
Home > Contemporary > Breezy > Page 13
Breezy Page 13

by Kelsie Rae

  “So, umm... yeah. Bree may or may not have spent the night at my house, but I swear I didn’t touch her.” I look pointedly at her. “I’ve wanted to, but I’m not dumb enough to believe Bree is a one-night-stand type of girl. She’s the real deal, and I won’t be screwing up our relationship until I know I’m ready to give her what she needs.” My eyes land on her father’s. “I’m not going to lie to you and pretend my intentions with your daughter are completely innocent.” Jim’s nostrils flair. “But, if we decide to take our relationship further, I promise to take care of her and treat her with the utmost respect and love she deserves.”

  The room is quiet after my confession, and I’m kind of shocked I took it that far. Luke and Jim look stunned, Liv and Sarah are beaming, and Leo is busy finger painting with syrup and whipped cream. I hesitate before finally sneaking a glance at Bree. She’s lost her mischievous smirk and looks… hopeful. Like maybe I’ll finally get my head out of my ass and be the guy she needs me to be. Her cheeks are tinged pink, and her velvet lips are curved upwards slightly, almost as if she’s in awe.

  After a few beats of silence, I scramble to change the subject.

  “So how the hell do you guys all look the way you do with this kind of diet?” I motion to the smorgasbord of food scattered all over the table and kitchen island. “I’m afraid my six pack is going to disappear by the end of the weekend if I keep eating like this!”

  Bree laughs good-naturedly, effectively ending her family’s interrogation.

  “I know, right? We are very passionate about food in this household mister! So you better get used to it!” She rubs my belly through my black shirt. “But I’m gonna have to insist you guys stick around, too. I’m afraid we haven’t been properly introduced quite yet,” she coos, as if talking to a little person instead of the set of muscles covering my core.

  The family all jumps on board with my obvious subject change.

  Sarah brings over a recipe book, showing me some incredible looking entrees that she made for last month’s barbecue. And just as quickly as the interrogation presented itself, it dissolves into thin air, leaving laughter and love in its wake.



  Derrick drives me home after our brunch activity, kissing me politely on the cheek and waiting until I get inside before driving away.

  I think my dad’s interrogation might’ve scared him away. Or maybe he’s having second thoughts after his little confession.

  I’m left with a whirlwind of emotions as I shower and blow-dry my hair. This weekend definitely didn’t go the way I had expected, but I feel like I made some pretty good progress with Derrick.

  We hung out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning.

  That has mean something. Doesn’t it?

  I spend the rest of the day cleaning and grocery shopping before turning on the TV and wasting a few hours watching Netflix.

  I climb into bed and fall asleep with thoughts of Derrick’s confession on constant replay.

  My night is restless. My emotions all over the place.

  I kind of made out with my boss, but we didn’t address it afterwards. Hell, he didn’t even really kiss me goodbye when he dropped me off, either. I think we had a good time, but I’m seriously clueless about how my week is going to go.

  Monday is a blur, and I’m glued to my desk the entire day. Jude stops by with a sandwich during lunch before heading back to the “pit” to work on a coding issue.

  I don’t see Derrick at all, and I’m unsure if it’s just because I’m busy, or if he’s purposely avoiding me. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned our little sleepover to my parents. But it was just a joke, and it’s not like my parents think I’m an innocent baby butterfly or anything. Hell, they gave me the talk when I was fourteen. I try not to let it get to me as I arrive at work on Tuesday.

  When I finally make it to my desk, I see a medium-sized package with my name scrawled across the top in block letters. Opening the brown box, I find a set of maracas and a tiny sombrero inside.

  Grinning from ear to ear, I read the post-it note sticking to the bottom.

  Taco Tuesday! Don’t make me miss my weekly tradition.

  See you at 12.


  I bite my lip to contain the excitement radiating from me. I read the short letter over and over, my heart melting a little more every time.

  I knew I loved Tuesdays!

  The morning goes by in a blur, and before I know it, a pair of knuckles are knocking against my desk as I finish a phone call. I don’t need to look at the individual standing behind me to know who it is. I can already smell his unique combination of spice and body wash, instantly giving himself away.

  I would recognize that scent anywhere. Hell, I rolled around in it all night on Saturday. The heady combination is quickly becoming my favorite smell of all time.

  I wonder if it comes in a candle? I’ll have to Google it later.

  Turning away from my computer, I grab my purse and am instantly greeted with Derrick’s signature crystal blue stare scanning me from head to toe.

  I’m wearing a fitted yellow sundress, the hem reaching just above my knees. I’ve matched it with brown gladiator sandals, and my hair is in loose curls reaching down my back.

  “Hi,” I say, shyly. The feeling is foreign to my usually confident personality.

  “Hey, Hurricane. Did you like my package?” He smirks, letting me know his innuendo was intentional.

  Giggling, I reply, “Now who’s going to be reported to HR, you big pervert?”

  “Well, you got the size right,” he jokes. His chest rumbling with laughter.

  “SMH, Derrick. SMH,” I quip.

  Derrick’s brows furrow. “Do you even know what that means?”

  “Shaking my head,” I clarify, demonstrating the motion and giggling all over again.

