
Home > Contemporary > Breezy > Page 14
Breezy Page 14

by Kelsie Rae

  I had just finished packing and was too anxious to climb into bed. Instead, I took a page out of Bree’s handbook and impulsively drove over to her apartment.

  I don’t do impulsive things. Ever.

  But after last night, I’m thinking I might need to change that.

  My internal clock is still right on time as I glance at my cell, noticing I have fifteen more minutes before I need to get up and shower.

  I lie awake, my fingers gently brushing through Breezy’s long, thick hair as she continues to snore lightly. We’re in the same position as the previous nights we’ve spent together. I’m lying on my back, and Bree’s clinging to me like a baby monkey. Her legs are tangled with mine, and her arm is resting on my bare chest.

  I sigh in contentment, realizing that if I could, I really would choose to stay in this moment for the rest of my life. I always thought that sounded so cliche, but as I stare down at the gorgeous girl beside me, I realize that she makes me feel whole.

  For as long as I can remember, I’ve always felt like something was missing in my life. It never made sense at the time, because I thought I had everything I could ever want. I always swept it under the rug, promising to deal with it later. What I failed to realize was that I was missing a dark-haired beauty that hit like a wrecking ball, leaving beautiful chaos in her wake.

  I rest my palm against the velvety skin of her lower back, taking a moment to memorize her pouty lips and her long upper lashes. I bend closer and place a soft kiss on her forehead, savoring the feel of her silky skin.

  Her eyelids flutter slightly, my kiss waking her. I watch in fascination as her lips stretch into a sleepy smile, and find myself grateful I didn’t just get slapped again.

  “Hey, Breezy,” I whisper, my voice husky from lack of use.

  Bree tilts her head down hiding her mouth against my naked chest, her mesmerizing eyes still focused on my own. “Hi,” she mumbles. “My breath stinks,” she explains, bluntly. I laugh at her comment before grabbing her under her arms and sliding her body up against my own. I roll her onto her back, pin her down, and kiss her passionately. I make a point to taste her morning breath, so she doesn’t try to hide from me next time.

  After pulling away slightly, she scrunches up her nose and turns her head to the side, releasing all the pent up oxygen in her lungs. “That’s cheating! Now let me get up and brush my teeth, so we can make out more! I couldn’t even enjoy that one ‘cause I was too worried about stinking up the place!” she huffs indignantly.

  Laughing, I roll off her exquisite body, absolutely enjoying the view while she climbs out of bed and walks into her bathroom, closing the door behind her.


  I lay back down, resting my hands behind my head and staring up at the ceiling. I wonder if I’ve died and gone to heaven, because there’s no better place than this.


  After brushing my teeth, Derrick and I shower together, having an incredible repeat session of last night’s activities before packing the rest of our things and waiting for Jude to pick us up. We would normally drive Derrick’s car, but since his is electric, we figured it would be easier to carpool in Jude’s gas-guzzling SUV.

  The trip down to Vegas is rather uneventful. We stop a few times to grab goodies, and I learn that Derrick and Jude both find the combination of fries and Frosty to be revolting. Even though they’re big fat babies who refuse to try something new!

  We eventually find ourselves on the Strip, and I stare in awe at the super-creative architecture. All of the buildings are so unique, and I love exploring each and every one of them.

  When we finally make it to our hotel, we use the valet, grab our luggage, and head to the reception area.

  We’re staying at the Venetian. It’s a gorgeous hotel right on the Strip. The building is designed to look like Venice, Italy, and I feel like they’ve done a pretty good job re-creating the city and it’s ambience. There are gorgeous Italian paintings covering the ceilings as well as large marble pillars giving it a very European touch. They even have a freaking gondola that weaves throughout the main courtyard and shopping area.

  Mind. Blown.

  Having been in the car for the last six hours, I’m ready to grab a drink at the bar and take a swim in the phenomenal pool. Unfortunately, I only have an hour or so before we need to start setting up the booth for the tech conference in the morning.

