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Mix'n Business With Pleasure

Page 16

by Hadley Raydeen

  “Ah, God,” she cried out grabbing sheets with one hand and a fist full of his black hair in the other. She raised her hips to meet his mouth, and he devoured her in response. He lifted both her legs and rested the back of her thighs on his shoulders and continued into her opening. His tongue continued the exploration his fingers had begun earlier. In and out his tongue lapped at the nectar she produced. He licked her clean, not missing a drop as he had promised. She lay out of breath unable to feel her legs, her mind swirling. She closed her eyes and rode the wave of mounting pleasure she knew would erupt very soon.

  When she screamed out in release, he blew against her clit. The cool air against her over sensitized nub caused her to convulse even more. She heard the wrapper rip somewhere in the distance and she was vaguely aware of him pressing the rubber over his erect length. He stroked his impressive member in front of her. Her legs trembled at the thought of him entering her quick and hard. Not giving her body or her mind a minute to float down from the mountain of bliss she’d experienced from his tongue. There was nothing to hold them apart, no barriers this time of clothes and stockings and jeans and business suits, just skin against skin. He pulled her down the length of the bed until her body lay over the side. He lifted her legs wrapping them around him. She lay opened up to him like a grand buffet to a hungry man. He dipped his hips and she felt the pressure of his sheathed head against her opening.

  “Yes, Jaxon,” she murmured. “Take me.”

  It was all he needed to hear as he pressed forward claiming her passage, finally getting what he wanted. She screamed in delight as he hit that spot not once, but several times retreating and pumping into her again and again. His rhythm started smooth and slow. She reached for something to cling to. The comforter and sheet would have to do. His relentless assault on her built until he bucked against her fast and furious. She couldn’t help herself.

  “Yes, don’t stop,” she yelled. He positioned one hand beside her hip to leverage himself over her body, pistoning in and out of her. She tried to match his pace thrust for thrust, but her body gave out on her as she felt the familiar feeling she’d experienced with him more than once that day. Her breath caught in her throat as her pulse pounded in her ears. Lightening crashed behind her closed eyelids as a rush of orgasm washed over her body. Her head thrashed back and forth as he continued moving against her body until he too reached his release. He collapsed over her pulling her to him. Their bodies, half off the bed and half on, clung to each other vibrating in unison.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered in her ear. She shook her head ‘no’ and he smiled against her ear. “Me neither. You feel amazing, sweetheart.”

  Her heart fluttered at his terms of endearment. “You too.” Her face warmed, suddenly feeling shy around him after such an intimate moment.

  “Stay the night, Bevin,” he said.

  “What?” She pushed away from him looking into his eyes for the punch line. But he stared back at her, his face serious, searching hers for an answer.

  “I want you to stay here with me tonight.”

  “I… we have work tomorrow.”

  “Shower here, and go get your clothes in the morning.”

  “I don’t think that is a good idea, Jax—” She tried to pull from him, but he grabbed her hand.

  “Wait, baby, don’t leave. I really do want you to stay. We’re just getting started. I haven’t begun to get my fill of you.” He kissed at her neck, long and slow. His tongue moved at her pulse and his mouth sucked lightly at her skin. Her eyes fluttered closed at the feel of his warm breath against her neck and the strong arm pulling her back into his hard body. His attention made it hard for her to form a coherent thought, but she had to speak.

  “We need to talk about us, Jaxon.”

  “What do you mean? You want to talk about that right now?”

  “Yes, what we have here is good. But we need ground rules for work and we need to talk about… What? Wait where are you going?”

  She watched him roll from the bed and reach for his boxers.

  “You are setting ground rules, Bevin? “

  “I mean…yes. Don’t you think we need them?”

  He snapped his boxers in place and turned to her. “I like you. I think I like you more than I’ve been into any woman in a while. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it work between us because I want us to work. But I don’t want to ruin it with rules either.”

  “What are you saying?” She got up from his bed pulling his silk sheets to cover her body.

  “Let me cook dinner.”

  “You are avoiding my question.”

  “I don’t want to complicate anything, Bevin.”

  “I’m not trying to complicate anything.”

  “Look, baby, at work we will remain professional. After work hours, I can’t promise I’ll behave myself, because I know I won’t. I will want you every which way.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Okay, if any other hurdles come up, we will cross that bridge when we get to it. Now, let me cook for you. Chicken or steak?”

  “Continue to surprise me, sir.”

  Chapter 20

  After a steak and baked potato dinner, one of her favorites, they ended up back in his bed, limbs wrapped and tangled in sheets. She settled into the crook of his shoulder and started to doze. He got his way. She spent the night.

  As the light of morning peeked through venetian blinds, she rolled over and moaned, sore from a night of love making in positions her body was not accustomed to. She needed pain medication and coffee STAT. She opened her eyes and her gaze clashed with a pool of blue. The same eyes that tempted her the morning he painted outside her window. That seemed like a lifetime ago when it had only been less than a month.

  “Good morning, gorgeous.” He smiled

  “Good morning.” Her voice sounded satisfied, if that was such a thing. She knew she felt that way, achy and well sexed. She stretched and tried to sit up. Her body reacted to the movement and she winced.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes, just…sore.”

