and buried her mouth in the dark musky ass crack, her tongue darting out immediately and diving for the small brown opening at the center. Irene moaned and thrust her hips back and parted her legs, allowing Sandy to lick beneath her asshole and into her very twat.

  I watched the three of them for perhaps a full minute, at first feeling left out and then realizing that if I wanted in to the tangle, I need only go over and find a place to insert myself. I was turned on, but my mind was too jangled to deal with it, especially since it would be my first time with women, and to take on three such vastly experienced females, and all within the space of thirty minutes, seemed too much for me to handle.

  I gathered up my uniform and headed toward the bathroom, thinking to just sit there and let my feelings settle. I went into the relatively large room, and was pleasantly surprised to see that it had a wall-to-wall rug on the floor. I closed the door behind me and was at once very glad to be alone. I had been starved for privacy for forty-eight hours without being aware of it.

  I tossed the uniform onto the sink and sank slowly to the floor, lying luxuriously in the thick red nap. To my astonishment, I found myself looking at myself in a mirror that had been affixed to the ceiling. I smiled in amazement at just how thorough these people were in their pursuit of sensual pleasure.

  What I saw staring down at me was a decidedly beautiful young lady, and I was pleased to note that I didn’t measure up badly when compared to the stunning beauties whose groans were beginning to be audible through the door. My breasts lolled easily on my chest, full and round, the nipples two dark violet circles in their center. My waist flared in sharply above my hips, which were full and round. My legs pointed out at a forty-five degree angle from one another, long and shapely, the thighs not quite meeting at the torso, so that my cunt was lodged in a horizontal ledge which ran, when I stood up, parallel to the ground. The pussy lips protruded out from this ridge, and my cunt hair sprouted in wild dark profusion all around.

  I ran my hands over my belly, around my hips, onto my thighs, finally joining them together at the edges of my cunt. I was extraordinarily randy from the attentions I had received, and could feel the first edges of frustration which signalled my need for release. I stroked my sore pussy, violently fucked by Jeff two nights earlier, and then put through a strange exercise by Roger the night before.

  Roger had me quite hypnotized by early evening. A ride in a twenty-thousand dollar car, lunch in a superb restaurant with a charming and highly cultivated man, two hours on the top floor of one of the city’s tallest buildings with a fifty-mile view all around and an almost sinfully rich decor inside, coupled with a constant edge of ironic erotic sensibility, is enough to turn any girl’s head. And I had been in the mood to have my head turned.
/>   When I was really primed, Roger had turned to me and said, “You won’t mind if we dispense with the greater amount of the brutish preliminaries a man and woman usually feel the need to go through before they can enjoy what they truly desire from one another? Frankly, as you probably can guess, I have long since passed the stage where the crude activity known as fucking, with its train of concomitant emotions, palpitations, ecstatic rushes, and erratic swings is of any serious interest to me. My central desire at this point is unfolding and observing. My major interest, in short, lies in provoking and watching.”‘ He had regarded me for a long while and then added, “I should like to use some equipment with you.”‘

  I had had difficulty in suppressing a giggle. “First Jeff and his gym equipment, and now this,”‘ I thought.

  But what Roger had in mind was somewhat more sophisticated, and within a short time I was stretched over a curved board, my head and feet back and my body arching forward reaching an apex at my cunt. He had tied my hands and legs in a spreadeagle position, so that I was totally wide open and thrust out.

  For the following three hours it had been a bizarre mixture of nightmare and daydream. On one end of the spectrum was an episode in which he slowly crammed an entire banana in my cunt and then slowly sucked it out, a process that had me hot with the lust born of extreme repugnance. At the other end was his strapping a long, thick, black dildo into my cunt, inserting another in my asshole, and then throwing a switch which set the two of them buzzing wildly. At first I was too shocked to feel anything but vibration, but when the first impact faded, I relaxed into a soothing sea of erotic balm. I could feel myself let go down into my toes and up into my eyeballs. And upon that came a re-localization of sensation, and I could feel the heat building in my pussy and deep inside my ass.

  The problem was that I couldn’t cum. I was unable to move, and the machines did not vary their tempo, so I was kept continually at the edge of orgasm. After some ten minutes I turned to look at Roger and found him regarding me with an amusement that bordered on contempt.

  “Would like to cum, wouldn’t you, you obscene little cunt?”‘

  His words were like a whiplash and I thought he would begin to verbally abuse me, and that would lead to physical abuse, which would lead to anything that would get me to orgasm! I was dying to spend myself. But he said no more and did no more. He smiled grimly and said, “I think I’ll go bathe now. I’m sure you will be able to take care of yourself. If you need anything, call me. But . . . make sure you are willing to meet my demands if I bring you what you want.”‘

  He turned around and walked out of the room, leaving me literally hanging. I was able to stand no more than fifteen minutes more of the treatment and I began to call him. He merely taunted me and said that I didn’t sound desperate enough. I cried out until I felt real tears starting to form. I was close to a pain threshold that was beyond the erotic. My whole crotch felt like it was filled with acid.

  “Please, Roger,”‘ I yelled.

  “Please what?”‘ he asked.

  “Please, stop this torture. I need to cum. Please, I’m burning up. If I don’t cum soon I’ll explode, I’ll die.”‘

  “You don’t sound really serious to me,”‘ he called back, and ran the water a bit more.

  I found myself grunting to keep ahead of my anguish. My cunt shrieked, my asshole was a single mass of raw nerve endings. I needed to have those devilish machines pulled out of me. But before that, to have them thrust in further, deeper, from a different angle, to touch my trigger, to allow me to shoot off. I grew fiendishly desperate, and my voice was hoarse as I called out to him.

