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Dark Nebula (The Chronicles of Kerrigan)

Page 14

by W. J. May

  Rae nearly threw an electrical current with her hand at the figure before she realized who it was. Julian. She leaned and glanced back and forth in the direction Kraigan had originally came from and Julian standing by his room door. He relaxed when he saw her.

  “Screaming at a guy isn’t going to get him to answer the door faster.”

  “I wasn’t yelling at Devon. Kraigan and I were joking around.”

  Julian’s eyes lit up. “Wow. You look awesome.” He leaned against the wall. “Why’re you banging so hard on Dev’s door?”

  She looked down at her hand, still banging on Devon’s door. “Oops.” She dropped her hand and laughed. “I’m a dipstick.”

  Julian laughed, coming over to her.

  “You heard me,” She nodded towards the door. “Though it seems Devon might be going deaf. Think he’s okay?” Worry started to dig into the pit of her stomach. Has his tatù turned off again?

  “Why not mental telep’ him? It’s probably easier…and quieter.” A twitch played with the corners of his mouth.

  Snapping her fingers, she nodded. She closed her eyes and searched for Maria’s power among the hum of tatùs inside her. She found the familiar string and exhaled as she focused on Devon.

  “Are you okay? I’m at your door.

  “Can you find him?” Julian asked.

  She hit her forehead when she realized Devon wouldn’t be able to respond. She had the tatù, and it only went one way. She started to turn, about to answer Julian, when the door opened. Devon stood with only a towel wrapped loosely around his hips, toothbrush in his mouth.

  He pulled the brush out. “Sorry. I was in the shower, music on and shaving.” He whistled as his gaze traveled slowly up and down the length of her body. “You are amazing.”

  Smoldering fire burned her cheeks but she didn’t know if it was because of his comment or the fact that he stood, almost naked, with droplets of water forging happy little trails down his delicious form, in front of her.

  “Molly did it.” She was unable to stop staring at his muscular chest and six pack. More like an eight pack. She thought about running her fingers over him to count, and wished the towel would fall just a tad lower. Suddenly, something Kraigan said intruded on her little daydream, but the feeling was gone just as quickly as it had come. She turned to shush Julian, knowing he would be making a comment.

  Devon gave a low chuckle. “Only Molls could convince you to wear an open back dress. You’re pretty sexy, hot-looking.”

  “And this is where I disappear,” Julian rolled his eyes as he turned. “But I’ll be back in fifteen, with my dancing shoes on.” He disappeared down the hall and into his room.

  Rae glanced back at Devon, giving him the once-over. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” Devon’s adorable dimple made an appearance. “I try to clean up nicely once in a while. However, I think I’d better get dressed. In case you try to jump me. You have a ravenous look in your eyes.” He grinned and then popped the toothbrush back into his mouth. “Common inth.” His words jumbled from the movement of the brush.

  Lips sealed, Rae followed Devon into his suite and settled on the couch to wait for him. He headed into his bedroom, not bothering to close the door. Rae leaned forward, trying to inconspicuously catch a glimpse of him as he dressed. No luck. I need an X-ray tatù which can see through walls and doors.

  He walked out a few moments later, dressed in a dark grey suit, his jacket open. He held a red tie in his hand and began putting it on.

  Rae pointed to the little emblem near the bottom of the tie. “What’s that?”

  “LFC. A friend got this for me.”

  “I didn’t know you had a favorite team.”

  “Every boy in England does. Engrained from birth. My great-great-great-great granddad followed Liverpool, so we all do.” Devon kissed the emblem.

  She wanted to ask him where he got it. A random, if unpleasant, mental picture of the mysterious Anna wrapping it forced her to blink to clear the green haze of jealously from her vision. She didn’t want to start a fight and ruin the evening, so she kept her mouth shut. An image of Julian popped in her head. He wore a simple black suit with bowtie and stood outside Devon’s door, about to knock. “We should get going.”

  When they walked down the stairs, Rae spoke to Julian. “Did Kraigan stop by to talk to you?”

  Julian played with his long hair before responding. “I don’t know the guy, but he’s—he’s very inquisitive.”