  I check everyone in at the reception desk, grabbing an assortment of keys before handing them out to the six employees attending this conference, including Derrick, Jude, and me. Ben, Andy, and Chase decided to tag along as well. They’ll be handling the small fish, while Derrick and Jude get to focus on the larger investors. I, as Derrick likes to put it, get to sit and look pretty.

  Obviously, he’s joking, or I would’ve kicked his fine ass.

  We all lumber into the elevator with our luggage in hand and head to our separate rooms. Coincidentally, Derrick’s and mine connect.

  I swear I didn’t plan that, but will you find me complaining? No. No you will not.

  I roll my suitcase into the room, lifting the beast onto the king-sized bed before collapsing right next to it. The space is decorated with warm grays, whites, and purples. I love it.

  As soon as my back hits the white comforter, I hear a knock on the adjoining door. Feeling giddy, I jump up immediately from my reclined position and skip toward the locked metal door. Swinging it open enthusiastically, I’m attacked by a giant blonde man who I assume is Derrick, but since I’m thrown over his shoulder so quickly, I can’t be sure.

  However, from this angle I can see a mighty fine backside that I’ve observed at length, and I can now confirm the giant is indeed Derrick. He tosses me onto the bed like I’m a rag doll before jumping on top of me and tickling me playfully. I squeal in delight, loving this light-hearted side of him.

  Thankfully, I’m finally able to put my wrestling skills to good use. Thank you, Luke.

  I tuck my arms into my sides, protecting my sensitive ribs from any further tickling before using my legs to twist away from Derrick, digging my heels into the comforter for traction. After I’m out from under him, I push myself up with my arms, and throw one of my legs over Derick’s lap, maneuvering myself until I’m straddling his waist.

  We both breathe heavily, trying to catch our breath, as I grin down at Derrick triumphantly from my superior position.

  “I win,” I announce, cockily. Derrick only chuckles, shaking his head back and forth, our chests still heaving.

  “You win,” he concedes before lifting his arm and gripping my neck. He pulls me down and kisses me lightly, his lips barely brushing my own. My hair acts as a thick curtain, shielding us from the rest of the world as we tease each other with only our mouths as weapons. I nibble his lower lip with enthusiasm before he flicks his tongue against my own, playfully. I smile in return, slipping my tongue into his wet mouth, deepening the kiss for a moment before pulling back. We continue our little game for a few minutes, neither of us taking it further than kissing. Instead, we take pleasure in each other instead of rushing to the main event. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had, and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself when there’s a knock on my door.

  Derrick groans as he’s obviously worked up. Which only causes bubbly laughter to escape my mouth as I jump up and stroll to the door.

  “Hello, love. Fancy seeing you here,” Jude teases playfully. He saunters into my room without invitation, noticing Derrick lying on the bed and staring up at the ceiling with a pillow on his crotch. Derrick is clearly frustrated from Jude’s interruption and rubs his face roughly with his hands, trying to calm himself down.

  Jude’s not an idiot, and he easily puts two and two together. He glances over his shoulder at me, grinning from ear to ear before clapping his hands in mock pride. “Bravo, darling. Bra-vo.”

  My laughter is giddy as I lift my hand for a high five, which he happily returns, the slap echoing in the room.

  “So how long h
as this been going on?” he asks, his brow quirking in my direction while completely ignoring his best friend lying on my bed.

  I’m unable to stop the grin from spreading across my face, my cheeks blushing as the images filter through my mind in HD. “Since last night.”

  Jude picks me up, enthusiastically spinning me around a few times before placing me back on my feet. “I knew you had it in you!” he shouts triumphantly, acting as if my win is his own.

  He’s almost like the gay friend I never had. Except the dude is definitely heterosexual. Masculinity practically seeps from his pores, attracting the female population like a bee to pollen.

  “I’m here, too!” Derrick mumbles from my bed, rolling onto his side before standing up and making his way toward us.

  “Well, what finally pushed you over the edge, mate?” Jude asks, turning his attention on Derrick.

  Derrick wraps his thick arms around me from behind, kissing my neck affectionately before responding.

