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Cursed Magic: Harper Shadow Academy (Book Two)

Page 2

by Luna Pierce

  I test the waters. “Hey, Lills.”

  “Willow.” She shifts her gaze away from me.

  Willow, instead of Wills. She’s pissed.

  “Are you serious? You have this place to yourself, and a bathroom? How did you get so lucky?” Kyra continues to scan the room.

  Remi smacks Kyra on the arm. “Lucky? She’s in here all alone. It’s kind of sad. No offense, Wills. And you’re missing out on all this.” She motions to herself and Kyra and Lillian.

  She’s not wrong by any means. It may have been my choice to leave them, but it sucks all the same. Yeah, I have a shower to myself, but not having them around the last few weeks has been torture. I should have thought this through more, but at the same time, having magical abilities is sort of hard to hide, especially if you dorm with three non-supes.

  “So, what’s the scoop?” Remi leans against the wall, crossing her arms. She eyes the bag clutched in my hand. “You going somewhere?”

  I follow her gaze. “Uh, yeah. I’ve been getting some extra help from Abigail.”

  “Are you failing or something?”

  At this, Lillian seems to pay more notice.

  “I’ve had a hard time. It’s been difficult to readjust.” The words come out, and they’re not even a lie. This new life I’ve found myself living is one struggle followed by another. There are silver linings, like having magic coursing through my body, but there are curses and secrets and demons galore. I didn’t expect being a witch to be easy, but I didn’t anticipate it would be this hard, either.

  “Well then,” Kyra chimes in. “Go study. We don’t tolerate slackers in our group. But, and I mean a big but, you owe us time carved out in your schedule. Got it?”

  Her statement startles me. They want me around?


  “Are you second-guessing me? Absolutely. You owe us a date. Once a week, preferably more. And I’m demanding that it starts tonight. There’s a party. Same spot in the woods. Meet us in our dorm at six to get ready. If you don’t show, I’m dragging you from this room. I won’t take no for an answer.” Kyra’s face is solemn with each word.

  My heart swells. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine they’d come for me this fast and actually consider hanging out with me. Kyra and Remi seem on board, but Lillian hangs back, not saying anything.

  “I’ll do my best.” I try to measure the energy pulsing through the room, to figure out how Lillian is feeling, but can’t seem to get past Kyra’s and Remi’s.

  “Your best is you showing up. Don’t let us down, Willow. You owe us.” Remi grabs Kyra’s arm. “Let’s let the lady finish getting ready.”

  My gaze meets Lillian’s, but she turns away and walks out the door.

  A bittersweet sensation ensues. Happiness because they care, they still want me in their lives. But sadness, at the realization that I’ve damaged our friendship in a weak attempt to protect them.

  Not having time to continue thinking about the situation, I throw my bag over my shoulder and leave my dorm, heading straight down the north wing stairs and through the foyer. I push away the rampant thoughts that fight to have attention solely on them. If stuff continues to happen, I’m going to have to figure out how to clone myself to have a little slack on the considerable to-do list of my life.

  If only that were a real thing. Trust me, it’s not. I checked.

  I poke my head into the open door of Headmaster Walker’s office and find Abigail reading a book.

  “Hey,” I call out.

  She shuts the text and smiles. “You ready?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Abigail seizes her oversized satchel from beside the couch.

  My gaze flows across the room to a large mirror. I appear visibly tired, dark circles under my eyes. My hair is tossed in a messy bun, the onyx lock twisted in between pure silver. It’s a strange sight, to see my hair anything other than silver. I always wanted it to be some other color, anything but this, but learning that it’s caused by using dark magic has me questioning that desire.

  Heading out of the office, we’re met by an oncoming Cameron.

  His dark-blue striped button-up is undone at the top, and his sleeves are rolled at the bottom. Near-black jeans and white sneakers pull the rest of the look off well, his golden locks complementing his baby blues. He manages the preppy thing with ease. Damn is he good-looking.

