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Conflict of Interest_A Mustang Prairie Romance

Page 31

by N. D. Jackson

  “Wow.” He stared at her, the pain in her eyes ripped at his heart but the anger hurt more for some reason. “First of all, I don’t currently have nor have I ever had a fiancé.”

  Shaking her head Shellie began to pace back and forth in front of Noel, seething. “So I’m brokenhearted and an idiot? Noel she was half naked in my living room. Wearing a big ass ring!”

  “It was all a ploy actually. Rich’s idea to get into your head before the meeting and break us up.” He sighed heavily dropping his head to his palms. “Successfully it seems.”

  “Well what was I supposed to think Noel?” She had believed in Noel. At first. “I shrugged off his harsh words and kicked ass at the Council Meeting then rushed home like a lovesick fool to tell you about it.” Shellie took a few breaths, cupping her face in her hands to shield herself from the anguish in his eyes. “I believed Rich was lying Noel. I did. Then I’m greeted at the door by a half-naked lingerie model. Your fiancé.” She winced at the sound of her whiny shrill.

  “What were you supposed to do? How about trust me Shellie? Trust that I would never do anything to hurt you.” Not that he’d given her much of a reason to trust him though, standing her up for dinner and unwittingly trying to kill her hometown.

  Shellie laughed bitterly. “Trust? You? I’m supposed to trust the man involved in some sick scheme to ruin a town for insurance money? Not likely.”

  He pounded his fists on the round knotty pine kitchen table. “I didn’t know anything about it! Not until you brought it up Shellie, I swear!” His pleas fell upon deaf ears.

  Shellie scoffed loudly, it was almost a snort. “And you proved that by showing up at the Council Meeting to back me up. Oh, wait a minute. No you didn’t!” With a smug look on her face, she crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her foot impatiently.

  Noel hung his head low. He was ashamed that he hadn’t made an appearance at the Council Meeting. It was something he’d thought a lot about over the last few weeks and while he knew he was wrong, he needed to make her understand why. “Shellie, I--, I-, I just….” He stopped when no words came to him.

  “You just what, Noel? You were just hoping to stay quiet about it all so Rich could pay off the Council?” Her arms tightened across her chest and her foot was tapping faster and harder on the linoleum floor.

  Now it was his turn to laugh bitterly. “You would think that.”

  “Did you give me a reason to think otherwise? I mean, hell I thought you’d at least show up and support the company that means so much to you and your future!”

  He shook his head, defeated. “No I guess I didn’t give you a reason,” he said more to the floor than to Shellie. “Don’t you see Shellie, I couldn’t go.” His eyes were eager and pleading, waiting for a response she wasn’t going to give him. “I was torn. If I showed up and sat with you I’d be kissing my career good-bye but I was just too disgusted and in a little bit of denial to support KitchenMart. I mean jeez, after I looked at the information you gave me and did my own research, how could I?” Raking both hands through his golden waves, Noel released a long slow breath. “I didn’t feel there was a right move.”

  “And heaven forbid you actually just make a decision and own it! Great job, Noel. You saved your precious career. Congratulations.” Her words were laced with sarcasm and she waved her hands at him dismissively.

  Noel swiped frustrated hands from his furrowed brows to his chin before standing and inching closer to where Shellie stood. She backed up one step for every step he advanced on her. The fire and sadness and desire in his eyes putting her on full alert. Unable to pull her gaze away from his intense jade stare Shellie continued to back up until a high backed dining room chair stopped her progress. “Where are you going Shellie?”

  Where did that husky voice come from, she wondered at his question, eyeing his beautiful kissable lips. Stop it woman, he cannot be trusted, she warned. “You’ve h-had your s-s-s-say,” she looked around the dining room planning her escape route, “and now I’m going home.” She shimmied through the barrier created by Noel and the intruding dining chair, grabbing her bag and heading for the door.

  “Home? As in Mustang Prairie, home?”

  He was so hopeful Shellie almost said the words she knew he wanted to hear. But she couldn’t. Shaking her head she answered, “No, home as in my new apartment.” He sighed and Shellie heard equal parts exasperation and disgust.

