Blue Love

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Blue Love Page 18

by Mj Fields

  “So we are good right?” Ashley asked.

  “I hope so,” Luke said smiling.

  They walked back to the house and his phone chimed, Ashley saw the picture ID “She is pretty Lucas,” Ashley smiled, “Are you being good to her?”

  “I am trying. She just, I don’t know, she is just different than the other girls back home,” Luke smiled.

  Audrianna smiled as she watched him grinning, “It is so nice to see you happy Lucas, I don’t think I have ever seen you like this.”

  “Ya I know, I am sorry, things are changing,” Luke smiled and looked at his sisters.

  Audrianna had always felt sorry for the life he lived. Her soon to be ex was too busy with work or trying to be the man she thought she had married, to pay any attention to Lucas. She knew his mother had major substance abuse issues and that he had been the one to deal with her. And now that she was a Mom she saw him differently. She wished she had pushed more for Landon to be a better father than he was to Lucas. She wished she could have not been jealous or wrapped up in her own dream world to see that the troubled, obnoxious, hormone filled boy really had a sad, angry life and he just needed guidance.

  “I am so glad Lucas, I really am. You deserved better than you were dealt, and I should have tried to help, I am sorry,” Audri said.

  “I am fine, doing better every day. And whatever I have said or done in the past to make your life harder I apologize. Oh and thank you for giving me these two, I think we will be great pals,” he said and they giggled.

  “So Ashley we are going to have to change our plans, the sitter is going to be about an hour late,” Audrianna said.

  “No way, I got this, we can have great fun together can’t we girls,” Luke said swooping them up and spinning them in a circle.

  “Oh no Lucas you don’t have to,” Audri said and looked a bit nervous.

  “Please Mommy,” the girls said in unison.

  “Audri I promise they will be fine, I won’t break them,” Luke smiled.

  “He will be okay,” Ashley said reassuring Audrianna.

  Audrianna reluctantly agreed, it was only an hour she thought and she and Ashley left.

  The girls took him out back and showed him the tree fort their father had built for them, “Wow this is so cool,” he said climbing up behind them. It was very low to the ground so Luke felt that it was safe for them.

  They played Princess for an hour, he of course was there Prince and had “To marry both of them,” Ally said smiling.

  “Ok but only because it’s pretend, when you grow up girls its only one Prince for each of you. And he better be really good to you because if doesn’t, do you know what will happen?” Luke asked in a deep voice. Their eyes widened and he threw his hands in the air making them appear like giant claws, “Your brother will turn into a dragon and gobble them up,” he picked them up and pretended to chew their ears as they laughed.


  “That’s cute,” he heard someone laugh from behind him.

  “Leah,” the girls yelled and ran to her.

  “Hey Leah what’s going on?” Luke asked.

  “She’s here to watch us, but she doesn’t have to now we have you” Alexandra said and ran to Luke and jumped in his arms and hugged him. So this is how it feels, he thought, this is what family was all about. Luke always had felt that they were the competition. He didn’t realize that they could turn his black heart gray. Luke loved them immediately.

  Luke hugged her tight and said, “I have to meet Dad for a couple hours and then I will be back, are you spending the night?” he asked.

  “We don’t spend the night silly,” she laughed.

  “Well maybe tonight you can, should we call your Mom and ask?” he said.

  “Ya,” they both said.

  Leah gave Luke Adrianna’s phone number. Luke called and asked her, she was reluctant but agreed that it was alright if Leah could stay as well. They all agreed and the girls went crazy.

  Luke asked Leah to take a picture of him and them in the entry before he left and she did. He messaged Tessa.

  -hanging out with two beautiful girls, they are spending the night! Hope you don’t mind…LYA Luke

  Luke attached the picture and sent it to her.

  Tessa’s phone chimed.

