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Transcending Darkness

Page 23

by Airicka Phoenix

  She didn’t know what that meant, but it sounded like an agreement and that was how she would take it, because deep down, she knew Killian would follow through on his word. He may not have been a nice person, as he put it, but he was someone who honored a promise and that was what she needed.

  Juliette sucked in a breath. “Thank you.” She expelled the breath and willed herself to relax a fraction. “I’m sorry for calling your men goons. That wasn’t very nice of me.”

  His facial muscles softened. “No, it wasn’t. Tyson looked pretty hurt.”

  Chuckling, she glanced down at the papers still sitting on his desk. A thick wad of very official looking documents she couldn’t hope to comprehend.

  “I keep interrupting your work.”

  Killian followed the line of her gaze. “Aye, but you’re far more interesting than a merger agreement.”

  “What are you merging?”

  He leaned back in his chair and motioned her around to his side of the desk. Juliette went and was tugged by gentle hands into his lap. Up close, the papers looked no less official or complex, but there were two names on the cover letter that she did recognize.

  “You own Off The Shelf Books?”

  Off The Shelf Books was a three story bookstore large enough to be its own city. Juliette had never had the time to go inside and explore, but she’d heard the place actually came with a map and that alone had landed the place on her must see before I die list.

  “No, I own the bistro next door.”


  Another place she’d never visited, but not because she didn’t enjoy coffee or lacked the commitment to stand in line for two hours for a cup. It was the cost of said brew that kept her away; unless the cup came dipped in gold and the brew was some exotic blend of alien blood and unicorn shavings, she didn’t see the need to pay ten bucks a pop.

  “So you’re merging the two?” she asked.

  Killian nodded. “Off The Shelf wants to bring coffee to its customers. I happen to own one that shares a wall and makes good business.”

  Juliette made a humming sound of agreement. “Smart.” She leaned back against the chest cradling her back and rested her head against his broad shoulder. Against her abdomen, his intertwined fingers tightened. “I’ve never been to either,” she confessed. “But I hear good things about both so I think it’s a great idea. Not that I’m telling you how to run your business.” She yawned mid speech, but kept talking around it with one hand pressed to her mouth. “That would go against the contract.”

  “Tired?” Killian’s lips brushed her temple, tickling the skin with his stubble.

  “I’d forgotten how exhausting shopping can be,” she admitted. “But I got a ton of really cute outfits so that makes me excited.”

  “Did you and Vi have fun?”

  All thoughts of sleep vanished at the mention of her sister. Eyes she’d closed in relaxation popped open and she stared at the door across the room.

  “She couldn’t make it,” she said, trying not to show just how much that fact hurt her. “She was busy.”

  It wasn’t necessarily a lie. Juliette had rushed home, excited to share her great news with Mrs. Tompkins and Vi only to have her sister tell her she had more important things to do than shop with someone who had no taste. Apparently she’d made plans with her friends and wouldn’t be home until late. Juliette hadn’t stopped her. She’d gone upstairs to shower and change and head to the mall alone. It wasn’t until she’d walked through the familiar glass doors that she realized just how pathetic she was. Only years earlier, she’d stalked through those shops with her friends as though she owned the entire damn building. Now, she couldn’t even get her kid sister to join her. But at least she’d had John and Tyson, who, in a strange sort of way, had kind of made her feel not so alone.

  “Well, I want to see them,” he murmured in that low, guttural voice of his.

  Juliette tipped her head back and peered up into his face. “I might have gone a bit overboard.”

  He shrugged the shoulder she wasn’t using as a pillow. “I have time.”

  “What about the merger?”

  “It’s not going anywhere.”

  As crazy as it was, his offer was actually endearing. What man went out of his way to sit with a woman while she tried on clothes? But the fact that he wanted to returned the excitement Vi had killed with her careless disregard.


  He lifted a hand to touch her chin lightly. “Really.”