  A wicked smirk moved across his face. “I’m sorry, babe.”

  “You knew exactly what you were doing and you aren’t a bit sorry.” She playfully hit his arm. “What time is it?” she asked.

  He rolled to the left and looked at his bedside table. “It is seven.”

  “I need to leave.”

  “You don’t have to rush. You are welcomed to shower here.”

  “Oh no.” She slipped away from his grasp before he could pull her back. “If I shower with you, I won’t make it home or work.” She rolled from the bed, the sheet falling from her naked form.

  “Cover that fine ass up, sweetheart. You know your sexy body drives me wild.”

  She snickered and sashayed toward the door. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” She did not make it much further in her retreat. He moved from the bed with such quickness, it caught her by surprise. He snagged his prey and pulled her back into his lair.

  After another round in his bed, she finally relented to his protests and they ended their morning with round two in his shower. She made it home and dressed in a dark maroon pant suit and tan pumps and pulled her hair in a French roll. Grabbing her briefcase, she headed toward her car.

  She entered the office well after ten a.m. He had made her much later than she wanted to be. Regardless of what she’d said, her body could not resist his able hands and alluring mouth. She craved every minute of him. She knew he was somewhere smirking, knowing he had talked her into everything she said she didn’t want to do, but secretly wanted. Every muscle and bone in her body sang his praises from the sexual workout he had put her through. He knew how to make a girl squirm, and beg for more. She smiled, well satisfied, as she slid behind her desk to check her email and get some work done.

  By lunchtime, she had a steady flow in her work day and she was pleased at how much she had accomplished in just two hours.

he hung up from a conference call with Russell and the other senior staff members, and decided it was a good time to grab a bite to eat. She was famished after last night and this morning’s workout, and hadn’t thought to grab something on her way in.

  Opening her door, she saw Jaxon standing across the office talking to the receptionist. Bevin tilted her head to the side and watched his charismatic ways. He stood with confidence and seemed to command the room with charm and good humor. The girl behind the desk giggled and twirled her hair with her finger as she looked up at him and batted her lashes. Bevin couldn’t help the tinge of jealousy at their interaction.

  At that moment, he looked up and locked eyes with her. A lustful look quickly flashed across his handsome features. She recognized it from hours between the sheets with him. He wanted her, and she felt the same way.

  “Hey, Bevin,” he said, cutting the receptionist off mid-sentence.

  “Hello, Mr. Stewart.” She tried to mask the husky sound of arousal in her voice. She cleared her throat and he immediately caught her intention and saw the slow grin come to his face.

  “Uh... I brought some samples for you to look over.” He held up a portfolio as proof of his visit. “Christina here told me you were on a conference call.”

  “I just finished my call. I was just headed out to get lunch.”

  He held up a large handled paper bag from her favorite Italian restaurant, and not the spaghetti shack Robert had taken her to the other day. “I brought lunch, if you want to stay in and eat.”

  She turned to look at the girl sitting at the front desk. Her gaze never left Jaxon’s face.

  “Christina, hold all my calls. Mr. Stewart and I will have a working lunch.” Christina nodded her understanding as Jaxon made his way past Bevin into her office. She shut the door behind them and turned right into his arms.

  “I tried to stay away, sweetheart. I really did. I made it a good portion of the morning, but I just had to see you.”

  She smiled as he kissed her lips and held her tight. “I figured you’d be busy today, after I kept you this morning.” He winked at her. “I hope you don’t mind?” he asked.

  She playfully swatted his arm. “Of course not. I’m glad to see you.” She welcomed the feel of his warm body holding her. But the delicious scents from the contents of the bag he placed on her desk were getting the best of her attention, and she peeked around his broad shoulders. “What did you bring?” She looked back up at him.

  “I really did bring samples and pictures. The guys are making great progress and we should be wrapping up─”

  “Jax, I will hear all about that later, but I’m starving. What did you bring to eat?”

  He snickered and loosened his grip on her. “Soup and Italian sandwiches.”

  “Oh really? That sounds wonderful.”

  He leaned in again and kissed her hard and long and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Jax,” she breathed as he finally released her, pressing a hand to his broad chest. “I like the kisses; I do but you wore me out the last twelve hours or more. Feed me or I will surely pass out.”

  “I’m sorry. I told you I missed you, Bevin.” He laughed.

  “Yes, you did.” Her skin warmed under his gaze. “I missed you, too.”

  He smiled as he turned and handed her the bag. She peeked into the container holding the food. “It smells really good.”

  “Go ahead and dive in, babe. Do you have drinks here?” he asked, turning toward her wet bar.

  “I have soda and wine in my cooler.” She handed him a wrapped sandwich. “I’ll get it. What do you want?” she asked, moving across the room.

  “I know what I want,” he said.

  She heard the tone in his voice and stopped, throwing a glance over her shoulder. She caught him staring at her backside. “You better behave, sir,” She snickered, continuing toward the bar and pulling drinks for them.

