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A Witch to Live

Page 21

by Glenn Bullion

  “It's not working,” she said. “I left my blades at his house. We'll need something silver to stab him through the heart.”

  “Uh, Victoria, it is working.”


  Kevin took deep breaths, exhausted, as the wolf slowly shrank in size. He winced at the terrible sound of wolf shifting back to human. Hawkins howled in pain, and slowly that bestial howl turned in a human moan. The hair disappeared into his body.

  Victoria loosened her grip as Hawkins rolled onto his hands and knees and vomited.

  He looked up and stared at the full moon, a tear running down his cheek.

  “I'm me again,” he said.

  “Unreal,” someone said behind them.

  “Did you see that?”

  “What's going on?”

  “We're not out of this yet,” Victoria said, gesturing at the men behind her.

  Kevin nodded. “What do we do?”

  “Do that blinding trick of yours. I'll take care of the rest.”

  He walked casually to his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. Their audience was gathered in groups and talking amongst themselves.

  Kevin grabbed his flashlight and shined it at the crowd. They did their best to cover their eyes and lean away.

  He barely processed what happened next.

  Victoria slung both Hawkins and Kevin over her shoulders, and ran through the grounds. She moved at supernatural speed, jumping over a gate with ease and running to her Porsche parked on the far side of the carnival. She dropped Kevin to his feet, and nearly manhandled Hawkins as she shoved him behind the seats.

  “Whoa,” Kevin said.

  “We have to move,” she said. “I'm hurt, and he's naked. You drive.”


  It was nearly midnight as the three of them sat in Hawkins' living room. Hawkins had changed into shorts and a tee shirt. Victoria leaned against the archway between the dining room and living room, dried blood still all over her. Kevin sat in a chair in the corner, Hawkins across from him.

  No one said a word for nearly twenty minutes.

  The events of the night were finally catching up to all three of them. Adrenaline was wearing off, and Kevin felt like he could fall asleep at any time.

  Victoria was numb, excited, and terrified. Her gaze fell on Kevin's backpack, and she visualized the spell-book that was inside.

  She was sure Kevin had cured Hawkins. The teacher no longer had the scent of wolf on him.

  She didn't believe it possible.

  A high school witch had discovered a cure for lycanthropy. He didn't study, didn't research, didn't spend any time in a lab. The cure was partially done in a book he owned, and with magic on his side, he finished the rest out of pure instinct.

  What else was in that book of his?

  Kevin caught her staring.

  “There's a few recipes in there you might be interested in.”

  “Keep your witch magic crap to yourself.”

  “Ah, so,” Hawkins said, gesturing to both of them. “Vampire and witch.”

  Victoria raised an eyebrow. “A conclusion I'm sure you'll keep to yourself.”

  “No, I'm gonna tell all my classes,” he joked. “Of course I'll keep it a secret.” He looked at Kevin. “Speaking of classes, I guess it'll be hard to give you anything but an A.”

  Kevin simply laughed, not having the energy to say much else.

  “So where do we go from here?” Hawkins asked.

  Victoria shrugged. “Back to your lives. Might want to avoid the carnival for a day or two. Oh, and you're gonna have some funny conversations with your neighbor Dan.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He thinks you're a bondage freak and I'm your plaything.”

  “Uh, wow.”

  Victoria gave him a wink. “Well, I'm sure you want to sleep, I need a drink, and my young friend has school tomorrow. So, we'll be off.”

  Hawkins stopped them both as they neared the front door.

  “Thank you,” he said, his voice shaking slightly. “Thank you so much.”

  She smiled and put a hand on Kevin's shoulder. “You're very welcome.”

  Kevin reluctantly gave up the keys to the Porsche. He nearly dozed off a few times as he gave Victoria directions to his apartment.

  “You're quiet,” he said as she drove. “Everything okay?”

  “Just surprised. Pleasantly surprised,” she said. “And, to be honest, a little afraid. Witches weren't as strong as you a hundred years ago.”

