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Page 19

by Kelsie Rae

  “Did you just call me Dude?” I ask, trying to hold back my laughter.

  Derrick just groans, “Did I seriously call you that? Jude, I think Bree’s starting to rub off on me.” Just the mere mention of his fiance’s name causes his voice to get all light and airy. The bloke has it bad, and I can’t blame him.

  Bree and Derrick are perfect for each other, I knew it from the moment I saw those two together. Personally, I’m more of a casual dater, but if I were to settle down, I imagine it would be with someone like her. I might give him shite for using terms he never would’ve said before she came around, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Derrick wouldn’t be half the man he is today without that girl.

  Switching the phone to my other ear, I shrug off his response and joke in my best American accent, “It’s alright, Dude.”

  “Anyway,” Derrick drags out the word while attempting to change the subject, “You leave in two days, so pack your bags, and let me know when you need your flight home. We’ve got things covered here. If we need anything, we know how to reach you. We can talk more tomorrow. I’ll let you go.”

  “Alright, thanks for letting me know. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Clicking the ‘end’ button on my phone, I place it on the coffee table. Anxiety gets the best of me as I take another swig of beer. Turning up the volume on the TV, I try to block out the pretty redhead I’ll be meeting in two days and the way my heart races anytime she crosses my mind.

  About the Author

  Kelsie is a new indie author who has loved the amazing community she plunged into. Kelsie likes to spend all of her time with her three kids, an amazing husband, and two fur babies. She’s addicted to sugar and goes through books like she does Ben and Jerry’s ice cream! When she isn’t reading or juggling kids, Kelsie can be found binging the newest television show on Netflix. If you’d like to connect with Kelsie, follow her on Facebook, sign up for her newsletter, or join Kelsie Rae's Reader Group to stay up to date on new releases, exclusive content, giveaways, and her crazy publishing journey.




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