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Page 7

by Sybil Bartel

  I reached between her legs and pushed her over the edge. Pulsing, spasming, squeezing my cock like a vise grip, she fucking detonated. I thrust three more times and let go.

  I came inside her.

  I fucking came inside her.

  And I immediately wanted to do it again.

  She gripped my neck and rested her head against my chest. “Oh my God.”

  Goddamn, I was never doing that again… but fuck. Aftershocks swept through her body and unlike every other pussy I’d ever fucked, I didn’t want to immediately pull out. I wanted to stay buried so deep in her shit that I was right there the second my dick was hard enough to start thrusting again. “You good?”

  “I think you split me in two.”

  I’d heard that before but coming from her, it sounded like shit. I forced a chuckle. “You’ll recover in time for your boyfriend to pull his head out of his ass.” The thought of that prick even touching her now made me see fucking red, which should’ve been my clue to get the fuck out of there.

  “I told you, he’s just my friend.”

  Fucking great. “I don’t care what you call him. He wants to fuck you.” I’d talked about my client’s boyfriends, husbands, other lovers while I was with them and I’d never given two fucks about it. I welcomed the comparison. It’s what made me bank. But this shit with her? While my dick was still buried so deep I was bottoming out? Fuck no.

  “Jealous?” She smirked.

  “I don’t get jealous.” I didn’t know who the fuck I was lying to.

  I had every intention of getting the hell out of there. I didn’t know what the fuck was happening and I needed to regroup, alone. But when I started to lift her off my cock and ease out, I felt my come inside her and my brain warped, completely fucking one-eighty warped.

  This wasn’t some cougar’s mouth or repeat client’s well-played pussy. I wasn’t shooting my load into a condom and counting the money in my head. I was sunk inside a tight little cunt that’d never had anyone’s come but mine and shit dangerously shifted in my head.

  “Then what do you care if he wants to sleep with me?”

  My life split in two. Before I came inside her. And after. Dark, light. Bad, good. Hell, hope. There was no in-between. I didn’t know if I was panicked or ecstatic. All I knew, I’d set her on her feet and already wanted back inside her.

  “I said fuck, not sleep.” But it didn’t matter. He wasn’t going to do either with her. “This sweet pussy?” I cupped her. “Only I get to come inside her.” I staked my claim and damn, I was hard again.

  She shivered. “I didn’t agree to a repeat performance.”

  “Oh, sweetness.” No way was I leaving now. Fuck giving that asshole a chance to come back tonight, or any night. I turned her. “Brace yourself, because I’m going to fuck you all night.” I stroked her and my cock pulsed in anticipation. “By morning, you won’t even remember his name.”

  She put her hands on the wall. “I’ll never forget his name, I grew up with him.” She pushed into my touch.

  I got off on coating my fingers in our come and rubbing it up her ass. “But it’ll be my name you scream when you come.” Over and over, I dragged through our come and spread it around her tight little entrance. With just enough pressure, I drew a firm circle until the tip of my finger sank into her ass.

  Her muscles clamped down on me. “Alex.” Alarm tainted her voice.

  “I got you, beautiful.” I slowly worked my finger in a circle and put my lips to her ear. “Take a breath.” Her body listened to me and my dick swelled. “Good girl. Let it out slow.” She relaxed and my finger slid all the way in. “That’s it, right there. You’re gonna let me in, gorgeous.” Two strokes in her ass with just my finger and I was ready to fucking explode. “You ever let anyone take this sweet ass?”

  “Ohmigod,” she panted. “No.”

  My eyes closed and I drew in a breath of pure fucking possessiveness as I slowly stroked in and out of her ass. “Feel good, sweetness?”

  “Ohmigod.” Her hips moved with me.

  I sucked on her neck and my cock throbbed in anticipation. “I’m gonna make you feel so damn good.” I eased a second finger in to stretch her and she jerked. “Breathe, beautiful, breathe.” I reached around and shoved two fingers into her cunt before she could pull away, then I rotated until I found the spot I was looking for.

  Her hips jerked and she pushed onto the fingers I had deep in her pussy. My second finger sank into her ass.