  She read his text and her heart sank, until the picture downloaded, she smiled. Another text came through

  -This is Ally and Alexandra, my sisters!...LYA Luke

  -They are beautiful Luke, and you seem happy!!! Much better than last night’s text… your friend…Tessa

  -Like you…have to go with Dad for two hours, then back here, this will be their first overnight since their Mom left…Hope he doesn’t get mad when I tell him, lol…LYA Luke


  Tessa spent the evening the same as last, training Chewy on the invisible fence. Chewy hated the beeping noise he heard when he got too close to his fenceless boundaries. He was a quick learner.

  John had bought a hot tub that was going to be delivered tonight. They couldn’t use the pond now that it was cold and Tessa loved the thought of relaxing in the hot tub after practices. Her muscles would love the relaxation they would gain from it. Tessa cringed when she thought of Luke in the hot tub, she was an idiot and had to keep this thing a friendship, how the hell would I do that? Whenever she saw him she needed to touch him, to kiss him, she loved him. Time to get tough she thought, God help me please she thought quietly, or let him change. I love him.


  Luke road home with Landon from the meeting. Luke was happy that he didn’t freak out about the girls staying over. Annoyed that he left his car at the country club but his Dad had kept buying drinks and his new investors seemed to like the fact his son was allowed to drink. How that impressed them was beyond him. John Ross wouldn’t be impressed he was sure of that.

  He got out of the car and the girls ran to him and not his father. Luke picked them up and spun them around. Damn he thought, a bit tipsy. “Okay girls hot tub time!”

  They raced to change and jumped in the twelve person tub that sat overlooking the lake. His Dad joined them. “Hey Leah, could you grab my phone and take a picture of us please?” Luke asked.

  “They have really taken to you Lucas,” Landon smiled.

  “They are great Dad, they really have never spent the night?” Luke asked.

  “No Lucas I am a very busy man,” Landon reminded him.

  Of course you are he thought. “Alright little princesses,” Luke said “Time to get ready for bed, it’s getting late. Leah could you wash the chlorine off them and get them in their PJ’s?”

  “No,” Ally said stomping her foot, “We want to stay with you!”

  “Ok so why don’t we all sleep in my room, pillows and blankets on the floor, it’ll be like we are camping,” Luke smiled.

  The girls were excited. Luke went in and showered and washed his face and brushed his teeth. He pulled on his pajama pants. He grabbed his phone and sent Tessa the picture of his father, sisters and him in the hot tub.


  Her phone chimed and she smiled

  -Day 6 without Tessa Ross has been enlightening. From her I have been able to see what family is supposed to be. I have two sisters that are amazing and we are going to “Camp Out” on my floor tonight. Without her light shining through me I would have never been able to or have the desire to see how precious love is. … LYA Luke

  Wow, she thought, he really loves me. Not that she had doubted that before, she knew he did in the only way he knew how.

  -I hope you have a great time, I miss you, and BTW you made me cry…Love…Your friend…Tessa

  -I am sorry Tessa that was not my intention…LYA Luke

  -Happy tears Luke, thank you. Go have fun with those beautiful girls (never thought I would ever think that, lol)… Love!!!..Your friend…Tessa


  “Hey Luke, the girls got carried away with the water, do you have a shirt I can wear?” Leah was soaked and he
laughed and tossed one to her.

  The girls ran in and jumped on Luke’s bed. He laughed, “Hey can I jump too?”

  Leah stood on his large wooden bed with the mirrored wall behind it and snapped shots of them all jumping. The girls were laughing and so was he. Landon walked in and watched his three children with a smile, “I think it’s bedtime you four,” he raised his eyebrows and winked at Luke.

  “Go give Dad a hug girls,” Luke whispered and they did.

  Luke grabbed his phone and sent a picture to Tessa of them jumping, all their feet were raised behind them in the air and they were smiling. Perfect he thought.

  -Having fun…LYA…Luke.

  Luke threw his phone on the bed and tucked them in; they insisted he be in the middle. He said prayers with them, which he had not done in years.

  “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord our souls to keep, the angels watch us through the night and keep us in there blessed sight. This we ask in Jesus name, AMEN,” Ally and Alexandra said together.

