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Guarding Mr. Fine (Tough Love #2)

Page 15

by HelenKay Dimon

  He’d handpicked this guard. Briefed him, maybe threatened him a bit if Rick got hurt. The words didn’t matter because the guard got it. Jonathan knew not to phone it in or trust anyone.

  Seth stepped back into the room to find Nathan staring at him. He wore an odd expression. One Seth couldn’t read, and he knew that was bad.

  “What was that about?” Nathan asked.

  Seth decided to play dumb. “With Tim?”

  “Nice try.” Nathan shifted and moved back on the table until he sat there with his feet balanced on the floor in front of him. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you and the diplomat were flirting.”

  The words struck Seth wrong. Instead of laughing the comment off or switching back to the computer, he bit. “Know better?”

  “Rick Fine is a guy.”

  “I see your observation skills are still in working order.”

  “He’s also gay, and I’m not guessing. It was in the file.”

  “The one you got actually said that?” What the hell kind of briefing files was Helena handing out these days?

  “Yours didn’t?”

  No, and that would have been nice information to have. Not that this relationship or whatever it was with Rick would have spun out any differently. Maybe it would have played out more slowly and more deliberately so they could have thought through the ramifications, but touching Rick would have happened no matter what.

  Hell, Seth wanted to touch Rick right now.

  But that wasn’t the point he needed to make with Nathan. “Either way, you know I’m bisexual. I’ve told you that.”

  Nathan frowned at him. “But that was before you dated Elizabeth.”

  Sweet Jesus. “You’re killing me here.”

  “What?” Nathan’s face went blank. If he was joking or being a smartass he’d gotten really good at it because the confusion seemed real.

  Seth inhaled before launching into a round of Bisexuality 101 with a friend he knew just didn’t understand. “Dating Elizabeth didn’t magically turn me straight.”

  “Yeah, but…” Nathan winced. “Actually I’m not sure what to say next.”

  Seth appreciated that. Nathan came from a certain kind of family, one that did not tolerate homosexuality. Worse, one that thought it had a choice about tolerating it. Nathan could have been strident on this topic—a complete dick—but he wasn’t. It might not be his life, but he didn’t judge Seth, which he appreciated.

  “Who I date doesn’t change who I am.” Seth said the words nice and slow as if they might sink in easier. “Dating Elizabeth or Rick, it doesn’t matter. I’m still bi.”

  “Wait, are you saying there is something going on with this Rick guy?”

  Well, fuck. That’s not where he thought Nathan got stuck, but now Seth had to follow through on this. “I’m his bodyguard.”

  Nathan smiled. “Is that what they’re calling it these days.”

  Because that wasn’t annoying…“I’m serious.”

  “Do not backtrack now. You and the diplomat. Explain.”

  “Not your business.” Seth tried to pull out the chair but Nathan’s leg blocked it.

  Nathan didn’t budge. “That might have worked right after we met each other, but we’ve been all up in each other’s lives for years now.”

  “Why is that exactly?”

  “Team spirit and all that. So, how about an answer?”

  “It’s no big thing. Me and Rick…it’s just…you know.” The rambling lie rolled off his tongue. Seth was surprised he hadn’t choked on it because what he felt for Rick was big and confusing and important and way out of control. Calling it anything else made him feel pretty shitty.

  Nathan’s eyes widened. “Hot damn, you are together.”

  This was just about the last conversation Seth wanted to have today. He’d barely regained his balance from the relationship talk with Rick. Now they had an unwanted audience.

  “I know he’s a guy and you think—”

  “Screw the guy part…though I bet you already have. That’s not what I’m talking about.”


  “He’s CIA.” Nathan laughed as he said the words.

  The reaction had Seth sitting down hard on the table next to Nathan. Again, he picked the one fact that Seth wasn’t even focusing on. It sounded like the issue wasn’t that Rick was a man but what he did for a living.

  Only Nathan would hone in on that.

