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Dark Nebula (The Chronicles of Kerrigan)

Page 8

by W. J. May

  Anger boiled through her veins. She had spent the whole summer pining for Devon, and he had been off with some tart? She bit the inside of her mouth, drawing blood. It distracted her from confronting Devon in front of Carter. They’d be screwed, even if nothing had happened between them yet. Not that anything will now. I can’t believe he did this! Double-faced, two-timing son of a…a…

  A bouquet of fresh flowers on the table behind Carter’s desk caught her attention. Swallowing the rusty taste in her mouth, she tunneled her rage and imagined the pewter vase flying across the room and slamming into the wall by the door. The smash echoed like a shotgun inside the room.

  “What the--?” Carter shouted, looked ready to attack and then turned to glare at her.

  Rae jumped. She hadn’t really meant to use the levitation tatù to throw the flowers. Her face and neck began to burn.

  Carter glanced from her to Devon and then actually gave her a sympathetic look. “Don’t worry. It must be very frustrating for you to have to deal with the repercussions of your father’s work. He had a madman’s brilliant mind.”

  My dad? That’s who you’re worried about? She could only nod, unable to admit the truth.

  Devon, on the other hand, peered in her direction with guilt written all over his face, before he turned his focus back to Carter. “Wh-What have you confirmed about her brother? I don’t understand why the Privy Council hasn’t informed me.”

  “We found out this morning. Your contact has been trying to get a hold of you, but your cell phone is off--”

  “It’s dead.”

  Just like my soon to be ex-boyfriend. She blinked when Devon shot her a hurt look. Oops. She had actually sent the thought to him as well.

  “My cell needs recharging from the past few days. It’s not like I had electrical access in the friggin’ bush. I showered back at HQ and came straight here.”

  Rae watched the frustrated men, mainly Devon. He was supposed to be her boyfriend, but she didn’t really know him, did she? Not much of a boyfriend. How could he get with another girl after all they had gone through the previous year? She sighed and leaned her head back against the slightly opened window. The coolness of the glass did nothing to calm her inner turmoil.

  “Devon,” Carter said. “As soon as I received word from the Council, I came looking for you. They’re worried about Rae’s safety. According to our source, Rae supposedly holds the key to controlling this brainwashing technique.”

  Rae straightened. “Excuse me?”

  “When we last met, I asked you if you remembered anything about the speech-video Lanford played for you, or anything from your childhood. We’re trying to figure out this HOC or h-oh-see file or covert operation, or whatever the hell it is. We need to find the connection Lanford talked about.”

  “I don’t know anything about HOC! All I remember from the night of the dance is trying to save my own life! I’ve told you a million times what I remember. I’m sure some Privy Council member took notes – check those!” She didn’t mean to sound ticked, but they had been over this topic ad nauseum.

  “We believe Anna’s brother is involved. He’s the one with the tatù. Very dangerous. Those involved with HOC are scheming to do something big. It isn’t just against those who are tatùed, but against the British population, possibly Europe, or even bigger .

  Devon punched his knee. “I never saw him wh-when I was with Anna.” He flinched slightly, as if expecting Rae to throw something at him. Too busy staring at her ass?

  “The brother was never around…” Devon trailed off lamely, letting the explanation hang in the air.

  Carter mumbled something under his breath before continuing in an oddly normal tone. “—We believe he may have tortured his sister to get information.”

  Devon blanched. “About me?” The horror on his face was evident, and it twisted the knife in Rae’s heart to see it. Devon lurched to his feet. “We need to get her out of that situation! She needs to be protected.”

  Rae covered her ears and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to hear any more of this conversation, or Devon’s voice. She twitched when gentle hands squeezed her shoulders. A tremor of a tatù ran through her and then died down.

  “Rae, dear,” Carter’s breath brushed warm and minty against her face. “I know you don’t want to hear these awful things.” She opened her eyes when he paused. “Th-The things your father created and set out to do.” His eyes showed gentle understanding, even though she knew he understood nothing. “Those involved in HOC might come after you, as Lanford did, and force you to finish what he started. As much as your tatù is wonderful, it’s also a danger. Not everyone in our world thinks as we do--they have their own agendas.”

