Blue Love

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Blue Love Page 17

by Mj Fields

“And who do we have to thank for that?” John asked annoyed.

  “I don’t know there wasn’t a note,” she said shooting Alex a look.

  “I am going back to bed,” Alex said.

  “Can we keep him, please Daddy,” Tessa asked.

  “As long as you take care of him,” he yawned, “we still have that invisible fence collar from Hans right,” she shook her head yes, “alright then.”

  Tessa couldn’t wait to show the kids. She figured since she was up she should get ready for school, she had a game tonight.

  When she was ready she held Chewy up next to her face and took a picture, she sent it to Luke, and Thank you was the message.

  -He was still whining in agony when I walked back into the mall, he missed you, I understand how he feels, he may be a mess at first but with your guidance and love he will be ok, by the way the picture is priceless , my new screen saver …LYA Luke


  It was lunchtime and Luke sat across from Tessa. They stared at each other the entire time making stupid faces, what are we in junior high she thought laughing at his cross eyes. The bell rang and neither of them got up. Jade turned to see where she was and Tessa and Luke were at the table still being middle schoolers.

  “Did either of you hear the bell?” Jade asked.

  They laughed and stood up. Luke grabbed Tessa’s hand like he had never stopped and she stiffened up and he did in reaction to her. He kissed her hand and smiled, “See you later Tessa.”

  God I hope so she thought.


  Her game was home and they were doing well, Tessa had made a goal and had an assist. At half time Alex and some of his friends were there, their practice had ended. She searched for Luke and he was nowhere to be seen. She was a little upset, no, a lot upset but it was okay.

  They were ahead by three the end of the third quarter and she heard a barking puppy. Luke was carrying Chewy to the bleachers. He raised his paw and made him wave to her. She smiled and laughed. “Luke got a puppy?” Phoebe asked.

  “No Luke got me a puppy,” Tessa said and smiled, “His name is Chewy.”

  When the game ended she looked over to him and he was surrounded by girls. They were all gushing over him and Chewy. Luke was smiling and set him down and his little feet ran as fast as they could to Tessa. She bent down and picked him up, he licked her face as she sucked in her lips and laughed. He walked over and half the swarm of B’s followed him. “Links is that your baby?” the goalie from the other team asked, “got to be he’s a handsome little guy,” she said and reached over and pet him.

  “Hey Julie, he’s actually Tessa’s puppy. Tessa this is Julie,” he said.

  “Nice to meet you Julie,” Tessa said trying to avoid Chewy’s tongue from slipping in her mouth.

  “You too, so Luke you free tonight, I have missed you,” Julie said as she looked him up and down.

  “Actually I have been meaning to get a hold of you,” unbelievable Tessa thought as she walked away with her fuzzy little bundle.

  As Tessa introduced Chewy to her team Luke was apologizing to one of the dirty dozen. They were playing with him and Luke walked over and yanked on her braid, “Number six,” and he bent down and kissed her sweaty head.

  “How did that taste?” Tessa asked laughing.

  “Like more,” he said and kissed her head again.

  “S’mores?” she asked laughing.

  “Ya S’mores,” he smiled.

  “Can you keep him while I go shower,” she asked.

  Luke took a deep breath and set his jaw, “Of course, he’s way more distracting than a basket of dead ones.”

  Luke threw a toy for Chewy in the field and Chewy fetched it, he certainly hadn’t mastered the art of bringing it back or release yet but Luke was sure he would do well at it soon enough.

  Tessa walked out and Chewy was sniffing around looking for a place to pee.

  “Awe he’s got to go potty,” she said laughing. They watched him as he made his way to the exact spot Tessa started the game at and squatted and peed.

  “He’s marking his territory baby,” Luke laughed.

  “Great game Tessa Ross,” Mark said as he looked her up and down and winked.

  “Thanks Mark,” she said and looked away. She saw Luke scowling at Mark.

  “Tessa?” Luke asked.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Would you be offended if I pissed on your leg, mark you as mine,” she smacked him. “Was John angry?” Luke asked.

