
Home > Romance > Thrust > Page 12
Thrust Page 12

by Sybil Bartel

  I groaned.

  “That’s it.” The head of his cock rubbed over my clit once, then he pulled away.

  I almost came. “Please!”

  Another slap. “Please what, sweetness? I can’t hear you.” His finger drew slowly in and out of my ass.

  I lost it. “Fuck me!”

  He slammed into me so hard we both groaned.

  Then he fucked me.

  Rhythmic and hard and raw, he fucked me. He pinched my clit, sank his thumb into my ass and pounded my pussy so hard he bottomed out on every thrust. My nipples turned painfully hard and a split second before I came, every muscle in my body jerked.

  Stars exploded behind my eyes.

  My thighs shook, my head fell back and the most intense orgasm I’d ever had stole my breath. My arms gave out, I hit the bed and he followed suit. His chest covered my back and with one last thrust, he stilled then pulsed deep inside me.

  His huge hand gripped my jaw and turned my head. “Do you feel my come inside you?” His voice, low and dominant, covered my insecurities with his commanding presence.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  “You’re more than in my arms.”

  She fucking owned me.

  My heart slammed against my chest and my stomach fluttered.

  You’re more than in my arms.

  He licked across my bottom lip and sank his tongue into my mouth then he pulled back just enough to speak against my lips. “Every time you stand tonight….” He thrust his hips against mine and his release slid between my walls and his cock. “I wanna see my come dripping down those sexy legs.”

  You’re more than in my arms.

  I’d been closed off for so long, I wanted to fight against every word that came out of his mouth and every slow grind of his body against mine. But my heart was grasping at his dominant arrogance and my pussy was pulsing around him as if I hadn’t just come. “No.” The single syllable was the only thing I dared to let come out because all I kept hearing was his voice….

  You’re more than in my arms.

  “Yes,” he growled as he slowly pulled out. “No shower, no underwear, you’re going to smell and feel me all over you tonight. Know why?”

  That shouldn’t have been sexy but it was. So, so sexy and I was ready for him to come inside me again, just to feel more of him. “No.”

  His rough hands gripped my waist and turned me over. His eyes searched my face, and for a single heartbeat, time stopped. “Because this?” He cupped me. “Is mine.”

  My whole world slanted.

  Breath against breath, skin against skin, hope against despair, everything that was missing in my life, it broke through my defenses and filled my heart as his lips sweetly touched my forehead.

  Then just as quickly, it was gone.

  An impenetrable mask slid over Alex’s expression and he shut everything down. Abruptly releasing me, he got out of bed. “Come on, we’re going to eat.”

  His seductive dominance gone, his bossy attitude slid into place like a shield. I struggled to keep my face and voice even. “I’m not hungry.” As if on cue, my stomach growled.

  His mouth quirked in a maddeningly sexy way as he pulled on his tight-fitting boxers. “Yes you are.”

  I rolled over and buried my face in a pillow that now smelled like him. “I’m not going anywhere.” Not with him. I couldn’t. I needed to lie right here and tell myself he was bad for me until I believed it, but every second more in his presence, I was losing all the reasons I shouldn’t be around him.

  A thick finger expertly slipped into my pussy and destroyed my train of thought.

  I gasped and involuntarily arched my ass up as he pressed down on my front walls. “What are you doing?”

  He stroked side to side. “You’re getting up or I’m gonna put you through a workout that’ll leave you sore for a week.”

  I groaned, wondering if I could seriously come again as he worked me like a pro.

  His breath touched the back of my neck. “Before you consider it, know this.” He slipped a second digit inside me, spread his fingers wide and made short little thrusts in and out as he dropped his voice. “I’m going to make you work for it.” Slow and twisting, he pulled his fingers out.

  I whimpered. “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t.” His teeth grazed my ear then his heat left my back. “Get up before I spank that luscious ass into an orgasm.”