  “Hey.” He steps in front of us, blocking our path.

  “I’ll wait over here.” Abigail motions to a few feet away.

  “What’s up, Cam?” I readjust the bag on my shoulder.

  “I heard you got a visit from the girls. I take it you did the thing?” His gaze shifts around the room, and his voice lowers for the last few words.

  I nod. “Mmhm. For the most part, it went well. Lillian seems pissed.”

  “She needs some time. I’ll have Ethan put in a good word.” He winks.

  “I forgot about him. Are they still an item?”

  “They’re crazy about each other. It’s gross.” He shakes his head and laughs.

  “That’s great.” Feeling the stare of Abigail, I cut things short. “I’ve got to get going. Starting the research thing with Abby today.”

  “Of course, yeah. I heard about the girls asking you to the party. Are you going?”

  “I don’t really have a choice. I think they’ll completely disown me if I don’t.”

  “Good.” He reaches out and runs a finger down my arm. “Be safe. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “You be careful, too.”

  His pearly-white teeth show when he smirks and strolls away.

  Abigail points toward a stairwell I had no idea existed and takes off in front of me.

  “The library was placed down here strategically—given the control of lighting and temperature, it’s easier to preserve the integrity of the texts. There are wards to ensure the humidity and measures that if the school is compromised, the library would be sealed off and protected from outside elements. For example, in the case of a fire. It’s quite impressive, the lengths that the academy has put in place to protect them.”

  We step into a clearing, and I gasp at the shelves stacked from top to bottom lining the walls, and the everything in between.

  “This is… incredible.” I manage.

  Round and rectangular tables scatter the floor. Large chairs and comfortable loungers are arranged in the area, too. Only a few people occupy the nearly silent library.

  I breathe deeply, the calming scent of old books filling my lungs. I’m brought back to a reassuring time from my childhood, my only friend the endless stacks of books I borrowed from the library. I would spend hours upon hours in my bedroom, reading book after book, occupying my days with fictional places and characters to fill the void in my life. I’ve always been able to count on them to keep me company, so they became an incredibly important lifeline. I didn’t quite understand how much I had been missing them until now, standing in front of this massive collection.

  I’m sure I come across as a complete dweeb standing here with my jaw practically dropping in response. To say I’m in awe would be an understatement.

  Abigail smiles and tugs at my arm. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

  Chapter Three

  It takes me a short while to pick my mouth up off the floor. The space Abby brought me to is… for lack of a better word, insane.

  At first glance, we walk down a corridor, a lengthy hall that essentially leads to infinite rooms filled with old texts. The walkway is a sort of magical conveyor belt that never seems to end.

  Each passing room is filled with a table and chairs, plenty of places to study whatever texts you deem fit.

  She explains that the rooms are sorted differently, but it’s a hefty chore to figure out how exactly the system works, so it’s best to ask an advisor for specific guidance on how to find what you’re looking for.

  “You’ll start to get a hang of it over time, but don’t exp
ect it to come quickly.”

  “It’s mind-blowing. How many rooms are there?”

  “Hard to tell, really. They keep forming with newly located text. Too many to count.”

  “How do you keep track of what’s in here then?”

  “Each book is marked upon its arrival. The master file is aware when the book leaves the library, and then again if it leaves the premises. So long as it’s still on the grounds, there are no issues.” Her voice has a slight caution to it.

  I realize this is a heads-up that I shouldn’t take anything off school property.

  I hold my hand to my chest. “I wouldn’t.”

  “You’d be surprised at what people will do, Willow.” She points ahead to a couple doors to a room. “Ah, here we are.”

  I peek into a door we’re walking past and stop dead in my tracks, doing a double-take. Silas.

  His head is down, scanning the words on a page in great detail. His presence calls to me and urges me toward him.

  Abigail huffs, “He’s here often, don’t be surprised.”

  “Really?” I whisper, not wanting to startle him.

  He glances up at the same time Abigail grabs my arm and pulls away.

