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Lesbians Love Licking: 10 Story Lesbian Erotic Collection W/ BONUS! (Lesbian Erotic Romance)

Page 17

by Nicolette Dane

  I toppled over to the side now, my knees sliding up and drawing in close to my body. With every other breath there was a soft aftershock of orgasm, a judder of verve, my pussy feeling pleasantly sore and achy.

  Dinah saddled up next to me and lovingly caressed my thigh, looking down at me in my post-coital state and smiling. In that moment I couldn’t tell who greater adored whom. I gazed up at her and offered a thankful smile.

  “I’m going to get a glass of water,” Dinah said after my moaning had ceased and my breath had stabilized.

  “Okay,” I acquiesced, my hand dropping down between my legs to rub my wet tenderness.

  “We’re not finished, though,” said Dinah. “I’m next.”

  She hopped up off the bed and ambled out of the room, her tight and firm rear pumping up and down with each step. Her posture was perfect as she moved, her movements nimble and measured.

  In that moment, none of my problems felt important. Nothing seemed to faze me. I could only think about the now, the present, and everything else simply dissolved away. The temperate air from outside lazily wandered in, offering a coolness to my warmth, and beyond that all was still. I took a deep breath and smiled. It was a good night.


  Charles climbed the staircase at stage left, walking upright with the carriage of a dancer, looking like some Shakespearian king about to deliver a soliloquy. The company looked on to him, every one of them exuding anxiety for what would come next. The principals and soloists were poised to welcome a new member into their ranks, while the junior dancers all entertained the possibility that it could be they who would ascend to the desired position.

  As I watched from my seat, I noticed that Lacy appeared calm, a happy yet sinister smile on her face, seeming sure of herself that this new soloist role would indeed be hers. While Dinah, my sweet, carried a look of resigned malaise, having already accepted her fate the previous night but still having a bit of trouble dealing with the reality of it all.

  Charles straightened his jacket as he moved to center stage. All eyes were on him. He cleared his throat and spoke up.

  “Attention,” he started. “Dancers. Production is already aware of the cast change per our joint discussion this morning, but I wanted for you to all be present to hear our decision as to whom will take over for your fallen compatriot.”

  “As previously discussed, this was based on merit alone,” Charles continued. “We don’t play politics in this company. While you are all world class dancers and part of a world class theatre, through gumption and hard work and innate talent, some of you necessarily rise and demonstrate your potential, your star power.”

  Charles relished these moments to take a dramatic turn and I think he drew out announcements like this on purpose to exert his authority and position. The dancers were getting antsy, unconcerned with melodramas, simply wanting the news so that they could either celebrate or lament. Each dancer in the corps believed deep down that it could be them that would be assigned to the role, regardless of what they thought of the abilities of those surrounding them.

  “So it is with great pride,” Charles said. “That I deliver the news that we have conscripted the vacant soloist role to Dinah. Dinah, dearest, please step forward and take a bow.” The company clapped at the announcement, many of them unsurprised that Dinah was given the part.

  As Dinah stepped out of the congregation of dancers, she was crying. She looked to Charles who was smiling and clapping for her and then she looked to me out in the seats. Her face had a befuddled expression on it, yet thankful and impressed. I had fallen on my sword and she knew it.

  But she wasn’t the only one who knew it. Lacy also looked in my direction, fuming and upset that her extortion attempt was a failure. She did not clap for Dinah as she came forward and curtsied to the company in gratitude. Instead, Lacy shook her head at me and frowned, suggesting to me what was coming next. In her mind, she would most certainly let it get around that Dinah and I were involved in something lascivious, something that could certainly have peppered my opinion of Dinah enabling her to be given this sought after role.

  I just didn’t care. I accepted my responsibility and picked the dancer whom I knew would excel. That was all I could do.

  “And now for some unfortunate news,” Charles went on, inspiring Dinah to take a step back and make way for his next announcement. The company was rightfully surprised that Charles had another update for them and apprehensively looked toward him once more.

