Book Read Free

Cowgirl Up

Page 21

by Ali Spooner

  She walked into the stables and opened the gate to Shadow’s stall. “Hey there, big boy,” she said as she stroked his neck. “One more event today and we can head for home.”

  Shadow nuzzled her neck with his soft nose. “Let’s get you some fresh water and some feed,” she said as she picked up the water bucket and left the stall. She was walking down the aisle to the water station when she heard someone call her name.

  “Hey, Coal,” Stormy said. “How’re you feeling today?”

  Coal turned to see her approaching, decked out in her chaps, carrying a bronco competition saddle. “I’m hanging in there, thanks. Are you ready to ride?”

  “I’m always ready to ride,” she answered. “Are you still roping today?”

  “Oh yeah, I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

  “You’re going to be competing against Bubba, and another of our cowboys,” she said.

  “How is Bubba?”

  “He will look pretty goofy until he gets his teeth fixed, but he’ll survive his own stupidity,” she said with a chuckle.

  “Is he any good?”

  “It’s one of the few things Bubba can do fairly well, but he can only head. His heeler is pretty good though.”

  “I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” she said as she filled the water bucket.

  “I need to go get stretched out. Good luck,” she said.

  “You too,” Coal said and walked back to Shadow’s stall, placing the fresh water inside then pouring a small portion of feed into the trough. “I’ll be back for you in a little while.”

  She was walking out of the stable when she heard her name called again, this time by a male voice. Coal turned and saw Bubba approaching.

  “Hey, Bubba,” she said.

  “Hey, Coal. I wanted to apologize for yesterday. What I did was stupid and dangerous.”

  “Yeah, it was Bubba, but I shouldn’t have kicked your teeth out.”

  “I got what I deserved. No hard feelings,” he said as he held his hand out to her.

  “No hard feelings,” she said as she took the big paw he offered and shook it. “Good luck today.”

  “You too, Coal,” he said and walked away.

  She stepped out into the bright sunlight and was thankful for the sunglasses she pulled down to cover her eyes. She walked to the trailer where Gene and Lucas were stretching as they prepared for the competition. “Knock ’em dead, boys,” she said and walked to the bleachers to find the rest of the crew.

  “Welcome back,” Mary Leah said. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yep, I gave Shadow some food and fresh water and wished the boys good luck.”

  “How nervous is Gene?” Melissa asked.

  “He’s definitely pumped up,” she answered. “I hope he pulled an early draw.”

  “He’s third and Lucas is fifth,” Harley said as he joined them in the stands.

  The competition began and Coal sat forward in her seat, eager to watch her crew compete. The first two riders scored poorly, and she hoped the judges would ease up on their scoring. Gene climbed the chute rails and prepared to settle into the saddle, then took the lead rope from the chute staff.

  He climbed into the saddle and nodded quickly to have the horse released from the chute. The big bay horse he drew was monstrous in size and she hoped Gene could hang on for the required eight seconds and get his scoring actions complete. The horse jumped from the chute, crow hopped and began bucking, his powerful thrusts lifting him completely from the ground. Gene rode him hard, spurring and staying intact in the saddle as the horse tried his best to dislodge him. When the buzzer sounded to mark the end of the ride, a cowboy rode up beside the bucking horse. Gene lunged toward the rider, dismounting the gelding, which continued to buck until he reached the end of the arena, and escaped to a holding pen.

  “Damn, what a beautiful ride,” Harley said, letting out a low whistle. “Are you sure that was our Gene?”

  “That was definitely our Gene,” Coal said, restraining from hollering, having already learned that lesson. “I think loading all those hay bales has finally paid off.”

  Their eyes stared at the scoreboard as they waited for Gene’s score. He was walking to the end of the arena to retrieve his saddle and lifted his hat in salute when the score was announced taking him to first place. “Way to go, Gene!” she said, excited for her young friend.