  He wanted to reach out to her but stopped himself, slumping against the wall that separated the kitchen and the dining room. “That’s right Shellie, run. It’s what you do.”

  Shellie turned on her heels with a red face wearing an incredulous look. “When people are chased away, they tend to run Noel.” She hugged her waist, mumbling furiously under her breath. “In case you’ve forgotten, your reunion with your fiancé was taking place in my living room.”

  “And you ran. Again.” He knew the chances of this method of discussion going his way was slim, but he had to get her to any emotion besides anger. For now he would take incredulous.

  After several exaggerated calming breaths Shellie’s gaze bore a hole into Noel. “I’m not running. This, this situation with you made me realize some things. That’s all.”

  “What did you realize? When things get tough, run?” He taunted with a hint of amusement in his voice.

  “Damn you Noel. I am not running. I have decided to move so we will need to renegotiate the terms of your lease.” She struck a pose with her hands on her hips, pleased with her response, even if it wasn’t altogether true. “You can stay as long as you want, after all I’m sure Rich greased the right wheels and you’ll be back in business before the holidays. But,” she pretended to calculate a few things in her head, “we will need to figure out rent, utilities and other rental responsibilities like insurance.”

  Noel chuckled at her barb as he pulled out a chair to take a seat. His gaze settled on Shellie. “I’m sorry to disappoint you sweetheart but I won’t be renting your place.”

  Her satisfied smile faltered for a moment before being replaced with cold indifference. “So you’ve got your promotion then? I guess we should be celebrating.” She chewed her bottom lip. He’s leaving.

  “’Fraid not.”

  She continued to worry her bottom lip with her teeth. Curiosity compelled her to ask for an explanation but her pride willed her not to. She took a seat at the other end of table and fixed her curious gaze on Noel’s sexy smirk. A few minutes of uncomfortable silence passed. She switched tactics. “So that’s it then?” She pushed the chair back, standing slowly and deliberately pushing the chair in its place. Tears were fighting to break free. She needed to get out of here. Fast. Walking over to Noel she extended a hand. “It’s been real, Noel.”

  He took the offered hand, focusing his intense stare down at Shellie. When she tried to release the grip his tightened. “It’s been real what, Shellie?”

  “Noel I have to go. I have a million things to do. And you need to go back to Mustang Prairie to pack.” Her eyes darted around in an effort to avoid his gaze.

  “You don’t get it Shellie. I’m not leaving Mustang Prairie.”

  “B-b-but you said…,” she trailed off.

  He yanked her close until their bodies were tightly pressed together. “I said I wasn’t renting your place. You didn’t ask why. Would you like to know?”

  “W-w-w-why,” she stammered.

  “I quit.”


  Confused, Shellie searched his laughing eyes. “Quit? You quit your job?”

  “Yep,” he said playfully touching his finger to her nose.

  “But… But why would you do that?” This couldn’t be for me. Could it? Of course not.

  “I had to Shellie,” he confessed, leaning down resting his forehead on hers.

  Her shoulders slumped. “You had to quit or get fired? Because of me?” As much as she knew it was a possibility that her actions could mean trouble for him she never really thought it would happe
n. Especially since she was pretty sure the two month reprieve was a formality so the Council could pretend they did what they were elected to do.

  He shook his head slowly, never once tearing his gaze from her confused gold-flecked eyes. “No Shellie I wasn’t fired. I wasn’t promoted. I no longer work for KitchenMart. I quit. Got it?”

  She nodded slowly, mouth still open as she stared at him in wonder. She tried to think of what it was he was trying to tell her, but the heat emanating from his body and that rosemary scent that haunted her made it difficult to put one and one together. She put her hands to his chest with the intention of creating distance so her brain would work but her hands had other plans, wrapping tightly around his shirt with one hand and caressing his muscles with the other. “But I don’t understand.” She shook her head, trying to get one thought to stick so she could follow it.