  I ache to stay in place, to be near him.

  She enters the spot and holds out her arms. “Here we are.” She smiles brightly. “Now, this one is a tad bigger than the rest. Not really sure how that happened, but it’s sort of become the prime location for people to study. I’ve gone ahead and reserved it for the foreseeable future, though.”

  “That’s a thing? Reserving them?” I scan the area, studying the overfilled shelves.

  “It’s more of a courtesy, really. The supes are often private regarding their own matters, so we try to give each other a warning if we need a specific study. But because this one is a bit popular and off the beaten path, I went ahead and made sure it was yours.”

  “Thanks, Abby. I don’t really need this much room, though. If anyone else needs this one, I’m happy to share.” It doesn’t seem right to keep it all for myself.

  She places her hand on my shoulder. “Some of the information you seek is in here, Willow. You’re entitled to that.”


  “Yep. This is where I was able to find some of the ancient text about the Olivers.” Her expression saddens. “I’m not guaranteeing you’ll find what you need here, but it’s a start.”

  “Wow, okay.” I trail my gaze over the tattered and dusty volumes.

  “I think I’m going to give you some time to adjust. To wander if you want. Here.” She holds out her hand, a small object placed gently in her palm. “It’s a beacon. The library can be a tad overwhelming, so this will help you find your room if you need it.”

  I take the item and flip it over, examining. It’s about the size and shape of a quarter, but with an arrow, sort of resembling a compass, that pulses and shines with a green light. “You really think of everything, don’t you?”

  “I try to.” She smirks and pulls a couple of books from her bag. “Here, to get you moving in the right direction. I found some stuff you haven’t looked at yet when I tried to do my own research. It’s encrypted, though, and it could be a shot in the dark, but your magic might be the key to unlocking it.” She nods toward the thing in my hand. “If you need me, hold on to that tight and call out for me. Oh, and another thing, the library is in the same time zone as the school, so don’t forget to keep an eye on that. People often lose a whole day down here with no windows.”

  She leaves me there to gawk at the device and the texts in front of me.

  I sigh, looking from one shelf to the next, scanning the contents. The books are nearly indistinguishable, and I’m not really sure how anyone can tell them apart.

  A throat clears, and I jump.

  “Didn’t mean to startle you,” Silas says while leaning against the doorframe.

  “You didn’t, er, well… I guess you did.” My tone lightens. “This is all super overwhelming.” I motion at the wall.

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  I swallow, remembering how intense it is to be around him, to touch him, especially now that no invisible forces are disallowing it to happen.

  “I’m not really sure where to start.”

  “Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed, otherwise you won’t begin at all. Focus on one thing at a time.” He steps into the room.

  My heart picks up its pace.

  He strides to the table, latching onto one of the books that Abigail left behind and then closes the distance between us. He holds it out, and his gaze meets mine. “Here. Baby steps.”

  His energy pulses through me. Cool and potent and undeniably magnificent.

  His hand touches mine, and I find myself unable to function.

  The way I feel around him is a lot to handle and sort of makes me feel crazy, because there is no way he feels this, too, right? The pull, the connection, the magnetic attraction.

  His face is tense and rigid, his lips a memory away from wrecking me. That potent kiss from the time I tried to tell him goodbye, to put all of the guys in the past and attempt to move on, to give them what they deserved.

  That kiss set me over the edge. It was passionate and desperate and everything and nothing I ever could have imagined a first kiss with someone to be. It set me on fire and has left me wanting more and more and more.

  “Silas,” I mutter, not daring to take my eyes off him. “You said this was fate and a curse wrapped up in one.”

  His eyes change, a cool gray morphing into a darkness with hints of purple, and he looks away. “Let’s not talk about that.”

  “What, why? I broke the curse, what can you tell me about the fate?”

  He shakes his head. “Maybe another time.”

  I grab on to his arm, not quite in control of my own body or mind, but desperately wanting answers to anything I can find. “Please.”