  The next cowboy to ride came out of the chute off balance and ended up with a face full of dirt after three seconds. It was Lucas’s turn and everyone held their breath as the horse in the chute threw himself against the metal chute walls. He calmed just long enough for Lucas to climb into the saddle and the chute to open. The horse began bucking violently, twisting his body, causing Lucas to lose his tight grip on the lead rope controlling the horse’s head. Feeling the rope go slack, the horse reversed directions and dislodged Lucas from the saddle. He flew through the air in front of the rampaging horse. The support rider barely managed to turn the horse, protecting Lucas from a collision with the raging animal.

  The crowd let out a loud groan followed by a sigh of relief when they saw him safely shielded from the horse. It was a disqualifying ride, but they gave him a round of applause for his effort. Lucas raised his hat in appreciation, but Coal knew he was disappointed. His shoulders slumped as he trotted to the end of the arena. “I think someone needs picking up,” she said to Harley. “We’ll be back,” Coal said and trailed Harley down the stands.

  Lucas had just arrived back at the trailer with his saddle when she and Harley walked up. “Tough ride, man,” Harley said.

  “Dammit, I thought I had him,” Lucas growled.

  “Just a bad break, Lucas. I’m glad you got out of there without getting injured,” she said.

  “I was scared shitless for a second when he was barreling toward me,” Lucas admitted with a grin.

  “Hell, I was scared shitless too, and I wasn’t eye to eye with him,” Coal said.

  She took a cold bottle of water from the cooler and tossed it to him. “Shake it off. You still have bareback to ride.”

  Lucas caught the bottle and twisted off the cap. “I know, I just hate losing,” he growled.

  “So don’t lose the next one,” she said and slapped him on the back as she turned to Gene. “That was a great ride you had.”

  “Yeah, it felt good too. Now if Stormy doesn’t bump me, I’ll be set.”

  On cue, a male voice announced Stormy as the final rider for the event. Coal stepped forward to peer out across the arena to watch her ride.

  “Oh hell, she’s pulled Diablo,” Gene said. “He’s a wicked ride.”

  The gate swung open and the huge black horse exploded from the chute. Stormy sat well balanced in the saddle as her spurs raked his shoulders sending him into a fury of bucking and twisting his body as he tried to dislodge the rider. Coal held her breath and counted down the seconds internally, releasing her breath when the buzzer sounded and the escort rider rushed toward Stormy. She kicked her feet from the stirrups, went flying through the air, lucky to land on her feet to the roar of applause.

  “Damn,” Gene said as he watched the score flash up on the scoreboard. She had scored one point higher, dropping his score into second place.

  “You still qualified,” Coal said.

  “You have to admit that was a fantastic ride, especially for that horse,” Harley said.

  “Yeah, it was.” Gene grinned. “I’m glad she got that monster instead of me.”

  “What draws did you get for bareback?” Coal asked.

  “I’m second and Lucas is tenth,” Gene said.

  “I’ll watch you ride and then go saddle Shadow,” Coal said. She reached inside the trailer to pull out her chaps. She bent over to fasten her chaps when Stormy walked up to the group.

  “Nice view,” she said to Coal.

  “Thanks. That was a great ride.”

  “I got lucky today.”

  “That was a beautiful ride,” Harley said
and reached out to shake her hand.

  “Thanks, Harley, a few more rides like that and I can afford to leave Big Bob behind.”

  Her comment surprised Coal. “Are you planning to rodeo full time?”

  “No way, I’m not good enough yet, but I hope to get signed on with another crew. Do you think I could get on at the MC2?”

  Coal looked at Harley, who shrugged. “You won’t know until you ask the boss lady,” he answered.

  “The worst she can say is no, right?” Stormy said.

  “That would be cool,” Gene said. “We could really kick some ass then.”

  Coal chuckled at Gene’s excitement. He looked over his shoulder to see Melissa, Del, and Mary Leah approaching. “No time like the present,” she said, nodding toward the group.

  Stormy looked up and smiled nervously. “Now?” she asked.

  “You could ask to come out and talk to her about it this week,” Harley suggested.

  “That’s exactly what I will do. Thanks Harley.”

  “Great ride, Stormy,” Melissa said as they arrived.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Conway,” she answered.

