Cursed Magic: Harper Shadow Academy (Book Two)

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Cursed Magic: Harper Shadow Academy (Book Two) Page 7

by Luna Pierce

  “You’ll have to make it for us someday.” His confession is yet another surprise, a layer of him I had no knowledge of. I find myself yearning for more.

  “I keep telling him he needs to open up his own restaurant. And believe me, I eat a lot of food, so it’s safe to say I’m a good judge of whether or not it’s worthy. And it definitely is.” Deghan crosses his arms and leans into the counter.

  Cameron adds some butter and random stuff to the skillet with the mushrooms, creating a creamy sauce. He tosses in the peppers and drains the pasta, folding it into the mixture. Very carefully, he slices into the chicken that had been resting off to the side. He gently but rapidly scoops his knife under the meat to pick it up and lays it on top of the noodly creation.

  “Voila,” he beams.

  Deghan grabs three plates, setting them for Cameron to serve up his concoction.

  I take my first bite, making sure to get a little bit of everything, and immediately recognize for sure that I must be dreaming. “You are a mastermind.”

  Chapter Ten

  I help Deghan clear the plates and clean up while Cameron relaxes. It’s only fair, considering he worked so hard in the kitchen to cook us the best meal I’ve had in my entire life.

  “Now what?” Cameron asks.

  “What do you mean?” I dry the dish that Deghan hands me and put it back in its rightful home.

  Cameron leans back, rubbing his belly. “Who takes over next? Is there some kind of Willow schedule or something?”

  It’s a funny sight, considering he’s got abs under his navy-blue tee shirt. Other than Sydney, all of my guys are wickedly in shape. And I don’t mean to exclude Sydney, I just haven’t been that close to be certain of whatever is going on under his clothes. Our relationship is quite different than what I have with the rest. Not that I’m complaining, I enjoy the dynamic I have between all of them. And to this day, I still have no clue how I managed to snag them all and keep them around.

  I laugh. “Not really.” I glance at Deghan. “At least not that I’m aware of.”

  He scrubs a fork, rinsing it, and giving it to me to dry. “Not yet, but that’s not a terrible idea.”

  “Sydney mentioned going to his room when we were done to get some stuff. So let’s do that,” I suggest.

  “Groucho extreme is probably going to want to take overnight duty.” Deghan smirks and holds out another utensil.

  “Wow, I bet he loves that one.” I lay the knife in its cubby. “He’s not all that bad, you know.”

  “Maybe to you,” Cameron adds. “Don’t get me wrong, It’s not that I hate the guy. He’s so… serious.”

  I shrug and toss the now wet towel into the bin with the others.

  We arrive at Sydney’s room to find him packing a small bag.

  “Here.” He finishes stuffing it full. “I want you to place these around your room. Amethyst, smokey quartz, black obsidian, fire agate… there’s a bunch of other ones, too. They’re mostly good for protection but they all have different properties, including ridding negative energy or thoughts, boosting energy and happiness… pretty much anything I could think of to help with what you’re going through.” He holds out a black crystal. “Put this one in your pocket and carry it on you at all times.”

  I look it over, it’s jet-black rough exterior imperfectly beautiful. Lines are naturally carved out along it.

  “Black tourmaline—one of the most powerful protective stones.” He secures a small satchel, placing it in my hand, too. “And this is full of various herbs. Lavender, basil, sage, caraway… to name a few.”

  “Wow, this is incredible, Sydney.” My hands are full of various items. “Thank you.”

  “It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing. We still need to work on how to properly utilize this kind of stuff, but this is a start.”

  His hair is disheveled, and it’s obvious from his droopy eyes that he’s worn out. It pulls at my heart to see him this way, and I ache to be the one to help him with his problems.

  “Let me carry that,” Cameron says, taking the bag from me and freeing my hands.

  I slide the stone into my pocket as I was instructed and reach out to hug Sydney.