  “Did you have a vision about him?” Rae blinked in surprise.

  “No, not at all.” Julian shrugged. “I don’t really know him to be honest.”

  “He’s like me last year,” Rae said. “He’s the new guy, from an orphanage, trying to find his place here. He’ll settle in eventually.”

  Julian glanced at Devon, then Rae. “Do you know what his tatù is? Have you mimicked it?”

  “No. I haven’t touched him. He didn’t want me to and I don’t blame him. I didn’t want people to know my tatù when I first got it last year. I wanted to figure it out myself.”

  “Give the poor guy a chance,” Devon said. “Let sleeping dogs lie.”

  “Huh?” Rae and Julian said at the same time.

  “Ignore Julian,” Devon said to Rae. “Since we started working with the Privy Council, he’s paranoid about everyone and their pet. Kraigan’s completely harmless. Carter would never have brought him to Guilder if he thought otherwise.”

  Good point. Rae glanced over at Julian.

  He looked like he wanted to add something but pressed his lips in a tight thin line instead.

  Chapter 15

  Sleeping Dogs

  Eighties rock music greeted Rae as she walked into the dance inside the Oratory. The decorations in the room made her feel like she had stepped back centuries in time, but didn’t match the retro music at all. The hall, decorated in the Tudor style, included a makeshift stage similar to the one King Henry VIII had used for plays when he had held court there. A band played from the stage, wearing Tudor clothing and masks.

  A slow wave of hot air drifted from the bodies on the dance floor. Molly raised an arm from amongst the throng of people. With Reece’s arm close around her waist, the wide grin on Molly’s face made sense, and it appeared that they were having a great time. Rae quickly scanned the room. Maria and Haley by the punch table. Nicholas and a Roe Hampton girl walking to the dance floor where Molly and Reece are, Desiree heading to the ladies’ room and Kraigan, now in a suit, talking to some girls from Roe Hampton. No Carter or trouble brewing. All’s good. She relaxed.

  Devon and Julian stood on either side of her, both grinning like little kids.

  “Too many ladies for you to choose from, aren’t there?” Rae elbowed Julian. “I’m going to see Molls. Do you guys care to dance?”

  Julian pointed to his ear and shook his head.

  “Not with him.” Devon nodded towards Julian. “He’s got two left feet and no sense of rhythm. My poor toes couldn’t take the beating.” He had no problem hearing Rae with his tatù.

  She rolled her eyes at his bad joke. “Come meet Molly’s flame.”

  “I gotta meet the guy who can handle her.” Julian led the way.

  Devon placed a hand on the small of her back, leading her to the center of the hall. The warmth of his fingers made her skin tingle and she barely resisted the urge to lean back against him. No way could anyone else create this feeling inside me. I could handle this temptation forever.

  A slow song started to play when they reached Molly and Reece. After a quick introduction, Rae sensed that Devon liked Reece immediately and vice versa.

  “Since we’re here, do you want to dance?” Devon smiled, showing off his dimple. He held his arms out to Rae.

  “Only because Julian’s about to ask.” She grinned at Julian’s surprised look. He obviously hadn’t been planning on it, but it worked as a good excuse for anyone with ears listening in, and she knew Julian would play along. She stepped forward
to be as close to Devon as she could without rousing suspicion. She slung her arms around his neck and lightly brushed the hair at the nape of his neck with her fingers.

  They moved together as the band played. An inner tingling inside of Rae began to grow stronger. It had nothing to do with her tatù, and everything to do with being close to Devon.

  She felt his arms tighten around her waist. She bit her lip, afraid to look up and yet, unable to stop herself. Searching his face, she caught the same feelings of desire in his eyes as he stared back intently.

  “This is crazy. We shouldn’t be here—like this,” he whispered, only loud enough for Rae to hear.

  “I can’t think of anywhere else I’d want to be.” She thought back to Molly and Reece outside of Aumbry House. Why shouldn’t we be allowed to have that?

  Trying to clear her head, she leaned against Devon’s chest. She needed to take her eyes off his soft lips before the urge to cover them with her own overwhelmed her. His chest and throat offered no peace. She inhaled deeply through her nose, smelling aftershave mixed with his personal, lethal scent. She breathed in again, wanting to capture the aroma for memory. Her fingers, with a mind of their own, lightly scratched down his muscular back.

