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Empire Ascendant

Page 8

by Dietmar Wehr

  Tanaka Shogunate Capital (New Mount Fuji):

  Tanaka mentally promised to make a Temple pilgrimage to give thanks to his ancestors for this victory. Admiral Hashimoto had performed even more brilliantly than the Shogun had hoped. Tanaka was so pleased that he was even prepared to overlook the Admiral’s presumption in offering advice to his Shogun over the future conduct of relations with King Trevor. Plans for a Shogunate attack on an Atlantian star system were already well advanced, but Tanaka would wait a bit longer just to see what Garnett’s President would do and what reaction, if any, came from Atlantia after news of their catastrophic defeat reached them. In the meantime, there were victory celebrations to be enjoyed, and he would think about how to reward Admiral Hashimoto. By this time, his female attendants had finished washing his body and were no doubt wondering which of them he would choose to copulate with in the next phase of the daily ritual. Maybe the tall one with the waist length hair. He noticed that his sexual organ was even longer and harder than usual, and the surge in sexual energy had sharpened his five senses. So that’s what an overwhelming victory can do for a man in a position of power. How very interesting.

  Kingdom of Atlantia Capital (Avalon):

  Trevor stared at the wall screen showing the text message reply from Empress Brandenburg. Wellington was surprised at how well his King was taking the news. No cursing or yelling, especially at him. No throwing things. It seemed that the King had expected that the Empress would made some demands of her own.

  “That bitch has no intention of ever giving the Three Sisters back to me,” said Trevor. He turned to look at Wellington. “There are so many loopholes, and they’re so wide that she could justify keeping those planets no matter what does or doesn’t happen. I have a good mind to…” He let the sentence remain unfinished as he stared off into infinity for a few seconds. When he finally did look at Wellington, his expression was firm. “Yes. Yes, I’m going to do exactly that. Brandenburg has outsmarted herself. I’m going to send her a reply that will make her regret trying to con me into agreeing to this nonsense. Now, let’s talk about the military question. Has the Fleet been re-deployed as we discussed, just in case Tanaka decides to retaliate?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. The orders have gone out, and the ships are in the process of concentrating here at Capital planet.”

  Trevor smiled. “Very good, Admiral. If Tanaka sends a few of his ships with their Type 7 warheads here, they’ll face the entire Fleet, and everything will be decided in one stroke!”

  Tau Ceti Empire Capital (Corona):

  “He IS insane,” said Brandenburg. “First he offers me the Three Sisters, and now he’s saying take his original offer, or the offer’s off the table, and he’ll offer the deal to Delisani! Does he really believe that Delisani is more likely to honor his word than I am to honor mine?”

  Delacor shook her head. “He’s bluffing. Why would he give those planets to Delisani if he believes that Delisani ordered the ambush on Admiral Owens’ force? It makes no sense, Empress.”

  Brandenburg rolled her eyes. “No, not to you and me or to any other rational person, but King Trevor? He’s just irrational enough to do it out of spite. Well, I’m going to change the negotiations a bit here. Admiral Terranova is to deploy his entire task force among the Three Sisters and let their inhabitants know that the Empire is there to protect them from conquest by either the Shogunate or the Delisani Empire. And after he’s done that, we’ll sent King Trevor another message saying that even though we’ve already gone ahead and extended Empire defenses to cover the Three Sisters, I still might be willing to hand them back if I deem the colonists to be safe from external threats. In other words, there’s no formal deal, just my good will.”

  “Those orders will go out today, Empress. I just want to make sure you know that Task Force 2.2 still hasn’t been equipped with any of the Mark 10 warheads yet. If Tanaka’s ships should show up at the Three Sisters, Admiral Terranova’s task force could be in trouble.”

  “Hm. I want his orders to include something to the effect that if he’s faced with a superior force or feels his task force is in jeopardy from an external threat, he has the flexibility to withdraw.”

  “Yes, Empress.”

  After Delacor left, Brandenburg wondered if her decision to keep the Mark 10 warheads a secret as long as possible was the right one. Letting the cat out of the bag early over one star system in a confrontation between a few ships would put Tanaka on notice that the TCE had developed a new technological edge, and that just might compel him to move against her before her Fleet was really ready. On the other, if she waited too long, she might lose a valued friend and a whole task force. She could at least take some comfort from the fact that Marcus was level-headed and could stay cool under fire, not like Xavier or Nielson. What Delacor saw in them as task force admirals, Brandenburg didn’t know, but she hadn’t interfered when Delacor promoted them. That was the Grand Admiral’s responsibility, and Delacor would interpret any intrusion into internal navy matters as a lack of confidence by the Empress in her. She hoped she hadn’t made a mistake in holding back.