  “Actually no, he was great about it,” she said, “we have invisible fence from Hans so he is alright with it.”

  “That’s cool so Chewy will be an outside dog?” Luke asked and she could see concern in his eyes.

  “Well with Hans when we were outside he was and the invisible fence kept him safe. He slept inside with us every night but if he wanted to go out and we were preoccupied he was safe to go out alone for a bit. When we weren’t home he was inside. Chewy has to be trained on the boundaries and we have to know he’s ready. It’ll be a while before he is out without anyone supervising,” Tessa explained reassuring him.

  “Ok good,” he smiled and looked relieved.

  “Do you want to keep him for a few hours?” Tessa asked.

  “Like joint custody?” he said and laughed, “No Tessa he is yours he chose you,” he smiled.

  “Would you like to come up for dinner Luke?” Tessa asked.

  He smiled, “I wouldn’t want to impose.”

  “Do I need to beg?” she asked.

  “Oh God please don’t,” he said looking down.

  “Dead pu...,” she started.

  He put his hand over her mouth, “Not in front of Chewy” he said.

  She narrowed her eyes and bit his hand. His eyes rolled back and he closed them. “You are sadistic,” she said laughing.

  “You have no idea,” he moaned. Her heart raced, what the hell am I thinking with what happened with Sadi just a few days ago and here I am having these thoughts again, unbelievable Tessa she thought.

  “Okay no dinner then?” she asked looking annoyed.

  “I would love to but right now Tessa I think I should go home,” he said sadly.

  “Okay,” she said and gave him a fake smile. “Then why do you look sad?”

  “I have just had a rough few days,” he said, more like eighteen years.

  He watched as her eyes changed, “Ok come on Chewy,” she said.

  “Hey Tessa, I just wanted to let you know that I am going away for a few days,” he said looking down.

  “Oh why, I’m sorry, I mean have fun,” she looked down and he laughed, “Well I don’t know what I should say.”

  “What do you want to say Tessa?” Luke asked.

  “Are you okay, is your family alright, where are you going, are you going alone, do you want to have sex before you go so you won’t want anyone else. Probably all the creepy crazy jealous girlfriend things boys hate and I’m not even your girlfriend,” Tessa said turning red and he laughed.

  “Well I am driving down to New Jersey to see my Dad for a couple days, it’s been awhile. I loved that you asked if I was okay first, that’s not what a creepy crazy jealous girlfriend would ask,” Luke said and laughed. “I am doing no one else, well no one at all actually. But there’s this girl I love anyway,” he hugged her.

  “Awe how cute you two had a puppy,” Sadi said as she walked by and flipped them off.

  They both laughed. “When will you leave?” she asked. He told her tonight that way he would be home by Friday morning and still be able to play in their last game. “Please drive safely and call me when you get there.”


  Luke walked into his house and stood in the kitchen for a few minutes. His bag was already packed and sitting by the door. Luke went through the house and made sure everything was locked up tightly. He grabbed his phone charger and turned off the light. He got in his car and pulled out of his driveway. He was dreading the five hour drive but at le
ast one of his obligatory nights would be without the drama that always ensued when Dad was in a new relationship.

  When he pulled into the driveway of the lake house the motion light came on. He looked at the house and he saw his Dad and a blonde who was way too young for him walk out. Here we go, he thought.

  “Lucas, this stunning woman is Mandi, with an I,” Landon said. Of course with an I Luke thought. “And Mandi this is Lucas, star quarter back, honors student, and my devastatingly handsome son.”

  “Nice to meet you Luke,” she smiled “My, you’re almost as cute as your Daddy,” Mandi said and winked.

  “You alone Lucas?” he asked. He shook his head yes, “Losing your touch boy?”

  “Dad can we discuss this later?” Luke said looking towards Mandi.

  “Just odd, you always bring something to keep you warm,” Landon winked and laughed as they walked in.

  Luke walked in to the kitchen and set his bag down and his phone on the island and sat in the leather stool “Dad can we talk alone for a minute?” he asked.

  “Anything we need to talk about Mandi can hear son. Hey sexy would you grab us a couple beers out of the fridge?” Landon asked.

