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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Stacy's Destiny [The Town of Pearl 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 23

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Stacy thought about that a moment, but she still couldn’t get the sight of the woman clinging to Eric out of her head. She was jealous, and she was lacking in self-confidence. Men disappointed her often, and she had opened her heart up to Max and Eric..

  “I thought you and Max were different. I thought I could trust you,” she stated then lowered her eyes.

  Eric pulled her to him.

  “Damn, Stacy, I only want to be with you. There is nothing going on between me and Betsie.”

  “It didn’t look that way when I came in here. She was wrapped around you, and her lips were stuck to your neck. It also looked like your hands were holding her breasts.”

  “I didn’t want to hurt her. She literally hurled herself at me the moment you opened the door and called my name. She wanted to cause trouble, and she did just that. She planned this.”

  Her perfume lingered on his shirt and near his neck as she scrunched her nose and tried pulling away from him.

  “What now?’ he asked.

  “You smell like her perfume. It’s sickening.”

  He grabbed her hand and started heading toward the house, and as they walked outside, Betsie was pressed against Ben, and Ben was trying to push her off of him.

  “See what I mean. She’s crazy,” Eric stated.

  Stacy couldn’t believe the sight, and Ben looked like he didn’t want to hurt her but was also in a bad position. Stacy pulled her hand from Eric’s and stomped over to Betsie. She grabbed a fistful of her fancy hair and yanked it hard.

  “Ouch!” Bestise yelled as she stumbled away from Ben.

  Stacy had one hand on her hip and one finger pointed at Betsie as Charlie and some of the other workers headed outside to see what was happening.

  “You get this straight, Betsie, because there are no second chances. These Cantrell men are all mine. None of them are interested in you. So if I ever see your skanky, skinny tramp of a self on Cantrell property again, I’m going to personally take out a can of New York whoop ass! Now get in your fancy little bimbo car and don’t ever eye any of my Cantrell men ever again.”

  “Oh my!” Betsie yelled then eyed all the men as they gathered around Stacy. Betsie hurried to her car and sped off.

  “Holy shit, that was great!” Ben yelled, and Stacy turned toward all of them and glared.

  “I’m going home,” she stated, and they all tried to stop her. She turned to look at Eric, and he took a deep breath and shook his head.

  “You’re not going home.”

  “I sure as hell am, and you’re not coming with me. I’m mad at you and the way you allowed that tramp to touch you and kiss your neck,” Stacy yelled.

  “You let Betsie touch you and kiss you?” Ben asked.

  “Shut up, Ben!” Charlie yelled at his brother.

  Stacy stormed toward the house.

  “Call Max now,” Stacy heard Eric state to Charlie. She could also hear the scraping of his boots across the gravel behind her.

  “Man, is she fired up,” Ben stated loud enough for Stacy to hear.

  * * * *

  Stacy stared at her room. There was the smell of cleaning stuff like someone had cleaned her house and especially her furniture. Then she noticed the brand-new window and new molding around the edges. Clothes and other items were not left where she placed them, but they were neatly organized.

  Max had begun to explain about a break-in and soon got to informing her that a package was delivered to the Sheriff’s department a few days ago. A few days ago! She was beginning to shake with anger, and damn it, she felt betrayed. They didn’t trust her to confide in her or tell her the truth about what was going on. First she caught Betsie all over Eric in the barn, and then she caught Max lying to her for over a week and keeping her business away from her.

  She wouldn’t look at them as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “Get out!” she yelled, and they both remained where they stood.

  “Get out of my house now!” she yelled.

  “Stacy, honey, calm down,” Max stated.

  “Calm down? No, I won’t calm down, Max. You kept this from me for a week? You lied to me and convinced me to stay at your place for days by seducing me and making me believe that this thing was special between the three of us, but meanwhile, it was a lie. I don’t want to speak to either of you.”

  Max grabbed her arm and turned her toward him.

