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Conflict of Interest_A Mustang Prairie Romance

Page 21

by N. D. Jackson

  “I know you don’t. That’s part of what makes you so special.”

  “I’m not special Noel, I’m just different. That’s all,” she crossed her arms as though they would somehow protect her from his longing gaze.

  “You are different, that’s true. I’ve never met anyone quite like you.”

  “I’ll say,” she scoffed.

  “Maybe it’s not me you should be getting to know, maybe it’s yourself.”


  After what felt like the longest dinner date in history, Shellie and Noel were in the confines of their lavish honeymoon suite. The walk back had been eerily silent even though he kept his arm draped over her shoulder the entire three blocks. His strong arm left her body heated all over, which she suspected, was part of his plan. It was clear their attraction was mutual but what wasn’t as clear--at least to Shellie—was if there were any emotions beyond lust. The elevator ride up was just as quiet and his electric arm was more tantalizing than his sweet lips sweeping across her body.

  Once inside the room she had no idea what to say or how to react. His compliments left her feeling unnerved and she feared that would be her undoing. If she mistook his charm for something more she would undoubtedly be the one in tears when this…whatever it was inevitably ended. If she dismissed it as nothing more than charm she could miss out on some really great and proper, bed sex.

  “Are you just going to stand there and have a conversation with yourself?” He snapped even though he hadn’t meant to, but dammit the woman was obviously struggling with something. He could see the ways her brows tightened and she was biting her bottom lip so hard it was bright red. Watching those gold flecked eyes dart back in forth in decision making, he couldn’t stand watching her talk herself out of something he knew she wanted as much as he did.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You obviously have something on your mind,” he walked over to her unbuttoning his shirt. “So just tell me what it is so we can talk about it.” He was so close now that if he leaned down a few more inches their lips would be touching.

  “Who says it has anything to do with you?” The less he knew, or thought he knew, about the inner workings of her brain the safer she would be.

  When she stepped back, he took a few steps closer until her back was against the wall and her breasts were pushed firmly against his half-bare chest. “Tell me what it is and we can see.”

  Shellie screamed in frustration, tossing her purse onto the nearby table and circling around him to the bedroom and her suitcase. “Everything isn’t about you, Noel Hampton!” She shouted at him as she pulled the French doors together.

  “Not me Shellie, us,” he chuckled while carefully placing his new shirt on a wooden hanger provided by the hotel. He knew she was struggling against her attraction. He was struggling with his more than lustful feelings for her too. But he was willing to explore them and she was fighting like hell against it. “So are you going to spill it now or wait for me to torture it out of you?”

  She yanked the doors open, wearing nothing but the hotel provided robe, frustrated because she didn’t think to buy pajamas today. “There is nothing to spill Noel, so get off it.” She pulled the already closed robe tighter around her body. “Thank you for a lovely meal but if you don’t mind I’m going to shower and go to bed.”

  He stood facing her in nothing but his underwear and socks, grinning. “That’s just where I’m headed. You can go next,” he tossed over his shoulder as he strolled into the bathroom. “Or you can join me,” he yelled over the noise of the shower.

  Sighing deeply, Shellie waited several moments until she was sure he was in the shower and not likely to burst into the common area naked, before darting over to the piles of new clothes Noel had hung in the dark wood wardrobe and folded neatly in the drawers provided. She heard the second verse of ‘Tainted Love’ and figured she had time to shop. She still couldn’t believe that one simple phone call and the department store redirected his entire purchase to hotel. The luxuries of the rich, she thought as she began fingering his shirts, slacks and jeans in search of a shirt to sleep in comfortably. Stopping in the center of the hanging clothes, where his shirts were hung by color from dark red to white, she looked at each shirt until she found the right one. Brushing her hand over the plain white button up shirt, Shellie could feel how expensive the fabric was on the tip of her fingers and couldn’t imagine sleeping in something that cost so much. Figuring a t-shirt would be a safer bet--even though what he paid for one shirt could get her enough t-shirts to last all spring and summer—she turned her attention to the large brown paper shopping bags with the large store logo splashed across both sides. She stopped, checking for Noel and she could still hear him singing “Sometimes I feel I’ve got to, duh duh--,” and continued to search.