  He simply swats my ass and heads to the elevator, shaking his head in return. “You’ve been hanging out with Jude too much,” he huffs. “Come on, Hurricane. We have lots to discuss.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve called me that today, Mr. McKinley. Any reason why?” I ask, popping out my hip and folding my arms over my chest.

  “Hurricanes can be unpredictable, Breezy. They can be dangerous and are impossible to control. But they can also bring life to dying lands, giving essential water to an area that wouldn’t survive without it.”

  Feeling absolutely confused, I can’t help but ask, “Have you been Googling random crap again?”

  Derrick merely pushes the elevator button in answer, as I come stand beside him. He keeps glancing down at me, a secret smile firmly in place on his chiseled face.

  Feeling like a fish out of water, I’m unsure how I should act right now. We left things in really murky territory, and for once I’m letting him take the lead. His totally random pet name for me isn’t helping to clear anything up, either.

  The elevator doors open, and we step inside. After Derrick selects the first floor button the doors slide shut, and he immediately pushes me up against the wall, his rough hands sliding into my silky tresses. Using his large frame, he advances on me until my back is firmly pressed against the mirrored walls. The reflections allow me to see all the different angles of our current position. I’m not going to lie, it’s a huge freaking turn on.

  Before I have a chance to mutter a single syllable, Derrick’s mouth hungrily claims my own. This kiss is the exact opposite of our innocent peck in my parents’ kitchen. What had been a mere taste before is the opposite of how he’s kissing me now. Derrick devours me with his lips. Biting. Licking. Sucking. Consuming me completely. I’m breathless by the time he pulls away and rests his forehead against my own. I breathe heavily as I attempt to catch my breath, my chest brushing against Derrick’s due to our close proximity. It’s as if he’s sucked all the oxygen from this tiny space, holding it hostage.

  “What the hell was that?” I ask, laughing dryly.

  “That was me finally growing a p
air, as you so eloquently like to say.” He smirks, his blue eyes smoldering. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since Sunday. I was in meetings all day yesterday, and didn’t have a chance to catch up with you until today. As soon as I saw you, I couldn’t help myself.” The elevator dings, announcing our arrival on the first floor, bringing me crashing back to reality.

  Derrick backs away slowly, his large hands leaving my flushed face but still maintaining contact as he drags them slowly down my body. He positions them on my curvy hips possessively.

  He places a much more gentle, but just as consuming, kiss on my lips before leading me out of the building and over to the amazing taco stand.

  After ordering steak tacos, we find an open area of grass underneath a huge tree. The shade gives us some respite from the glaring sun.

  “So what do we have to discuss?” I inquire before taking a bite of my taco, savoring the flavor.

  Derrick pauses mid-bite, gathering his thoughts. “I don’t even know where to start,” he chuckles. “So as you know, start-up companies need capital in order to progress in the market and make the company grow.” I nod my head, enjoying his impromptu Business 101 refresher course.

  “We’ve had a few investors, and they’ve made a huge impact in getting us where we are today. But we’ve been looking into a brand new market that requires a much larger backing. Yesterday, the silent investor we had initially planned on fell through. Needless to say, shit hit the fan, and I was freaking out.” My palms grow sweaty at the sensitive information he’s confiding in me, my taco long forgotten. “This morning, however, I met with Rhett. He was able to find a handful of big players who are interested in hearing me out during the tech conference this weekend.” He grins, obviously excited by the turn of events. “I just have to prepare my pitch then we should be good to go.”

  “We?” I question, my brow quirking.

  His smile widens to a full-on grin, his dimple in full effect. “Yeah, we. Rhett suggested, again, that I bring you along to the conference. He thinks you’re a fresh new face with a magnetic personality, and I happen to agree with him.” He stares at me sincerely. “Bree, when I found out my company was about to make some major changes for better or for worse, guess who I wanted to tell first? Guess who I wanted to confide in?” He leans in closely, making the answer obvious. “So, what do you think? Want to go to Vegas with me for the weekend and help me reel in some big fish for our company?”

  His enthusiasm is contagious, and I find myself grinning right back at him. “Hell yeah!”



  The rest of the week passes by in an insane blur. I’m juggling flights, hotels, packing, planning, you name it. Kathy handled the majority of the details months ago, but because of Derrick’s impromptu meeting we decided to upgrade our booth space, as well as invite a few more employees to help market our innovative company in hopes of gaining extra attention.

  Derrick and I haven’t had any alone time together since lunch on Tuesday. He’s been busy creating the presentation for the investors in one week’s time, when it would normally have taken months to prepare.

  Thankfully, between Jude and Derrick, they were able to get something together in the nick of time.

  We leave tomorrow morning, and I’m lucky enough to carpool with Derrick and Jude.

  And before you ask… yes! I was the one who organized the carpool arrangements. So sue me!

  My bags are packed and ready to go. All I need to do is get my toiletries together in the morning before Derrick swings by to pick me up.

  I change into some sleep shorts that are practically indecent, along with a black tank top, and pile my hair on top of my head into a lopsided ponytail. I’m brushing my teeth, my mouth foaming, when I receive an incoming text.

