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Falling for Forever

Page 6

by Caitlin Ricci

  Bryn's blood ran cold as she recognized the woman as the one who had been watching Mariah from before. Her fine cheekbones and impossibly small waist made Bryn jealous. The gown the woman had chosen was beautiful beyond compare. "Really Angie, you should have a better selection. I was hoping to buy something in white. Something to make her think of marriage. Be a dear and get some long white dresses in," the woman said as she handed Angie a few silver pieces.

  Angie nodded and put the money away. "I'm sorry, Lady Kathryn. All my white dresses that would have fit you were bought the other day."

  Kathryn scoffed. "By whom?"

  Angie looked to Bryn, probably deciding whether or not to reveal the secret, but Kathryn caught on. She turned toward Bryn and glared at her.

  "You are the brat who's living with Mariah, aren't you?" Bryn stared coldly back at the woman and nodded. "Listen missy, buying white dresses and acting innocent won't get you Mariah. She's mine and you'll never have her. You're just another conquest; I'll be the one marrying her and all her money."

  Bryn stifled a laugh as the woman lifted up her skirt and walked out of the shop with an upturned nose. She was content as she lay in the chair and smiled at Angie. But then her skin crawled as she heard Lady Kathryn yell, "Mariah, darling, wait up!"

  An immense feeling of jealousy washed over her, this time more intense than any she had ever felt before. "That woman has no idea who she is dealing with," Bryn softly said darkly.

  "Honey?" Angie called after her as she stormed out of the shop, cloak flowing wildly behind her.

  Bryn ignored her friend and headed straight toward Lady Kathryn, fully prepared to confront her. Suddenly though, every hair on her body was standing on end and her insides felt like someone had scrambled them. The scent of dogwood and ivy overcame her and Bryn recognized the person immediately, even before he spoke.

  "Hello Bryn," he said. The man was barely a foot from her. As she turned around to face him, the memories of her encounters with him quickly overcame any other emotion. All she felt was panic and a deep-seated fear.

  "Hello, Mr. Hawthorne," she said meekly. The man took a step toward her, but she hastily backed away.

  He frowned and reached a callused finger to her face. "That hurts, Bryn. We had some fun, you and me. I've missed you. I tried to find you, but Franklin has gone missing and no one is at his manor anymore." His finger grazed her soft cheek. He took a step toward her. While her mind screamed at her to run away, her body stood paralyzed. The man smiled cruelly at her and ran his hand over her smooth stomach. Bryn trembled lightly and shook her head, but her legs refused to budge. He ran his finger upward from her belly button, over her ribs, to between her breasts.

  "No, we will wait for that," he softly said in her ear as tears began streaming down her face. "I haven't seen you for months; I've missed having something as beautiful as you my dear."

  Her body shook violently as she sobbed into her hands.

  The man reached up to grasp her neck, and in one quick motion, she was startled out of crying. She stared up at him, her eyes a mixture of fear and hatred as the pressure on her neck tightened, and he brought her closer to him. He was watching her lips. His own mouth quivered in anticipation as he pulled her toward him.

  Chapter Six

  Their lips almost touched, but suddenly his body stiffened Mariah's hand tightened its grip on the man's neck as more rage poured through her body. Mariah made sure the man could not move any of his muscles, even the beating of his heart had ceased. Mariah held on for a few more seconds before throwing the disgusting thug into the side of a building where he left a trail of blood while sliding to the ground. Mariah walked over to his crumpled body, "You will not touch her or anyone else again, you worthless coward, or the next time I find you I shall give you a swift journey to the underworld!" Mariah left the crippled man and walked over to Bryn, making sure she was all right.

  Angie rushed to Bryn and wrapped her arms around her. Bryn sobbed into Angie's bosom as she pulled her into the shop. Mariah grumbled under her breath and quickly surveyed the exterior of the shop. The body of the attacker was nowhere to be seen, though his blood still stained the stone wall of the building across the street. Mariah focused her mind, and her bodily energy condensed into a translucent barrier around the doorway. Now that everything was secure, Mariah went over to Bryn to comfort her. They sat on a soft couch as Angie fussed behind the counter. Bryn's small hands trembled slightly and tears streamed down her face. "I am sorry I was not there sooner, Bryn. I should have been."