  Just when Rae didn’t think she could hold back any longer, the song ended. Part of her reluctant, part of her needing space, she stepped back. Without thinking, she pressed her lips to her fingers and lightly blew the kiss in Devon’s direction.

  He twisted his neck and pulled at his collar, trying to loosen his tie. “It’s a bit warm in here. I think I’m going to step outside for a minute.” He smiled at Molly and Reece. Molly’s eyes furiously shifted back and forth between the two of them. Devon made good his escape. “I’ll catch up with you gals, later.”

  “I just need to nip to the bathroom.” Rae almost ran, eager to escape the hot dance floor. She passed Kraigan leaning against a wall, surrounded by a large group of Roe Hampton girls. They crowded around him as if he was a movie star. He crossed his arms— a sly grin appeared as he watched her. He winked at her.

  No problem with girls I see. She smiled at him, hoping he enjoyed himself. Rae thought back to Devon and quickened her pace to the bathroom, hoping no one would see how dancing with him had affected her.

  Squinting against the bathroom’s lights, so bright after the romantic dimness in the Oratory, Rae exhaled the breath she held. The concrete walls muffled the music but her ears still rang slightly. She made a beeline for the porcelain sink to wet her hands and pat her cheeks, careful not to ruin her eye makeup. The mirror reflected that she looked as flushed as she felt, and the bruised spot, where she had bit her lip so hard, proved impossible to miss.

  A soft moan from a nearby stall brought her attention back outside herself, into the environment. She chastised herself for not realizing that she wasn’t alone. She knew better. The mirror didn’t show anyone behind her. Turning around, she checked under the bathroom stalls until she came to the last one. A lovely pair of black dress shoes met her gaze.

  “Desiree?” she whispered. “Are you alright?”

  “Rae?” came the weak reply.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Is everything okay?”

  Tears were the only reply.

  “Are you hurt?” She gently pushed on the door. It was unlocked, so she opened it gently, not sure if Desiree would slam it back shut. She didn’t want to impose.

  Desiree sat on the closed toilet seat. Her elbows rested on her knees, her head dropped into her hands. Rae reached out to lightly touch her shoulder, immediately shrinking back in shock. She knew something was wrong, even if she didn’t know what exactly.

  “I think something’s wrong.” Desiree stared up with tear-stained eyes. Still beautiful even with black mascara running down her cheeks, she appeared oblivious to her looks.

  “What do you mean?” Rae whispered. A memory niggled in the back of Rae’s mind, telling her she knew what the problem was, that she had seen it before. It’s impossible— Desiree’s next words confirmed it.

  “I think it’s gone—my tatù ability. I can’t feel it. I felt strange a moment ago and now I can’t get anything inside--like someone’s pulled the plug.” Tears formed in her eyes again.

  “How long?” Rae swallowed, scared for her friend. First Devon, and now Desiree! What if this happens to me?

  “I don’t know, fifteen, maybe twenty minutes.” Desiree brushed the hair from her face. “It feels like…like something’s been stolen from me—” She pressed her trembling lips together.

  Rae squeezed her friend’s shoulder. “Maybe it’s just quiet. Have you been using it a lot lately?” She knew her questions were meaningless. She used her tatù nonstop some days, even weeks, and the hum never slowed or quieted. Maybe mine’s different. Didn’t Devon say he’d been over-using his when he’d had the same kind of problem?

  Desiree wiped her tears with toilet paper. “No more than since school started. What should I do?”

  Get help. “Wait here. I’ll go get the headmaster. Carter’s pretty cool about stuff like this. He actually helped me last year when I didn’t know…when I didn’t understand my tatù. I’ll go find him.” She didn’t bother to mention that he had acted like a prison warden when she had first gotten her tatù. Or how the old headmaster, Lanford, had been the one to really help her out until—She forced the thoughts out of her mind. This was about Desiree right now. She stepped out of the stall. “I’ll be right back.” She turned and ran towards the dimly lit Oratory, her heels tapping on the marble tile.

