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Falling for Forever

Page 2

by Caitlin Ricci

  "Hello," Bryn softly said to the girl in the mirror. The bruises and scars hadn't gone away, of course, but it was as if they were no longer as evident. Against the dark wood walls, she appeared as pale as a ghost.

  She went to the bed and ran a finger over the dress. Never in her life had Bryn seen its equal. She felt unworthy of such a gown, but Mariah had given it to her, and Bryn did wish to please her. She traced the delicate gold embroidery and then stepped into it. If her wings had been at their full magnificence, the dress would never have fit, but since they were little more than stubs, the dress fit almost perfectly. The chest was too small, creating unwanted cleavage, but she shrugged and smiled at herself in the mirror. She had never been allowed to wear anything this modest, and she found a new sense of freedom within its folds. She twirled in it and danced like the ladies that she had seen at parties.

  Bryn chuckled and opened the bedroom door. She walked swiftly to the library and knocked. She waited a few seconds, pausing uncertainly as she chewed on her lower lip, before letting herself in. Instantly, she gasped at the sheer immensity of the room. Instead of mold and dust, it smelled like leather bindings and antique letters. Still amazed, Bryn slowly came to stand in front of Mariah as she continued reading her book.



  "The dress is beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to wear it."

  Mariah looked up at her and let the faintest traces of a smile touch her lips. "Yes, it is. We will go to town soon to get you some new clothes."

  "Thank you, ma'am."

  "Are you hungry?"

  Bryn shook her head. "May I go for a walk?"

  "Of course."

  Bryn nodded and gave a quaint curtsey before leaving the room. She stepped out into the cool night air and breathed deeply the scent of freedom. No one was watching her, so she could have easily left, but Mariah seemed different than the others somehow. Her toes curled in the cool grass. She chuckled and gazed at her skin in the pale moonlight. She took one uncertain step and then looked back at the cabin.

  She took another and again looked back. Nothing. There were no guards coming at her with chains, no disgusting master waiting to take her again. She shuddered and pushed those memories to the back of her mind and wrapped her wings around her shoulders protectively. The wind had eased into a cool breeze. The once angry sky was now a clear black night. She continued walking and listened to the sounds of the night like a newborn babe. Each new sound was a feast for her ears. As she sat in the grass watching a cricket, a flash of light across the field caught her attention. Bryn smiled at the cricket and walked toward the light. The grass was quickly up to her waist. The light moved, and she heard a large creature move through the field. "Hello?" she squeaked nervously. She heard a familiar low growl and ran toward the sound. She stopped quickly as soon as she saw the creature in the clearing.

  "Hello, little Strytas," the golden dragon said.

  "Hello," Bryn replied.

  "You look disappointed."

  Bryn shook her head. "I thought you might have been someone else. It is never a disappointment to meet a dragon, though."

  "Or a Strytas."

  She blushed and smiled at the dragon. She made a small gurgle in her throat followed by a polite curtsey.

  "Well, I'll be. The formal dragon greeting. I haven't seen that done in years," the dragon said in amazement. "I'm Rishi. What might your name be?"

  "Bryn," she said as she sat down next to the dragon.

  "I have not seen that dress in a very long time," Rishi said with a beaming smile.

  "Where did it come from?" Bryn asked as she gazed up at the glittering stars.

  "It's just something I had around," a voice behind them called.

  Bryn looked over her shoulder at Mariah. "Hello, Mariah," Rishi said. She smiled at Bryn and rose to her feet. "I will leave you two alone," she said as she started to walk away.

  "It was nice meeting you, Rishi," Bryn called after her.

  "You as well, little Strytas. Sleep well, Bryn," Rishi replied as she disappeared into the tall grass.

  Mariah sat next to her in the cool grass. "Your name is Bryn?" She nodded. "How old are you?"

  "Nineteen," Bryn replied as she watched her out of the corner of her eye. A movement across the field caught her attention and she looked away. It was nothing, just a deer, and Bryn lay back in the grass and rested her hands on her stomach. Mariah looked down at her and tried to meet her eyes, but she quickly looked away.