  “Maybe they were, but you killed them too quickly to ask them.”

  Anger flashed across her face. “No, that's not it. Witches used to think they needed fire and cauldrons. Didn't even know the magic was in them. I guess everything changes.”

  He took a deep breath. “Whatever. I just want to get back to normal. I wouldn't mind going my whole life without seeing another werewolf or vampire, except you.”

  “I'm flattered.”

  “So, what's next for you?”

  “I think I might hang around a little while.”

  “Make sure I don't do anything evil or destructive?”

  “Something like that.”

  They turned into his apartment complex. Kevin leaned forward in surprise when he saw a familiar Mustang in the parking lot.


  Victoria laughed. “Looks like you have a personal fan club.”

  Rachel was already out of the car and moving before Victoria stopped. Kevin climbed out right into an embrace from his girlfriend. She squeezed him tight, burying her head into his shoulder. He smiled and kissed the side of her neck. She kissed him on the mouth, and her adorable clumsiness sent them back against Victoria's car.

  “Hey, be careful there,” the vampire complained.

  “Your parents would flip out if they knew you were here. It's after midnight.”

  “I don't care.”

  He pulled back and looked into her eyes. He saw relief, panic, happiness. It looked like she'd been crying.

  “I'm okay,” he said. “We handled everything. Mister Hawkins is fine. I cured him.”

  “I was worried,” she said. “I just kept thinking the worst things.”

  Victoria laughed. “Kevin is the last person you need to worry about. Besides, I wouldn't let anything happen to him.”

  Rachel shot her a look. “Last night you tried to kill him.”

  “Well, that was last night.”

  “I have to get some sleep before I pass out,” he said. “I'm fine, promise.”

  She nodded with a huge smile. “I'll pick you up tomorrow.”

  “I'll be here.”

  They kissed one more time. Victoria rolled her eyes, thinking they were going to swallow each other.

  “Teenagers. Good night, you two.”

  Chapter 22

  Kevin and Rachel walked into literature class hand in hand. He would have never thought he'd look forward to going to school. There was something beautifully normal about taking a shower in the morning, saying goodbye to Kristin before she left for work, and kissing Rachel at the front door.

  No magic, no supernatural creatures, no backpack required.

  Even the idiots in the halls who flashed them their disapproving looks were almost endearing.

  He squeezed Rachel's hand and gestured to the front of class. Hawkins sat at his desk with his feet propped up, reading a newspaper. Noticing Kevin, he offered a nod and a small smile.

  “Kevin, glad you could make it in on time today.”

  “I could say the same thing about you.”

  Rachel cupped her mouth to Kevin's ear. “It's hard to believe he was a werewolf.”

  “Yeah, I know. Trust me, I never want to see him naked again.”

  Hawkins stared at Donna and Paul's empty desks before he started his lecture. Kevin felt terrible for him. He was a good man, but would have to live with his actions for the rest of his life.

  The school morning was normal and boring, which on
ly put a smile on Kevin's face. He went through his morning classes, even managing to pay attention in some of them, before the second best bell rang, the lunch bell.

  Kevin stopped at his locker outside the cafeteria, and smiled as he felt a light touch on his arm.

  “Is that a hot girl touching me?”

  His smile faded as he turned around. Instead of seeing Rachel, Melissa Johnson stood before him, a hand on her hip.

  “Well, I'd like to think so.”

  He tried to hold in a frown. “What's up, Melissa?”

  “I was just wondering if you were still dating Rachel Evans.”

  “Yup. We are one hot little item.”

  She took a step forward, nearly forcing Kevin against his locker.

  “You let me know when you get bored with her. And you will. Rachel doesn't strike me as the exciting type.”

  Rachel swooped in out of nowhere, hugging Kevin around the neck. She surprised him with a kiss, and not the peck on the cheek kind. He was startled for a moment, but kissed her back with enthusiasm.

