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Lesbians Love Licking: 10 Story Lesbian Erotic Collection W/ BONUS! (Lesbian Erotic Romance)

Page 14

by Nicolette Dane

  “Please send her up,” I said, my nerves starting to get the better of me. I dropped the phone back to the table and gave my condo one more look. Catching the body length mirror near my bedroom door, I rushed over and checked myself out one final time. I straightened my tank, flipped my hair, and gave a smile to myself to check my teeth. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and contemplated the evening that lay before me.

  Soon after, a soft knock came through my door.

  I held myself in place for a moment and then slowly sauntered over toward the door, flipping the lock, and easily pulled the door open. Behind it was Dinah, a wide grin on her face. She too had her dark brown hair down from the usual bun, but she had it back in a braid. As though she could read my mind, she wore a comfortable athletic-style outfit, a bright white tank top that form-fitted to her small figure, and a very short pair of lightweight running shorts in a purple plaid pattern.

  “Mish!” she exclaimed, jumping forward and hugging me. As we held each other close, my anxiety began to subside and I melted into her small body. She was quite firm and compact, muscular yet tiny. Her creamy white thighs, bare from any clothing, were taut and solid.

  “Welcome Dinah,” I said, finally stepping back from our hug. “Come on in.”

  Dinah followed me inside and we wandered slowly into the kitchen, saddling up at the island. She dropped her small bag onto the countertop and smiled at me.

  “This is a beautiful place,” she said, letting her eyes trace over my condo. “It’s much different than the dormitories!” We both laughed softly.

  “I did my time in them,” I said. “It’s nice living with the other girls, though. It really helps you form a nice bond with your fellow dancers.”

  “But it’s also good to get out them,” Dinah said with a grin.

  “Can I get you some tea?” I asked, scooting over to the stove to take the kettle off.

  “Sure!” said Dinah. I prepared two mugs and dropped a tea bag in each, then filled both with the steamy water.

  “Let’s head to the couch,” I said with the mugs in either hand. Together we made our way to the couch. As I sat the mugs down on the coffee table, Dinah kicked her slip-on shoes off and hopped up on the couch, sitting cross-legged. I slid down next to her, sitting on my leg and reaching over to adjust the mugs so that one was in front of each of us.

  Dinah’s white tank was cut low, a swooping neck, revealing her pale upper chest. The tensile fabric of the top stuck to her body, her small breasts barely sticking out. We had similar bodies, dancer bodies, both of us condensed and slight people. As she sat cross-legged, her thin shorts slid up further on her thighs leaving very little to the imagination. Reaching down between her legs, Dinah picked her shorts out from under her thighs, adjusting herself to get more comfortable on the couch.

  “I’m so glad you could come over,” I said. “Were you able to get away easily?”

  “Oh yeah,” said Dinah, reaching down to her mug of tea and swirling the bag around by the paper tag. “I told them I had an aunt in town and I may be out late.”

  “That’s perfect,” I said with a small laugh. “It may get a little weird if they knew you were out here with me.”

  “They might think that I was trying to further my career or something,” said Dinah with a smirk. She looked at me with a bit of fire dancing in her eyes as though her words weren’t completely untrue. At that moment something strange hit me. While I was conniving to get some alone time with Dinah, she may very well have been trying to do the same thing.

  “And why would they think that?” I said, trying to get some more out of her.

  “Well,” said Dinah with a shrug. “You’re close to Charles and help him make decisions.”

  “That’s true,” I said.

  “And if you put in a good word for a junior dancer,” she went on. “It could help them get a promotion.”

  “That’s also true,” I said with a grin.

  “Why were you never more than a junior dancer?” asked Dinah with a curious look on her face.

  “Well,” I said with a sigh, looking down to my tea. “I was in the corps de ballet, but when I spoke with Charles about it he told me he never saw me progressing beyond that.”

  “Really?” said Dinah. “That must have made you so sad, Mish.”

  “It did,” I said. “But he told me he knew I would flourish better in a production role and he gave me the option. Continue dancing in the corps and never go beyond it, or move my career in a different direction.”