  "You can have the bed, and I'll sleep on the floor," Mariah softly said.

  "There's no need for that. I don't sleep," Bryn replied sadly.

  "Not at all?"

  She shook her head and sighed.

  "Why not?"

  Bryn closed her eyes and trembled slightly. "The nightmares only come when I'm asleep," she softly said as she turned over onto her stomach. She shut her eyes tightly against the pain. "Mariah?" she softly said.


  "You don't have to be nice to me to get me to be with you," Bryn said sadly. She knew her place in the world, and if Mariah wanted that from her as the others had, then she wouldn't fight. Mariah had already given her more than the others had. It was only right that she submit.

  "I don't want that from you, Bryn."

  She looked uncertainly up into Mariah's eyes, a few flecks of dirt clinging to her chin. "You don't?" Mariah shook her head. "Why do you care so much about me?"

  "How can I not?"

  Bryn smiled weakly and lay her head back down in the grass. "Thank you."

  Mariah looked at her wings and noticed the difference that not many humans had. "Why is your left wing different than your right?"

  Bryn looked over her shoulder at the deformed wing. "It's been broken for a few weeks now. It will heal soon though."

  "How did it get broken?"

  Bryn shook them and then folded them back over her shoulders. "When they clipped my wings last, I became very scared and accidentally fought too hard." She propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at her raw wrists. Even in the pale moonlight, she could see the dried blood splotches.

  "Those look painful," Mariah said while obviously trying to hide her pity.

  "They are."

  She nodded and produced a small bottle and some pieces of white cloth from a leather bag. "Would you like some help with them?"

  Bryn looked up at her quizzically and then nodded. "Where do you want me?" she asked shyly.

  "Lie down on your back, please."

  She nodded and did so. Bryn shut her eyes tightly as she heard Mariah kneel next her. Franklin's face flashed before her eyes, and her stomach tightened into a knot as her pulse quickened. Bryn held her breath and whimpered softly as Mariah's fingers went to the hem of the dress and began pulling it up her calves. "I have no intention of hurting you now or ever, Bryn. Please try to trust me," Mariah said as she rested a steady hand on her calf.

  Bryn didn't trust her words, but as she watched her face, she found herself almost wanting to. But only almost. She was human, and like all humans, Mariah could not be trusted. Instead of giving in to the herbal salve and her gentle massage on her ankles, Bryn chose to resist her. Bryn stared coldly at her as she worked the warm cream over her skin. She wrapped each of her ankles with a length of cloth and moved to her wrists. Of all her wounds, these were the most painful.

  Although her touch was gentle, tears still fell from Bryn's eyes. Mariah wrapped Bryn's wrists and then moved to her neck. Mariah's fingers lingered on her bare arm as she looked into her gaze. Bryn felt herself wanting to be near Mariah and to let Mariah into her heart, but she quickly silenced the urge. Mariah's fingers went to her neck and brushed the curls away. Her touch was cool on Bryn's skin, and again she found herself wanting to be with her. Bryn turned her head to the side and her whole body trembled as Mariah's fingers grazed the worst of her injuries.

  "Is this a bite mark?" Mariah asked in disgust as she continued to trace the
edges of the open sore.


  "Did an animal give it to you?" Bryn shook her head. "What else could have done such a terrible thing?"

  She closed her eyes tightly against the memories that were threatening to overcome her. "Franklin," she softly said as tears streamed down her cheeks and onto the grass. Mariah nodded and picked up the last strip of cloth. "Please, no," Bryn softly said as her body started shaking.


  "I don't like anything around my neck," she explained as she dabbed some more salve onto the tender flesh. Mariah nodded and wiped her hands off on the cloth.

  "You should be all better in a few days," Mariah assured.

  Bryn allowed the faintest traces of a smile to cross her lips. "Thank you."