  Inside the third bag she found what she was looking for and was more than a little relieved that he wasn’t so anal retentive that he hung up his t-shirts. He had bought dozens of t-shirts and undershirts in just about every color imaginable. The first few she pulled out were white and light grey undershirts that were so thin she figured they provided her as much cover as being naked. Since she was going through his things, she figured the kind thing to do would be to fold them and slide them into one of the spaces in the wardrobe. Still digging, she pulled out burgundy and eggplant colored v-necks. Never struck Noel as a v-neck kinda guy, she thought to herself. When she found the normal crew neck tees she was happy, giddy even. Despite her earlier debauchery in the fitting room, sleeping nude with a man like Noel would be about as safe as joining him in the shower right now. That thought made her pause because it would be so easy to slip in unnoticed and press her lips to the trail of hair that lead to unimaginable pleasure.

  Shaking those thoughts free because they could only lead to bliss and danger, Shellie carefully placed each t-shirt into a space on the wardrobe, carefully examining each one for sheerness and comfort. After folding a navy blue jersey t-shirt Shellie was brought out of her shower fantasy by the feel of silk chiffon, an odd fabric for a shirt she thought then looked at it and gasped. The thoughts in her mind began racing. Did he buy this for me? How presumptuous if he did! Just because you have sex with a guy in a semi-public place he thinks he can buy you trashy but expensive lingerie and you’ll just hop into his bed. She crossed her arms, unsure if she should be embarrassed or turned on before another thought invaded her brain. What if this isn’t for me but someone else, maybe one of the many women he left back in New York? Maybe this slinky lavender babydoll gown was for Eva, or if I terribly misjudged him it could even be for Amelia. She held her hands and the gown up to her face, confused and bursting with emotions she didn’t quite understand. Still trying to decide what this see-through babydoll gown meant, Shellie didn’t hear Noel emerge from his shower as well as the bathroom until his humming became more pronounced.

  Shellie shot up from her crouch near the mess of bags and slowly turned to face Noel. She knew she was about to give him a piece of her mind but she hadn’t quite decided if it would be for buying her the nightgown or buying a nightgown for another woman while obviously attempting to bed her. But as she turned and took in all six-foot plus of Noel wrapped in nothing but a towel, dripping with water and dark blonde waves falling everywhere. She raked her eyes over every inch of his toned, dripping wet body and wondered why she was fighting getting into bed with this man. The awkward silence extended, Shellie continuing to stare with open admiration and lust and Noel watching her as she watched him.

  His strong legs, obviously a product of time well spent at a gym, began to buckle under the weight of her gaze. When she still didn’t say what she turned so quickly to say Noel walked over to her. Her lust hazed stare gave him confidence that she wanted him far more than she let on, but she would have to be the one to come to him. He would not seduce her but he would make it incredibly awkward for her. The expression in his eyes lightened as he saw what was in her hand. “Oh good! I see you found it,” he poin
ted at the flimsy fabric she was holding.

  “I, I, I uh, was looking for a t-shirt to wear to bed because I didn’t buy any pajamas today since there was no way for me to know I needed something to sleep in,” she continued to ramble despite willing her mouth to close, “And I didn’t want to sleep in any of your expensive work shirts and even though your t-shirts are equally expensive they were much less so and I figured you wouldn’t mind if I slept in one and then I starting folding the t-shirts and putting them away,” she motioned to the now filled spaces to the left and right of the clothes neatly hung in the wardrobe, “and that’s when I found this,” she said flushed and nearly out of breath.

  Noel pretended to search of something in the wardrobe to hide the smile fighting itself free. He realized she was jealous. She thought he’d bought the nightie for someone else. He could tell her that he bought it for her. But where would the fun be in that?