  “Our dear Michelle,” he said, motioning toward me out in the seats with his hand. “Has decided, against my pleading, to take a sabbatical from the company so that she may work on some personal projects.” The company gasped as they all directed their attention toward me, none seemingly more upset than Dinah who, by her expression, could suffer no more surprises in such quick succession.

  Though I believe Lacy’s reaction was a close second, peering down to me from the stage with an intense sense of disdain now that I rendered her powerless. She could hold nothing more over me, as my resignation from the production stripped her of her ammo. Oh, she could shout from the rooftops that Dinah and I might be doing something unsavory, but with my leave the company would simply believe it to be hearsay or sour grapes.

  “Dinah,” Charles said. “Please join the soloist choreographers who will begin briefing you and preparing you for rehearsal. Dancers, we shan’t let this series of unfortunate events negatively effect our performances and dedication to putting up a professional production.” Charles clapped loudly twice. “Now let’s get to work.”

  And that was that. Standing up from my seat in the audience, I slid my binder underneath my arm and sauntered down the aisle toward the exit.


  I was sitting in my office, organizing my notes and documentation into something digestible for Charles, packing up some personal affects, and generally cleaning house so that I could exit efficiently. I kept telling myself that it was only a sabbatical to distance myself from the drama, Charles said I was welcome back at any time, no questions asked. Still, it felt like a termination, like I was being forced out, even if that feeling was all in my head.

  Breaking up the silence of me riffling through some papers, I heard a soft knock at my office door. I looked up from my desk.

  “Come in,” I said.

  The door slowly creaked open and Dinah stood behind it.

  “May I come in, Mish?” she asked self-consciously.

  “Get in here, Dinah,” I said, standing from my chair and circle around the desk to meet her. As she entered, she closed the door cautiously behind her.

  “You’re quitting?” she said as she slid up next to me. Reaching out, she touched my arm dotingly.

  “It’s a sabbatical of an undetermined duration,” I said. “The door is open, but I’m going to leave for a little while to avoid the fallout that could have been.”

  “What did you tell Charles?” she asked.

  “I was honest with him,” I said. “Surprisingly, he didn’t care that you and I had grown closer, though he granted it looked funny that you were the one who was being given the role. But,” I went on, wrapping my arm around Dinah’s waist, inspiring her to lean her head against my shoulder. “Everyone agreed, based on talent, that you should get the job.”

  “I feel so conflicted,” Dinah said, nuzzling into me. “I don’t want you to go.”

  “I’m not leaving the city,” I said with a smile. “And I only hope to leave the company until this all blows over. Maybe a year. I’ll possibly be back after Giselle closes. I just shouldn’t be a part of this production.”

  “Can I still see you?” said Dinah naively. I laughed softly.

  “I want nothing more than that,” I said.

  Tilting her head up, Dinah initiated a kiss with me, delicate and sensual, and the two of us stood there in each other’s arms as we let our lips mingle and merge. She looked so sweet in her rehearsal outfit, a tight black leotard with thin translucent pink
tights over it, her feet housed in small pink pointe shoes with ribbon wrapped up around her ankles. Her brown hair was tightly back in the usual bun, pinned up expertly against her head. Dinah closed her eyes as we kissed, fluttering them open occasionally, and moaning softly into my lips.

  Pulling away from our kiss after a moment, I smiled at Dinah as we both opened our eyes and looked at one another.

  “You should probably get back to rehearsal,” I said.

  “Yes,” she said, looking down. “Are you going to be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine,” I said. Dinah smiled at me and then slid toward the door, making her exit without another word.

  I knew I had made the right decision. I couldn’t sacrifice Dinah’s career for my own. This would only be a minor setback for me, something I could remedy with some hard work down the line. But for Dinah, this was a huge leap, a shortcut to something greater that could certainly propel her into the next stage of her art and life.