  Elated, she pushed out of his lap and dragged him along with her as she started for the door. He pushed them open as she chatted on about all the different outfits she had to go through to find the ones she really liked. He listened patiently the whole way to the bedroom where her bags had been set on the bed.

  “This is overboard?” he asked as she shut the door behind them. “There’s only five bags here.”

  Juliette frowned at him without heat. “That is overboard for someone who hasn’t bought a stitch of anything new in seven years! Now, sit somewhere. I’ll show you what I have.”

  Hands up in surrender, Killian claimed a spot at the foot of the bed and watched as she scooped up the bags and hurried into the bathroom.

  The clothing bonus hadn’t offered very many options, but she had made do with two skirts, two blouses, a dress and one pair of sandals and a pair of knee high boots. The combination was interchangeable and enough until her first paycheck. She could buy a new outfit with every pay and build her closet from there. But for now…

  She wiggled into the pearl gray pencil skirt and black blouse with the sandals. The four inch heels were pinchy around the toes, but they made her legs look fantastic and that kind of made up for the minor pain. She twisted her hair up, more to keep it out of the way then a fashion thing. Then she reached for the door and tugged it open.

  Killian hadn’t moved from his spot when she stepped out. He looked up when she walked towards him.

  “What do you think?” she asked, twirling once so he could see the back.

  “I’d hire you,” he said, making her laugh.

  “As what?” she wondered.

  He shrugged and gave his head a shake. “Doesn’t matter. Just to see you walk around in that.”

  Still laughing, she walked back into the bathroom.

  The second skirt was shorter, coming mid-thigh with a sliver of a slit at the back. She topped it off with a fat, gold belt and a scarlet blouse and the boots.

  “I’d leave your hair down with that one,” Killian stated when she showed him the second outfit. “Curly.”

  Juliette arched an eyebrow. “You seem to know quite a bit about women’s fashion. Something you’d like to share?”

  He offered her a dry glower. “It’s how I would like to see it.”

  Grinning, Juliette turned away. “One more.”

  “Only one?” He seemed genuinely confused. “That’s only three outfits.”

  She paused in the doorway of the bathroom and glanced back. “They didn’t give me a platinum credit card with unlimited funds. I had to make do with the amount I was given. No!” she warned when his frown deepened. She jabbed a finger at him. “Don’t you pull any strings or do your hocus pocus whatever it is you do. This is fine.”

  With that, she ducked back into the bathroom to pull on the final outfit. Her favorite one. The moment she’d seen it, she knew she had to have it, even if it cost the entire bonus. Thankfully, it was part of some summer line and was knocked down by fifty percent, making it practically a steal. It only solidified her reasoning that it was meant to be hers, that and the fact that there was only one left and it was in her size. Absolute destiny.

  The form fitting pencil dress came a sexy three inches off her knees and hugged every hill and curve of her body to perfection. The plaited front was cinched together by a gold clip that matched the one resting cool and shiny just below her collarbone, serving to keep the bodice together. A diamond peek-a-boo hole was cut into t
he material, plunging just low enough to show the hint of cleavage without becoming improper for work. Short sleeves hugged her arms and had little V-shaped slits to the shoulders. She added the sandals and the little something she’d picked up on a whim with Killian in mind. As an afterthought, she let down her hair and shook it out. She checked her face for smudged makeup before turning to the door.

  Nervous for reasons unknown, she was less excited about her final reveal. Not that she didn’t think Killian would like the dress. It was only a dress after all. But it was the other thing, the surprise that made her palms sweat.

  “Okay!” she called out before reaching for the doorknob. “I’m coming out.”

  Knees wobbling, she stepped out into the bedroom and paused. Killian took her in, everything from her feet all the way up to the top of her head. His expression gave nothing away and that only intensified the anxiety clawing its way up into her throat.

  “What do you think?” she asked, nervously.

  “Sexy,” he said. “The body hugging material suits you.”