  Bryn reached out her hands and wrapped them tightly around Mariah's neck. "Please Mariah, I… I need you to hold me."

  Mariah nodded and smiled at her as she took Bryn's frail body into her arms. "Bryn, I am so sorry. I cannot believe someone would ever wish to harm an innocent Strytas in such a way."

  "Can I get anyone some tea?" Angie asked them. Bryn nodded quickly and stifled her sobs as another wave threatened to overcome her.

  "Who was that man?" Angie asked as she handed Bryn the cup of hot tea. Bryn blew on the amber liquid as the steam swept over her cheeks and eyes.

  "Just someone I used to know," she softly said back.

  "You seemed to be pretty friendly with him, darling," Angie said as she sat next to them.

  Bryn shot her an angry glare, which instantly stunned her into silence.

  "We weren't like that. Well, we were, but not by choice. Mine anyway," Bryn grumbled miserably. She had never tried to explain what had happened at Franklin's to anyone. Bryn had no idea how she would do it now. "Nicholas Hawthorne is a lord and a good friend of the man that used to own me."

  "That's absurd. Who would want to own a Strytas?"

  Bryn laughed nervously. The cup of tea trembled in her hands. Bryn rested her head on Mariah's chest and ran her hand over her arm in lazy circles. Mariah still held her tightly, and she was grateful for her. Never before had any human stood up for her.

  "The man that owned me was named Franklin. He… well, he…" She sighed. "He let his friends and anyone else that could pay his price have me for a night." She shut her eyes tightly and trembled. "Mr. Hawthorne was one of those men that were rich enough to pay. Most of the time, though, he got me for free." She was afraid to look either of them in the eyes. Her fear of rejection was overwhelming, and so she sat quietly waiting for either of them to speak. Angie wiped a few of her own tears away and touched Bryn's shoulder gently. Bryn watched her as she went to fill her teacup.

  "I am sorry, Bryn. I am so very sorry." Mariah rubbed her upper arms while trying to dry away a few of her tears. Bryn nodded and relaxed into her embrace. "Thank you, Mariah," she softly said to her. She carefully ran a feather over Mariah's eyes, wiping away the tears that she had been bravely fighting back. Angie returned with fresh tea and filled each of their cups.

  Angie bit her lip, but it finally got the better of her, and the questions began pouring out. "When did he first take you, Bryn? How many times has it been since then?"

  Bryn looked up into Angie's eyes with a mixture of annoyance and understanding. "I was thirteen the first time, and there have been way too many times after that," she said without hesitation. The numbness had crept back into her heart. As long as it was there, talking about what had happened no longer hurt. It felt like any other conversation.

  "When was the last time?" Angie asked as Bryn sipped her tea.

  Bryn blushed modestly and looked away. "It was about an hour before Mariah came to Franklin's manor."

  Mariah sighed heavily. "We should be heading back soon, Bryn. The sun is already touching the horizon."

  Bryn nodded back at her, and Mariah thanked Angie for taking care of Bryn with the clothing and tea. They said their final goodbyes and departed from the store.

  Bryn looked over her shoulder as they headed out of town. "I forgot to ask Angie what was in the cream. I will do that next time, I guess." She slipped her hand into Mariah's and squeezed gently. "Thank you again for back there, M
ariah." Bryn fluttered her wings until she was a few inches off the ground. She kissed Mariah's cheek and quickly returned to the grass. She blushed deeply and refused to meet Mariah's eyes.

  Mariah's face flushed red, and she smiled at Bryn. Bryn shyly smiled back at her and wrapped her arm around Mariah's waist. Mariah placed her arm around her and held her close to her as they set forth on their journey. They walked along the road and reached the gate to the house just as the sun's last light vanished from the sky.

  "Mariah, Mr. Hawthorne said that Franklin has gone missing. Do you think something has happened to him?" Bryn asked her, hoping that there wasn't too much delight with the idea of his pain in her voice.

  Mariah nodded. "I do."

  Bryn was surprised at her instant, easy answer. "How do you know?"