  “Not what. Who. And the answer is simple.” He shrugs while his arms squeeze me tightly. “Breezy found a chink in my armor. She became my hurricane.”

  Jude scoffs, “Come again?”

  “She became the highlight of my day, making me think of her and her insane personality anytime I was away from her. She made me realize how much I miss spontaneity. How much I crave the adrenaline rush that accompanies the unknown.” He turns me around in his arms, speaking to me instead of his friend. “Bree, you are my Hurricane. You make me want to take risks, which I haven’t been willing to do for a long time. You swept into my life without warning and screwed everything up, if I’m being perfectly honest.” He smirks. “But you also brought back some essential things I need in my life. Things that had been missing, and I’m very grateful for that.”

  Derrick turns back to Jude. “So to answer your question? I learned that you can’t fight a hurricane. You just gotta hang on for dear life and enjoy the ride.”

  “Well, alright then mate. Now that it’s settled,” Jude rubs his hands together, “let’s all head to the booth, set up some banners then grab a pint.”

  I continue staring at the giant who’s holding me in his arms, trying to process his declaration from thirty seconds ago.

  “I think I need a pint too,” I choke out, needing a good stiff drink to help me placate the butterflies swarming my insides.

  Derrick simply smiles down at me before leaning forward and planting a whisper of a kiss against the tip of my nose.

  “Then let’s get you that drink,” he whispers sweetly.

  Jude heads to the door. “Come on, lovebirds. You’re making me sick.”

  We follow him down to the lobby and set up our booth for the following morning. Thankfully, it doesn’t take too long. We’re able to hang the banners, get the flyers organized, and put the promotions on display before calling it good.

  There’s a mixer for the conference attendees by the gorgeous pool area. They are serving free alcohol, and Jude suggests we all meet there in an hour to socialize. After all, the entire reason we’re at this freaking conference is to build connections and promote our company like crazy. What better place to do that than at the mixer?

  Derrick and I head to our separate rooms where I proceed to shower and get ready. I decide to wear a little black dress that hits just above my knees and clings to me like a second skin. I take extra care with my eye makeup, creating a smoldering look that really makes my green eyes glow. I keep my lips a neutral color, wanting my eyes to stand out instead. Afterwards, I curl my hair and twist it into an elegant chignon, allowing pieces to fall out and frame my face.

  Derrick times his arrival perfectly, knocking softly on my door as soon as I slip on my black pumps. I catch myself biting my lower lip in anxiousness as I slowly open the door.

  My eyes immediately scan Derrick from head to toe. He’s wearing a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The top two buttons are undone, exposing his lickable tan skin.

  Yes, I used that word again.

  He looks incredible.

  On his lower half he’s wearing black slacks and a pair of expensive looking loafers that look vaguely familiar.

  “Are those… ” my words die off in my throat when I gaze back at Derrick’s face.

  He grins at me knowingly before answering. “Why yes, Breezy. They are the same shoes you spilled nachos all over. How nice of you to notice. I thought it was only fitting I wear them tonight.”

  He winks while I bust up laughing at our inside joke. I grab his arm and rest my head against his shoulder as he leads me to the elevator.

  “I can’t believe you were able to get those bad boys clean!”

  “You wouldn’t believe the amount of scrubbing I had to do,” he comments, making me laugh even harder.

  “Well, I’m glad you put forth the effort. They totally made my night! If only you were wearing the same pants, too! That would’ve been epic!”

  Derrick shakes his head, chuckling good-naturedly. “Unfortunately, the pants didn’t make it. Sorry to disappoint you, Hurricane.”

  “Darn it!” I state, snapping my fingers and feigning disappointment. “Well at least you tried. That’s all that matters,” I add, grinning up at the man who’s quickly stealing my heart one dimpled-smirk at a time.

  He simply stares down at me, his blue eyes piercing, and plants a sweet kiss on my naturally pink lips.

  “You look incredible, by the way. I didn’t get a chance to tell you because you brought up the shoes, but you are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. Thanks for coming with me tonight.”