  Her hands trembled as she ran them down the front of the dress. “Thanks. I really like this one.” She licked her lips. “Can … can you help me with the zipper? I can always get it up, but never down.”

  Praying to God she didn’t stumble, or worse, face plant, she made her way towards him slowly on shaky legs. She scooped her hair up and over one shoulder. Her heart hammered in her chest as he rose and met her halfway. She turned, offering him the zipper running down her back. Her entire body seemed to vibrate with pent up anticipation. Her skin tingled all over. She held her breath and waited.

  The first brush of his fingers along the nape of her neck nearly sent her clean out of her skin. She gave a violent jolt she hoped he hadn’t noticed. If he did, he never let on as he caught the tongue and rolled the zipper downward. The fabric gave inch by inch until the sleeves slipped down her arms. Juliette let the whole thing ripple to the ground in a puddle of black fabric. She stepped free and turned slowly to face the man behind her.

  Her eyes locked with his.

  “I also bought this,” she whispered, brushing a hand over the lacy scrap of fabric hugging her hips.

  It matched the gel filled cups plumping up her breasts to firm, sexy globes. Both had cost her more than the dress and the shoes, but the look on Killian’s face … oh the look was worth every penny. It was raw lust in its truest form. It was feral and dangerous and she was in the center of all of it. It was enough to make a girl orgasm.

  “Do you like it?” She reached for the first button on his dress shirt, her eyes never leaving his. “I thought of you when I picked it out.”

  The second button gave as easily as the first. Then the third and fourth.

  He never stopped her, nor did he speak. He watched her the way a hawk watches a mouse, with a focus that was both unnerving and arousing. She could feel herself growing wet. The bit of string tucked between her ass cheeks rubbed uncomfortably against her moist folds and she honestly couldn’t wait to be rid of it. But in the meantime…

  She tore his top free from the waistband of his trousers, growing bolder the longer he didn’t stop her; there was something profoundly naughty about taking control of a man like Killian. Watching the play of fire and restraint across his face and knowing she was the cause. It was the sort of power that propelled her to lean forward and graze a kiss to the masterpiece that was his chest. Then another and another, all the way to his neck and the erratic little pulse giving away just how much she was affecting him.

  Driven by her new found powers, she drew back and planted a palm against the center of his chest. His heart beat in a chaotic rhythm beneath her palm. The hot, toned skin made her want to explore all of him inch by inch, but she wasn’t sure how much she could push him before he regained control. For now, she had to use her time wisely. Next time, she’d look into getting scarves or handcuffs.

  Delighted by the idea of tying him down and having her way with him slowly, she grinned and earned a raised eyebrow from him that she ignored as she nudged him backwards to the bed. He went without complaint and dropped on the mattress when his knees caught the edge. Juliette went down with him on her knees between his parted feet. Realization widened his eyes. But he didn’t stop her when she reached for his fastens and unleashed his erection.

  It jutted out from between the V of his trousers. Thick and proud, it stood at attention with its fat cap and hard shaft. Veins crisscrossed beneath soft, pink skin. They pulsed beneath the palm she wrapped around the base.

  Above her, Killian hissed. His knuckles whitened around the edges of the mattress. Juliette raised her chin just enough to peer up at him through her lashes. The intense set of his jaw radiated in the heat of his eyes as he bore down at her.

  Leaning forward, she grazed the top with an open mouth kiss. The appendage gave a jerk in her hand that she took delight in as she continued her progress down the length to the base. Then she worked her way back up with the flat of her tongue all the way up to circle the hood. Clear liquid had begun to trickle free and she lapped it up before taking just the top into her mouth and sucking lightly. She flicked with her tongue and earned a low grunt from the man.


  Ignoring the plea, she made a slow descent, taking him deep into the hot cave of her mouth until there was about an inch between her lips and his base. She drew back, dragging her tongue along the shaft. She nipped at the hood once before working her way down again, faster.