  He’s hesitant at first but then wraps his arms around me. He’s not really a hugging type of guy, but I do it anyway.

  It’s a quick one, but it gives me enough time to say, “I really do appreciate everything you do for me.” I grasp him at an arm’s length. “More than you’ll ever comprehend.”

  He grins. “Don’t forget it. I might be the one needing your help one day.”


  Deghan, Cameron, and I leave Sydney’s, making our way to my dorm in the west wing. When we enter the hall, Silas is standing near my door waiting for us. He stiffens at first glance.

  “Did I call it or what?” Deghan boasts.

  The three of them help me place the stones around my room and then say their goodbyes.

  Deghan hugs me first, tight as always, and waits for Cameron before leaving.

  Cam gives me a sweet embrace and tells me, “I’m here if you need me. Anytime. Don’t hesitate.”

  “Thanks, Cam.” I savor the moment while it lasts.

  Once they’re gone, Silas clears his throat. “I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

  “You’re not going to stay?”

  “I am, but out here.” His energy is cold and shut off. He steps outside and closes the door.

  I let out a breath. “Okay, then,” I say to myself, unsure what the hell crawled up his ass.

  Taking the opportunity of being alone, I go to my en suite and turn on the shower, stripping down while it warms. Steam fills the space and covers me like a warm blanket. I hop inside, letting the water cascade down.

  “Fool.” The voice returns. “You may escape me, but you’ll never escape yourself.”

  I fight back the panic that courses through me, washing my hair in a rush. I grab my razor, doing an equally quick, and not so great job of shaving my legs. I wince, the blade nicking my thigh and blood pooling out.

  “Shit,” I exclaim.

  A door opens, and a knock rattles the bathroom entrance. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be right out.” I wipe away the blood and go back to finishing my shower, only to look again and see more trickling down.

  I complete my tasks, stepping carefully out of the shower and wrapping myself in a towel. I check under the sink for a first-aid kit or a pack of bandages but come up empty.

  “Umm, Silas.” How am I supposed to handle this situation, given he’s a vampire who feeds on blood, and I’m over here gushing from a shaving accident?

  “What’s wrong?” His nervous energy pierces the door.

  I open it slightly, not sure what to expect.

  Automatically, his gaze shifts in the direction of my thigh. “You’re injured.” His voice is pained.

  “Uh, yeah. Is this a problem for you? I kinda need something to cover it, but there isn’t anything in here. I’m sorry.”

  Silas’s eyes go soft. “May I?”

  His question catches me off guard, and I continue to find myself unable to read the situation but yet somehow totally trustworthy of him.

  I swallow, nodding in the process.

  His hand grips the doorframe, pulling the door open. He steps forward, his face betraying nothing.

  I take a hesitant stride back, bumping against the vanity.

  His eyes lock on to mine, his hands finding their way to my sides, lifting me onto the sink.

  I go along with his every move, fully entranced, and loving the uncertainty of every moment.

  His finger trails the sensitive skin around my wound, midway up my thigh.

  And it’s everything I can do to stop myself from squirming.

  He takes the same finger, putting it to his lips and biting through the flesh, causing himself to bleed, too.

  I don’t take my eyes away for one second.

  With the bl
ood on his finger, he runs his finger on top of my wound, the magic throbbing between us, somehow sealing my cut completely shut.

  I gasp. “How did you do that?”

  Still carefully tending my leg, he replies, “It’s part of that fate thing I keep avoiding.”

  I tilt his head up and force him to look me in the eyes. Without allowing him to retreat, I tug his face toward mine, lingering only a second and then passionately pressing my lips onto his. I kiss him like I’m dying for him to understand.

  To understand what he means to me, what he does to me, that I’m hopelessly numb without him.

  He grants me access, letting our tongues speak a language only they’re capable of. His hands glide over my arms, up to my neck, clasping my face. His response matches mine with a sheer intensity only we are possible of. His hip slides between my knees, spreading my legs.