  “That’s what has you freaked out?” Seth asked because he wanted to be sure.

  Nathan’s smile disappeared as quickly as it came. “First, I do not freak out. I’m a highly trained operative.”


  “I take things in stride, unless I’m in the act of shooting, in which case I unload.”

  And people thought he was the smartass on the team. Seth was pretty sure he learned those skills from the master. “This is a fantastic speech. America should sleep better tonight.”

  “True, but my question was simple.”

  Seth had totally lost the thread of the discussion. He still didn’t understand how they went from a potential espionage talk to poking around in his love life. “Spell it out.”

  “Since when do you screw CIA desk dudes?”

  “I’m not…” When Nathan made a face Seth abandoned the denial. “Fine. Never before.”

  “But you are now.” Nathan didn’t phrase it as a question.

  “He’s black ops.” That didn’t answer a thing, but Seth said it anyway.

  “I told you I read his file.” Nathan shook his head. “Damn, what is it with you people? It’s not like I sat on the plane drinking champagne and napping on the way here instead of working.”

  Seth could almost imagine that. “Did you?”

  “It felt great. I highly recommend it.” Nathan groaned. “But let’s not lose focus. A CIA desk guy? That’s doing it for you these days?”

  This was an ongoing joke between CIA and SAD. In theory they all worked for the same team but the special ops division didn’t find anyone to be their equals. Seth bought into that assessment without trouble.

  “Rick has other skills.”

  “I’ll bet.” Nathan stood up and faced Seth. “You know I need to give you the speech, right? It’s the same speech I’ve heard you give some members of our team.”

  Which meant Seth knew it by heart. He was good. “Please don’t.”

  “We’ve worked on a team where guys have paired up.”

  Seth didn’t want to hear any of this. “Stop talking.”

  “The problem is always the same. At some point you’ll need to decide between him and the job.”

  There was the difference between their friends and him. “Rick is the job.”

  Seth shook his head. “The shipments are the job.”

  “Not according to Helena. My priority—my sole priority as far as she is concerned—is to keep Rick safe.” The command had ticked Seth off before but now he held it up and flashed it around.

  “Come on.” Nathan put his hands on his hips and stared Seth down. “You’re saying we’re dealing with missing weapons shipments and screwed-up vaccines and Helena—a woman who can outshoot you on the course—”

  “Not true.” But close.

  “—is worried about some random guy?”

  The words banged against Seth’s brain. He didn’t like that last phrase one bit. “He’s not that. Random, I mean.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “They’re friends.”

  “Rick and Helena?” Nathan’s arms fell back to his sides. “Damn, man. You’re sleeping with the boss’s best friend?”

  The words refused to come together in Seth’s head. He hadn’t thought of Rick like that and didn’t want to now. “I kind of hate that you put it that way.”

  “I think you’d hate the fact that she literally knows everything about you now.”

  Seth’s stomach turned upside down.


  “I doubt Rick is ru
nning to her with reports about the sex.” At least Seth hoped that was true.

  Nathan’s smile only grew wider. “You doubt but you don’t know.”

  And now it would never leave his head. Seth guessed that was Nathan’s goal. “I fucking hate you.”

  “I’m so happy I pulled this assignment.” Nathan clapped his hands. “This is going to be fun.”

  Yeah, it was time to reel them back in and get them on the right track. Seth had already let this go on far too long. “One guy is dead and another is injured.”

  “True.” Nathan sobered. “There’s that.”

  “Just want to get some perspective into this conversation.”

  “And that’s okay but the reality is that you, Mr. Wiseass, have gotten yourself into a mess. A big-time, emotional, all-wrapped-in-feelings mess.”

  That about summed it up but Seth refused to admit it. “No, I’m still good.”

  “For your sake, let’s hope that’s true. I’d hate for Rick to report back to Helena and give you a failing grade in the sack.”

  Seth didn’t even let the thought get into his head. “You can probably get on a plane right back to Spain.”