  After a moment, she worked a pretty good rhythm, using her hand and tongue and sometimes teeth until his labored panting was all that filled the room. It was a talent listening for the exact moment to really start the torture while concentrating, but Stan had been a five minute pumper and she knew when to recognize lift off.

  When his gasps became choked groans, Juliette eased her hand inside his trousers and cupped the heavy weight of his balls. The violent jerk of his body almost made her grin if she hadn’t been focusing so hard. Instead, she gripped them, tugging and massaging gently in time to her sucking and pumping. The vein along the base beat faster. His hips began to jerk like all he wanted to do was thrust up and end his own suffering. But she tightened her grip on his cock, warning him not to do anything that might accidentally get him bit off.

  She was the boss now.


  The low, tortured whimper was just what she’d been waiting for. The hand cradling his sac clamped firmly around the skin connecting them to his body and squeezed just as he started to come. His cock twitched wildly, but nothing happened. She had made him stop coming.

  “Fuck!” he snarled. “Fuck! What … Jesus … fucking … fuck!”

  Ignoring his incoherent swear fest, Juliette sucked on the sensitive cap. She licked and nibbled. Each one had him swearing louder and thrashing faster, but not to get away. He dropped back against the mattress, hands flying to his face as he threatened and begged her to stop. To not stop. To please … please end it.

  Juliette smirked. “Patience.”

  His growl almost made her laugh in giddy delight. She focused on working the purple cock in her hand until she was certain he wouldn’t come.

  She released him and got to her feet. Hastily, she shoved her panties to the ground and stepped out of them and her sandals. She reached for the nightstand closest to her and yanked it open.

  No condoms.

  Muttering a curse, she scrambled up on the bed. One leg was throw across Killian’s hips and she straddled his prone body while reaching across to the other nightstand. Her fingers closed around the box and she tugged it free of the drawer. Silver packets spilled across the sheets. She fumbled to tear one free of its row without leaving her place on Killian’s abdomen.

  Why hadn’t she thought to do this before she started?

  Exasperated, she got one and sat back on hard, corded thighs and tried to figure out how to put it on him. The circular bit of rubber came with no instructions. S
he vaguely remembered something from high school health class about the pointy end going up … or was it down? What pointy end?

  A chuckle from her companion had her glancing up to find Killian watching her. His amused expression was tight, but amused nonetheless. He took the thing from her and nimbly did the job himself.

  “Not a word!” she warned as she adjusted herself to take him.

  He was still grinning, but wisely said nothing.

  Planting both palms on his chest, she arched her hips and wiggled, trying to get his cock to slide in. It was there. She could feel it bumping against the hard muscle of her clit and nudging against her wet opening, but it kept dodging her attempts when she tried to get on it.

  Frustration welled up inside her, infuriating her enough to draw tears. This was not how she’d wanted to seduce him.

  “Are you doing that on purpose?” she accused sharply when he missed again. “No!” she snapped when his hands lifted off the mattress. “I’ve got it.”

  He let his hands drop.

  Determined now, she reached down between her legs and held him. Let’s see you try and escape now! She thought with a wild sort of cackle in her head as she gripped him firmly and guided the head to her opening.

  Once the cap broke through, the rest followed seamlessly. He stretched her in all the places that made her head rock back and her body shudder. Her nails dug into hot skin, anchoring her to the only solid thing in the room as everything else drifted away, except how fucking amazing he felt.

  Hard, calloused hands settled on her hips and eyes she had no recollection of shutting flew open. Her head snapped down to find him watching her, his face burning with the same wild fire as the one raging through her.

  “You feel so good,” she whispered, unable to stop herself.

  Her hips rocked, not sure if it was his doing or hers, but the sensation of pure bliss amplified. It surged up through her hot and unsteady like whiskey on an empty stomach. Every nerve ending in her body seemed to come alive.


  Following his quiet command, Juliette bucked. She rose up over him and plunged down again and again, working up a pace that had her tightening and her core throbbing as it approached a too soon end.


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