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Mix'n Business With Pleasure

Page 12

by Hadley Raydeen

  “It was nice seeing you again, Robert. I’m sorry it wasn’t on the best of terms.”

  “I said what I had to say, Bevin. Take it how you will. Russell and I don’t see eye to eye, but I don’t want anything bad to happen to his business, or you. You know how I feel about you.”

  She lowered her head. “I know how I thought you felt about me at one time.”

  “It’s the same thing, baby. I care about you.”

  She stepped away from him. “I can’t do this, Robert. It’s too much. Thank you for lunch.”

  “Damn it, Bevin.” He reached out and pulled her back to him. He lowered his voice.

  “He followed us out here. Be careful. I don’t think he will hurt you, but something's off about him.”

  “Him who? I don’t know what you are talking about,” she hissed back at him.

  “The man in that restaurant works for one of my competitors. The man is shrewd when it comes to business. If he has him following you, it’s for nothing good,” Robert said back.

  “Why have me followed though? That doesn’t make a bit of sense. I have to go. This meeting has lasted way longer than it should have.” She pulled from him.

  She slid behind the steering wheel of her Miata. Robert shut her car door and waved at her. Turning the key in the ignition, she listened to the engine purr to life and pulled out of the parking lot. She caught sight of Jaxon coming around the corner looking at her with a disapproving glare through her rearview mirror.

  “You might as well come out, man. I can see you back there,” the tall black man called out to Jax.

  He adjusted his suit jacket and walked to his truck. “I assume you are talking to me?” Jaxon cleared his throat.

  “I don’t see anyone else ducking and diving behind buildings at the moment.” Robert turned to face the man.

  “I wasn’t hiding. You looked like you were having an intimate moment. I didn’t want to interrupt,” Jaxon explained.

  “Then why are you following her if you didn’t want to interrupt? What’s your endgame here?”

  “I was enjoying my lunch.” His excuse sounded lame, even to him.

  “Uh-huh, I’m sure you were,” Robert scoffed.

  “Okay, I don’t even know you. Maybe we should start out with introductions instead of accusations. I’m Jaxon Stewart.” He extended his hand to the man approaching him.

  “Robert Pierce.” The man engulfed his hand, staring him down.

  “Robert Pierce… as in Pierce Investors?”

  The older man smirked. “My reputation proceeds me, I see.”

  “How do you know Bevin?” He needed know. This would not turn out well if this man knew him and Gregory.

  “I’ve done some work with her and Russell in the past. We got to know each other…quite well.” A smug expression spread across his face and Jax wanted to punch him in the mouth.

  “Really?” he asked clenching his jaw.

  “Oh, yea. She is a good girl. Very passionate.”

  The word struck a cord and the heat rose in Jaxon from somewhere deep and he wanted to beat the hell out of the man standing before him.

  Robert leaned against his truck. “How do you know her?”

  “We are business associates.” He wanted much more with her, but that was none of this arrogant bastard’s business.

  “Does she know you have a thing for her?” Robert asked, eyeing the younger man with interest.

  “What’s it to you if I do or don’t, man?” He tried to play coy, but his attempt was lacking and he knew the other man could read him like a book. His attraction for her clung to him like cheap cologne. If the roles were reversed, he wouldn’t have believed the crock of shit himself. Standing in the shadows like a love sick puppy really didn’t help his case either.

  “Come on, brother. We are both men. We know what we want. I can tell you want her. Does she know?” Robert picked imaginary lint off his suit like the conversation was boring to him.

  Jaxon cleared his throat and looked everywhere but at the all-knowing and probing of the man questioning him. “We are done with this conversation.”

  His laugh was low and menacing. “Bevin is a good person. She has a keen eye, not only for details at work but for bullshit in a person. If you try it, she will know. Trust me, I’ve been on the receiving end of it.”

  “Receiving end of what, exactly?” Jaxon narrowed his eyes.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know? Boy, I’m warning you, don’t mess with her. If you do have a legitimate interest, go about it the right way. No underhanded bullshit. You hear me?” Robert walked away, but turned back to Jaxon. “Oh, by the way, tell Greg an old friend said hello.”

  Jaxon’s eyes grew wide. “Hey! Wait a minute,” he called after Robert. He’d be damned if he let him get away with stupid threats and random name dropping. “How in the hell do you know him?”

  Robert clicked the unlock button for his SUV, before looking back at Jaxon. “We’ve crossed paths a time or two.”

  He’d have to figure that out later with Gregory. Right now he cared more about his relationship with Bevin. Was this his competition? “Are you and Bevin involved?” Jaxon asked.

  Robert let out a hearty laugh, slipping behind the wheel of his vehicle. “Let Bevin tell you what we are.” He shut the door and backed out of the space, leaving Jaxon to look after him as he pulled away.

  As he watched the receding red lights exit the parking lot, he pounded a fist against the hood of his truck. Heat rose from his collar to his face causing a migraine to form. How in the hell could she give him grief about Sara when she had Robert?