  “And miss this? No way.”

  Chapter 18

  Rick made it through the rest of the day without an emergency.


  Just after four Seth walked into the office. He didn’t bother to knock and Rick didn’t care. It fit the role of bodyguard for Seth to slip in and out unnoticed. Problem was there was nothing about him that blended into the background. Every time he stepped into a roomm Rick picked him out as if a spotlight shined on his head. It was an odd sensation to be so in tune with someone that he knew where he stood and could hear him breathe from across the room.

  Maybe that head wound was worse than he thought. If so, Rick couldn’t worry about that now.

  He watched Seth check the windows and do his usual walk around the office. There was no good way to start the conversation, so Rick dove in. “I got word from Alec.”

  Seth didn’t even look up. “Isn’t that nice. Did he ask you out?”

  “Don’t be a dick. It’s about the shipments.” A lead when they desperately needed one. “There’s movement at a warehouse that’s supposed to be empty.”

  That seemed to get Seth’s attention. He stopped stalking and his head shot around to face Rick. “Why does he think this is about our assignment?”

  “His guy saw crates being unloaded. Rumor was the boxes contained vaccines from the U.S. as part of a humanitarian relief effort. They’re not due until next week and the manifests don’t show them arriving yet.” Rick had double-checked the dates right before Seth walked in. Even called the foundation responsible for transport and the people there insisted the shipment hadn’t left. Sent a photo of the dock confirming the boxes still on the flatbed.

  “Well, shit.” The words said one thing but the excitement in Seth’s voice said something else. “I’ll take Nate and—”

  “Nope.” Rick was pretty sure this would stop Seth’s let’s-go-grab-the-bad-guys zeal. “I go.”

  “Hmmm.” Seth made the humming sound, stopped, then started again.

  “Use your words.”

  He walked up to Rick’s desk and balanced his fists on the edge. Leaned in and stared at Rick almost at eye level. “This seems like the right time to remind you that you’re a desk jockey.” His voice stayed low. “And if that doesn’t work I will tie you to the bed, and not in the fun way.”

  “That’s a shame.”

  Heat flared in Seth’s eyes but he quickly banked it. “You are staying here. Out of danger.”

  Others might find the tone menacing. Not Rick. After less than a week he knew how Seth handled this sort of thing—go in big, make threats and get people to back off. Rick appreciated the talent and the very lethal force Seth possessed to match the words, but he no longer bought the act when Seth used it on him.

  “I’m trained,” Rick pointed out.

  “I don’t care.”

  “The contact will only meet with me.” Rick folded his arms on the desk and leaned in until his face was right below Seth’s. “Alec insists.”

  For a second Seth didn’t move. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn’t. Then his voice dropped even lower. “Alec is a pain in my ass.”

  Rick fought off a smile. He knew he’d won when Seth didn’t start throwing things. Venturing outside with so much uncertainty was dangerous, as the previous car ride showed, but he couldn’t hide in the building. He’d rather someone come after him in an abandoned warehouse than in the consulate with all these other people standing right there.

  He’d seen death. Sometimes close up. Sometimes on the other end of a video feed. But one specific memory unwound in his head. Each piece imprinted on his brain.

  He was thrown back in time. He could see the green tint of the video and the outline of all those trees. Men standing around with guns aimed. A fire in the background.

  Those were the easy parts. The bloodbath came next. He’d watched Seth drop to his knees after the people standing with him fell. Rick could feel every minute tick by as he’d sat in the control room and waited. Prayed for the first time since he was six.

  Guns fired and that knife had appeared out of nowhere. Rick could taste the fear in his mouth even though years had passed. Sitting there he’d willed Seth, a man he didn’t yet know, to get up. And when he did, he unleashed holy hell on the killers around him.