  “Sure Landon,” she said smiling.

  “Dad I need to talk to you alone,” Luke said as Mandi brought over two beers and set them down on the counter in front of them.

  “Landon, I am a little tired, I am going to head up to bed, you two talk,” Mandi smiled, “Very nice to meet you Lucas.”

  “What’s going on Luke?” Landon asked. Landon only called him Luke when he was angry.

  “Mom’s in the hospital, she had a relapse last Friday. I want to get her into rehab and I need your help,” Luke said dreading what would inevitably come.

  “What the fuck is wrong with her?” Landon asked. “That bitch has never been able to keep it together for more than six months.”

  “Don’t talk about my mother that way,” Luke said, his phone chimed and Tessa and Chewy’s picture popped up on the screen.

  “Nice Lucas,” his dad said grabbing the phone and smiling. “How long have you been doing her?”

  “I haven’t DONE anything with Tessa,” Luke said, “It’s not like that with her,” he grabbed the phone and checked the message.

  -Hope you arrived safely, please let me know….LYA Tessa

  He smiled, when he saw the LYA, it had been awhile since she had signed that way

  He typed a reply,

  -Just got here safe and sound Baby…Thank you…LYA Luke.

  Landon was looking over his shoulder, “What’s LYA mean Lucas?”

  “Love You Anyways,” Luke said, “About Mom are you going to help or not?”

  “Why should I? I have paid for the house, I pay for the bills and you have a credit card with free range Lucas,” Landon said, “What more should I be obligated to do for her?”

  “For her Dad? You have been divorced since I was three, you try to make her feel worthless, and you put the house in my name. You are obligated even though you don’t fucking get it,” Luke snapped at him.

  “Drink your beer son you need to relax, you don’t talk to me like that, I am your father,” Landon snapped back.

  “My father who is giving his eighteen year old son a beer to relax, my father who before asking how I am wants to know why I didn’t bring a piece of ass with me, and who wants flavor of the month to be present for our conversation. My father who has known I have stayed alone since I was fourteen while my mother dries up,” Luke said in an angry tone.

  “That’s enough Lucas,” Landon interrupted, “You cannot blame me for your mother’s problems, it’s not my fault your mother is an alcoholic!”

  “No Dad? Let me ask you a question! How many of your ex-wives are not?” Luke said.

  “That’s not my fault,” he said getting defensive.

  “Well ask yourself what the common bond between them is,” Luke stood and grabbed his bag and headed upstairs.

  He grabbed his phone to text Tessa

  Her phone chimed and she smiled.

  -She is more precious to me every day. Her innocence and heart are pure and perfect. I want to be her soft place to land when she feels like falling. I dream of making her as happy as she makes me…. Day 5 without Tessa Ross makes me know I have to become the man she deserves. To love and take care of her always ….LYA Luke

  -you sound sad Luke. Please don’t be sad, I Love you, like a friend…Tessa

  -what happened to LYA?!??! …LYA Luke

  - Not necessary anymore, I just love my friend :)

  -Not sad anymore, go to sleep baby you have school in the morning …LYA Luke

  Tessa laid in bed smiling; he was not perfect when she fell in love with him, but every day he seems to want to be better. She needed to step it up to make him happy and she was pretty sure she knew how. Now for some sweet dreams, she smiled.


  He woke up and his dad was gone. He grabbed a pair of shorts on and his sneakers and tied them up. He pulled out his phone.

  - good morning Tessa; I dreamt about you last night and woke wishing it were real. Baby I miss seeing your perfect smile..... LYA...Luke.

  He tossed his phone on the bed and went outside to run around the lake. He was running hard when he saw Leah outside her parents’ house, where he had first met her last year. Leah saw him and squinted to be sure it was him. Luke slowed down and stopped in front of her; he smiled and held his finger up out breath. She laughed and smiled back. He turned his back to her and bent down concentrating, taking deep breaths. He is gorgeous Leah thought, she had only met him once before and remembered it vividly. They had met on a Friday at a lakeside bonfire. He kissed her and that kiss lasted until the sun came up. She wondered if he remembered. “Hey you remember me?” Luke asked finally able to speak.