  Rae stole a look at Devon after Carter spoke the last line. Devon had the decency to drop his gaze to the floor. Screw him. Maybe he’s not who I thought he was. That thought alone almost shook her more than the revelation of Anna. She wanted to get as far away from Carter and Devon as she could, sooner rather than later. “I’m pretty sure I can take care of myself. It seems like it’s best to trust my instincts. I can protect myself better than anyone else can, tatù or no tatù.” She shifted so Carter’s hands dropped away from her shoulders. Thank goodness he didn’t try using his tatù on her now. With his ability to see into the past of the person he touched, he could be a danger to her relationship with Devon. Or rather, he might have been, when there had been one, which there no longer was. She’d gotten his tatù the previous year. At the time, she had thought that he was the enemy. She had never even tried to use his tatù. I’ll have to test it out. I’d try it on Devon, but it seems I’m already learning all his secrets. She shot him a dirty look then glanced back to Carter still angry. “I appreciate your concern. If I feel I’m in any danger, I’ll come to you…right away.” She blew her bangs away from her forehead. “Can I go now? It seems you and Devon have more to discuss, and it doesn’t involve me.”

  Carter nodded and gave her a small smile. “This is all upsetting. I understand. We’ll talk more, later.” He moved around the room like an agile athlete. “Devon, you go as well. Get in touch with your contact personnel, and see if there is anything else. He wants you and Julian on a mission. They’re setting the ground work for your next assignment.”

  “Yes, sir.” Devon stood and strode to the office door. He held it open for Rae.

  She had a quick thought about mentioning Devon’s weird tatù dying outside, just before they came in. Screw it! If he’s worried, he can tell Carter himself. She barged past him, down the narrow hallway, anxious to leave the Oratory.

  Last year she would have raced back to her dorm and avoided any confrontation. Well, I’m not that same scared little girl anymore. She turned and opened her mouth to hiss at him, but Devon put a finger to his lips and pointed to Carter’s door. He then pointed towards the exit.

  The only sound was the squeak from Rae’s sneakers on the marble floor. Each step made her clench her jaw tighter. She squeezed her hands into fists, fighting the urge not to turn around and deck him. When they reached the Grand Hall, Rae stepped to the side, waiting for Devon to walk in front of her. He tried to put an arm around her shoulders, but she shook it off and stomped outside.

  She clenched her hands tighter, her nails digging into the palms of her hands. In anger or to stop herself from using a tatù, she didn’t know. It took all her willpower not to blow her top before the door finally clicked shut.

  Chapter 8


  He brushed by her the moment they stepped outside. “What the hell?” Rae quickened her pace to keep up with Devon’s long strides. She tried to make it sound like a question, but it came out as an accusation.

  Devon slowed his gait but only slightly.

  “Don’t ignore me, Devon Wardell! You’ve purposely left out some information about what you did this summer. You’re an ass! You should be ashamed of yourself!” She scoffed, “Ha! The dean’s son–what would your father say?”

  “It’s not as bad as it sounds.” Devon stopped. Still trying to keep up with him, Rae slammed into his back. He turned and caught her just before she fell.

  “Let go of me! I can take care of myself!” She pushed his hands away.

  Devon huffed. “I’m not allowed to talk about what we do for the Privy Council. I didn’t know Carter would mention it in front of you.” His voice hardened as he spoke.

  “So you mean; if he hadn’t mentioned it, you wouldn’t have told me?” She glared at him.

  He stood quietly for a moment, fingers pressed against his temple, eyes squeezed shut, his body-language filled with tension. Rae waited, impatiently. When he finally looked into her eyes, his face softened. “Nothing happened this summer.”