  “Do you like being the assistant director?” she said.

  “Oh yes,” I said. “He was right.”

  “Good,” said Dinah, smiling at me.

  “Do you like being a dancer?” I said, picking up my tea and slowly taking a sip.

  “Yes, of course!” Dinah exclaimed. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted. It’s very consuming though, and I feel sometimes like I miss out on a lot.”

  “It’s true,” I said. “When your life is dancing, you don’t always get to live a normal life like your friends.”

  “I haven’t even been romantic with anyone in years,” Dinah admitted, fidgeting a bit in her seat, perhaps a bit uneasy about opening up. “It’s lonely.”

  “None of the guys in the company interest you?” I said, fishing around to get a handle on where she was coming from but suddenly feeling embarrassed. “What am I talking about? I shouldn’t advise you getting involved with your fellow dancers,” I said with a nervous laugh.

  “No,” she said, considering my question. “A couple are gay and the others I just don’t click with.”

  “What about the girls?” I said, raising my eyebrow.

  “The girls?” said Dinah. “Well, I don’t know.”

  “You live so close with them,” I said. “You’ve never experimented?”

  “Well,” said Dinah, taking a deep breath and averting her eyes from me. “Okay, yeah, just one time.”

  “You can tell me,” I said with a warm smile, my hand reaching down and gently caressing her bare leg.

  “One time Jenny and I kissed a little bit when we were alone in the dressing room,” she said. “She wanted to try it and, well, so did I.”

  “What did you think?” I said.

  “It was nice,” she said. “Much softer than kissing a guy.” She giggled softly. “But that was the only time.”

  “Do you want to try it with me?” I asked, watching her eyes light up. I felt like I could be pushing the limit with engaging her so early, but I couldn’t help myself. Her sitting there next to me on my couch enraptured me. I was hooked.

  “Mish,” she said, nervousness on her face. “I don’t know. Is that weird?”

  “Is what weird?” I said.

  “Should we do that?” she said. “What would everyone else think?”

  “Do you want to try it?” I asked.

  “Yeah, kinda,” she said. “I think you’re really pretty.” Her compliment made me smile.

  “Well don’t let other people hold you back,” I said. “It’s just us here.”

  Dinah was silent for a moment, nodding slowly as she mulled it over. At this point I couldn’t tell what was happening. Was I manipulating her or was she manipulating me? Or maybe it was neither. Maybe something was growing between us.

  “You know,” said Dinah, a contemplative expression painted on her face. “I’m really getting tired of being the only one who touches me.” As she said this I felt my heart race and my body softly shake in excitement. Dinah took hold of her braid and played with it slightly as she continued. “I want to be loved, too.”

  Scooting closer to her, I placed my palm on her thigh and leaned my face in. Dinah looked up as I closed in on her and suddenly our lips met, sharing a gentle and soft kiss. I could feel her breath quicken with exhilaration, something forbidden mixed with the desire for attention. Dinah eagerly returned my kiss and she lifted her hand up and tenderly held it against my cheek. Her body faintly trembled as we
pressed into one another, our lips moistly intertwining.

  After a moment of kissing, Dinah pulled back slowly with a placid smile on her lips. Our eyes locked together, both semi-drunk with a growing romantic lust.

  “That was nice,” Dinah said quietly, breaking the silence.

  “It was,” I said, taking a deep breath and straightening myself out. I felt positively turned on and thrilled, the thin fabric of my panties growing slightly wet between my legs. I could feel my tight black leggings cling to me.

  “Are you a lesbian?” Dinah asked innocently.

  “Yes,” I said. I smiled to try to make Dinah feel at ease.

  “Sometimes I think of girls when I’m pleasuring myself,” admitted Dinah, her lips curling into a smile mimicking my own.

  “How does it make you feel?” I said.

  “Sexy,” she said, her cheeks growing slightly rosy. I reached my hand out and slowly stroked her thigh, my fingertips softly touching her inner thigh just the slightest bit.

  “Do you want to kiss again?” I said.