  I’m not quite comfortable with his complete honesty, so my big fat mouth decides to intervene. “Well, duh. It’s not like I can turn down my boss when he asks me to go on a company trip. That would be a very stupid career move.”

  Derrick rolls his eyes and pushes the button on the elevator.

  We head down to the lobby and follow the signs to the social.

  The area is gorgeous and has been decorated with twinkling lights strung up and hung over the beautiful pool area. The space has a large gazebo on one side where they’ve set up a bar, and on the other side there are a bunch of small tables for mingling, along with space for a dance floor.

  Thanks to Jude’s suggestion, we arrive at the perfect time. It looks like people have been mingling for a little while but haven’t quite taken advantage of the free beverages, so everyone is still somewhat sober. For now, anyway.

  Derrick leads me to the bar, grabbing a glass of white wine for me and a whiskey sour for himself. After, we head to one of the tables that Jude has already claimed for our group. He’s wearing clothes similar to Derrick but added a black sport jacket.

  Grinning from ear to ear, Jude states, “I’m surprised you made it on time. I figured you two would be shagging for at least a few hours. What’s the problem, mate? Stamina issues?” He quirks his brow, obviously teasing his friend.

  Derrick shoves him jokingly before pulling out my seat like a true gentleman.

  After a few minutes of idle chit-chat, Derrick leans closer to me, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear as he whispers, “Think you can handle yourself while I go find a few clients?” Jude stands up and heads to a group of strangers while Derrick continues to stare at me, waiting for an answer. I nod my head dreamily, wondering if I’m sleeping or if I am, indeed, dating the hottest guy here.

  With my silent approval, Derrick raps his knuckle against the plastic table and heads to a group of well-dressed men a few tables away, leaving me to my own devices.

  Wondering how rude it would be to pull out my phone and scroll through Facebook, I decide people watching will have to be my entertainment for the evening. As soon as I look up from my lap, I catch Rhett tipping his head in my direction, issuing an unspoken hello from across the room. I return the gesture before taking another sip of my drink.

  Apparently, a simple head nod isn’t enough interaction to satisfy the guy. As I set my
drink back on the table, I glance up to find Rhett sauntering over to my table like a lion stalking his prey. The guy oozes sexuality like Jude oozes charisma, and I wonder what I did to catch his attention.

  “You look beautiful, Miss Jensen. I’m surprised to see you here,” he states, pulling out the seat beside me.

  My cheeks warm from his innocent compliment before I find the words to reply. “Thank you. And I’m surprised you find that surprising. Weren’t you the one who kind of invited me here?” I probe, my brow raised in his direction.

  Rhett chuckles at my statement. “Jude may have convinced me to extend the offer. He said you and Derrick were having some…” he pauses, “Tension?”

  I giggle at his word choice, enjoying his company. “You could say that. Tension and sexual frustration,” I blurt before slapping my hand over my big fat mouth.

  Rhett’s laughter booms throughout the surrounding tables. He’s obviously finding my lack of filter hilarious. “Yes, and that. I’m assuming you two have worked that out of your system by now?” he inquires, jokingly.

  I just giggle, my crimson cheeks confirming his suspicions.

  “Hot damn,” he murmurs. “Good for Derrick. He’s been needing someone to tie him down for a while now. I’ve only known him for a year or so. Since we started working together,” he clarifies. “But I think you’re really good for him. This is the happiest I’ve ever seen him, and he can’t seem to take his eyes off you.”

  At Rhett’s comment, I find myself searching for my Viking in the crowds scattered throughout the party. Sure enough, Derrick’s baby blues are solely focused on me while nodding his head at something the guy next to him says.

  I smile shyly at him from across the room before returning my attention to Rhett.

  “Now, I know you’re here as Derrick’s date, but I assume you’re here for recruiting purposes, too.” He looks pointedly at me.

  I nod my head in reply, even though Rhett’s statement wasn’t exactly a question.

  “Well then, let me introduce you to a few of my associates. You can knock their socks off, and hopefully make a few contacts of your own in the process.”


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