  I wrap them around him, my hands frantically drawing him into me, farther, farther, farther, until he’s securing one hand around my body and lifting me off the counter and out of the bathroom, our lips never pausing.

  We come to a stop, and not once do I open my eyes to see what’s going on.

  He lays me onto my bed, my body still wrapped around his, my mouth hungry for more.

  Silas pauses, seemingly out of breath, his face only an inch from mine. “If I had a heartbeat, it would be pounding out of my chest right now.”

  “Shh.” I reel him back in.

  This time his kisses are slow and steady, as though they’re thought-out and more in control, with an aching purpose. He tugs at my lip with his teeth, sending spikes of chills through my body.

  It’s like nothing I’ve ever known.

  His lips trail my mouth, pausing and kissing the corner, my cheek, that spot right below the ear. He takes his time, leaving his breathy presence wherever he pleases. He caresses my collarbone with his tongue and runs his hands down my arms, latching on to my hands. Straddling my body, he intertwines our fingers, raising my hands above my head, diving back in to push his lips against mine.

  I’m so hungry for more, I nearly bump our heads together the second he comes closer. Hands still restrained, I forcibly kiss him, pushing one leg into his to let them free.

  He cooperates, and I shove my body into him, my barely hanging on towel and his clothes the only things separating us. If my hands weren’t pinned, I’d strip him of his shirt, but despite my wiggling, he doesn’t let them free. He’s in control, and I’m along for one hell of a ride.

  I’m not even mad one bit.

  A few more minutes of a fiery make-out session pass, and he pauses, his nose resting next to mine.

  “You have no idea what you do to me,” he breathes.

  I smirk. “It’s safe to say I have an idea.”

  He shakes his head. “I’ve never felt anything remotely close to this in my entire life.”


  “This isn’t just attraction, Willow,” he declares “It’s something I can’t explain. It’s out of this world.” He runs his bottom lip over mine, his eyes closing in response, breathing me in. “It’s… the most potent drug known to man, the most intense and powerful force on the planet, it’s like all the stars aligned and finally something truly amazing came from it. It’s beautiful and painful and nothing and everything all at the same time, and I cannot… I will never be able to get enough.” His voice cracks, and he removes his hands from mine. He pulls away completely, sitting between my legs. He glances down and then repositions my towel to where it’s not almost exposing my lady bits.

  A chill covers my body from where his once was. Sensing him shutting down, I beg, “Please don’t go.”

  He looks down at his hands that are resting in his lap. “I don’t deserve this…” He shakes his head.

  “Silas,” I whisper, sitting up and onto my knees next to him. I place my hands on his shoulders, resting my head on his back. I breathe him in deeply. “Who’s to say that I do either?”

  His head falls into his hands. “I’m not good enough for you, I never will be.”

  Never could I have imagined that I’d witness such a strong and powerful man be so broken, so conflicted and hurting inside… never could I have imagined the insane calling to piece him back together. We’re two souls that were once one, fractured with the only chance of survival being each other.

  I tug him to face me, running my knuckles along his cheek. “Let me be the judge of that.”

  Chapter Eleven

  At some point in the middle of the night, Silas leaves, because when I open my eyes from a deep sleep, Deghan is sitting on the bed next to mine, a sketchpad resting on his lap, his hand furiously drawing away.

  He grins. “Morning, sleeping head.”

  “Please tell me you’re not drawing me.” I pull the covers over my head.

  “Don’t worry, I have a photographic memory.”

  “This is an invasion of privacy or something,” I grumble.

  I catch the sound of his rustling, and a second later, a large weight settles over my body.

  “You’re smashing me,” I laugh.

  “Come onnnn. I’m hungry. Let’s go get breakfast.” He pokes me in the sides through the blanket.

  I bust out giggling. “Stop or I’m going to pee the bed.” I yank back the covering so I can breathe.