  “Nothing!? You just started dating some Anna-chick and didn’t bother to mention it? We may not have been together that long, but you owe me honesty. And any normal person would at least explain to the girlfriend ahead of time what the job requires.” Your sorry ass is not so perfect, Devon Wardell. “After everything, you’re the one person I trusted above all others. Then you go and lie to me? What else are you hiding?”

  “Nothing!” Devon’s shoulders dropped. “I didn’t want to lie. But what was I going to say to the Privy Council? Uh, sorry, I can’t take this mission because the one gal you want me to protect, the one gal I care for and am secretly dating probably won’t agree?” He rubbed his fingers along his eyebrows. “I didn’t know what to do.”

  Rae said nothing, just pressed her lips tight. Make them assign someone else? Make up any excuse… or how about simply tell me yourself, so I don’t get the news from some third party? She wanted to scream all her thoughts to him. And worse, she wanted to cry. He had hurt her feelings.

  Devon punched his leg. “Ahhh, screw the Privy Council and their rules.” He stared at her, his expression open and honest. “It’s bad enough we have to lie about our relationship. I don’t want lies between us.”

  Now you don’t want lies? Little late, don’tchya think? Rae waited, hands on her hips and her chin slightly out.

  “I didn’t lie…exactly.” He ran a hand through his hair. Rae didn’t miss the exasperation in his tone.

  “Exactly? How ‘exact’ does the lie have to be to make it a lie?” Rae started stomping in the general direction of Aumbry House.

  “I wouldn’t lie to you.” Devon pleaded with her.

  “You DID lie to me Devon! I didn’t hear from you most of the summer. You didn’t tell me what you did ‘exactly’, ergo, you lied!” Rae spat out, her heart sick with betrayal.

  “If the Privy Council asks something of me, I have to follow orders. I’m eighteen years old! I like this job. I want to keep it! It’s something I’m very good at.” He must have noticed the glare she gave him as she continued to stomp her way across the grounds. “Not the lying, cheating part, but the tracking and undercover work. The Council asked me to get close to Anna. They’d been monitoring her brother. He’s twenty and didn’t attend Guilder. They were concerned he might be involved in this HOC-crap your father created. Anna’s not tatùed and has no idea about them.”

  “So you pretended to date her?” Rae didn’t give a toss about Anna’s brother. All she saw in her head was a tall, dark-haired, voluptuous model making the moves on her boyfriend.

  “Sort of—yeah. She’s actually nice and very innocent.”

  The dark-sexy model was replaced with a blonde-haired angel, complete with halo, and Rae wanted to rip her wings off. “You must have been very good at it. You fooled me.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Did you kiss her? Are you still pretending to date her?” Her lower leg muscles began to ache from the constant stomping; she came to a sudden stop, whirling to face him.

  “No, honest,” he said. “We’re just friends. I never took advantage of the situation.” He reached for her hand after glancing around to see if anyone stood nearby. “Rae, you’re the most special thing in my life.” He squeezed her fingers. “We don’t know how things are gonna work out. You have to admit this is hard -- for both of us. We’re going against everything the school, the Privy Council and our society agree with. I really care for you, but I still have a conscience telling me that we’re going against everything I’ve ever been taught to be right and good.”

  “So it’s just easier to date someone normal? Is that what you’re telling me?” Could her whole world actually be crumbling around her?

  “NO!” Devon, obviously frustrated and desperate to make her understand ran his hands through his hair, tugging on it as if trying to pull the words out of his head that would fix the situation. Rae watched him, still angry, really angry; but also dying for him to find those magic words that would make the hurt stop.

  He turned away from her, took a deep breath, let it out slowly and then turned back. “Our entire society is against us. They have been from the beginning. Despite that, we fell for each other. I fell for you, Rae! I fell hard! And I don’t regret that. I don’t want to give it up or lose it! But if anyone finds out, we won’t have a choice! You’ll be ripped away from me, and I’ll never see you again. They’d probably lock me away.” Devon reached for her hands again. This time, she let him hold them. The outpouring of emotion was overwhelming and drowning out her anger. “I do what the PC asks me to do because if I couldn’t ever see you again, or be here to protect you, I don’t know what I’d do.”