  Mariah didn't meet her gaze. "Because, as we were leaving his home that first day, I used a bit of my magic to cause him harm. He's gone, forever. And I feel no remorse for causing his death."

  Bryn hadn't realized how much lighter the news of his death would make her feel. She wanted to run, to jump, to play in the fields and chase after the horses. But she refrained for doing any of it as she simply nodded to Mariah. "Thank you for what you did. I appreciate it more than you know."

  Mariah touched the phoenix and the doors swung open to allow them entry to the forest. The full moon shone brilliantly in the night sky, lighting their path to the cabin. Mariah opened the door for Bryn, and they stepped inside. The torches upon the walls illuminated strongly, lighting the small entryway of the home. Bryn walked to the bedroom, and took a seat on a wooden chair within the living room. Mariah reached into a pouch tied to her belt and removed a small brown box. She lifted the delicate lid and examined the silver necklace that it contained. Its chain was thin with a small silver Strytas pendant. Blue crystals formed the wings with sparkling diamond eyes. Bryn returned from the bedroom and Mariah quickly hid the box before she could take notice.

  Bryn emerged from the bedroom wearing a long white silk gown that brushed the floor. Her hair was tied up in a haphazard bun. Tendrils had already fallen loose from it and they lay scattered over her shoulders. Her left hand clasped the jar of cream for her wings. She went to the library and sat on the floor in front of Mariah. The silk of her gown felt cool and comforting against her skin. Never before had she owned a gown of pure silk. Bryn looked up at the woman sitting across from her and smiled to herself. Even though she had just met her, Bryn felt more for Mariah than she ever had for any person in her life. Her kind words and gentle touches were wiping away all of the bad memories that seemed to make up her life. The years of abuse and torment seemed like only a distant thought, maybe even another life or a story she had heard.

  She took a small amount of cream and began working it through her feathers. They shone and glittered in the firelight. The flames danced across her bare arms and back. Her wings were growing rapidly. Most of it she knew was the cream, but they seemed to be growing right before her eyes. The brittle ends had become soft and supple. They were back to their old brilliance that she remembered from her childhood. Flying, she knew, was out of the question. But their fullness had allowed her to rise off the ground, even if it was just a few inches.

  Soon her wings were covered in a light layer of cream. She reached around to her back for the last few inches but couldn't reach. Bryn again tried, but her fingers could only just barely brush the short feathers. She frowned and looked up at Mariah. "Are you busy right now?"

  Mariah shook her head.

  "Would you please come help me with my wings?" Bryn asked shyly. "The base is hard to reach."


  Mariah smiled at her and sat on the floor behind Bryn. She dipped her fingers into the fragrant, white cream and warmed it in her hands, then rubbed her hands over Bryn's sheer feathers, giggling slightly as they tickled her palms. She worked the healing compound in deeply, making sure to cover every feather from base to tip. The cream was working well, but Mariah decided to aid it by trickling a small amount of her magic into Bryn's wings.

  Once Bryn's wings had been fully covered, Mariah replaced the lid to the cream and returned it to Bryn. Just as she had finished the application, a soft knock came at the cabin door. Mariah rose to her feet and opened the door slowly to reveal the woman waiting for her.

  Lady Kathryn smiled at her and kissed each of her cheeks in greeting. "Hello, Mariah. It is so good to see you again. I have missed you very much."

  Bryn's ears perked up and her pulse quickened as she heard the woman talking from the other room. She went to the bookcase and removed a map that had caught her eye as she waited for Mariah to return. Bryn traced her finger over the winding rivers and longed to visit those far off places that lay scattered over its crinkled surface.


  Mariah gave Kathryn a polite, yet seemingly forced, smile and showed her into the cabin. "Hello, Lady Kathryn. It is nice to see you. May I inquire as to what brings you here this fine day?"

  The woman chuckled and handed Mariah her cape. "I have come to see you dear, Mariah. It's so terrible that you are all alone up here with only the animals to keep you company," she said as she pushed past her. Her eyes found Bryn as she lay in front of the fire. "Oh, you let her stay in the house with you?"

  "Of course. Where else should she stay?"