  Using Devon’s tatù, which allowed her to see better in the dark, she found Carter chatting with one of the female professors from Roe Hampton. She debated between using a speed tatù or interrupting Carter with a message in his head. She paused, knowing they weren’t allowed to use their ability where it might arouse suspicion from normal people.

  “Rae,” Desiree’s voice came from behind, followed by a warm hand on her shoulder. “I’m okay. It’s back. I can feel it. It’s back.”

  Rae swung around. Desiree looked perfect. Her mascara had been wiped away and her eyes were full of fire again. “You sure?” She didn’t need to hear the answer since she immediately felt the hum from Desiree’s warm fingertips. Her tatù was definitely back.

  “Yeah.” Desiree dropped her arm. “Please don’t tell anyone. I don’t want to get sent away.”

  “You won’t get kicked out!” Filled with sympathy for her friend, Rae still worried. Nobody had their abilities disappear last year. Something isn’t right. She just couldn’t pinpoint what. “I really think you should tell Carter.” I’m getting kind of tired of being asked to keep all these secrets. It’s not normal. Then again, she couldn’t claim to be normal herself. Who was she to judge?

  “I will. I will. Just not tonight. Let’s have fun and I’ll talk to him after class on Monday. If it happens again, I promise I’ll go see him sooner.”

  Rae sighed, but nodded. It’s not my place to tell her what to do. “It’s up to you.” They walked over to their group of friends, now hanging out by the punch bowl and snack tables. Rae searched for Devon but didn’t see him. She half listened to the conversations going on around her, checking her watch every few minutes. Finally, she couldn’t take it any longer. “Nicholas, have you seen Devon?” She swept the room one more time. “Or Julian?”

  “Yeah, I forgot. Devon came in about ten minutes ago. I think he was trying to find someone, but he didn’t say who. He got called into work. Julian, too. Something for the Privy Council.”

  “Oh.” Disappointment filled her. In helping Desiree, she had missed him.

  “Ms. Kerrigan?” Dean Wardell’s voice intruded on her thoughts.

  She straightened, self-consciously tugging on her shawl. “Yes, sir?”

  “I’d like to have a word with you in my office tomorrow morning. Please come by around nine thirty.” He turned and walked away, telling Rae nothing more.

  What the –? Rae played with a braid in her h
air, trying to remember if she had done something wrong. Maybe it had something to do with Devon and his being called to the Privy Council. Now anxious, she wanted to know if he was safe and wished the dean would speak to her now. Waiting was torture.

  The evening slowly drew to a close. Rae left early, feigning a headache, and headed back to her dorm before most of the other girls. She immediately checked her blackberry, noticing a short message from Devon.

  Hey Rae,

  Got called out on an emergency + tried 2 find U. I’ll call U when I’m back. Not sure when. D

  Rae stared at her phone, long after the screen had gone black. She knew they couldn’t afford any hint of their relationship getting out, but it still hurt not seeing anything emotional in the message. At least he left me a message. He didn’t have to do that. Hopefully the dean would explain things tomorrow. He knew Devon mentored her, and he had always been nice. He had helped calm her nerves.

  She changed and crawled into bed. It took forever for her to finally fall asleep.

  Long after the sun had risen, Rae headed up the round staircase from the Main Building towards Dean Wardell’s office. She shivered as she recalled her less than cordial visit there the previous year. The building still held the memories she would rather forget. First time coming here since Lanford—

  When Rae arrived at the top of the stairs, Dean Wardell stepped out of his office. He glanced at his watch and then at Rae. “Ms. Kerrigan, perfect timing. Please come in.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Rae followed the dean and shot a quick glance at the other end of the hall, at the door leading to the other round tower room. The image of Lanford lying unmoving on the ground flashed in her mind. Rae forcefully turned her attention to the room the dean had ushered her into, trying to resist the nausea trying to overcome her.

  The office followed the round shape of the tower. However, it had been refurbished and completely redone inside. It still had the dark reddish-grey brick and mortar but everything else inside the office was decorated in light colors. The chairs, carpet, and even the furniture’s wood seemed ten shades lighter.


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