  “I don’t want you to get into trouble,” she whispered, unsure if she meant the danger from his work or getting caught being with her.

  “I won’t. We won’t. We’ll make this work, okay? We’ll show them, and ourselves too, that our relationship isn’t a negative, or evil thing.” He pulled her close. “I’m so sorry.”

  Rae closed her eyes and inhaled his musky scent. “Sorry, too,” she mumbled against his chest. She had missed him so much over the summer, and the thought of him kissing another girl—

  “Don’t apologize. There’s no need. I will try to tell you everything I can.” He kissed the top of her head before stepping back. “Let’s just keep us a secret for the year--till you graduate. I can just imagine the mayhem that would erupt if my father found out. I wouldn’t want you to get kicked out of school.” He grinned.

  “Kicked out?” She blinked in surprise. “That’s what you’re worried about?”

  Devon winked, a huff escaping between his lips. “Trust me, that’d be the least of our worries. We’re not going to get caught.” A growl erupted from his stomach. “Are we good?”

  Rae didn’t know what to say. All the emotions that had coursed through her in the past twenty minutes burned her mind and her heart. She knew, instinctively, that he wasn’t telling her everything, and it pained her, but she desperately wanted to believe him. “We’re good – for now.”

  “Come on then,” he said grinning and displaying his adorable dimple. “Let’s head back and forget about all this crazy stuff. I’m starving.”

  Rae followed. She trusted him, but a little voice in the back of her head asked— Knowing he’s still holding back, that he lied to me once for the Privy Council, can I ever truly trust him again?

  The following Friday morning, Rae and Molly headed to the Oratory for the headmaster’s class. Molly covered her mouth, trying to stifle another yawn.

  “You look exhausted.”

  “I don’t see why seniors have tatù classes in the morning. It’s like two hours of working out. I liked it so much better last year when we finished the day with Lanford.” Molly’s eyes went wide, when she realized what she had said. “Not that I miss Lanford! Carter’s good enough and his freaky woman-hating attitude is gone, thank goodness. It’s just… you know… getting up so early for physical movement is wrong in so many ways.”

  “Are you coming down with something?” Rae ignored Molly’s babbling. She reached out to touch her friend’s forehead.

  Molly swatted her hand away. “I’m not sick. I stayed up till three last night talking to Reece on Facebook. He�
�s skiing in Switzerland with his uncle.”

  “How’s he doing?” Rae figured talking about Reece would perk Molly up and let her forget any thoughts of Lanford, which suited Rae just fine.

  “He’s awesome! Did I tell you we’re dating exclusively now? Last night, he said he’ll come to the school dance next month.”

  They headed down the cobblestone path leading to the Oratory. A few other students walked in front of them.

  “Are you allowed to invite him? Do you need to ask the dean for permission?”

  “Stop being such a goodie-two-shoes. The boys get to see normal girls from Roe Hampton College--we should get the same allowances.” Molly curled her pointy fingers when she said the word normal.

  Rae couldn’t hold back the laughter. Only crazy Molly could argue a point like that and make it work. “I’d still double check with Carter or the dean. I’d die of embarrassment if my boyfriend got kicked out.”

  “I’ve already got permission.” Molly rolled her eyes. “You know, you’re turning more and more into Devon Wardell every day. He’s mister-play-it-by-the-rules. Your tutoring sessions are molding you into him.” Molly stepped in front of her and opened the door. “You’re like a ninety-year old couple.”

  Rae said nothing but grinned behind Molly’s back as they headed into the Oratory.

  “Good morning.” Carter stood at the front of the Grand Room auditorium, shutting a book when Molly and Rae came in. “Let’s get started right away. No more dillydallying. The term is underway and I don’t have the patience to treat you all like beginners. You’re all tatùed and understand your ability. Well, most of you.” He glanced at Kraigan. “We’ve a lot of ground to cover today. This isn’t meant to be all fun and games like before.”


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