  Shellie tossed the gown at his chest and pulled a royal blue shirt from the bag. “I’ll just take this for tonight and I’ll wash it before I give it back.” She stalked toward the bathroom, now angrier than before. Oh good you found it? He wanted me to know he bought lingerie for someone else? What a pig!

  The red travelling down her neck told Noel that she was more than jealous, she was upset. “You can sleep in that if you want, but,” he waited for her to turn to make sure he had her full attention. “I think this,” he held the sheer lavender gown up to his chest by the small straps with a smile spreading across his face, “is more your color.” He tossed the gown across the room to her and she caught it before stalking to the bathroom and slamming the door behind her.


  Shellie emerged from the shower refreshed and ready to slide under the insanely high thread count sheets and drift into a dreamless sleep. The day, the week actually, had been so long that she felt physically and mentally spent. Stepping onto the stark white mat below the shower, she wrapped an equally stark white oversized towel around her frame as she made her way in front of the onyx marble and porcelain sinks. She decided to take a moment to run a brush through her hair, removing the tangles and ensuring she didn’t wake up a frizzy mess. Satisfied that her wet hair resembled human hair, Shellie slathered lavender body oil and honey lotion to every inch of her quickly drying body. It was different, she thought, performing her morning routine at night. In a strange city with Noel on the other side of the door. Waiting.

  With her hair looking sufficiently tame and her body moist and smelling good enough to eat, Shellie’s gaze went from the borrowed cotton t-shirt to the soft silk nightie. Deciding what to wear was becoming a problem. As much as she wanted to say ‘screw it’ and slide on the negligee, she thought it was entirely too presumptuous of him, even if it was flattering he thought she could pull off something so sexy. Wearing the nightie, she thought, posed a host of problems that she had neither the energy nor the inclination to deal with after a never-ending day. The damned thing was totally transparent, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination and with a hot and horny Noel on the other side of the door she knew she didn’t have the strength to hold him off. So she did what any self-respecting woman would do in her situation. She tried on the nightie. Just for a minute, to see how it looks, she told herself. Of course it’ll look ridiculous, confirming my suspicions and I can put the t-shirt on and sleep in peace.

  She slid the silk chiffon negligee over her head, reveling in the feel of it as it crawled down her body. She gently swayed side to side allowing the fabric to brush up against her, sending chills throughout her already over charged body. Now to see how it looks. She stood as tall as she could to catch a sufficient glimpse in the bathroom mirror but it was useless. The mirror stopped before she could see anything useful. Resigned to sleeping in the t-shirt, she began to tug it over her head and then she remembered the full-length mirror in the hallway just outside the door. After several long and deliberate breaths she was finally prepared to see the verdict in the mirror. Turning the knob as slowly as possible to avoid making any noise, she held on to the door as it opened lest an errant creak alert Noel to her half naked presence. She peeked through a small space in the door and looked left. The suite door was locked and secure. To the right the common area was dark and no light shone from the bedroom, she breathed a sigh of relief. The coast is clear.

  With her back straight and her confidence wavering, Shellie took one step into the hall on the plush peach carpeting. She squiggled her toe between the carpet and waited for a sound. Nothing. She placed the other foot on the carpet, holding the doorframe for moral support. A vague outline of her body was barely visible even with the light from the bathroom leaving her no choice but to pat the wall blindly until she found the foyer light switch she was certain she saw when she dressed earlier. “Got it!” She whispered then quickly covered her mouth unable to believe Noel was asleep so quickly and unwilling to wake him.

  Looking at her reflection, she gasped at the image staring back at her. The look of disbelief aside, with her now dry hair framing her head like some wild sex kitten, the glisten of her skin thanks to the overpriced body oil and the sheer nightie she wore, Shellie was pleased with what she saw. She began twirling in front of the mirror like a little girl with her first fancy dress. She was grateful to Noel, she knew that now, because he had given her something she never thought she possessed. She felt hot for sure, but more than that she felt sexy. She stopped twirling again to appreciate the sexy new version of herself and sighed heavily, thinking of Noel. “This man is going to be the death of me.” But what a glorious, heart pounding, knee quivering death it will be, she smiled devilishly at the thought.