  Chapter Ten

  Second Sister star system (Lambda Serpentis):

  As TG2.2.1 approached the planet Serpentine, Terranova waited patiently for the colony planet’s response to his message announcing that Serpentine—why would anyone want to call their planet that?—was under the protection of Empress Brandenburg’s Navy. There was also a detailed proposal offering to officially incorporate this system into the Tau Ceti Empire if a majority of the inhabitants voted to accept it. The carrot that was being dangled in front of them was a promise that if the offer was accepted, the Empire would invest substantial capital to develop the planet far more quickly than the Kingdom of Atlantia could. Colonists would continue to have a high degree of autonomy, and Imperial taxes would be light, at least initially, and be invested locally. The other two planets that made up the group known as the Three Sisters were in the process of receiving similar offers from the battlecruiser divisions that Terranova had carved out from Task Force 2.2. Task Group 2.2.1 was made up of a single division of two battleships. Terranova was quite pleased that he was in command of 40% of the Empire’s battleships, even if it was only a temporary situation.

  He just happened to be looking at the main display and its tactical update when he heard the two-tone signal of a major status change. The display zoomed out to show a system-wide representation, with a dotted line running from the two battleships out to the edge of the system.

  “Major gravity wave detection, Admiral,” said the FTO. “Multiple ships, minimum of six. Too early to tell what class they are. I’ll have a prelim estimate of deceleration shortly, sir.”

  Terranova nodded as he continued to look at the display where the image was now slowly rotating to give him a better grasp of the three-dimensional aspect. “Am I right in thinking that this approach vector doesn’t line up with the Atlantia system, FAO?”

  “That’s correct, Admiral. However, their vector angle does line up with the Shogunate Hokkaido Base system.”

  “So, Tanaka is playing hardball,” said Terranova softly.

  “Their decel is right on five thousand Gees, Admiral. TacComp says they’re battlecruisers,” said the TFO.

  Terranova relaxed a bit. If there were only six Shogunate battlecruisers coming at him, then his tactical situation was not that bad. Tanaka’s battlecruisers were estimated to mass around half a million metric tonnes. TCE battleships massed almost twice as much, but in terms of defensive capabilities, the battleship designers claimed one battleship could survive a fight against three battlecruisers. At least on paper, that meant that the two forces were about evenly matched, and considering that the TCE was not at war with the Shogunate —as far as he knew—the Admiral who was commanding that fleet was unlikely to try to intimidate Terranova. The sidebar data showed that the estimated range was 1.3 light hours. It would take that long for any message to travel between them. Migh
t as well let them know right now who this star system belongs to, thought Terranova. He switched his station to recording and began to speak.

  Shogunate flagship (Kirishima):

  Hashimoto’s chat with his Astrogator was interrupted by the audible signal of an incoming text message that scrolled across the bottom of the main display.

  Division Admiral Marcus Terranova, Tau Ceti Empire Navy, sends greetings to the officers and crews of the Shogunate Navy ships now approaching Serpentine. Be advised that by order of Empress Brandenburg, the Lambda Serpentis star system, as well as the other two star systems known colloquially as part of the Three Sisters, is now under the protection of the Tau Ceti Empire. There are two Empire battleships in this system, and I have orders to protect the Serpentine colonists from any foreign force that seeks to take control of this planet and system. If you wish to avoid hostilities, then veer off and maintain a minimum distance of 600 light seconds from Serpentine. I’m willing to exchange messages, but the minimum distance is not negotiable. End of message.

  Hashimoto uttered a silent curse. Empire ships had not been expected. Atlantian ships, yes. That wouldn’t have been unusual, but not Empire ships. Using his console to access the ship’s database on TCE naval officers, he looked up Terranova’s file. Shogunate Intelligence had confirmed that Admiral Terranova was in command of Task Force 2.2 and that it was stationed on the side of the Empire that was closest to the Kingdom of Atlantia. Therefore, Hashimoto was willing to bet that the message was accurate in terms of who sent it. And if Terranova really did have two battleships at his command, that could present a serious problem. The question was did he? The tactical update showed gravity wakes from two sources, and their deceleration did fit the information on TCE battleships. Hashimoto was certain that one of the two was a battleship. Task Force 2.2 was known to have one, the Valley Forge, but according to the file, TCE task forces were usually composed of one battleship and at least five battlecruisers. For Terranova to have two battleships meant that the Empress would have had to have pulled one away from another task force. Certainly, that was possible, but not conclusive. If the second ship was a battlecruiser, it would keep its deceleration the same as the battleship’s.

  “What can we deduce from the strength of those two gravity wakes?” he asked.

  “The intensity of the L-waves used to create both wakes are the same to within less than one percent difference, Admiral. It’s possible that the ships are from two different classes of vessels, but based on what we have, we’re not able to confirm what class those ships are,” said the astrogation officer.

  “So, you can’t tell me if we’re really facing two battleships or not,” said Hashimoto. “Can you at least tell me how quickly we’ll get within missile range if both sides continue decelerating at present rates?” The astrogation officer’s face turned red with embarrassment at the implied criticism of his capability. Plotting interceptions was a routine calculation.

  “Assuming that the Empire ships drop into orbit around the planet, we’ll get within their missile range in three hundred seventy-seven minutes, and they will be within our missile range in three hundred eighty-nine minutes, Admiral.”