  “Roger, I’ll do anything. ANYTHING.”‘

  Finally, there was a long silence, and he walked out of the bathroom. He was wearing leather chaps open at the crotch, exposing his cock and his ass. He was bare-chested, and he carried a thin leather whip. His eyes were whirlpools of utterly composed and fanatic lust, and I knew then what the meaning of Satan was.

  He walked up to me, looked at my trembling body with unabashed slavering greed, and, horribly, smiled.

  “Yes, my dear,”‘ he said in that same maddeningly calm voice, “I do believe that now you will do anything, anything I ask, in order to be released. And not only will you do it, but you will find whatever button you have to press inside you to love doing it, to embrace it with total passion and abandon, so that you don’t merely experience the act, but that you become the act.”‘ He paused, drew back his arm, and struck one long harsh lash across my thighs, the leather biting into the flesh and slapping across my open cunt. I stiffened throughout my entire frame and lept to within a fraction of the energy level necessary for orgasm, and just as quickly, I subsided.

  “Yesss,”‘ he hissed. “I will bring you to the brink again and again, and before I am finished you will be drooling and slobbering and begging me to attain even greater depths of vileness. Won’t you?”‘ And as he asked the question, the lash struck once more, this time across my nipples, and I screamed at the top of my lungs as I was catapulted once more to the brink of climax.

  “Oh, you foul loathesome bastard,”‘ I said out of a ragged mouth as I turned to face him, “please, please, whip me until I’m bleeding, unleash all your evil onto my body, please.”‘

  Roger snickered. “Really,”‘ he said, his voice assuming a sudden fey intonation, “I’m afraid you’ve gone somewhat overboard, Julie.”‘ And then he laughed, an ugly introverted snort that exploded in his chest and contorted his lips.

  He reached over, undid the dildoes, untied my bonds, and threw me face forward on the floor. His whip began raining down on my ass and legs. I twitched and spewed gibberish under the blows.

  “Start crawling,”‘ he ordered, “crawl into the bathroom, crawl on your belly into the bathroom, and we’ll see how you like the actual taste of evil.”‘

  The vividness of what followed had begun to drag me into reliving the rest of the memory when I realized that I was no longer alone in the bathroom of the clubhouse. I opened my eyes and saw Sandy standing over me.

  “Well, isn’t that pretty?”‘ she said, and I realized I was lying there with one hand on my right breast and the other halfway inside my cunt.

  I blinked and grinned a little sheepishly. “I guess I almost dozed off,”‘ I said.

  “Dozed, my ass,”‘ said Marian, poking her head into the door.

  “Come on, you cunts,”‘ shouted Irene from the other room. “Shake your asses and get dressed, so we can go out on the field and shake our asses. Duty calls!”‘

  I sat up slowly, reached for my costume, and tried to clear my head in order to go out for my first practice as a cheerleader.


  By the time I saw Jeff again, I realized that I had moved to a different level of understanding. I saw that he had served as the catalyst to bump me out of my monotonous grind at school and into the scarifying but terribly thrilling world of professional football. I knew that I still felt some fondness for him, and had no objections at all to fucking him again, but I was resolved to move out of the house he had found for us and set myself up independently.

  The week had been exhausting. As Sandy predicted, I was sore from the unaccustomed exercise, but after a few days began to enjoy the exhilarating activity. Tony had turned out to be a rather unassuming and pleasant man, at least on the surface, and it seemed that the only thing that anyone could say against him is that he refused to join in any of the sex games that practically everyone else delighted in most of the time. He put us through our paces every day, showing us the routines, and then making us practice them until they were almost second nature.

  The nights were something else. I accepted one more invitation from Roger. This time he tried to get me to suck his dog’s cock, but I felt I wanted to draw the line somewhere, and I refused. He became peeved, and then ushered me out unceremoniously. I stopped into a bar
for a drink to calm my nerves, and let myself be picked up by two college students who took me to their apartment and spent the night taking turns and doubling up on me and on one another. They were that new breed of bisexual which makes no distinctions at all in gender, and seems perfectly at home with whatever configurations it can conjure up.

  As I lay between them, a cock in my ass and a cock in my cunt, humping furiously to engorge myself in both holes as deeply as possible, slamming back and forth on their stiff rods, feeling the intense heat generated in the thin membrane that separated pussy from anal canal, I knew that, for better or worse, I was following an arc of sexual activity which was shooting rapidly into uncharted spaces. The itch that I had felt in my cunt from the time I turned fifteen had grown into an almost unbearable ache, a yearning need to be rubbed and touched and stuffed. Manfred had busted my physical cherry, but Jeff had taken away my psychic virginity, the thing in my mind that had me thinking I was not free to swing out as far and wide as I wanted. My body was roaring with need, and my mind had acquiesced, and agreed not to manufacture any guilt about it, at least for a while. It was as though I had tacitly given myself permission to go all the way, and explore the erotic impulse to its core.

  Each night after that I went hunting, and since I was young and randy and good-looking and wore clothes that flaunted my tits and outlined my ass, I had no trouble scoring. And by the time Saturday rolled around, I found myself wondering where I would go looking that night before realizing that that was the night I was to see Jeff. I suppose I knew that I would have a bad scene with him, but I was hoping to keep things light, to act sophisticated and sort of dance my way out of the entanglement with him without his becoming too upset. Of course, that was a fool’s dream.

  When he arrived, I had already cooked a smashing dinner and was wearing my shortest skirt and tightest blouse. I planned to feed him, ply him with drinks, and fuck him silly, and then casually mention that I thought it best if I moved in with Sandy, for companionship.


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