  Ally and Alexandra each kissed Luke and hugged him and fell asleep. Luke was awake and had to use the bathroom. He was still tipsy. He tucked the girls in and grabbed a pillow and put it at the foot of the bed telling himself that he would be back down there when they woke. He missed Tessa and in less than a day he would see her. He fell asleep and dreamt of the girl he loved.


  Leah left the girls room and walked into Luke’s, he was asleep on his back, shirtless and hot as hell. She climbed up next to him and rubbed his stomach, he smiled. She kissed his lips. She took his hand and placed it under the shirt that still smelled just like him. He took a deep breath and she kissed his lips, as she sat on him, she unbuttoned the shirt and laid her naked breasts on his chest. She slowly began to grind into him and he moaned. She kissed him and he kissed her back. Luke rolled on top of her and kissed her deeply. She spoke his name and whispered, “I want you Luke, take me again.”

  Luke pulled away from her, “Oh God Leah, no no no,” he whispered as he sat up.

  “We have already done it once, you seemed to really like it, let’s do it again Luke” Leah said and bent in to kiss him. He moved away and his phone fell to the floor.

  “Shit Leah,” he whispered, “The girls are sleeping right there, and I already told you I was sorry about the first time, I was different then.”

  Leah stood up and said, “Sorry I just thought,” she began to tear up.

  “Leah,” he interrupted, “okay just, let’s forget this happened okay. Just go back to bed.”

  Leah left and Luke calmed himself down. He got up and snuggled in between the girls.


  Tessa woke up and smiled. She turned off the humidifier and grabbed her phone; she had a missed call from Luke. Damn I wonder what time he called she thought; she grabbed her clothes and headed for the door. She would listen to the message in the bathroom. She was so excited that she was going to hear his voice grinning ear to ear like a five year old on Christmas morning.

  “I want you Luke, take me again” she heard a woman’s voice say “Oh God Leah, no no no,” she heard Luke whisper, “We have already done it once, you seemed to really like it, let’s do it again Luke,” the woman said, “Shit Leah the girls are sleeping right there,” she heard Luke say, and the message ended. Tessa was in shock, she played it again. She felt the blood drain from her face and she sat on the toilet. Oh no you don’t, Tessa Ross, that’s enough. He’s a player. She ignored her head and grabbed her phone; she started to text him and stopped. She put the phone down and jumped in the shower. She got ready for school, she started to hear the song “I will survive” in her head and started laughing. Done, you asshole, I am officially done. Two months is nothing and I know I will be fine she thought.


  Luke woke to two giggling girls staring at him, he smiled when he opened his eyes and looked at them. “Well good morning my gorgeous, intelligent, princesses, how did you sleep?” he asked.

  “It was wonderful, my prince,” Alexandra said with her cute little squeaky voice.

  “I felt a pea under my mattress,” Ally said as she placed the back of her hand to her for head.

  “Well we mustn’t have that,” Luke said looking annoyed.

  Luke set them on his bed and threw the blankets to the side, he grabbed the imaginary pea “I have found the culprit, my lady, I shall banish it from the kingdom,” he went into the bathroom and flushed the toilet. “Pea belongs in the potty,” he said and the girls laughed hysterically.

  After breakfast Audrianna came to pick them up. “No Mommy we want to stay with Luke,” they pleaded.

  “Well my fair maidens I must return to my kingdom far away, I have dragons to sleigh on Friday night,” Luke said.

  “We want to watch,” they begged.

  “Then I shall send you a video of it,” he replied with a smile.

  Landon stood in the doorway of the kitchen and was amused by the interaction between his three children. He looked at Audrianna and smiled, she blushed and looked down. She was Luke’s favorite step monster.

  “Well ya know I am considering driving up tomorrow to see Luke, um slay the dragons, maybe you three could come with me?” Landon said.

  Audrianna said, “I am not sure that’s a good idea,” the girls pleaded.

  “Lucas could you take the girls up to get their things?” Landon asked and watched them walk up the stairs.