  Kathryn giggled and led the way to the living room. She sat down on the couch and pulled Mariah down next to her. "This place could really use a real woman's touch. The people in town are starting to wonder about you," she said distractedly. Bryn stifled a laugh and pretended to be fascinated with the fire.

  "Wonder about me, Kathryn? I honestly find that there is not much about me that is all that interesting to wonder about. And besides, if there were I'd much rather keep my business out of the public's ear."

  Kathryn nodded. "Of course, Mariah. Oh, I brought you a little present. Carl said you had it on hold, and I wanted to save you the trip," she said as she handed her a book. "You must get so lonely out here all alone with only that creature to keep you company." She glared down at Bryn, but Bryn pretended not to notice.

  Kathryn slid her hand onto Mariah's knee and leaned in closer to her. "Really, Mariah. It's nice that you are keeping her as a pet, but shouldn't the animals sleep outside? You wouldn't let a cow sleep in your house too, would you?"

  Mariah brushed her hand aside and walked to a nearby table and plucked a rectangular object from its smooth surface. She held up the book for Kathryn to see. "Bryn was kind enough to pick up a copy of that book for me a few days ago, though hers did not have torn pages or a stained cover."

  Kathryn looked down at Bryn. "Well, that was so very kind of her."

  Mariah returned the book to her and took a seat on a chair across from hers. "You will kindly not refer to Bryn as an animal. She most certainly is not beast-like by any means."

  Kathryn looked put out. "I am so sorry, Mariah. I meant nothing by it." She sat closer to Mariah. "I don't know how you can like books like that, though. Everyone knows that elves and the like don't exist, but it's probably because you spend all your time out here alone with that little winged bat."

  "That is interesting, Miss Kathryn. Perhaps you did not have your eyes open enough as you stepped into my forest? Perhaps I should introduce you? I hope your vision does not fade on you, madam, as it can clearly be seen that Bryn looks nothing like a winged bat."

  Kathryn shifted on the couch. "Well, I meant no disrespect, Mariah. Surely someone as wise as you must realize that." She turned to Bryn and nudged her shoulder with her foot roughly. Bryn rubbed her sore shoulder and looked up at Kathryn.

  "I did not mean to hurt your feelings. If you have any, of course. Does your kind have feelings?" Kathryn said the words slowly, as if she was talking to someone of little intelligence.

  Bryn was quickly overcome with rage, but she hid it as best she could. She stood abruptly and stormed out of the room, slammed the cabin door behind her and disap
peared into the night.


  "Oh, I hope I didn't say anything to upset her," Kathryn said with a wicked smile. She slid her hand to Mariah's thigh and brought her lips to Mariah's neck. "Oh darling," she said softly, "you have no idea how long I have been waiting for this. Tonight, all your dreams come true."

  Again Mariah set aside her advance, this time somewhat more forcefully. "I am sorry, Lady Kathryn, but you are not a part of my dreams."

  Mariah got up from the chair and busied herself with making a pot of tea. She poured herself a cup and peered at Kathryn. "It is getting late. If you have no further business here, I think it would be a good time to take your leave."

  Kathryn was visibly hurt, but before she could say anything, Bryn came through the door, her bright blue eyes ablaze with anger.

  "Oh hello, creature," Kathryn called to her. Ice dripped from her words like venom.

  Bryn stopped walking and faced the woman. "I'm trying really hard to respect my elders, but you are making it damn near impossible."

  Kathryn came toward her, but Bryn quickly moved out of the way. "You can talk? That must have taken a lot of work for someone as ignorant as you to learn," Kathryn retaliated.

  Bryn giggled. "Of course, I can talk. As can your horse. He said to tell you that you should lose some weight. You're hurting his back."

  Mariah snickered softly though her gaze quickly turned to anger. "That is enough! I must insist you leave now, Kathryn. I do not love you and I never could. Find some other money to marry into."

  Kathryn stuck up her nose and glared at the giggling Strytas. She left the cabin but came back seconds later, her face red with anger. "Where is my horse?" she demanded of Bryn.

  "I have no idea what you are talking about," Bryn said innocently as she studied her nails.

  Kathryn fumed and balled her hands into fists as her anger rose. "I know that you did something, you little lying brat," she said between clenched teeth.


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