  “Okay,” said Dinah. We both leaned in and pushed our lips together once more, but more fervently this time, closing our eyes and tilting our heads. I continued to fondle her bare thigh and after a few moments Dinah lifted herself up to her knees and we embraced deeply as our kissing grew more vocal and passionate.

  I felt Dinah wrap her arms around my shoulders and I put my hands around her small waist, our chests now pressing together as we leaned into one another there on the couch. Warmth bubbled up inside of me, prickling erotic sensations running through my limbs, as the two of us sweetly kissed. It was lovely and dreamy. Dinah then began slowly leaning back, pulling me with her, until she was laid out on the couch and I was over top of her, our lips still plastered together and wetly knitting.

  Dinah’s hands hovered around my shoulders, her palms rubbing against my skin and her fingers gracefully trickling around the straps of my black tank top. I slid one of my hands behind her back and snaked it in under her shirt, rubbing it against her warm flesh. With my other hand I massaged her thigh, sneaking my fingers up her short shorts on occasion, letting it fall between her legs to caress the smoothness of her light skin. Dinah moaned softly into my lips as we kissed, giving me the cue to continue my ardent attention.

  “Oh,” she groaned, pulling back from our kiss and dropping her head to the couch behind her. I lowered my face in and started kissing her neck and as I did this she stretched her neck out to allow me further access. Dinah writhed below me, obviously enjoying our passion, her eyes closed and her mouth agape as she succumbed to the softness of the couch cushions.

  “Is this okay?” I said gently into her neck, ending my question with a couple of sweet wet kisses. I rubbed my palm back and forth along her thigh as I awaited her answer.

  “Mm hmm,” she approved. “Keep touching me.”

  My fingers slid up her shorts and petted Dinah in the crevasse of her leg. I could feel the humidity between her legs growing, moistening her soft, smooth skin. Her shorts had a built-in liner that adhered tightly to her lower body, and I traced my finger along the elastic edge of the liner, half on fabric and half on her skin. Up top, I continued to kiss her along her neck and up to her ear, causing her to shrug slightly and giggle.

  “Tickles,” she said under her breath, a smile across her lips.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I cooed into her neck between kisses.

  “Thank you,” Dinah said mellifluously, her face steeped in happiness and her hands dancing over my back.

  With two fingers, I pried open the tight elastic of her shorts liner and slipped inside of it. Those same fingers began rubbing over her mound, completely shaven and smooth, catching the very top of her pussy lips with every few caresses. Little squeaks of delight came from her mouth as I did this. Dinah grinded up against me now, her hips gyrating and her shoulders slinking back and forth.

  “That feels really nice, Mish,” she murmured.

  “You’re hairless down here,” I said softly into her ear and running a single finger along her pussy lips below causing her to judder.

  “The girls and I waxed each other yesterday,” she said. “It was my first time doing that.”

  “You waxed everything?” I asked.

  “Everything,” she said.

  “Why don’t you take these shorts off and show me?” I said, kissing her neck one more time. I sat up on my knees and Dinah scooted up slightly on the couch. Reaching down, she took hold of her little athletic shorts and slid them down over her hips, pushing them to her knees. In an effort to help her out, I grabbed the shorts and took them the rest of the way down, allowing Dinah to then kick them off her feet. Lying there on the couch, Dinah was nude from the waist down, only wearing her white tank top now.

  “See?” she said, moving her hand down and lightly caressing her shorn pussy. Dinah rubbed her palm back and forth against herself as she looked at me and grinned.

  “I do see,” I said, moving down a bit and sitting over her legs with my knees on the couch cushion below. Reaching down, I ran my fingers over her mound, letting my palm bump against her moistening lips and gliding it upward. Dinah moaned as I touched her, wrapping her arms around herself and enveloping herself in a tight hug.

  Taking a single finger, I traced up the wetness of her slit, prying her lips apart just so, trailing my finger through the gooiness of her pussy.

  “Oh Mish,” she moaned reflexively, tossing her head side to side.