  Leaning up against my desk, feeling the sweet wetness of Dinah’s lips still on my own, I tried to envision what was next.


  After a couple months of searching, I landed a job with a repertory opera theatre doing much of the same as I was doing with ballet. Opera was a different beast all together, but the skills I had picked up as assistant director for Charles paired with my abilities as a dance choreographer lent to my swift success in my new position. It took me a few more months to really get up to speed but once I had figured out my place, working at the opera almost made me forget about ballet.

  It was Monday morning, one of my favorite days, as I didn’t have to be to work until the early afternoon. Taking the kettle off of the stove, I filled two mugs full of water, each already containing a tea bag. Setting the mugs onto a platter, I ambled lazily through my kitchen wearing only a loose white tank and a pair of panties, and entered my bedroom. Approaching the bed, I placed the platter down on my bedside table.

  Lying in my bed, only half covered by the blankets, was Dinah. She was naked and snoozing, face down in the pillow with an arm strewn above her head and wrapped around a pillow. Her full bare back was exposed and just the slight peek of her ass crack, the fluffy cream-colored comforter layered over her bottom half. I smiled happily as I watched her sleep, unconcerned about what I had given up professionally to be with her. We had grown so much closer in the past six months, I knew I made the right choice.

  Giselle went swimmingly, garnering extremely positive reviews and almost immediately being granted a performance extension. Dinah was perfect in the show, a treasure, and one reviewer even went as far as to prognosticate that she would only day be the star of the company.

  While my new position often made me lose track of my old life in ballet, every time I looked at Dinah I was brought back. I could remember the rush of performing not so long ago, the heartbreak of discovering I just wasn’t good enough, and the feeling of finally finding my place when I was brought into the production and choreography team. It was a whirlwind and I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss it.

  I was getting dangerously close to my 30th birthday, a strange landmark of a birthday by which you finally feel like you’re being thrust into adulthood whether you like it or not. Somehow, even at this age, I had achieved so much in the performance world. In the local alt-weekly paper there was one of those “30 people to watch under 30” articles that featured me. “From ballet to opera, she is a blossoming powerhouse of creative energy,” it said. I didn’t believe the hype about myself, though. The article did get me a raise, however, so I went along with it to that degree.

  Sitting down on the bed next to Dinah, I softly ran my hand along her nude back, feeling the firm curvatures, the sculpted muscles of her sleek figure. Her hair lay tussled against the pillow, the almost imperceptible freckles that dotted her shoulders accented her pale skin, and her small angelic face revealed her high cheekbones, full and pursed lips, and diminutive incisive nose.

  As I petted her, her dark brown eyes gradually fluttered open, recognizing me as I gazed down at her, coaxing a gentle smile to form across her lips. Dinah turned herself over in bed, readjusting for comfort, and laid on her back, now displaying her tiny chest, each breast marked with the smallest pale pink nipple. My hand continued to massage her, running up her stomach and over her chest, my fingers lightly flicking over her pointed areolas.

  “Good morning,” I cooed to her. “Sleep well?”

  “Yes,” she said languidly, yawning and stretching her arms above her head, her torso elongating with her stretch and flattening her chest slightly.

  “Do you have to be at the theatre today?” I said.

  “Not until later,” she said. “I don’t perform tonight.”

  The comforter had slid down Dinah’s body further, her pubic mound now revealed from beneath the blanket, dotted with the dark stubble of growth. I moved my hand down the length of her chest and ran my fingers over the prickly stubble of impending fur, causing Dinah to sigh happily. Reaching down, Dinah guided my hand under the comforter and positioned it over her pussy. She smiled to me as our eyes locked.

  With two fingers, I deftly caressed her slit, dragging my fingers up and down over her, causing little moans to exit her mouth and the faintest of wetness to drip from her lower lips.

  “Mmm,” Dinah said. “That feels good.”

  “I love touching you,” I said. “So much.” My fingers gracefully massaged her, parting her lips just slightly so that I could touch the wet pinkness between them.