  Mariah nodded and stood. "Would you like to come back inside?"

  "May I stay out here instead?"

  Mariah smiled at her. "Of course. I will be in the cabin if you need anything."

  Bryn smiled back at Mariah. "Thank you."

  Mariah nodded and walked out of the clearing. She watched Mariah go and then gazed up at the stars until dawn swept them from her view.

  Chapter Two

  As the sun rose, so did Bryn. Dew lay in a glistening blanket over the grass and bright green leaves. She heard a river's gurgle and quickly walked to it. The trees were thick and the feeling of being watched quickly came back to her. She brushed it off and continued walking. A beautiful white stallion had his back to her as he sipped from the clear water. Bryn walked slowly so as not to startle him. He was the most beautiful horse she had ever seen. His coat glistened like moonlight and his long mane and tail were the color of fresh snow. Her brief encounters with Franklin's horses had left her timid and nervous around them. "Hello," she said to him as she moved closer.

  He looked up at her and licked the remaining drops of water from his lips. "Hello." He paused. "Now why did I just do that? It's not like anyone but the dragon can understand us horses anyway."

  "I can," she said as she sat down next to him on the riverbank.

  "You can?"

  She nodded and smiled up into his brown eyes.


  "I can understand all creatures."

  The stallion neighed happily. "I'm Luca."

  She smiled at him. "I'm Bryn." She dipped a toe into the river and chuckled. "Would you mind if I went for a little swim?"

  He laughed. "Why would I?"

  She blushed and looked away modestly. "I wasn't going to have this dress on."

  Luca almost fell over laughing. "You two-leggeds are funny. Do I have clothes on?" She shook her head no. "So why would I mind if you do or not?"

  She stood up. Within minutes, the dress lay neatly in the grass, and she was up to her waist in the river. The cool water swirled around her body as she submerged herself up to her neck. She swam over to Luca and splashed him playfully with water. He shook off quickly and reared as he laughed.

  "Oh yeah?" He grinned.

  She smiled back at him. "Yep."

  He leapt into the river and drenched her in a wave of water. She swam between his legs, her wings held tightly against her back. She smiled at his velvety side as they danced together through the clear blue paradise. Bryn playfully grabbed one of his front legs and twisted her body under his.

  Luca crashed sideways into the river in a rush of water and thrashing legs. She swam to the surface as Luca recovered and shook out his white coat. He smiled at her and used his big head to push her backwards into the water. She toppled in and then came up with her back to him.

  Bryn ran her hands through her long hair and over her muscular stomach. The water barely came up to her mid-thigh, and she chuckled as it swirled around her. She looked up and instantly froze. Her blood ran cold, and her muscles shook with fear.

  Mariah stared back at her, her eyes a reflection of her own shock. Bryn's body suddenly went limp, and she fell to her knees in the water. Her arms went to her chest, and she started shaking.

  "Mariah!" she yelped.

  Mariah turned her back to her. "I did not mean to spy," Mariah called to her over her shoulder. "Rishi said you were by the river, and I did not expect you to be like you are now."

  Bryn rose to her feet in the water and waved to Luca as he disappeared into the forest. "Is there something you wanted, Mariah?"

  "The stores in town will be opening soon, and I wanted to make sure we were there early to avoid the crowds. So if you would please get dressed, we can get going."

  Bryn nodded slowly and walked out of the water. Her body dried quickly in the rising sun. She slipped the dress over her head and walked to Mariah.

  "Mariah?" she said as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "Is it safe?"

  She chuckled. "Yes, you may look now." Mariah opened her eyes and smiled at her. "May I ask a favor?" Mariah nodded, and Bryn turned around so that her back was to Mariah. "Lace me up?"

  Mariah chuckled. "Sure. What did you do about the laces yesterday?" she asked as her fingers began expertly pulling at the cords.

  "I didn't bother with them," Bryn said as her fingers moved over the bare skin of her back. She tickled Mariah's nose with the tip of her wing playfully. She laughed and pushed it aside as she finished. Mariah's hands lingered on her skin, but instead of the familiar knot, thousands of butterflies flew around in her stomach.