  “Seeing you in that will be the death of me!” Noel choked out, his voice gravelly and drenched in desire.

  Shellie screamed, jumping against the mirror as she turned around. Squinting in the direction of the voice she yells, “What are you doing just sitting here in the dark, Noel?” Her breathing was still ragged from the fright, but also because his words were echoing in her ear. Seeing you in that will be the death of me, ran through her mind several times as she waited for her breathing to return to normal.

  “I wanted to see the nightgown on you before you snuck into bed under the cover of darkness and covered it up with that gigantic hotel robe in the morning.”

  She opened her mouth to protest but she couldn’t. That had been exactly her plan. She would wait until his breathing was slow and deep so she could be certain he was asleep and she would tiptoe into the bedroom without turning on a single light and drop her robe on the floor next to the bed. Then she could just quickly slide it on in the morning, before he woke up and she could live another day without allowing him to witness yet another embarrassing event in the life of Shellie Winthrop. But since he’d already called her on that plan it was time for a new plan. If he wants a show, I’ll give him a show, she thought defiantly, congratulating herself on the foresight of taming her hair and moisturizing.

  Gliding to the wall where the foyer light was located, she reached around slowly to turn the other knob, the dimmer. The lights were just light enough that she could see Noel, but not enough to provide a full on peep show displaying her overly large breasts and flat butt. Slowly she sauntered over to where he sat, her heart beating so loudly she was sure he could hear it and probably see it through the nightie. Stopping just a few feet from where he sat, she stared at him feeling her insides pool at the want in his eyes as he raked over every part of her. With her arms out wide giving him a full view, she turned slowly until her back was facing him. Tossing him a stare over her shoulder, Shellie didn’t recognize the husky voice that asked, “What do ya think?” She turned, biting her lip and waiting for his reply.

  His first attempt at speaking was no more than a grunt so he tried again, clearing his throat and shifting in his chair for a more comfortable position and more room in his boxers.

  A small smile of relief spread across her face and she knew she could do this. She had to do this
. She placed one hand up to her ear, “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  He licked his lips, taking his time as his tongue glided from one side of his top lip to the other, before giving the same pleasure to his plump bottom lip.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, I mean he looks like he’s ready to ravish me and I can’t stop him. It’s this damned sexy nightgown and the shower and him. Standing there looking more delicious than dulce de leche cheesecake. She bit her lip, still waiting for his answer, and allowing this unknown sensation to wash over her, inside and out.

  “You look incredible Shellie. I knew you’d look sexy in it, but damn! Come here,” he growled, motioning with one hand and pulling her closer with the other.

  She gasped at the unexpected closeness and the heat coming from his body. Looking down at him and wondering what thoughts he was processing, she ran her fingers through his slightly damp hair then moved down to trace the strong line of his jaw. She was utterly fascinated with the lines of his handsome face and continued to explore, caressing his cheeks with the pad of her thumb and brushing her fingertips over his lips. “You’re like a work of art,” she whispered breathlessly into his ear.

  A moan escapes him at her touch and her words. He blinked slowly, unable to look away from her quizzical stare but knowing he needed to. Had to. Running his strong hands over her neck, gently massaging it before moving down her back with a sense of urgency he couldn’t explain he was caught up in the moment. In her. He softened his touch, allowing his fingertips to gently graze the bare skin on her back before forcefully grabbing her butt in both hands and moaning into her neck.

  Even though she knew she wasn’t ready for sex with him again just yet, she leaned her body into his, absorbing his warmth and placed her lips to his. Now straddling his lap she arched her back into him and threw her head back to allow him greater access to her neck. His warm breath washing over her made her shudder and she knew she was his. Lost to him and his control over her no matter how much she fought it. He opened his mouth to her and she tasted him, hungrily as though he were an apparition that would disappear any moment. She wanted as much of him as she could get in this moment, for as long as it lasted.


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