  Abigail told me he was fated to one true love, but maybe she was wrong. I want to hear it directly from him what the Harlow fate is all about, but I can’t exactly force it out of him.

  “You have work to do,” he changes the subject with ease. Poking his finger onto the book in my hand he says, “Good luck.”

  “You’re going to leave me?”

  “Not when you say it that way.” He exhales. “Can I join you?”

  “Of course. I’d love that.”

  “I’ll get my things, but this is strictly business, deal?”

  Damn it. I was hoping I could get him to talk. He does have a point, though: I do need to get some work done.

  “I’ll try my best, but don’t hold me to it.”

  He smirks and leaves the room, only to enter again in a fast second. His vampire speed reminds me of how little knowledge I have about this world.

  Silas settles into the chair next to mine, careful not to sit too close but somehow never close enough. Maybe this is a bad idea.

  I’m not sure how much work I’ll be able to focus on with my mind being glued to him.

  I push the thoughts of his decadent lips and mesmerizing eyes, his strong arms drawing me and daring me to run my hands along them.

  I open the book he handed me, and all the images in my mind disappear, replacing them with an intricate puzzle. I can’t quite understand why or how, but my gaze trails an outline on the page, up and down and side to side, up again, and over and over until bam, a burst of energy pops from the page and fizzles out in the room.

  “What the hell was that?” I say, panicked.

  “I heard Abigail mention she couldn’t decipher the text. I think you unlocked it, Willow.”

  “I did?” How is that possible? How did I do that? Did he know that when he handed me this book?

  “You’re incredibly powerful, more so than you’re aware.”

  I look to him, scanning his face for something, validation perhaps.

  He appears happy, proud even.

  As much as it pleases me to hear these things an
d see him the way he is right now, it terrifies me all the same. I have no real control over my magic, or any information about how it came to me, and why I’m so powerful. Especially considering I broke an ancient curse that no other Oliver witch was able to. Why me? With this power must come great evil, and I have no idea if I’m capable of handling what’s coming for me.

  “What’s wrong?” His eyebrows furrow.

  I shift my gaze to the text. “I’m scared,” I admit in disbelief at the words actually coming out of my mouth. I look back at him. “That must make me a coward.”

  Silas blinks slowly, his expression loosening. He scoots toward me, tugging at my shoulder to reel me in for a hug. “No, you’re not a coward, Willow.”

  He pats my head, and I pull away slightly.

  “You don’t have to lie to me.”

  He puts his finger under my chin, tilting my head up to meet his gaze. “I wouldn’t lie to you, not now, not ever. You don’t have to believe me but you’re more courageous than anyone I’ve encountered.” He trails his finger along my cheekbone, leaving a trace of heaven in its wake. “You’re going to do great things, you already have. Don’t doubt yourself.”

  “How can you be so sure?” My voice is barely a whisper.

  He leans forward, his breath against mine, his lips lingering. “Because you gave us this.” He presses them onto the corner of my mouth and kisses me so gently, it’s like he’s afraid I’ll break in two. He breaks away without letting me react.

  “Tell me you feel this, too,” I say, out of breath.

  “I’ve felt it since the day you stepped foot on the school’s property. Not to mention before and after. It only grows and gets stronger.” He shifts back into his seat.

  Is he ashamed of his declaration?

  “What’s stopping you?”

  He looks away, at the door, and for a second I’m afraid he’ll bolt.

  “I’m scared, too.”

  “Scared of what?”


  Me? What could he possibly be afraid of me for? Is it because I’m powerful and he thinks I’ll hurt him, the same thing I was worried of not too long ago? I shut all of the guys out because I didn’t want to put them in danger, and maybe I was selfish for letting them back in. I keep being torn between not fully understanding whether I’m doing the right or wrong thing by keeping them around. Maybe until I get a grip on my curse I should keep them at a distance, despite every bit of my heart compelling me that’s the wrong thing to do.


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