  Derrick: You ready to go?

  Grinning at his random text, I type my reply, my fingers flying over the touch screen.

  Bree: Why hello to you too! And yes, I’m all packed and ready. Just brushing my teeth then climbing into bed. It’s gonna be a long day tomorrow. Are you excited to go? Anxious? How are you feeling?

  As soon as I press send, I hear a loud knock on my door.

  Not expecting anyone, I cautiously make my way down the hall. My toothbrush is still hanging from my mouth. Standing on my tiptoes, I peek through peephole.

  I scrunch my face in confusion, unlock the deadbolt, and open the door.

  “Whu aw oo doo-ee ear?” I mumble through a mouthful of toothpaste.

  Derrick just grins in return. “I love how even your text messages are long winded. Did you ever realize that?”

  I shrug my shoulders in response and head back to my bathroom, leaving the door open as an unsaid invitation for Derrick to follow.

  Thankfully he catches the hint, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. His footsteps echo through the hallway, as he struts around like he owns the place.

  He hasn’t been here since the night he tried to catch me lying about Jude. It’s hard to believe that was only a week ago. So much has happened since then.

  I finish rinsing out my mouth and wipe the excess water on the hand towel in my tiny bathroom.

  After I’m done, I turn to find Derrick staring at me with the same fascination as before, when he watched me get ready at his place.

  “What?” I ask. “Do I still have toothpaste on my face?”

  Derrick grins mischievously. His reaction reminding me of what I said to him after our first kiss in my parents’ house.

  Apparently, the evening is going to be loaded with deja vu moments.

  I blush as I relive the memory, only to turn a darker shade of crimson when remembering our elevator kiss two days later.

  We haven’t had a chance to talk about our encounter since we’ve both been so busy. Then Derrick decided to show up at my apartment.

  This has to mean something, doesn’t it?

  “Bet you fifty bucks I can guess what you’re thinking right now, Hurricane,” Derrick teases, his dimple etched into his left cheek.

  “No deal,” I reply cheekily. “Pretty sure you can read me like an open book.”

  He laughs good-naturedly, affection seeping into his tone. “I think you’re probably right about that. But your story is so mesmerizing, it’s hard to look away.”

  I nibble my lower lip, slightly uncomfortable with his honest compliment.

  “Why are you here, Derrick? I’m not mad or anything. Just a little confused. We leave really early tomorrow. Shouldn’t you be home?”

  My blunt assessment causes Derrick’s signature smirk to reappear.

  “I missed you.” He shrugs like that’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for him showing up on my doorstep unannounced.

  Surprisingly enough, it works like a charm.

  “I missed you, too.” I smile shyly.

  “Is it too presumptuous to assume you wouldn’t mind me spending the night? We don’t have to do anything. I just want to hold you again.” He takes a step closer, moving slowly like he’s afraid I’ll reject him.

  Instead, I surprise the both of us by meeting him halfway and jumping into his arms. I wrap my legs around his tapered waist and tangle my fingers in his shaggy blonde hair.

  “No deal,” I murmur against his lips, tugging his face closer to mine so I can devour him the way I’ve been dreaming about.

  Derrick’s hands immediately go to my curvy backside, holding me up before slamming me against the bathroom wall. His calloused fingers dig into my bare thighs and cause a moan to escape my throat. I throw my head back while trying to catch my breath, and Derrick seizes the opportunity to place wet kisses down my neck. He lavishes the exposed skin near my collarbone with expert technique, making sure to worship me like a queen. I let out a sigh of pure bliss as he nibbles on the exposed skin before sucking lightly. My body starts to move against his on its own, and I couldn’t stop it even if I wanted to. And I really don’t want to stop. The motion causes friction in all
the right places and leaves us both panting. I feel Derrick’s deep growl reverberate before he lifts my tank top over my head and tosses it over his shoulder. I laugh at his assertive behavior, the sound breaking the sexual tension for a split second, until his lips cover mine again. His hands take their time exploring the bare skin along my stomach and chest. The feeling is nothing less than exquisite as his fingers skim across the peaks and valleys on display for him.

  Did this guy take a course on how to pleasure a woman? ‘Cause if he did, he gets an A+ from this girl!

  We stay in this position, kissing, licking, and nibbling for what feels like hours, devouring each other like it’s our last meal.

  For once, we have nothing holding us back. No parents catching their daughter being violated, no timer counting down the seconds until we reach the main floor of the lobby. Just me and Derrick, in my tiny apartment, exploring each other both physically and emotionally.

  Derrick carries me to my bedroom before laying me on my back and scanning me from head to toe. My heart starts beating double-time when he leans forward and reins kisses down my body. The feel of his lips brushing against my neck makes me squirm in the best way possible. I can’t take it any longer. I grip his hair and tug his face up to mine. My eyes hold his as I silently beg him to put me out of my misery. Thankfully, he shows mercy on my pathetic soul over and over again.

  Afterwards, we spend the night in each other’s arms, my body draped over his, savoring every moment together and snuggling under the covers, until the soft morning light seeps through my window.



  I’m not sure what I was thinking when I came over last night, but I definitely didn’t expect to wake up naked next to the girl of my dreams.


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