  “You think that these last few weeks have been a lie? You think the fact that some asshole went searching through your panty drawers and took souvenirs isn’t making me lose my fucking mind with anger?” He pulled her to him, and she saw an expression she never had seen before. She knew Max was telling the truth, but she was hurt and disappointed. They were taking over her life and treating her like a child. His grip was firm as she tried to break free.

  “He took your fucking panties and bra. He had pictures of you practically naked with only a towel on, damn it! You are our woman and we will do whatever we feel is necessary to protect you,” he practically screamed at her. He abruptly released her as if he could hurt her if he continued to touch her. She covered her face with her hands and cried as Max’s words sank in.

  She felt strong arms wrap around her then the scent of Eric’s cologne.

  “It’s okay, baby. I know you’re scared and a bit confused. I’m sure from your perspective it seemed like we were controlling your life and your every move, but we’re not. We love you, Stacy. I would never cheat on you, nor would I ever lie to you and pretend that my dick hadn’t remained hard since the moment we met.” He chuckled softly against her neck as he nibbled then pulled on her ear lobe. She found herself smiling slightly but still feeling pretty raw inside. She felt his cock against the crevice of her ass cheeks and then him thrusting lightly against it.

  “Ya see what I mean?’ he whispered.

  She turned her head slightly to look up into his eyes. Eric was being honest and sincere. She just knew it. Maybe she overreacted? Maybe she just wasn’t used to having a man really care and love her. It wasn’t fair to compare Eric and Max to other men from her past. They truly were different.

  Eric leaned down and kissed her lips as he wrapped one arm around her waist and began to lift the hem of her skirt to rub along her inner thigh.

  A moment later, Max stood in front of her, looking just as pissed off and angry as he was a few minutes ago.

  He stepped closer, and she held her stance, ready to fight him tooth and nail. If this relationship between them was going to work, then they needed to be honest.

  His nostrils flared, and he twitched his jaw as if he were having a hard time saying what he was thinking. She held his gaze while Eric continued to move his hand further up her skirt.

  “Woman, you get under my skin like no other person on the face of this planet. Whether you like it or not, Eric and I are going to continue to pamper you and take care of you and be protective of you, so you just better get damn used to it. Cut out that New York attitude with me and realize that I love you, damn it, and it ain’t gonna change. I don’t want any other woman than you, and if you ever question my love for you or even suggest that I would lie to you ever again, then I’m going to throw you over my knee and give you a spanking you won’t ever forget.”

  She was shocked by his words and his outburst, but before she could verbally respond, Eric cupped her pussy and Max grabbed her by her blouse and pulled her to him. He covered her mouth in a very rough and demanding way, and she ate it up. She climbed his body, wrapped her legs around his waist, and attacked his mouth in equal retaliation. In no time at all, her clothes were torn from her body and they were yanking and pulling their own clothes off in between kissing and sucking any bit of skin the three of them could get their mouths and hands on.

  In a flash, Max had her pinned against the bedroom wall and his cock buried deep. He pumped into her repeatedly as she bit into his neck muscles a bit harder than usual, causing him to harden within her. His cock was rock sol
id and felt long and lethal.

  A touch to her shoulder and the feel of Eric beside her and she screamed an orgasm. The sloshing sound echoed in the otherwise quiet room, and she felt her cream drip down her thighs.

  Max carried her to the bed. He placed her on her feet and took position laying down on his back as Eric grabbed her, kissing her passionately. When he released her lips, she felt dazed. Eric turned her around and lifted her, placing Stacy on top of Max.

  Max pulled her to him and thrust his tongue into her mouth while she adjusted her hips to allow his cock entry to her pussy. She was on fire and moistened with desire.

  Eric moved in behind her, and she felt him swipe a finger from her wet pussy lips to her anus. She in return increased her thrusts, pulling her mouth from Max’s to breath.

  When the tip of Eric’s cock pressed to her puckered hole, she paused to allow him access.