  “Call me Melissa, please,” she said. She looked at Gene and Lucas. “Are you boys ready for your last ride?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Lucas said.

  “Are you riding bareback as well?” she asked Stormy.

  “Yes, ma’am, I ride sixth,” she answered.

  “Good luck to you then,” Melissa said.

  Harley nodded to her, and Stormy shuffled her feet. “Mrs. Conway, could I have a minute in private with you?”

  “Sure, but you must call me Melissa,” she said as they walked away from the group.

  “What’s that all about?” Mary Leah asked.

  “She wants to ask Melissa about hiring her for the MC2,” she said.

  “That’s interesting,” Mary Leah said.

  “Why is that?” Coal asked.

  Mary Leah leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “She and Del have been talking about her quite a bit.”

  “That is interesting,” she said and turned to look at them talking. “I think she would make a good addition to our team.”

  “I better get going,” Gene said.

  “Come on, I’ll walk with you,” Lucas said.

  “Good luck, boys,” Harley said as Melissa and Stormy returned.

  Coal noticed Stormy wearing a smile, so she assumed their talk was positive. “Hang on guys,” she said and rushed to catch up with them.

  “What do you think about her coming to work with us?” Melissa asked Coal and Harley.

  “I think she would be a good addition,” Coal answered.

  Harley smiled. “If she works like Coal does, I agree.”

  “She’s coming out tomorrow night to talk. I want to talk about her with Stan too.”

  “You ready to share your house again?” she teased.

  “You turned out well, so yeah, I think it would be nice to have another woman in the house again.”

  “Point taken,” Coal said as she moved to the railing to watch for Gene.

  “When will you get ready to rope?” Mary Leah asked.

  “I’ll go saddle him up after Gene’s ride.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “No, not really, I’m ready to be done and headed for home,” she answered.

  They watched as Gene put in a good ride. Not as exceptional as his first, but good enough to put him in the top position. Coal hoped the score would stand up through the rest of the riders. “That’s my cue to get a move on, “I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Do you want some help?” Harley asked.

  “Sure,” Coal said as she picked up her tack.

  They both knew she didn’t need help, but she wasn’t going to turn down his offer. “Do you miss competing?” she asked.

  “I miss the excitement, but I know these old bones couldn’t take that kind of abuse any longer, so I will enjoy watching you young ones compete,” he said, opening the stall gate for her.

  She led Shadow from the stall and saddled him while Harley placed the bridle over the horse’s head. “Will you fasten my rope, while I finish?”

  “No problem,” Harley said. “You got your gloves?”

  “In my back pocket,” she answered.

  “There, you’re all set,” he said, handing the reins to her and they emerged from the barn.

  She looked up at the scoreboard to find Gene still in first place and Stormy about to ride. She tied Shadow’s reins to the trailer and walked over to stand beside Mary Leah. They watched as the chute gate opened and the horse burst out of the gate. Coal could tell immediately that she was in trouble. Her body was too far forward on the horse and she struggled to regain her balance on the horse without success. The horse turned violently to the left and Stormy’s body shifted in an awkward position, wrenching her shoulder. The pain must have been intense as she lost her grip and flew from the horse’s back, further jarring her damaged shoulder. She cringed as the crowd erupted in painful moans.

  Stormy regained her feet and the way she held her right shoulder as she walked made it evident that her shoulder had been injured, possibly dislocated. One of the rodeo clowns rushed to her aid and ushered her out a small side gate.


  Harley rushed off to assist, having experienced the trauma of a dislocation before. He knew all too painfully well what would have to be done to put the shoulder back in place. When he reached the small medical station under the grandstand the staff were already busy preparing an ice pack and locating a large ace bandage. Stormy looked up from the chair she was seated in when Harley arrived, her faced soaked with the perspiration of intense pain.

  “Just hang on, it will feel better in a few minutes,” he said.

  “That shoulder has to be put back in place,” the medic said.

  “Yeah, we know,” he answered. Harley took her hand. “It’s going to hurt like hell for a few seconds, but it’s got to be done.”