  “Of course I do Luke,” she smiled.

  “I am going through something and well I fell in love, and she made me realize how wrong I had been to act like I did, I am sorry Leah,” Luke smiled apologetically.

  “She must be something special,” she smiled sweetly.

  “I hope you have found someone who treats you better than I did Leah,” Luke said.

  “I haven’t. I have been waiting to see you again,” Leah said softly.

  “I am sorry, please forgive me,” he said pulling his shirt up to wipe the sweat from his face.

  “Forgiven,” she said.

  They shook hands and Luke went to finish his run.


  When Luke was not at school it seemed even harder to concentrate. Tessa missed his hand holding hers, his kisses, laugh and his smile, oh his smile was amazing. At lunch she tried to call him and there was no answer. She hung up. “UHG,” she said.

  Her phone chimed and she jumped and smiled.

  -Hey angel I have two minutes free and I wanted to say hello. Things are crazy here but I still think about you often. I hope all is well, hope to talk to you soon, be good to yourself…Toby

  -TOBY!!! It is great hearing from you, send me a picture of you in uniform please I want to set it up as your ID when you text me again…BTW it better be more often! Tessa

  Her phone chimed and it was a picture of them at homecoming, a second was of him in uniform, she smiled.

  -smoking hot …TTYS…Tessa


  Landon came home at noon and brought lunch. Luke had just gotten out of the shower and he was getting dressed when his Dad yelled up, “Anyone home?”

  “I will be down in a minute Dad,” Luke answered.

  “Let’s eat lunch Lucas,” Landon said, “Your sisters will be her at two; I have a sitter coming to watch after them while I am at a meeting with possible investors. I would like you to join me?”

  Luke decided to join his father for dinner with the hopeful investors; he would meet him downtown at about four. He would have a chance to spend a couple hours with his sisters that he barely knew.

  He grabbed his phone and saw she had call
ed. He knew she was in class now and that she wouldn’t be able to take his call.

  - Miss you baby... Love Luke.

  At one thirty Audrianna pulled in with Alexandra and Ally. They were beautiful with big green eyes and caramel hair. They were dressed in matching pink dresses and white shoes. Their hair was in pig tails with ribbons tied perfectly around them. They looked a lot like Luke.

  “Hello Audri,” Luke said as he was smiling at the girls, “they are beautiful.”

  “How are you Lucas, Ally and Alexandra this is your big brother Lucas, do you remember him girls?” Audrianna asked smiling.

  They both shook their heads and smiled shyly. Luke knelt down, “I am going to hang out with you guys for a few hours before I have to go meet our Dad for his meeting, what would you like to do?”

  Audrianna couldn’t believe this was the same boy; it looked like the little tyrant that she had dealt with every few months when she was married to his father. He was either drunk or high when she saw him, but it certainly didn’t act like him now.

  She answered her phone, “Hello…Oh ok…I will see what I can do…no I understand…see you soon. Damn it,” she mumbled under her breath. “Ashley,” she called waving her sister to come in.

  “Is that your aunt?” Luke asked the girls and smiled.

  “Yes,” they answered giggling.

  “Good, I need to talk to her, Audri do you mind?” Luke asked.

  Why was he asking permission he didn’t every time they had screwed over the past four years. “She is happy Lucas,” Audri cautioned.

  “Good, I am too” Luke said, “Is it alright?”

  “Go ahead Lucas,” Audri said.

  He walked to the car and opened the door for Ashley, “Hey Ash can we take a walk?”

  Ashley’s eyes widened, “Luke I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she said looking towards the girls, “and I am, seeing someone.”

  “Me too Ash,” Luke smiled, “I just want to apologize for some things.”

  “Okay then,” Ashley said.

  They only walked a few feet away but he did his normal spiel. She hugged him and he hugged her back. Ashley was a great person. They had a different relationship than he did with the girls back home, and it was fun, no strings tossed in with some mutual respect mixed with a bit of alcohol sex, a great distraction from his father’s nonsense.


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