  “Easy baby. Nice and slow so I don’t hurt you,” Eric whispered, placing a firm, large hand over her right shoulder as he pushed deeper. She wanted them both very badly and seemed oversensitive to their every touch and penetration. Her vaginal muscles gripped his cock. The thick, hard muscle pushed in with purpose and she moaned then gasped in relief.

  “Oh yes. Oh, it feels so good!” she told them as Max held her hips and helped her to rise up and down on his cock. In between, Eric thrust into her ass until they found a rhythm they could keep in sync with.

  The bed creaked, and the gentle breeze parted the curtains against her bedroom widows, caressing her perspiring skin. She was in tune to her full breasts, Max’s huge hands gripping her waist and lifting her as he thrust into her pussy with purpose.

  Eric growled behind her gripping a handful of her hair as he thrust his cock balls deep against her crevice.

  “Fuck, she’s so tight, she’s gripping my cock and killing me. I’m gonna come,” Eric grunted then nibbled on her shoulder and neck.

  Stacy moaned as she felt her whole body tighten up, and she knew she was going to lose it.

  “I can’t take it. I can’t,” she stated, and Max and Eric took that second to thrust into her together.

  “Oh,” she screamed in a hoarse voice as she saw spots in front of her eyes then the room spin. Thrust after thrust, Eric and Max kept going until they both roared then came inside of her. She felt their hot semen and the aftershocks of their lovemaking. They were all perspiring and sticky as both men began to kiss her mouth, her neck, and her breasts. They held one another, connected at the ultimate level, and their love touched each of their hearts. No words were said. They just held one another close.

  It was Eric who eased out of Stacy first.

  Eric cupped her face between his hands.

  “Are you okay, honey? We didn’t hurt you, did we?” he asked.

  The tears rolled down her cheeks, and her whole body shook

  “No. I just feel so—”

  Eric lifted her off of Max and pulled her into his arms, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and cried. He moved onto the bed.

  Max caressed her back, and the three of them settled down on the comforter.

  “Talk to us. What’s wrong?” Eric asked.

  “Absolutely nothing. Everything is perfect. I’ve never felt so loved or so in love in my life. I just don’t know how to handle it. I’m scared, I’m happy, and to top it off, some lunatic might ruin it all.”

  Max and Eric began to caress her skin and kiss her tenderly.

  “We aren’t going to allow that. We love you, and this is going to work out just fine,” Eric stated.

  “Let myself and the department worry about this asshole. You’ll be safe here. I promise you,” Max added then kissed her softly.

  They snuggled together for a few minutes. Then Eric looked at the clock.

  “We better get moving if we want to make the chili and baking contest.”

  “Oh my God. I completely forgot. I was supposed to have everything in town by two o’clock.” Stacy sat up and began to crawl from the bed with her ass pointed in Eric and Max’s direction.

  An arm swooped around her midsection and flung her backwards onto the mattress.

  “Hey!” she squealed.

  “Charlie and Ben took care of it. As soon as you left the house in an uproar, they knew you had forgotten. So let’s take a shower then head into town,” Max stated.

  “I can’t wait for you to beat Betsie Whinston,” Eric added then smiled, and Stacy gave him a dirty look.

  He caressed her breast then tweaked her nipple as he leaned down to lick the tip.

  “You don’t still believe that I’m interested in Betsie?”

  She closed her eyes and moaned as she held his head to her breast.

  “No, I just don’t want to ever hear her name come from your lips again.”

  He smiled at her.

  “Jealous little thing, ain’t ya? Hey, I never complimented you on that right hook of yours. Left me feeling dazed a second,” he stated as he caressed his jaw and lip where it had been bleeding. It didn’t look any the worse now, just a little swollen.

  “I’m sorry about that. You came up from behind and I was all upset still.”

  “Lesson learned, baby,” Eric said then kissed her.

  “Don’t you be trying any of those right hooks on me,” Max teased then kissed her.

  “Naw, I will save my left hooks for you, deputy. The next time you decide to withhold information, it better not be about me,” she stated then made a fist.