  He tried to catch his breath as Rachel turned to face Melissa.

  “If you've got something to say to me, Melissa, say it to my face.”

  Kevin's jaw dropped. Rachel's shyness was gone. She stared into Melissa's eyes, waiting for her to say anything.

  The cheerleader simply huffed and walked away.

  “Holy crap. Now that was awesome,” Kevin said.

  “The kiss or the attitude?”

  “Both. I didn't think you could be any hotter,” he said, giving her another kiss. “But I was wrong.”

  She laughed. “I'll go stand in line for our lunches. I'll meet you at the table.”

  She gave him an ice-melting smile over her shoulder as she walked away.

  Kevin was the luckiest guy in school.

  He finished filling his locker and was a step away from the cafeteria when two guys blocked his way.

  John Crowe and Michael Johnson.

  “Maybe chasing werewolves wasn't so bad after all,” Kevin muttered.

  John tensed his muscles. “What did you say?”

  “Nothing.” He looked at Michael. “See any more rats lately?”

  “Listen,” John said, trying to sound imposing. “You stay away from Melissa. We understand each other?”

  Kevin shrugged. “Sure.”

  “Good. You stick with the nerdy girl you got. And if I catch you talking to Melissa again-”

  “Stop,” he said, holding up his hand. “I didn't think even you could get me out of the good mood I'm in.” He pointed at Michael. “Go away, this is private talk.”

  Michael looked at John for approval. John nodded, and like a good little minion, Michael walked away.

  “Look, instead of worrying about me, maybe you should worry about Melissa. Buy her some flowers. Tell her how good she looks. I'm not the bad guy here. So, please, leave me alone.”

  Kevin tried to hold in his laughter. John never intimidated him to begin with, but after fighting a werewolf and a vampire, John seemed like a little puppy.

  He moved around John to get to the cafeteria, but stopped one more time.

  “And her name is Rachel. I will break you into pieces if you or any of your friends screw with her.”

  He shook his head, but managed a smile as he walked into the cafeteria.

  Boring classes, bully morons, nasty cafeteria food.

  Life finally felt like it was getting back to normal.


  It was Friday evening as Kevin and Rachel once again turned watching television into a much more fun activity.

  They lay together on the couch, kissing and touching.

  Kevin loved the shorts she wore. Her legs were amazing, and he loved feeling them as she lay on top of him.

  Rachel wanted to remove one article of clothing, just one. Neither one of them was ready for sex, but making out topless, she was ready for that. Her thoughts had finally drifted throughout the week from werewolves and vampires to being a high school senior.

  That included enjoying her boyfriend.

  She had her shirt nearly halfway off when her brain fought off her hormones, and remembered where she was.

  “I wish you had a room,” she said, pulling her shirt back down.

  Kevin closed his eyes, catching a glimpse of her slim stomach, and part of her bra, before the show was over. His heart pounded in his chest, and she laughed as she shifted her hips onto his. Sweet, delicious torture, but still torture.

  “Believe me, so do I.”

  He opened his eyes to see her smiling, her hair framing her face, deep in thought. Her hands were still near the bottom of her shirt.

  “How long do we have before Kristin gets home?”

  “Probably not long enough-”

  Kristin opened the front door to the apartment. She kicked her shoes off and laughed when she looked down at the couch.

  “Do I have to put the hose on you two?”

  “Hi, Kristin,” Rachel greeted, trying not to laugh.

  “Hey. I thought tonight was the big night? Aren't you supposed to eat dinner at Rachel's?”

  “Yeah. I just wanted to stop here first.”

  “And get a little kissy-kissy time in?”

  Kevin rolled his eyes as Rachel turned red.

  “Well, that, and there's soup simmering on the stove.”

  “Aww, thank you. You're my favorite little brother. And Rachel, you might want to hit the bathroom first. It looks like you've been fondling my brother on the couch. I'm not sure if you're family's ready for that image.”