  Gripping her shoulders Noel stepped back a few feet and turned Shellie to the seat he’d just vacated. He knelt down in front of her, grasping her hands inside his. “I quit KitchenMart Shellie.” He blew out a long breath and looked down. Still not believing he had done it.

  “But why? Surely you know that this two month delay is just for show? Rich was very chummy with the Council and I’m sure he paid them off, so you see, you don’t have to quit. You can rescind the resignation and stay on your career path Noel. You’ve worked hard for it and at this point there is no saving Mustang Prairie.” She wiped a few tears away. Where had those come from?

  Noel looked up at her, his eyes narrowed. “Goodness woman you are frustrating! So quick to get rid of me, are you?”

  “None of this has anything to do with me, Noel. I’m just saying be reasonable.” And you didn’t quit for me or because you love me so it doesn’t matter. At all.

  “That’s where you’re wrong Shellie. It has everything to do with you.”

  Shellie bit the inside of her cheek to stop the smile that was determined to cross her face. I will not get my hopes up, I will not get my hopes up, she repeated, waiting for him to continue. “Does it?” She averted her gaze suddenly finding the ceramic candelabra very interesting.

  “It does.” Bringing her hands to his mouth Noel brushed his lips across her knuckles. “I saw you drive away, you know?”

  Shocked, she just shook her head and wiped at another stray tear.

  “I did. My heart broke when I saw you brushing away those tears. And I was angry. So angry I wanted to hit Ava. I kicked her out soon after I realized what had happened. I heard the door close twice so I figured she left and you were home, only it was you. Both times.”

  She nodded for him to continue.

  He took a fortifying breath and went on. It’s now or never, man, he encouraged himself. “The next day I went in to find Rich in my office. He told me what he’d done, like he was doing me a favor, can you believe it?” Noel shook his head at the memory. “Anyway the more he talked the more I realized that I couldn’t handle being part of the very thing that would hurt the woman I love.” Shellie’s expressive eyes lit up, but quickly went blank as she tried to hide her joy. Good, she still wants me. “He said some things I didn’t appreciate about the woman I love so I decked him. Then, I quit.” He smiled up at her watery eyes, giving her a moment to let it all sink in.

  Shellie sat dumbfounded for a moment and just stared into Noel’s smiling face. The parentheses punctuating his smile and his wild waves made him look sinfully delicious. She wanted to believe he loved her because she knew she loved him. Had known for quite some time, actually. But it was too much to hope, wasn’t it? Only one way to find out, her sarcastic conscious prodded. “I’m sorry, you love me?”

  Noel’s laughter rang out deep and hearty sending chills through her body. She could listen to him laugh for the rest of her life. “Of course I do Shellie. Why do you think I’m here, my deposit?”

  She shrugged. “That’s what a shrewd businessman would do.”

  He stood, still laughing and pulled her up into his arms, holding her tightly. Well this unemployed businessman came to tell you he loves you and he wants you to come back home.”

  Shellie closed her eyes, savoring the moment. She allowed herself to soak up the sound of his rapid heartbeat, to inhale his scent of rosemary and lemon mixed with more than a little Whiskey she was sure. Pressing her cheek against his chest, she held him tighter around the waist afraid she would let go and this would all be a dream. “Home. That sounds nice,” she mumbled. When he kissed her hair, she squeezed tighter and sighed contentedly.

  “So you’re ready to forgive me?’ His voice was hopeful, but hesitant since she hadn’t yet said she loved him too.

  Shellie sighed, removing herself from his embrace. Noels heart sank. She looked up into his beautiful green eyes and cupped his cheeks in her small hands. “Noel it was never about forgiving you,” he quirked a disbelieving eyebrow at her. “Okay maybe a little about forgiving,” she laughed. “But it was more about protecting myself. Do you know how I felt thinking I’d fallen in love with a man who’d already picked out his wife? Again.”

  “But now you know--,” he stopped, suddenly confused.

  “And yes Noel, I still love you. You big idiot!” She smacked him playfully and laughed as tears streamed down her face.

  The grin he wore was especially bright in contrast to his slightly bearded face. “Oh Shellie I’m so happy to hear that! I was going crazy thinking you didn’t love me or would never love me the way I love you.” He squeezed her tight.