  He grabbed her hand then lowered it to his cock. He was hard and ready for round two.

  “Get in that shower, ma’am, or we’ll never make it to the damn Fourth of July festivities.”

  Chapter 12

  Max walked through the crowds of people. There seemed to be so many more visitors to the festival this year than ever before. His head began to ache from staring at every male face he could get a glimpse of. He hoped that he would spot Barry Weiner before he could make it anywhere near Stacy. He had yet to see any sign of the guy, and he wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. Finally he spotted Stacy and Eric walking hand in hand near the pies and homemade jams. Stacy had won first place so far with her apple pie, cherry pie, and peach cobbler. The judging on the chili was taking longer than usual as a few new contestants added their chili last minute. As he watched them, his heart soared. Stacy looked beautiful with her hair hanging down past her shoulders and the sheer floral tea dress she wore. The slight breeze caused the material to lift and dance around her knees and lift to her upper thigh. She was very sexy. He wondered if his brother even noticed the many men that glanced at Stacy and looked her over. He saw it a number of times, and he felt himself clench his fists and get that jealous feeling in his gut. But then he remembered today at Stacy’s place and what they shared. They were in love, and when they were fully inside of her, it was as if they simultaneously realized how in love they were and just how close.

  His radio beeped, and he stepped back away from the crowd to answer it.

  “Deputy Cantrell.”

  “Max, it’s Wyatt. We’ve got ourselves a bit of a situation. Where’s Stacy at?”

  “She’s with Eric, why?” He instantly felt that sick feeling in his gut.

  “Good. You get to the department as quick as you can. There’s this guy here who says that Barry Weiner was asking questions about you and your brother. The investigator called and said that Barry left town. They’re tracking him as we speak.”

  “I’ll be right there. Should I get Stacy and Eric?”

  “They should be fine as long as they’re together. This just came in a few minutes ago. Even if Barry were in Texas, he couldn’t have made it to Pearl from any airport. He would have to take a bus or rent a car. The investigators are on it.”

  “I’m on my way,” Max stated then looked around to where he last saw Eric and Stacy.

  They weren’t there, so he headed back to the department with a little peace of mind knowing that Barry wasn’t in town
and that the investigators were on top of it.

  * * * *

  Max stood there with his hand on his hips and one leaning on his holster as he, Wyatt, and Deputy Jones all listened to Investigator Pellot as he spoke over the phone speaker.

  “So this is what we got so far. Mr. Weiner disappeared a few days ago. He used a private plane to get to Texas. From there he rented a car, so we believe he was en route or should have arrived in your town a day or two ago. There was a hotel booked in Turbank,” Pellot told them.

  “Turbank is less than a half hour from here,” Max stated.

  Wyatt and Kenny both looked at him with expressions that said they were just as concerned as he was.

  “Further investigation has indicated he also chartered a boat. I got men securing that boat and its employees as we speak. It was stocked with food, weapons, and ammunition to last them weeks. We believe he was headed out of the country. He more than likely had the boat stocked as precaution for pirates. Our men are questioning the crew and getting the coordinates for a destination in the Caribbean.”

  “Holy shit, he’s planning on coming here and taking Stacy out of the country?” Max asked.

  Pellot released an uneasy breath.

  “There’s no other way to put this, Deputy Cantrell. I understand that you have a relationship with Miss Porter, so I’m going to give you the common courtesy us law enforcement guys hold true in the brotherhood. He’s obsessed with her. From the materials we gathered in a secured cabinet in his office, it appears he’s been watching her for quite some time. We also were able to gather pictures and other documented evidence to prove he was involved in some of the other cases.”

  “By other cases, do you mean the women who were raped and murdered? The ones who couldn’t testify?” Wyatt asked.

  “Yes. We have plenty of evidence to prove that Barry Weiner is responsible for six of the eight murders,” Pellot responded.

  “Holy God, this is insane,” Deputy Jones said.

  “And he’s definitely on his way here or could be here already?” Wyatt asked.


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