  “Thank you,” she muttered, disappearing down the hall.

  Kevin and Kristin engaged in small talk in the kitchen, checking on each other's days. He felt a surge of guilt as he realized Kristin was still in the dark about what he was, and what he'd been going through. He would have to tell her soon.

  Rachel was quiet as they drove to her house. Kevin kept an eye on her, and saw her fuss with her hair three times in five minutes. He knew her well enough to recognize her nervous habits.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Just nervous. Aren't you?”

  After what he'd been through, he wasn't sure he'd ever be nervous again.

  “Over spaghetti with your parents? No, not really. Should I be?”

  “I don't know. I've never brought a boyfriend home before. God, I hope they don't embarrass me.”

  “It won't be any fun if they don't embarrass.”

  She smacked him on the shoulder.

  Kevin tried not to laugh as they walked up the driveway to her front door. They held hands, and she purposely walked slow, trying to delay the inevitable.

  “Why did I let them talk me into this?” she asked.

  “Don't worry. I'll behave.”

  “It's not you I'm worried about. Listen, if this all goes bad, I'm really sorry.”

  “Rach, all I've been dealing with lately, I'm pretty sure I can handle your parents.”

  Rachel stepped into the living room and nearly called out, but stopped short when she saw her parents dancing in the dining room. An orchestra played over the stereo while they held each other, Mom's head on Dad's shoulder. She said nothing and simply smiled, Kevin still holding her hand.

  “Have I thanked you for saving my parents?” she whispered.

  “Only every day for the past few weeks. And you're welcome.”

  Kevin furrowed his brow as he watched Rachel's parents dance. He had no idea he could cure anything as devastating as multiple sclerosis until he did so with Rachel's mother.

  Rachel's father was in the middle of dipping his wife when he noticed the audience.

  “Hey!” he called. “How long have you two been standing there?”

  “We just got here.”

  Kevin nodded politely and extended his hand as they joined them in the living room.

  “It's nice to meet you.”

  “Same goes to you. I'm Chris, and this is my wife Tonya.”

  “We've heard so much about you,” Tonya said.

  “Probably too much. You're all Rachel talks about.”

  Rachel's face turned crimson. “Uh, Dad, try not to embarrass me too much tonight.”

  “What's the fun in that?”

  Kevin put an arm around Rachel's shoulders. “That's what I told her.”

  “I like this young man already.”

  “I'll go start on the sauce,” Tonya said. “Dinner will be ready soon.”

  “I'll help,” Kevin offered. “I love to cook.”

  It was a fun evening. Kevin laughed as he helped Tonya with dinner. Rachel's parents teased her in a loving way, and he could see how close they were. That was a nice change from the constant complaints he heard in the school's halls about families.

  They laughed and talked at the dinner table. It reminded Kevin of the times he ate dinner with his own family. He would make faces at Kristin when their parents weren't looking, and slip food from his plate to hers that he didn't like.

  As much fun as he had, Rachel didn't waste time in hurrying out the door when it neared ten o'clock.

  “Don't be late,” Mom called from the front door.

  “I'm just taking Kevin home, Mom. I won't be long.”

  “You better not be. I know where Makeout Point is, young lady. Your father and I used to go there all the time.”


  Kevin laughed.

  He looked at his girlfriend as they drove back to his apartment. She finally seemed much more relaxed.

  “That wasn't so bad,” he said.

  “Yeah, they actually behaved. Next time you come over, I'll show you my room.”

  “I've already seen it.”

  “Yeah, I know. I mean with my parents knowing and everything.”

  “I'll do a little magic trick. Make us invisible.”

  “That would be fun.”

  Rachel parked outside his apartment. She went to walk him to the door, but he stood motionless by her car. There was something he needed to do.

  “Hold on, Rach. You brought your purse?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Do you still have your rock?”

  “I bring it everywhere with me.”

  “I need it back.”

  Her mouth fell as the color left her face. “Why? What's going on?”


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