  He narrowed his eyes and dug his phone from his pocket. He needed more information on Robert Pierce and he knew just who to call. Waiting a few seconds for the caller to pick up, he slid behind the steering wheel. “Russell, just the man I was looking for. You have a minute?”

  Chapter 13

  The sound of her briefcase clicking shut made her smile. She was happy to see the end of the day and breathed a sigh of relief that Jaxon hadn’t decided to reach out to her. Good. I didn’t want to have to explain my lunch ‘date’ to him, or ask him what in the hell he was doing there. She did need to figure out what Robert was going on about watching her back and whatever else he was talking about.

  Right now she didn’t want to have to deal with Robert or Jaxon for that matter. Turning, she caught sight of him leaning against her office door and stifled the groan that almost escaped her lips. Son of a bitch, spoke to soon.

  She exhaled a rush of air and brought a hand to her chest. “Damn it, Jax. You scared me.” His piercing gaze stopped her complaint. “What’s wrong?”

  “Why were you at lunch with Robert Pierce?” he asked.

  She rolled her eyes and walked toward the door, willing him the hell out her way. “I don’t have time for this.” She thought she could make it past him without answering these foolish questions, but he proved her wrong when his arm shot out in front of her. He towered over her and monopolized much of the space, impeding her exit.

  “Make time, Bevin.”

  “Dammit, Jaxon! I am in no mood for this right now. How do you even know his name?”

  “I saw you at lunch with him today,” he exclaimed.

  She rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip. “That doesn’t answer my question about how you know his name or why you were following me. A little stalkerish don’t you think, Mr. Stewart?”

  “A man’s gotta eat,” he answered.

  “Bullshit. Like that is the only place in town you could go for your midday meal.”

  “It was the only place I had an appetite for. The place had exactly what I wanted.” He looked her up and down like a wolf studying its prey.

  She gulped at the way he said ‘appetite’ and ‘want’. She wondered what else he could devour with ease. Thoughts of Jaxon going down on her flashed through her wayward mind. Oh not now, Bevin. Get your head together.

  She decided to go with sarcas
m. It was the easy way out. “I know their breadsticks are to die for, right?”

  He ignored her attempt at sarcastic humor. “Why were you with him, Bevin?”

  “Not that it is an ounce of your business, but Robert is an old friend. He asked me to lunch and I agreed.”

  She watched his brows furrow. “Friend, really?”

  “Um..yes? I said what it is. I don’t need to explain more.” Her incredulous tone left nothing to decipher, but yet he tried.

  “I got the impression he was much more.”

  “Did you? What would give you that impression?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, the intimate meal you shared—the hug, the whispering, the kiss... Makes me think there is something more there.”

  “Are you calling me a liar, Jax?” she asked, hand on hip.

  “I never said that.” He stepped toward her.

  “You didn’t have to.” She held up a hand, halting his pursuit. “I would answer your questions, but I think it is ridiculous you are asking.”

  She heard the growl start low in his throat and the anger flash in his eyes. She had to stand her ground though. She did not like the direction the conversation was headed. “What do you want me to tell you, Jaxon? I used to date the guy in college. I thought we would be married. Things change.” She tried to move past him, but he stopped her. He snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her to him. She looked up in his eyes and couldn’t read the darkness swirling there.

  “Are you still seeing him?” he asked, the question low, quiet, moody…angry.

  “No,” she answered, quietly.

  “Are you in love with him?”

  “At one time I thought I was, but no, not anymore,” she answered truthfully.

  “Is there a chance, after meeting with him today, you could see yourself back with him?”

  “He is married, Jaxon,” she answered, turning her head from him even as he pressed her body to him.

  “He’s what?”

  “He has a wife.” His hold on her faltered and she successfully pushed past him.

  Jaxon, caught off guard, had to catch her before she got to the elevator.

  “Wait. Your ex is married? Was he married when you were with him?”

  She hit the down button and refused to answer.

  “You two looked really close today, Bevin. Just say what it was with you two.”

  “We are friends. Nothing more.” She could feel her body start to shake and she refused to break down in front of him. He had no right asking these questions. What relationships she had, now or in her past, were none of Jaxon Stewart’s business. But here she was, like an idiot, answering him. And she could just kick herself.

  “He led me to believe…”

  She turned on him. “You talked to him?” She watched his mouth clamp shut. “Are you freaking kidding me?” She shook her head as the elevator doors opened. She stepped on. “Listen here, Jax, I don’t owe you anything. No answers about who I date or who I’m talking to. You are not my man. If I want to have ten dozen male friends, married, single, gay, straight, whatever, that is my business. You have your…Sara! Go find her and leave me the hell alone.”

  He stared at her. “You’re right about one thing, baby. I’m not your man…yet.”

  The doors closed before she could respond.

  Bevin could feel the tension rolling over her. She needed to work some of it off, and decided alcohol would be her friend this evening. She entered the nearest watering hole and ordered a double whiskey sour.

  “Rough day?” the bartender asked, pushing her drink in front of her.