  Fuck yeah.

  “That’s it, sweetness.” I stroked her ass two more times then slowly pulled my fingers out and gripped my cock. I dragged the head through her wet pussy then pushed between her cheeks and centered against her ass.

  “Alex. What are you doing?”

  I bit her collarbone before I soothed it with my tongue. My fingers deep inside her, I increased the speed of my stroke. “Showing you what it feels like to be taken care of.” I worked the head of my dick against her tightness.

  “That’s… oh God.” Her ass pushed down on my cock and I sank inside an inch. “That’s not my pussy. Oh God.”

  Fuck, she needed to come so I could sink inside her. “My fingers are right on your G-spot, sweetness. You’re gonna come without me even going near your clit.” I increased the pressure of my hand and shoved my cock another half inch.

  “AHHHHHhhhhhh.” She started to come apart.

  “What’s my name?” I growled, pounding my hand into her.

  “Alex, Alex….”

  I shoved my dick in her ass.


  Jesus Christ. “This ass is mine.” My heart pounding, my dick a rocket, I stroked the half of my shaft not buried in her and fucking exploded.

  My knees locked, my muscles went rigid and the orgasm that’d built faster than a wet dream reared up and wrecked me. I came so damn hard, I kept pumping inside her. Seconds, minutes, hours, time ceased. I was in a fucking daze and this woman was every fantasy I never knew I had. Panting, I stood shell-shocked before I realized she was shaking, badly.

  I reached and turned the water all the way to hot. “Hang on, baby.” I wrapped my arms around her and pulled out as gently as I could. The second my dick left her ass, she whimpered.

  “Alex.” Her voice hitched like she was going to cry.

  “Shh, shh, it’s okay. I got you, sweetness.” I shut off the water and scooped her up.

  Her head fell on my shoulder. “Hurts,” she whispered.

  Fuck. “Temporary, I promise.” She was so fucking small, her pussy, her ass, her body in my arms. Goddamn it, I should’ve been more careful. I stepped out of the shower and set her on her feet but I kept one arm around her as I yanked a towel off the rack. Wrapping her up, I stared down at her giant blue eyes and emotions flooded my chest.

  “I can’t stop shaking,” she whispered.

  Jesus, she was beautiful. “Come on.” I picked her up again. “Let’s get you warmed up.” I carried her into the only bedroom and yanked back the covers. Not letting go of her, I crawled into the bed and pulled the comforter over us. Hit with her sweet scent, I turned her and brought her back to my chest. Then for a split second, I panicked. I didn’t do domestic. I didn’t do attachments. I didn’t do emotion, period.

  “My chest, it hurts.”

  Alarm spread through my veins and stripped all other thoughts. “Hurts how?” My training from the Marines kicked in, and I picked up her wrist to check her pulse. Fast, but not thready. “You breathing okay?”

  “Yeah.” Her voice was so small, she sounded like a child. “What’s happening?”

  Christ, I’d literally fucked her into shock. “You’re okay, sweetness. You’re going to be fine. Just relax. You’ll warm up.” I ran my hand over her shoulder and down her arm. “Even breaths.” I coasted over her small waist and the swell of her hips. I repeated the caress a few more times and the shaking diminished. “That’s it.”

  “I’m so tired.”

  “Close your eyes, b
aby.” Every stroke along her curves made my dick twitch but I forced myself to ignore it.

  Within minutes, her body melted into mine and her breaths evened out in sleep.

  I let my head fall back on the pillows but three years of conditioning kicked in. I mentally cataloged the location of my clothes, the distance to my car and the miles to my penthouse. Thirteen minutes and I’d be home.

  I didn’t move.

  Fuck my five-year plan. I closed my eyes and gave in to the contentment that’d lodged in my chest. I was almost asleep when she thrashed against me and cried out.


  “Hey.” I stroked her arm. “You’re okay.”

  She kicked at the covers. “He’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead.”

  I cupped her face but her eyes were closed. “Olivia?”

  She cried once more, rolled to her stomach and went back to sleep.

  Oh my God, my head.

  Ohmigod, I’d let him come inside me.

  And shit. Shit.