  Rick had never seen anything like it. He’d expected Seth—any human being—to be paralyzed by that sort of carnage. He’d come out fighting. Nothing more than a bundle of energy and impulses. He’d been wild and jumping at every sound. Only luck and the bribery of men standing nearby got Seth out.

  Guilt wove with regret and so much respect. Time passed but the memory stood still. It was a moment that bound them together and Rick wasn’t looking for another. He couldn’t be the reason blood ran on the ground. Not again.

  “He’s trying to protect his people and his interests, and you know it,” Rick said, pressing his advantage in the argument.

  “And if he gets to see you again then all the better.”

  Rick needed to save his energy. Going round and round on this jealousy train would sap that. “He’s not going to be there and we’re not having this conversation again.”

  “Fine. Forget Alec.”

  “I really wish you would.”

  Something that looked like a smile flashed across Seth’s face then disappeared again. “You’re still recovering from injuries.”

  “I’m trained for this.” Not actually this but work in the field. Rick decided that was close enough.

  He could shoot. He also had running and hiding down pretty well. He had his father to thank for that…only that.

  Seth sighed at him as he stood up. “Nice try, nerd boy.”

  “We need Nate here, making sure no one from here tries to get to that shipment.” Rick stopped when he saw Seth’s eyes narrow. “You know I’m not giving in on this.”

  “I could knock you out and stuff you in a closet.”

  “I already have a head injury.” That seemed logical to Rick but he was staying behind his desk just in case Seth wanted to give that option a try.

  “Motherfucker.” Seth swore a few more times before he started pointing. “You wear a vest. You obey every order. You duck and run when I tell you, and if it looks wrong we leave. Screw Alec’s people.”

  “That’s the spirit.” Rick got up and came around the side of the desk.

  Seth caught him by the arm. “Hey, I want you safe.”

  “You think I’m thrilled to see you walk into danger?” Rick couldn’t even think about that without a twisting starting in his gut.

  “It’s what I do.”

  Rick hated that answer. “And now you’ll do it with me.”

  Everything about this setup struck Seth as wrong. Darkness had fallen. On the drive over people filled the stree
ts. Groups walked in and out of cafes. Red brake lights highlighted a path through the city in an endless parade of cars.

  That looked right to Seth. Now, as they drove through the industrial area with nothing but electric wires hanging overhead and a few streetlights, Seth debated turning around. The trail of falling-down chain-link fences did not fill him with confidence about this part of the operation.

  “It’s this one.” Rick pointed to a building on the right as they cruised down an unmarked road without the car lights off.

  Seth drove right on past. Let the car roll at a slow speed with only the sound of the crunch under the tires whirling around them. He kept going until he got to a decrepit carport. Rusted barrels and stacks of wood littered one end. Seth tried to tuck the car behind the piles, grateful he’d opted for Nathan’s crappy rental over an official consulate vehicle but really pissed off he’d left Nathan behind in favor of Rick.

  Rick put a hand on the door and Seth reached over to stop him. “No fucking way.”

  Rick stared at him. “This is why we’re here.”

  He couldn’t be serious. The plan had changed. Seth knew that the second he turned onto this lane. “This place doesn’t look like an attack waiting to happen to you?”

  “It’s an abandoned warehouse.”

  “That’s my point.”

  “They couldn’t exactly hide stolen weapons in the middle of a coffee shop.”

  Logic. Yeah, Seth hated that.

  He’d feel better about this, a bit more stable, if he knew who “they” were. Fighting blind made him twitchy. And now he had to look for targets, keep Rick behind him and be prepared to shoot.

  This was going to be a long night.

  He reached down and grabbed the goggles. Scanned the grounds, looking for any sign of life. Nothing popped out.

  A two-story building with limited windows on the bottom stood about fifty feet away along the fence. Most of the glass on the second floor was broken and the weeds inside the fence stood a good two-feet high.

  Then there was the trailer. A white one like those used on construction sites. If there was a sign of a human being around here, Seth didn’t see them. But there sure were a ton of places to hide.


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