  “We’re going to do Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Dinah said languorously, running a hand up over her face and through her hair, relaxing and spreading further as I petted her. “The company hasn’t done it in almost a decade.”

  “It’s a beautiful show,” I said. “It’s one of my favorites.” Slipping a single finger between her lips, I ran my fingertip up over her hole, through her softness, and settled daintily on her clit.

  “Were you involved with it last time?” she asked, her eyelids flickering until they closed as she calmed into the pleasure.

  “Mm hmm,” I affirmed. “Very small part,” I said. “I was your age.”

  “I want to be Hermia,” she said.

  “You would be great,” I said, lowering my face down and planting a tender kiss on her stomach. I kissed her again and then once more, moving my lips down past her navel and rubbing my lips over the fine, scattered hair on her mound.

  I could feel Dinah’s small hole open and contract with her breaths, moistening further as I fondled her. Soon I let a finger slip inside of her, pushing it in and pulling it back out unhurriedly. Dinah’s mouth went slack, hanging open just the slightest bit, her visage intimating a comfortable joyousness.

  “You should come back for it,” she said quietly, a hand reaching out to me and flowing over my bare thigh. “Everybody misses you.”

  “I don’t know,” I mused, my face still hovering below Dinah’s waistline. Releasing my tongue, I lapped at her top of her slit, flicking it upwards against her clit as my finger smoothly penetrated her.

  “Mmm,” she sighed, her hand moving to my head to stop me momentarily. Dinah rolled over to her side, causing my finger to exit her, though the moistness coating it glistened in the early morning sun coming through the windows. On her side, the covers having fallen off her hips, her small but firm ass jutted out, exposing her tight and crinkled little asshole and the puffy, meatiness of her pussy lips between her thighs.

  I crawled up onto the bed now, sitting on my knees, and placed a hand on her hip. My head descended, my face closing in on her backside, and I buried my lips into her crevasse, my nose touching her wet pussy while my mouth centered in near her taint and rear. I knew how much she loved attention on her backside and although I had proceeded with some trepidation when we first started seeing one another, I had grown to love pleasing her in this way as well.

  Dinah had even implored me to try it early on, to be on the receiving end, and I
was certainly shy at first. But I soon came to understand why she enjoyed it so much. I was a quick convert one I realized how pleasurable it could be.

  My tongue poked out from my mouth and licked her from behind, running wetly over her creased hole, dragging over her taint, and lapping at the base of her pussy. When I did this she trembled and moaned, her arms twisted into each other, and she widened her herself down below to allow me greater access. I brought a finger up near my mouth and pushed it between her lips, lovingly rubbing it over the entrance to her pussy, feeling the succulence and the ingress of that beautiful fleshy cavern.

  I prodded at Dinah’s ass with the tip of my tongue, feeling the folds of it, licking the hairless softness. As I advanced, Dinah’s breathing quickened and she sighed with each outbreath. Then I licked upwards and slurped at her moist pussy from behind, while my fingers settled on her clit and massaged her own lubrication into the fleshy cherry. Her hips grinded back and forth subtly, rocking against my face as I pleasured her to her greatest preference.

  “Mish,” she cooed, my name coming like a soft, almost soundless squeak from her open mouth.

  I ran my hand up and down her back as I maintained my steady licking at the bottom of her pussy, pressing my tongue between her lips and giving her a long, hard lap upwards. Pursing my lips, I pressed into her folds and suckled, slurping the growing wetness from her, tasting the sweet, sultry flavors oozing from her moistening insides.

  Dinah was heated and growing more aroused by the second, and she lifted her leg up higher into the air, almost as though she was were doing an arabesque while lying down. I took the opportunity to further bury my face into her womanhood, drinking sloppily from her pussy, vocally sucking and slurping, and steadying myself against her by gripping onto her thighs. Dinah’s small stomach began to heave in and out, her pussy contracting with her increasing breath.


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