  “Ah, so, you can provide me with some useful data. When would I need to decide to veer off in order to keep our ships beyond Admiral Terranova’s six hundred light second limit?” That calculation took a little longer.

  “Two hundred thirty-three…no, thirty-two minutes from now, Admiral.”

  Hashimoto nodded. Just under four hours. He didn’t have to make a decision quickly, but he did have to make one. Terranova’s choice of 600 light seconds meant he would have to decide whether or not to risk battle with Terranova’s battleships well before those battleships came within his ships’ missile range. He decided that he would return to his quarters, listen to some relaxing music while he meditated on what to do and perhaps seeks advice from his flagship’s captain. Enough was known about TCE battleships that the most likely outcome of a battle between his six battlecruisers and Terranova’s force would be a victory but a painful one. He would lose ships, and his Shogun would have another war on his hands, this time with the Tau Ceti Empire. Firing on TCE ships was not in his orders but taking control of this system was, and he couldn’t accomplish the latter without committing the former. His fear was not of dying but rather of facing his Shogun’s wrath if he made the wrong decision. The Shogun had decreed that ritual suicide to atone for mistakes would be expected, and such action had to be accomplished the old-fashioned way with a sharp weapon, not by taking painless poison as had become the trendy thing to do.

  “We have plenty of time before we take action,” he said for the benefit of the Flag Bridge crew. “No need to go to Battle Stations now. I shall be in my quarters for a short while.”

  TF2.2 Flagship (Valley Forge):

  Terranova stepped up to stand beside his FTO’s station. “He has to have read my message by now,” he said in a low voice.

  The FTO nodded. “Yes, sir. Your message reached him thirteen minutes ago.”

  “And he hasn’t veered off.”

  “He still has plenty of time to do so, Admiral. Just over three and a half hours yet.”

  “IF we enter orbit and stay there,” said Terranova.

  The TFO nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  Terranova looked up at the tactical display for a few seconds before speaking. “If TF2.2.1 slingshots around Serpentine to head for the Shogunate ships at max accel, does that put them in our missile range before or after they cross the six hundred light second threshold?”

  The officer had the answer quickly. “Before, sir, but not by much. Less than five minutes difference.”

  “And how much sooner would they have to veer off if they wanted to stay out of our missile range under that scenario?”

  The TFO had what Terranova would have described as a predatory look on his face when he finished his calculations. “If those ships don’t start veering off before we slingshot around the planet, they won’t be able to stay out of our missile range no matter what they do, Admiral. And by the way, we won’t be able to stay out of theirs either.”

  Terranova kept his expression neutral, but the knowledge that he could determine the tactical landscape was reassuring. He liked to play poker, and among the officer corps, no-limit Texas Hold’em was still the game of choice. By swinging around the planet and accelerating at the Shogunate fleet, he’d be effectively going all in. His opposite number would then have to decide on whether to call Terranova’s bet by continuing the straight-in approach, which would almost certainly result in a battle, or fold his hand and veer off, hoping that Terranova would resist the impulse to fire on his ships when the range dropped down low enough. There was no question in Terranova’s mind over whether he would fire or let the Shogunate ships leave. Starting a war with the Shogunate was not part of his orders, and he knew, without having to be told, that the Empress did not want to force Tanaka into a war, at least not yet. So, if his opposite number attempted to disengage, Terranova would let him, but it wouldn’t hurt to keep the other admiral guessing to the very last moment.

  “Do you play Texas Hold’em, Lieutenant?” asked Terranova.

  “I sure do, Admiral.”

  “Would you rather go all in and force the other guy to call, or vice versa?”

  The officer laughed. “Go all in first for sure, sir. I hate being forced to decide whether to call an all-in bet or fold.”

  Terranova smiled. “Me too, which is why we’re going to do the slingshot. Check with Astrogation. I want the fastest slingshot we can manage. Tell Astro to pass that data to Agincourt, and I’ll confirm the order before we begin the maneuver. Any questions?”

  “No questions, Admiral, ah…well maybe one question?”

  “Fire away.”

  “What do you think their admiral will do? Call or fold?”

  Terranova took his time answering. “I really hope he folds. The problem with going all in first is that s
ometimes the other guy has Aces when you only have Kings. The simulations say we could take on six battlecruisers and win, but it wouldn’t be a sure thing, and I think the Empress would be happier if we managed to hold on to this system without starting a war.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Shogunate Flagship (Kirishima):

  Hashimoto jumped in surprise when he heard the tactical status update tone. A quick look at the display revealed that Admiral Terranova’s two battleships had stopped decelerating, even though they weren’t yet in orbit around the planet!

  “Can they make orbit at that velocity, Astrogation?” he asked.

  “No, Admiral. If they maintain their present velocity, they’ll fly right past the planet. Is it possible that this Admiral Terranova has lost his nerve and is surrendering the field?”

  Hashimoto frowned. Everything in Terranova’s file suggested that he was not that easy to frighten off. There was something about this sudden change that bothered him.

  “If he’s not intending to fly past the planet, then what else could he do at that velocity?” he asked the astrogation officer.


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