  He tickles me more, and somehow we end up wrestling, the world coming to an abrupt stop when I end up on top of him.

  He reaches his hand forward, gently running it along my cheek, his face serious. “You are something else.”

  I smile, leaning into his palm. “I thought you were starving?”

  His eyebrow raises. “You could say that.”

  I roll off him and head straight to the bathroom to get ready. I poke my head out of the door, “Hey, toss me those pants.” I point to the pair at the foot of my bed.

  “You’re such a slob,” he teases. “Oh, wait, are you bottomless over there?” His eyes go wide, and he exaggerates like he’s going to lean over and look but throws them to me instead.

  A moment later, I come out, hair braided low and to the side. I’m not really sure what to expect from repairing the shadow realm, but having my hair out of the way is probably preferred. I honestly hope I can help, though, and not get in the way and mess things up more.

  What could be worse than destroying the shadow realm? Demolishing the school would suck pretty bad. Here’s to hoping I can figure out how to use my magic effectively and less destructively.

  Deghan takes my hand in his. “Food first, then I’m taking you to the headmaster’s office.”

  We exit my room, hand in hand, at the same time Ruby is entering hers. Her eyes meet mine, and she closes the door.

  “She probably thinks I’m such a weirdo.” I sigh.

  “What? No. Rubes? She’s cool.”

  “You’ve met?” I say, trying to meet his stride. His long legs take much bigger steps than my short ones.

  “Same pack, yeah.”

  So, she’s a werewolf. I wondered but I didn’t want to be intrusive and ask. It seems to be a weird thing to blurt out to someone you don’t really know. She more than likely is aware that I’m a witch, especially if Walker had to let the supernatural students in on the whole ‘no more supe classes because Willow allowed a demon to join us’.

  The craziest thing of all is, I don’t feel like a witch. I mean, part of me is aware of my power, but the sheer fact that I truly have no idea how to properly use it makes me feel pretty damn inadequate—useless, too. Why isn’t there a Witch 101 class I can take to figure out the ins and outs? Abigail is doing her best to teach me, but I still can’t help but think I’m a slow learner and not doing as well as I should be.

  “Whatcha thinking about?” Deghan eyes me through his thick, lush lashes.

  We hop down the last two stairs and turn toward the dining hall.

  “Nothin’.” I lie.

  “Aw, how cute, Willow thinks she can lie to me.” He ti
lts his head and smirks, then switches to serious Deghan. “You don’t have to tell me, but please recognize that I’m here for you if you ever need to talk.” He releases my hand, latching onto my shoulders. “You hearing that voice right now?”

  I shake my head. “No, surprisingly not.”

  He halts in front of me, grabbing my face between his hands. He gets super close to my forehead and says, “Wherever you are, whoever you are, you better leave her alone. Come pick on someone your own size.”

  “You have no idea what size they are,” I point out.

  “Hush,” he says. “I mean business.”

  “Okay, okay. You’re delirious, let’s get you some food.” I take him by the hand and pull him into the cafeteria.

  “Mmm… I smell waffles.” His eyes light up, and it’s straight up the most wholesome thing ever.

  We load our trays, mine with much less than his, and head toward an awaiting group.

  Cameron welcomes us in immediately, and Remi yells a, “Heyyy!”

  Lillian looks up from her scrambled eggs and doesn’t say a word, shifting her focus back down and then on Ethan beside her.

  Cameron leans in. “You should really talk to her,” he says in my ear.

  I bite into a piece of bacon, and it melts in my mouth. “She hates me.”

  “No, she doesn’t. Her feelings are hurt. Talk to her. I’m serious.” He takes a drink of his chocolate milk.

  I glance back over to her, my heart aching at missing my friend. Maybe now that my schedule has changed, I can steal the landline phone again to give Brooke a call. I can’t exactly tell her the truth about things either, but maybe she can give me some advice on how to approach Lillian.


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