  "Are you married?" Bryn asked as she pulled away and ran her hands over Mariah's work.

  Mariah's voice became quieter, and Bryn realized she had touched a nerve. "No, I'm not."

  Bryn's curiosity persisted despite her better judgment. "Do you have a daughter?"


  "Then how are you so good at lacing up dresses since you don't seem to wear any?"

  Mariah began walking to the gate. "We should hurry; the shops might already be opening."

  "Is the town far?" Bryn asked as she struggled to keep up.

  "Not far enough," Mariah said as they passed through the gate. It closed behind them, and Mariah started walking even faster.

  "How long will it take us to get there?"

  Mariah glared at her. "Don't you ever stop asking questions?"

  Tears swelled in Bryn's eyes, and she looked away.

  "I am sorry, ma'am. I have forgotten my place," she said as they started walking on an old beaten path. She slowed her place so that she was two steps behind her. Mariah tried slowing down to walk beside her, but as she did, Bryn increased the gap. Mariah sighed and continued walking toward town.

  "Bryn?" she asked quietly.

  "Yes, ma'am?"

  "Mariah, please."

  Bryn nodded. "Yes, Mariah?"

  "At the river…" Bryn's stomach tightened into a knot as Mariah spoke. "I noticed that you have a small mark on your stomach."

  Bryn's body tensed angrily. "Don't mention my stomach ever again," she growled.

  Mariah was visibly stunned. "What?"

  "If you have your secrets, I feel no need to tell you mine," she said with venom. Her anger could have meant a beating, but it didn't matter. Mariah had crossed a line that even Franklin had learned to leave alone.

  "You had two marks on your stomach. May I ask about either one?"

  Bryn shook her head and moved away from Mariah.

  "I am sorry that I tried to pry into your life, Bryn. I had no right."

  "No, you didn't," Bryn said coldly.

  "Will you ever forgive me?" Bryn shrugged. "What will it take for you to walk next to me?"

  "Another apology. This time, I want you to apologize for using a harsh tone with me."

  Mariah stopped walking, and they faced each other. "How about an apology and five silver coins?"

  Bryn cocked her head to the side. "You want to pay me to walk next to you?"

  Mariah shook her head. "I would like to give you five silver coins so that when we get to town, you may buy whatever you want, and if you need more, please come ask me."

  Bryn nodded. "And my a

  "I am sorry for being harsh with you. My anger was in no way your fault, and I should not have done it. I am very sorry and hope for your forgiveness." Mariah handed her a small black bag with the coins in it.

  "Thank you. I accept your apology and am sorry for being angry with you as well." They nodded and smiled at each other. "Shall we continue?"

  Mariah looked down at Bryn's wrists as they walked. "Where are your bandages?"

  She shrugged. "Probably by the river. They got itchy."

  Mariah laughed. "The itching means they were healing. The sores look much better though." She looked down at her wrists too and nodded. The redness had faded into a soft pink, and they barely hurt anymore.

  "That cream is very good."

  Mariah nodded. "Some friends make that for me."

  Bryn smiled at Mariah, but it quickly diminished as her ears picked up the sounds of town. Bryn gulped nervously as they continued walking toward the small group of buildings. Mariah looked down at her and spoke softly in her ear, "No one here will hurt you, Bryn. You have my word on that."

  Bryn nodded, but Mariah's words did little to ease her fears.

  Mariah led her into town, and almost immediately, the whispers started. The townspeople weren't mean; most had just never seen a Strytas before. Her wings were the instant topic, though as people stared at the stubs, Bryn became self-conscious and hugged them close to her body in a futile attempt to hide them. As they continued walking through the town, she gave up and ignored them all. Mariah led her to a small stone building with a bright cherry wood door.

  "The woman inside is named Angie. She'll help you. Buy whatever you want. I'll come find you. I have some things to get."


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