  Hangers rattled in my closet as if he were searching through my clothes, and I crawled off the bed only because I was afraid he wasn’t kidding. I’d planned on locking myself in the bathroom until he left, but the second I was vertical, he handed me a scrap of clothing.

  “Wear this.”

  I glanced up and was struck all over again by how utterly beautiful he was. Every feature was locked into a seriousness so intense, I wondered if all of his smiles had been an act.

  Swallowing the thought down, I remembered my mission. “I’m going to shower.”

  “No you’re not.” He took the material from my hands and slipped it over my head.

  A dress I’d bought on impulse years ago stretched over my curves. It was tight, black, and had a plunging neckline. I’d gotten the stupid thing in hopes of wearing it for Jesse sometime. But that sometime never materialized and I’d forgotten about it. Until now.

  Skimming my thighs with the backs of his hands, Alex pulled the dress down to where it landed just above my knees. “Sexy, sweetness.” He stood back and took in every inch of my body as a slow smile spread across his face. “Very sexy.”

  Remnants of what we’d just been doing dripped between my legs and my face flushed. “I’m not going out like this.”

  He buttoned his dress shirt. “Like what?”

  I glanced down at my breasts, which were practically hanging out of the deep V, and then at my thighs, wondering how far the drip had gotten. “I’m a mess and I need a bra.” Tendrils of tingling awareness raced across my skin as another drip of his orgasm fell down my thigh. God help me, I wanted to reach between my legs and feel just how much I’d made him come. “And underwear.” I needed underwear—immediately—because if I didn’t stop those drips and the constant arousal they were causing, I was going to go mad.

  He finished buttoning his shirt and stepped up to me. His hands cupped my face and his smile disappeared. He studied me so intently, I thought he would kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. Without thinking, I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth, released it, then leaned forward.

  His nostrils flared then he abruptly stepped back. “You’re going just like that.” The side of his mouth tipped up but it felt practiced. “The just-fucked look suits you.”


  One single word and reality slammed back home. I wasn’t more than in his arms. I was standing three feet away but the distance he’d just put between us may as well have been a mile. Irrational hurt surged and I silently cursed myself. This was why I needed to back off. It didn’t matter what he’d said before, there wasn’t anything between us except fucking. Every move he made was practiced. I knew a player when I saw one. And that’s exactly what he was—a player and a casual screw with a penchant for bossiness.

  Just because I’d told him about my brother didn’t make him my boyfriend, or even a friend for that matter. He was a stranger. A stranger I’d let come inside me. Inhaling, I unconsciously rubbed my thighs together, because despite my brain telling me to back the hell off, my pussy was aching so bad for his touch it was pulsing. “I need the bathroom.” I didn’t wait for his approval, I retreated.

  Except he followed.

  When the door didn’t close behind me, I glanced up and caught our reflection in the mirror. My eyes wide on my face, my hair a mess, I watched as his features morphed into aggressive determination.

  His gaze on mine, he yanked a towel off the rank and caged me in at the counter. Taller and wider than me, more muscles than a Greek god, he stood behind me and frowned.

  “What’s wrong, sw
eetness, you don’t like me inside you?” Except he didn’t say sweetness like he usually did. It wasn’t playful or practiced, it was tinged with anger.

  Surprised by his sudden change in demeanor, I didn’t give him attitude. “I’m dripping.”

  “And?” he bit out.

  Thrown, I didn’t dare take my eyes off his in the mirror. “It’s running down my leg.”

  The towel still in one hand, he pulled my dress up to my waist. We both followed his movement in the mirror then my gaze dropped to my pussy. It glistened with his come and my desire.

  “Touch yourself,” he demanded.

  Shocked, turned on and completely off-balance, my voice wavered. “No.”


  My hand automatically went between my legs.

  His eyes darkened.

  My fingers fluttered across my wet heat. “Like this?” I whispered, suddenly desperate for his approval.

  “Harder.” His jaw clenched.

  I dragged a finger across my opening and over my clit. The pressure made me ache a thousand times worse for his touch. “Help me,” I begged.