  I forced my eyes open and when I saw the other half of my bed empty, I exhaled. “Thank you, God.”

  “For what?”

  Startled, I turned toward the sound of the familiar voice.

  Jesse leaned on the doorframe. His arms crossed, he looked pissed as hell. “Get dressed. I need to talk to you.” He disappeared down the hall.

  Too late, I pulled the sheets up to my chin. Rolling over, I buried my face in my pillows and groaned. But the second I inhaled, expensive cologne and the memory of every inch of Mr. Wrong filled my head.

  I glanced at the nightstand like there’d be a note or something equally chick-flick worthy. Cursing my stupidity and fighting a wave of nausea, I forced myself to get up and throw some clothes on. I put my hair up in a messy bun and shuffled toward the living room as I shoved all thoughts of Alex down and told myself I was glad he left.

  I rounded the corner and ignored the six-foot-two construction worker I called my best friend. It was harder than it seemed, but my sights were on my one vice, and I needed a fix. Well, my one vice with the exception of last night. “I can’t talk without coffee.” Did a one-night stand count as a vice?

  Jesse silently handed me a mug because he knew me. Because that’s what best friends did.

  Guilt spread through my chest and I muttered, “Thanks.” I wasn’t having a heart-to-heart or whatever he wanted to talk about without caffeine and he probably knew that, but it was still a nice gesture.

  Leaning against the kitchen counter, his arms still crossed, he only nodded.

  I took a sip and tension filled my galley kitchen. I refused to cower, but I also refused to look at him. I took three more sips before he spoke.

  “You want to go first?”

  Um, no. “Have at it.” I steeled my nerves and gripped my mug.

  “Jennifer and I broke up. I wouldn’t have kissed you if I was with someone else.”

  Deep down, if I had thought about it, if I hadn’t had five million other things going on, I would’ve realized this. Jesse wasn’t that guy. But the information did nothing. Not to my heart, not to my ego. My pussy was achy and throbbing and I was consumed with dark hair and blue eyes and stupidly wondering if his number would be magically programmed into my phone. What should have been pure hatred for Alex was dangerously morphing into a fuck-my-life obsession.


  Would it be too obvious to go grab my phone to see? “I heard you.” I needed to get a grip.

  “Your turn.”

  I didn’t know cocks came that big. “For what?” My last boyfriend lied to me. Size totally mattered.

  Jesse exhaled. “Look at me, Liv.”

  I took a sip of coffee and peeked at him over the rim of my mug. For the first time in ten years, he looked like he could kick someone’s ass. I mean, he was all hard muscles and imposing height, but he usually carried his strength with a smile. Not today. He looked so pissed, if I had room to, I would’ve stepped back. “What do you want me to say?”

  He stared at me, really stared at me, and Jesse never stared. He was too polite.

  “What happened last night?” His tone sharp, it wasn’t a question. It was an accusation.

  “What do you mean?” I hedged. Did he know about Alex? Did I care? Shit, of course I cared. This was Jesse. And he’d kissed me. Twice. Except I could hardly remember what that kiss felt like because I was thinking about a giant— Oh my God. I needed to stop.

  “All the paintings sold to the same person.”

  I blinked. “What?”

  “They’re in my truck. Delivery instructions are for today.” He reached into his back pocket and tossed something onto a kitchen chair. “Take a shower. I’ll wait downstairs.”

  “Wait.” I stared at the chair… and my underwear from last night. “How do you know this?”

  “The buyer left instructions with the doorman.” He walked out, slamming the door behind him.


  Well. At least I had my matching set back. I snagged the red lace thong off the chair and shuffled to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and stripped, but the second I stepped under the hot spray, I was reliving the best sex of my life. Just thinking about it made need rear up and kick me in the lady parts. I thought about an extra-long shower to get myself off and the satisfaction of making Jesse wait was icing on the cake. He hadn’t even bothered knocking this morning. Didn’t I tell him to cut that shit out last night?

  Why was I even thinking about this? I should be jumping for joy that I sold all the fucking paintings. But I wasn’t. I was tired and horny, and I wanted a stupid repeat with an asshole who’d snuck out in the middle of the night so he didn’t have to ever see me again. Issues didn’t begin to cover what was wrong with me.