  “I just couldn’t go through that again, I had to go away.”

  “Ah Shellie, you cast a spell on me.” Pushing his fingers through her hair, he grabbed a handful and angled her as he lowered his mouth to hers. She sank into his arms, giving as good as she got, dueling with his tongue for the sweet taste she’d gone without for so long. “I love you,” he murmured as he kissed his way across her jawline and down her neck.

  “I love you too Noel, but we can’t do this in Mama Lim’s house.”

  He kissed her again, this time with more force. “Home then?”

  She nodded. “Home.”


  “Ohmigod Shellie I can’t believe you’re leaving me!” Alex cried for the hundredth time since Shellie told her two days ago. Her words were slightly slurred and higher pitched than normal after three glasses of champagne.

  Shellie sighed, letting her shoulders slump slightly. She felt guilty for waiting so long to tell Alex when the decision had been made nearly a month ago. She shouldn’t have waited so long to tell her best friend she was moving across the country. “It won’t be so bad, Al,” she reassured her friend by offering a brief hug and topping off her glass. “Now you have a reason to come to Los Angeles.” She tried to sound more cheerful than she felt. As happy as she was, leaving Alex and Mustang Prairie was bittersweet.

  “I know Shel. I’m just gonna missh you sho much girl,” she slurred again, tightly wrapping her arms around Shellie’s waist, leaving a trail of tears across her midsection.

  “Nonsense,” Shellie brushed off her friend’s tearfulness. “We won’t have time to miss each other because we’ll visit so often. Mustang Prairie is still my home, Al.” She smiled weakly, hoping that was true. She didn’t know if she could handle Los Angeles without Alex and she hoped she wouldn’t have to.

  Alex perked up. Well she perked up as much as a 115-pound woman finishing off her fourth glass of champagne could perk up. “Which remindsh me,” she slurred with one finger in the air, “I’m coming to visit in three weeks. For business.”

  Shellie eyed her best friend curiously. It wasn’t like her to keep so tight-lipped about anything, so Shellie stared until she continued.

  “Oh alright,” she rolled her eyes. “Some Beverly Hills billionaire called me about franchising World of Wonder,” she shrugged still not quite believing the news herself. “Apparently big money can be made in Beverly Hills with an all-in-one fitness center, spa and salon.”

fantastic Al! That’s the perfect way to kick off our last champagne Tuesday!” Shellie lifted the champagne saucer Noel’s parents had given to her over the holidays in toast, “To Alex, the future Mommy Warbucks,” she crinkled her brow and shook her head, “or Mother Warbucks? We’ll figure that part out later,” she laughed before taking a serious tone. “to my best friend and her future success and millions!”

  “Here, here!” Alex clinked their glasses a little too enthusiastically and down the rest of her glass. “I’ll put my first mil in a college fund for your kids!”

  “What are we ‘to Alexing’ about,” Noel asked amused at the startled expression on the inebriated women. He gathered Shellie by the waist and planted a slow kiss on the slope of her neck as she related Alex’s news. “That’s fantastic Alex.” He smiled, taking Shellie’s glass and raising it in toast before emptying it.

  “Thanks Noel ol’ boy,” she lifted her empty glass in his direction, darting her eyes longingly at the chilling bottles of champagne on the counter. “Now fill’er up!”

  Noel shook his head. “No can do Al. You girls drank all the chilled champagne so now you,” he waved his finger at them naughtily, “have to wait.”

  Alex pouted playfully. “Nothing’s sadder than a fancy champagne glass sitting empty. Going to waste.” Her wistful gaze quickly turned quizzical. “Where did these fancy—crystal?—glasses come from anyway?”

  Shellie smiled remembering her own emotional response when Noel’s parents had presented her with the lavish gift. The cut crystal champagne saucers were so gorgeous she felt the tears well up in her eyes as the light from the Christmas tree reflected a rainbow on the wall across from the fireplace. “Noel’s parents gave them to me as a gift.” She felt her blush blossom all over.


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