  “Look, I’ve been good most of the day. Every time I try, all I can think about is how good you feel.” He closed the distance between them. Taking the cold soda from her hands, he lowered his head and took her lips again with his. “I’ve been thinking about your kiss ever since you left my house this morning,” he murmured against her parted lips.

  Barely able to regain the breath he had stolen, she looked up at him through hooded eyes. “I thought we agreed, Jax. None of this at work.” Her argument sounded lame at best. She knew and he knew, she was full of shit.

  He smirked at her. “We are behind closed doors.” He wrapped his hands around her, bringing her to him. He reclaimed her kiss, moving hands up and down her back massaging her into him. “Who needs lunch when I could just eat you up?” he said.

  “We have things we need to take care of; samples, you said, right?” she protested.

  “Mm-hmm, I would like a sample,” he growled.

  “Jaxon!” She laughed and stepped away. “Stop it. We are gonna have lunch and talk about work.”

  He snagged her hand, bringing her wrist to his mouth. He slowly kissed the sensitive flesh above her quickening pulse. “Come back over tonight. We can finish where we left off.”

  Her breaths were shallow as he pulled her back to him. “You are gonna make me all types of late for work again tomorrow morning. Why don’t you come to my place tonight—?”

  Her computer beeped at that minute. “What is that?” he asked, turning to look at her desk.

  “My Skype account. Usually that means it’s Russell.” She looked at her open laptop.

  “What does he want? Do you have a meeting scheduled with him?” Jaxon asked.

  “No. I don’t have anything scheduled with him. We just ended a conference call. I don’t know what he wants. I do have to answer though. Stand on this side of the desk so he doesn’t see you.”

  She moved to the opposite side of her desk and took a seat. She moved her mouse, and clicked on a few buttons until a video of Russell became visible to her.

  “Bevin, how are you?” Russell’s voice boomed through the speakers of her laptop.

  She had just hung up from a lengthy conference call with him. What could have possibly changed with how she was doing in fifteen minutes? She resisted the urge to roll her eyes and instead forced a smile. “Things are going well here. I’m well, and just working on the venture we spoke about.”

  “Good. That is good and are things going according to plan with the building project?”

  She looked up at Jaxon briefly and her gaze locked with his. He pulled his shirt up and over his head. His taut muscles pulled and restricted as he threw it across one of her office chairs.

  “Um…,” she gulped, watching as he poured a drink of whiskey from her wet bar, instead of the soda and threw it back. He worked at the buckle of his pants; his gaze never leaving hers. He dared her with every move. Knowing full well she couldn’t, at least she shouldn’t, be focusing on him. She tried to ignore him, focusing her attention back on Russell.

  “Is everything okay?” She registered the concern on Russell’s face and in his tone.

  “I’m fine. Everything is good,” she lied. She could see Jaxon in her peripheral unbuttoning and pushing down his pants next.


  “I’m sorry, Russell, just a bit distracted. I have a few different things going on here right now.” One being the sexiest thing ever, standing in front of her in black boxers and an apparent erection. “What’s going on, Russell? How are things on your end?” She fidgeted in her seat. Across from her, Jaxon threw back another glass of whiskey and worked at his boxers. She knew they were pooled at his feet, but she didn’t dare look up. He kicked them forward in her line of sight on the floor. He stepped forward just behind her laptop and sat in the chair in front of her. She could see him, but he was well out of the line of sight of the camera. Naked before her in all his glory, his thick erection stood, beckoning her to come and play. She willed herself not to look at him. She would not fall victim to the temptation of his body. Not now, wit
h Russell watching her every move.

  Russell cleared his throat and she snapped from her fog. “I won’t keep you long, Bevin. I see I’ve caught you in the middle of…something. Now, I know it is short notice, but I need you to come and help me close this deal. It may be a while, mind you. I’m thinking a couple of weeks from deal to contract and closing.”

  “You need me to… What?” She sat forward in her seat staring at her screen. The vision of Jaxon in her peripheral now gone.

  “Yes, Bevin. You could be here in a couple of hours. We have work to do. This is an important deal.”

  “What about the building project?” she asked.

  “You just told me everything is under control with that. I’m sure Jaxon and his men have all the direction they need from you on the project and you are but a phone call away if there are questions or approvals needed. By the time you come back, the project will be ready for your final approval. Also, I need to speak with you about a few things of concern.”

  She sat back and looked quickly at Jaxon. The stroke of his hand on his erection slowed, he watched, his brow cocked at Russell’s last statement.

  “What do you mean? What is the problem?” Bevin looked back at the screen.

  “We can talk about this in person, Bevin. I will see you tomorrow.” His tone was clipped and not quite like him.

  “Russ, I’m finishing up projects here. It’s Wednesday. If you give me until the end of the week, I can have everything finished and fly out over the weekend to be fresh for Monday’s meetings.”

  “Bevin, I’m not asking. I’m telling you. You are needed here now. Book a flight, please. I will see you soon.” He clicked off the video chat before she could respond. She closed the laptop to stop any more distractions. She wasn’t sure why her boss had been so short with her and so vague about this business deal. She looked up at Jaxon.

  “When?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I’m assuming sooner rather than later. I wasn’t planning on leaving. I have to check flights, I guess.”


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