  Twenty minutes later and no shower-gasm, I yanked open the door to Jesse’s truck and hopped in with a fresh dose of attitude.

  Jesse had the truck’s AC cranked to nipple cold, his phone was to his ear, and he had a distracted look I knew well. He didn’t even glance at me. Looking far too capable, he pulled into traffic as his muscles stretched the sleeves of his T-shirt.

  For five blocks, I stole glances at him and wondered if our friendship would ever be the same again. By the time he’d hung up, my mind was spinning and my mouth opened to spit out my fractured thoughts. “You’re moving hours away.” What the hell did he think would happen when he kissed me last night?

  “You could move too.” As if he hadn’t just thrown my dirty sex underwear on my kitchen chair, his response didn’t miss a beat.

  “You want me to come with you?” He made this decision hours after dumping his girlfriend? And seriously, we were actually going to talk about this?

  “Yes.” Again, no hesitation.

  My eyes narrowed. “You’re not looking at me.” And that felt purposeful.

  “I’m driving.”

  “No, there’s more than that.” I knew him. I knew when he was hiding something.

  He abruptly pulled over, threw the gear shift in park and yelled, “I kiss you and you go sleep with someone else?”

  I sucked in a breath. Jesse had never yelled at me.

  “Was it payback? You were pissed I dated Jennifer? I never even slept with her!”

  My mouth popped open.

  “What?” he demanded. “You’re surprised? Shocked? Maybe I didn’t want to fuck her.”

  Oh my God.

  “I’ve been waiting two goddamn years but you don’t ever seem to come out of it. Your brother’s dead, Liv. He’s not coming back. You deserve a life. I deserve a life!”

  Everything from the night my brother died came rushing back. Jesse had taken me to dinner. He’d just gotten out of the Marines. He’d been stationed all over and with the exception of a few rushed visits, we’d kept in touch with e-mail and texting, and I’d missed him. I was so happy to have him home, but he’d been quiet. He’d stared at me over dinner and I’d thought for sure he was going to finally kiss me that night. But t
hen my cell phone rang and everything changed. “Jesse,” I whispered.

  He shook his head. “I was going to kiss you that night,” he said, as if reading my thoughts. “I wanted you, Liv. I wanted everything.”

  Wanted. Past tense. “And now you don’t.” Something raw and gnawing churned in my stomach.

  He ran a hand through his hair and his voice went back to its usual quiet calm. “I don’t know what I want.”

  Guilt. Regret. They were there but something was building. Something a whole lot like anger. “So you dated Jennifer because you wanted me?”

  “Don’t turn this around.”

  Really? Turn around the fact that he was dating someone and I wasn’t? “How exactly am I turning it around that you had a girlfriend all the while you ‘wanted me’?” I couldn’t stop myself, I made obnoxious air quotation marks. “Because that’s a seriously fucked-up way of showing me you wanted me.”

  He stared at me. “This isn’t my fault.”

  “So this is a fault? You not saying what you want? I waited years for you to come home.”

  His nostrils flared with an inhale. “I never told you to wait,” he bit out.

  “That’s just it, you never told me anything! You didn’t tell me to wait for you. You didn’t tell me you liked me. You didn’t even tell me you wanted to kiss me. You’ve never even told me I was pretty!” But that asshole had. He’d told me I was beautiful. And goddamn it, I wanted to be beautiful to someone.

  “What was I going to do? Call you from Iraq and tell you the only thing keeping me sane was a picture of you in your bikini?”

  My heart crushed in on itself. I knew that picture. We’d gone to the beach before he’d deployed and I’d laughingly snatched his phone and taken a selfie. My tits pushed together, I’d made kissing lips and snapped the shot. I’d tossed his phone back at him and joked that he could add it to his spank bank. That was the last time I’d seen the carefree Jesse. He’d deployed and the next time I saw him, he was more reserved. He’d also put on fifty pounds of muscle.

  “You should have told me.” I refused to shoulder the weight of all of this. This wasn’t all me.


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