  His free hand gripped a handful of my hair and he tilted my head. My neck exposed, he put his mouth against my skin and his breath slid across me like a jolt of fire. My pussy throbbed, I sank my middle finger inside myself, and he thrust his hips against my ass. “I said harder.”

  My palm hit my clit, I ground down on myself, and he drew his hips back. “No,” I cried, needing that pressure, needing him.

  The sound of his zipper and clank of a buckle filled my bathroom as he bit my ear. “Arch,” he commanded.

  I didn’t need any more instruction. I grabbed the edge of the counter and thrust my ass toward him. He plunged to the hilt and the zipper on his pants dragged against my pussy. An incoherent sound crawled up my chest and spilled out of my mouth as he stretched my very sensitive, very sore, very used flesh. “Arrhhh.” Nothing had ever felt better.

  Alex groaned, but then his thrust turned gentle. “You get tighter every time I’m inside you.”

  My fingers gripped the counter, but he grabbed one of my hands and placed it back on my clit.

  “Stroke.” He wrapped an arm around my waist for support and spoke hoarsely against my neck. “Make yourself come.”

  Only a few inches in either direction, he moved in and out of me. My body already conditioned by his, I stroked myself. His hold on me firm, his scent all around me, his dominance in every calculated move, it didn’t take long. My legs started to give, my hand moved erratically across my flesh, and I started to come.

  Pulling back then slamming into me, he growled. “Feel that?” He thrust three more times. “I’m gonna come inside you again.”

  “Yes.” Oh my God, how was I talking? “Please.” I needed to feel him come before I did.

  “Know why?” he asked as he thrust deep and ground his hips.

  My thighs shook and desire crawled up my spine as everything he could do to my body culminated in this one moment and demanded release. “Why?” I whimpered, not even knowing what I was asking.

  “Because this pussy is mine.”

  He came inside me and I fucking fell apart.

  I was losing my goddamn mind.

  She had me going off like a fucking hair trigger. Cocked and loaded, one thrust inside her and she set me off.

  Coming inside her had me higher than unloading hundreds of rounds at insurgents downrange. I’d held her tight and pumped more come into her in the past hour than I’d ever come in my fucking life. Two seconds after I felt her tight heat fill up with my seed, I was ready to fuck her again.

  I knew she was sore. I felt her swollen walls constrict around me and regret punched my chest as she trembled while I pulled out. “Easy.” I was a fucking asshole for taking her again.

  “I’m good.”

  Her voice was so weak, I should’ve put her back to bed, but I was too selfish.

  I ran hot water over the towel still in my hand and held it between her legs. “You’re more than good, gorgeous.” She wasn’t just gorgeous, she was so fucking beautiful she had me punch-drunk just looking at her.

  Her head fell back against my chest and her eyes closed. “You said no cleaning up.”

  “I know what I said.” And I meant it. The second she’d made for the shower, I went fucking caveman. Shit brewed in my head and irrational anger surged at the thought of her wanting to erase my mark off her body. “This is all you get.” I wiped once then threw the towel down. “You need a minute for your hair or makeup?”


  My eyes narrowed. “Why?”

  “Because I’m not going anywhere.”

  Leaning all her weight on me, well and truly fucked, she had no idea how much I was getting off seeing her like this. “Yes you are. You, me, food. Put your hair up.” I didn’t want other men looking at that thick mane that was mine to pull and mine to wrap my hands in. “You have three minutes.” I was starving.

  Sultry blue eyes popped open and a trace of the defiance that made me fucking hard sparked in her expression. “Screw you.”

  I smiled. “Anytime, sweetness. Any fucking time.” I stood her upright. “Two and half minutes.” She had as long as it took me to call the restaurant.

  “Or what?” she taunted.

  Goddamn she was a handful. I grinned when I should’ve been forming an exit plan. “Or,” I drew the word out like a threat and scanned the length of her sexy-as-hell curves. “I’ll make you wish you didn’t throw attitude at me.” Fuck, even the thought made me hard.