  The medic took her right hand in his and lifted it to a ninety-degree angle to her body, and placed a hand on her shoulder to feel when the joint slipped back into place. He looked at Stormy, who nodded she was ready, and he slowly lifted her arm and the joint slipped back into place.

  “Fuck,” she ground out between gritted teeth. She felt a clunk as her shoulder slipped back into place and tears filled her eyes.

  “All done,” Harley said as he continued to hold her hand. He was fuming mad that Big Bob hadn’t even sent anyone to check on her condition.

  “Let’s get her iced and wrapped,” the medic said. “I want to get some ibuprofen in her and you can take her home.” The medic placed her arm in a sling and turned back to Harley. “Keep her in a sling and if you have a pillow, it may provide some additional comfort if you slip it between her arm and the side of her body.”

  Harley waited until the staff wrapped the ace bandage around a large ice bag draped over her injured shoulder, and then walked her back to her truck. “You sit here and relax. I will load your horse and get you home,” he told her as Coal helped her into the passenger’s seat.

  “Take her to the MC2,” Melissa said. “Get her set up in Coal’s old room.”

  “Do you still have some Tylenol left?” she asked Mary Leah.

  “Yes, there are four left,” she answered.

  “How about giving her one of them to help ease the pain,” Coal said.

  “Hold up a second, she’s already had a dose of ibuprofen,” Harley said.

  “Take them with you and give her a dose if the ibuprofen doesn’t kick in soon,” Del said.

  Mary Leah rummaged in her purse to get the pill while Del retrieved a bottle of water. Coal gave her the bottle of pills and water while Gene and Harley loaded her horse and gear into the trailer.

  “Do you need me to go with you?” Gene asked.

  “No, you stay for the festivities and pick up your winnings. I can handle this,” Harley answered. “Is your pillow
in the trailer?”

  “Yes, do you need it?” Gene asked.

  “Yes, please.” He waited for Gene to return with the pillow and tucked it beneath her arm.

  “Thanks,” she told Gene and Harley.

  The announcer called Lucas as the next rider. “Go watch him, and I’ll see you all later tonight,” Harley said.

  “Take care, Stormy,” Coal said.

  “Thanks,” she answered as Coal closed the door behind her.

  Coal watched Harley pull the small trailer from the grounds and then walked to the arena to watch Lucas ride.

  Fueled by his earlier disappointing ride, Lucas completed the ride of his life and moved into first place with Gene several points behind him. Their scores held on through the rest of the riders and they captured the top two spots.

  “Top Cowboy, here we come,” Gene said as he gave Lucas a high five.

  “We have one more piece of business to handle and then we can all celebrate,” she reminded him.

  “I’ll be right back,” Gene said as he ran to the stables to prepare his horse.

  “I’ll load up the rest of the gear and my horse while you two warm up. When you’re done, we can load the rest and be ready to roll after the ceremony,” Lucas said.

  “Good idea,” Melissa agreed. “Ladies, shall we take our seats?”

  “Good luck, Coal,” Mary Leah said and followed them to the stands.

  Coal slipped on her roping gloves and turned Shadow toward the warm-up ring. They entered and started to canter around the ring to stretch Shadow’s muscles. Gene joined them a few minutes later and they both threw a few times at a fixed target to loosen up their shoulders.

  “Let’s do this,” she said when they were ready to go. They rode to the opposite end of the arena and stood in line until it was their turn to rope.

  They watched as Bubba headed the steer cleanly, but his partner allowed the steer to kick out a hind leg. The penalty took them out of a competitive time, and Coal knew she couldn’t make the same mistake.

  When it was finally their turn, she and Gene entered the arena together. They backed into position and when she nodded she was set, Gene nodded to the chute to release the steer. Gene shot out after the steer like a cannon as Shadow lunged into action. Coal heard the whirring of her lasso over her head, and when Gene turned the steer, she focused on the hind feet and threw her rope. It landed in perfect position. She dallied her rope, guiding Shadow back, stretching the steer into position.


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