  “Audri, we can go together,” he said “As a family, no pressure. He seems to really enjoy them, I have never seen him happier and they adore him. Please I know that it would be too much for me to ask to take them alone, but will you go with us?” Landon asked.

  She still loved him, she didn’t know if she could continue healing with him in her face for that amount of time. She did know that he could take them without permission if he pursued it.

  “Landon, this is for the kids, all three of them, do you understand?” he shook his head yes. “And what about your girlfriend?” she asked.

  “I think this is more important right now, she will have to deal with it or not, it’s really not a big deal to me,” he said searching her face for a reaction.

  “Okay the princesses are ready,” Luke said carrying one under each arm.

  “Well my fair ladies,” Landon said, “We are all going to watch Lucas slay the dragons tomorrow.”

  They clapped and hugged their father, “Mommy too?” Ally asked.

  “Yes, Mommy too,” he said smiling at her.


  Luke sent a message to Tessa.

  -I am leaving in about an hour, should be home at around one, I am going to come in so that I can make practice and see you!!! Guess what? My Dad and sisters will be coming to the game tomorrow night. The girls can’t wait to meet you, and please excuse anything my father may say, most of my bad habits, of the past, come from him…LYA.. Luke

  Tessa read the message and wanted to tell him to suck rocks but knew he was driving a long way.

  -Drive safely…Your bud, Tessa

  He smiled at her response, what does that mean he wondered.

  “Luke, here is a check for your mother’s rehab,” he said, “The strings are this, first you come here one weekend a month, I want to see you and your sisters seem to love you. Second she stays for three months. I want her to recover for good this time.”

  “Thanks Dad, See you tomorrow,” his dad hugged him which was not normal, he hugged him back, “see you tomorrow”. That was weird he thought as he walked to the car.

  Chapter 16

  Tessa was at lunch when Luke walked in, “Hey baby,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her cheek. He sat next to her and smiled, she wanted to punch him in the face. He has been playing her since day one; she was tired of his game and had spent most of the morning thinking of a game of her own. Tessa’s well thought out plans were quickly gone as she felt her heart pound and a lump grow in her throat, she sat wide eyed looking at him.
“You okay Tessa?” he asked. She shook her head yes.

  “So tomorrow some college’s are sending recruiters here to check us out, my Dad talked to the head coach from Syracuse University personally and he is sending out some guys, isn’t that cool? I would be very close to you and at a great school,” she smiled and shook her head yes. “Tessa, what is going on?” he laughed, she pointed to her throat, “You lost your voice?” he asked concerned.

  “No,” she croaked out “just sore,” she whispered. No you asshole if I talk I will cry she wanted to scream.

  He felt her head and she tensed up, “You are not warm,” he said, she stiffened and felt her eyes narrow, she looked down. “Baby, are you okay?” he said as he took her hands.

  The bell rang.

  “Got to go, see ya,” she said as she darted out the door. Where the hell was Donna Summers voice in her head when she needed her?


  Tessa walked into class and sat down, “What was that about Tessa, you have been acting weird all day?” Jade asked.

  Tessa couldn’t tell Jade because she would probably tell Tommy or kick his ass, “I am just off, I will be fine’” she smiled.

  Tessa quickly changed for hockey and made it to the field before the boys came out. She practiced hard. She was a good person she kept telling herself, she had to help him get through tomorrow with his family and the SU recruiters, she could do this and then she would just tell him to leave her alone.

  Practice was over and Tessa walked in, showered and changed. She went quickly to the truck, hoping Alex and Jade would come out before Luke. She flipped through her phone and looked at the pictures he had sent again. Her eyes started to tear up when she realized that the refection in the mirror from the first picture with Luke and the girls was the same as the one from them jumping on the bed, and she noticed the girl, Leah she assumed, was wearing his shirt. She heard people coming out and closed the phone and sunk down trying to breathe deep and slow to stop the flood she knew was coming. One more day she told herself one more day.

  “Tessa, what the hell is going on with you?” Luke asked, “Do you need to go to the hospital baby, you are a mess,” he opened the door and tried to touch her.


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