  Leaning my head down, I began to softly kiss her pretty pussy, the juicy wetness of it sticking to my lips each time I pulled my mouth back. Then I released my tongue, flicking it against her clit and then giving the length of her pussy slit one long, slow lick.

  Dinah sat up from the couch slightly, crossed her arms and easily pulled her tank top up over her head and tossed it to the floor. Her single thick braid fluttered as she did this, landing down over her chest as she laid back into the couch pillow behind her. Dinah grinded her ass into the couch and spread her legs open wider to invite me in.

  “There,” she said, smiling up at me. “I’m totally naked now.”

  I was amazed and hypnotized as I looked her up and down. I remembered what she looked like naked from our times changing together at the theatre, but back then I could only catch a secret glance. Here was Dinah presented for me completely, splayed out and willing, her tight little body totally bare below me.

  “You’re gorgeous,” I said, tenderly palming her pussy, its wetness and humidity sticking to my hand. “I think I’m in love.”

  “Don’t hurt me,” said Dinah with a soft giggle, her face exuding a mixture of excitement and embarrassment.

  “Promise,” I said with a devious grin. I began to rub her womanhood with a revived zeal, squeezing her lips between my fingers, and pushing weightily against her pussy with my palm. Dinah gave a low moan as I did this until she reached her hand down and stopped me.

  “You’re not naked,” she said with a hazy, pleasured look on her face.

  “Should I be?” I teased.

  She nodded at me enthusiastically.

  I stood up from the couch and for a moment I stared down at her tight ballet body. I couldn’t help myself. Dinah lovingly returned my gaze, her lips curling up as she watched me watch her.

  Lowering my hands, I took my tank top between my fingers and lifted it up above my head, revealing my naked torso. Dinah made a kissy face to me and pointed up to my chest.

  “Small like me,” she said, to which I laughed. She ran a hand over one of her tiny breasts.

  “Dancers,” I said.

  I then pushed my leggings down off my hips, letting them fall to the floor and stepping out of them, hovering over Dinah now in just my baby blue pair of panties. Feeling a bit goofy, perhaps intoxicated with lust for this little creature, I went into a fourth position pose and she giggled.

  Next I let my panties fall and removed them from my feet. I looked down at myself, ad
miring that I was still able to stay in shape despite having moved away from full-time dancing. Running my hands through my short pubic hair, I wished for a moment that I had thought to shave it all as Dinah had done.

  “Come back now,” Dinah said, motioning with her hand. I followed her request and once again mounted on her on the couch. Lowering in, we shared a couple more sweet kisses, our faces soft against one another’s.

  Our warm flesh mingled, bodies hot as we grinded together and made out. Excitement overcame me and I could feel my moist pussy, clammy between my legs. As though Dinah were following my thoughts, her hand slithered between my legs and fondled me – she was cautious at first, but as she gained her confidence her fingers increased in speed and pressure.

  “Mmm,” I sighed against her lips, my hands exploring her sides, her stomach, her chest. Dinah let one hand rest on my hips as her other diddled me down below.

  “I know how you’ve been looking at me,” she said as we kissed.

  “How’s that?” I said.

  “Like you wanted to be with me,” she said.

  “Did you know we’d end up naked together when you came over here?” I asked, kissing her and touching her, becoming unsure about who was in charge.

  “Mm hmm,” she affirmed, pinching my pussy lips lightly between her fingers and giving a little tug. My head was reeling by this point, wetness creaming out of me and sliming her fingers with a thin film.

  “So you planned this?” I questioned, feeling the tables turning but so enthralled by the experience that I was unable to dwell on it.

  “Touch me,” she said, pulling back from our kiss and burying her face into my neck, kissing it and casually biting.

  I took her direction and moved my hand back to her mound, returning to my sensual massaging. We rubbed at each other, each growing more turned on with the passing moment, evidenced in the increased vigor with which we touched each other.

  Feeling her small hole dilate with her breath, I pushed two fingers between her lips, rubbing her pinkness up and down from her hole to her clit. After a couple more spirited touches, I slid my fingers inside of her. The penetration made her body quiver.


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