  She took a healthy sip before replying. “You can’t even imagine.” She checked her cell; one missed call from her boss, one missed text from Robert.

  Robert: Watch out for Jaxon Stewart. He works with an old colleague of mine and I don’t think he has your best interests in mind. I spoke with him briefly after you left and I don’t like his vibe. It was nice seeing you today, beautiful. I don’t want anyone using you.

  She read the text twice before taking another sip of her drink. She texted back:

  Bevin: Why didn’t you tell me he talked to you?

  Robert: Didn’t want you to freak out.

  Bevin: Too late!

  Robert: Hmm, I guess he asked you about it?

  Bevin: He cornered me in my office!

  Robert: Why is he so free to come in your office and corner you about anything, Bevin? What is really going on with the two of you?

  Bevin: You lost the right to ask me about any man in my life a while ago, Robert. Don’t push me.

  Robert: Man in your life? Are you dating this prick?

  Bevin: Like I said, none of your concern. How is your wife by the way? Send her my best.

  Robert: Fine. You do whatever the hell you want to do. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

  Bevin: Thanks.

  No sooner did her phone grow quiet, the skin on the back of her neck prickled and she sensed his presence before he even sat down. The smell of this cologne tantalized her senses and she cursed him beneath her breath. “Damn it!”

  “This seat taken?”

  “Bartender,” she called, ignoring his question.

  He cleared his throat and slid in next to her. The bartender came over and he beat her to the punch putting his order in first. “Scotch. Oldest year you have for me please and whatever she is drinking. Put it on here.” He slid over his platinum card and turned to look at her. The heat of his gaze bore a hole in her, but she refused to look at him. “You gonna ignore me, Bevin?”

  “How’d you know I was here?”

  “Followed you.”

  “Fuck,” she breathed. “You have to stop this.”

  “I know. Look, I’m sorry. I just wanted to talk to you back at the office. Every time I try, you walk out on me.”

  “I didn’t have anything else to say or add to the conversation with you.” She finished the last drop of her drink, thankful the bartender was so efficient and quick with his drink-making skills.

  “Can I be honest with you?” Jax waited until she sipped her new drink and quickly nodded her head before answering. “I’m a complete moron when it comes to chicks. I meet one I think is attractive and I lose my mind, obviously.” He laughed. “I think you are amazing, Bevin.” He cleared his throat. “I just want to get to know you better. No outside company.”

  She listened to him, but didn’t speak. He took a sip of his scotch and continued. “You can tell me to go to hell at any time…but I’m gonna keep trying.”

  “You aren’t a moron and you know just what to say to women, Jaxon. Let’s cut the crap.”

  “Okay, damn. Can we start over? I promise I won’t follow you or act like a crazy person.”

  She sipped her drink peering at him over the edge of her glass. Her phone rang and she looked down at it. Robert’s name appeared on the caller id. Jax looked at it and then up at her. His expression darkened. “Just friends, eh?”

  Chapter 14

  She picked up the phone, slid the green button to the side and answered curtly, “You shouldn’t be calling. Plus, I’m busy right now.”

  “If you are busy, why did you answer the phone? Is he there?” Robert asked.

  “I have to go, Robert,” she growled.

  “You better text me in an hour letting me know you are okay, or I will come down there. We may not be together anymore, but my over-protective side will rise back up. Don’t play.”

  “I know,” she said softly.

  “You know I still care about you, right?”

  “Robert, come on. Now’s not good.”

  “Okay okay. I know. One hour, Bev.”

  “Okay.” She hit the end button on her phone and placed it back on the bar top. This time it was face down in case Robert texted or called back.

  She knew without even looking at Jaxon. His heated gaze never left her as she spoke. “Don’t start with me, please.” She drained her glass and slid it away. “Water, plea
se,” she asked the bartender.

  “What was that?”

  “He called to make sure I’m okay.”

  “Why wouldn’t you be?”

  “I seem to have a stalker. He is concerned.” She glanced at him and caught his semi-amused expression.

  “What happens in an hour?” he inquired.

  “Were you listening to my conversation?”

  “I’m sitting right here, Bevin. I couldn’t help but hear.”

  “From where you are, that’s eavesdropping,” she snipped at him. “If he doesn’t hear from me in an hour, he is coming down to come save me. Who knows what you will do to me.”

  “What do you want me to do?” he asked.

  “Loaded question,” she answered, refusing to look at him.

  He leaned in close. “I’m not one for game playing. I like you. I don’t share, and I don’t do cat and mouse well. We have to work together. I get that. I understand you want to remain professional on the job, but I don’t see any cubicles in here.”

  He laced his fingers through hers and leaned in close to her ear. The warmth of his breath caused heat to travel down the side of her neck and around to her tender breasts. Her nipples pebbled against her satin bra, causing tremors to continue south. Lord help me. She closed her eyes.

  “Tell me what you want, Bevin.” he asked again. She opened her eyes and turned to look at him. Mistake. Shadows of desire etched over his face, and gleamed in his eyes. He cocked his head and gave her a lopsided grin. “Hey,” he said quietly.


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