  “You’re an animal.”

  “Only around you.”

  “Liar,” she accused.

  “Two minutes.” I should’ve wished it was a lie, but I was already in too deep to give a fuck. “You want to waste more time arguing with me?” She could give me shit all day. I fucking got off on it.

  She picked up a brush. “There’s something wrong with you.”

  No fucking shit. “Lucky for you.” I winked and pulled my phone out to call the restaurant.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I watched her as I told the hostess to change our reservation time. Her small hands put her hair up in a messy twist and she applied eyeliner with a gracefulness not many women had. Her movements were sexy as hell but she had no idea how beautiful she was.

  When I hung up, she was looking at me in the mirror. “Does everybody just do what you want?”

  I took my time checking out her curvy ass. “You worried you got competition?” I was asking for trouble with the question but she hadn’t reacted when I’d said she was mine.

  She rolled her eyes. “Do I look stupid?”

  No, she didn’t. She was smart and beautiful, and when she’d told me about her brother, I knew how fucking resilient she was. She had my respect for that alone. But add in what she wanted to do for all those veterans who came home so fucked they couldn’t be alone in their own heads and I didn’t just respect her, I admired the hell out of her.

  Holding her gaze in the mirror, I stepped behind her. “Not what I asked.”

  She set down the tube of shit she’d been swiping across her eyelashes. “Seriously?”

  I didn’t like the tone of her voice. “Answer the question,” I demanded.

  Her hands went to her hips. “I may be the flavor of the night, weekend, whatever, but that’s all I am to you.” She steeled her expression. “And vice versa.”

  Bull-fucking-shit. “You got a problem with short-term memory?” I’d told her she was mine, goddamn it. I’d never said that to a woman.

  “My memory is fine.” She yanked a drawer open and threw her brush in.

  I spun her around. I knew who I was, I knew what I did, and I’d work that shit out somehow. But I’d meant every fucking word that’d come out of my mouth. “What did I say last night before I came inside you?”

  Her attitude faltered and her cheeks pinked. “Every guy talks shit when he’s trying to get laid.”

/>   “I’d already gotten laid.” I grasped her chin. “What did I say?”

  She averted her eyes.

  Goddamn it. “Were you too drunk to remember?”

  She shook her head.

  “Look at me, Olivia.”

  Her clear blue gaze, wiped clean of attitude, looked up at me with gut-wrenching vulnerability. “I remember.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “You said you’d never… gone bareback.”

  I held her gaze. “Never.”

  She sucked in a breath. “That doesn’t mean—”

  “I don’t share.” Not her. No fucking way.

  She pulled her chin out of my grasp. “Alex.”

  I cupped her and let her know exactly what I meant. “This is mine.”

  “Just because you declare something doesn’t make it so.”

  “You seeing someone else?” I should’ve known then and there exactly how fucked I really was, because just the thought of another prick touching her, ever, was making me fucking postal.

  She sighed. “Do you really think I would’ve let you fuck me if I was?”

  Hearing her say fuck was hot as hell. She looked like a sexy prude coed. So when that mouth of hers kicked in…. I shook my head and rubbed my thumb over her luscious bottom lip. “You’ve got a mouth on you, sweetness.”

  “I’m not sweet.”

  Yes, she was. In every sense of the word. “Would you prefer sexy as fuck?”

  She didn’t move out of my grasp but she pretended to be bored. “Do you ever turn it off?”

  I wasn’t sure which way she was going with that but it didn’t matter. The answer was the same. “No. Put on heels, we’re gonna be late.”

  “For the record, your bossy attitude isn’t going to get you anywhere with me.”

  Oh, yes it was. The more commanding I was, the more she responded, and I loved every fucking second of it. I leaned down to her ear and she melted into me. “I want you in sexy high heels.” I ran a finger down her neck, between her breasts and skimmed the swell of her hip. “Just so we’re clear….” I dragged my hand up her thigh and through her wet heat. “This is all mine. Until I say so, there’s no one else for you.”


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