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Rook (Chess Chronicles Book 2)

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by Riley Walker


  Riley Walker

  First Edition, 2018

  Copyright ©2018 by Riley Walker

  Editor: Michelle Hoffman

  Cover Designer: Francesca Vance, Reaper Designs

  Formatter: Zoe Parker


  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the authors rights. Thank you for respecting the work of Riley Walker. Don’t be a jerk.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  To the readers who loved Knight and demanded more…

  Music Muse

  Boys II Men, “It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday”

  Rick James, “Give It To Me Baby”

  Len, “Steal My Sunshine”

  Twisted Sister, “We’re Not Gonna Take It”

  Destiny’s Child, “Survivor”

  TLC, “Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls”

  A Great Big World, “Say Something”

  Diddy, “Dirty Money - Coming Home”

  John Lennon, “Give Peace A Chance”

  Tammy Wynette, “Stand By Your Man”

  Table of contents



  1. Back at the Castle (Edrik’s POV)

  2. The Prize (Rook’s POV)

  3. Going Commando

  4. Poker Night

  5. Inferior Camp

  6. Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls

  7. Punching Bag

  8. Deja Vu

  9. Meet Me At Ruby’s (Rook’s POV)

  10. All Tangled Up

  11. Loyalties Tested (Hawkeye’s POV)

  12. Jerkface

  13. Getting Dirty

  14. Taking Back Control

  15. Trojan Horse (Rook’s POV)

  16. The Truth Comes Out

  17. Time To Go

  18. Information Overload (Rook’s POV)

  19. Coming Home

  20. Girl Time

  21. Surprise Company

  22. Air And Opportunity

  23. Hold Up (Edrik’s POV)

  24. Reuniting

  25. Truth Or Dare

  26. BFF Time

  27. Pizza Party

  28. Feels Like Old Times (Rook’s POV)

  29. In the Shadows (Winston’s POV)

  30. Shipment Delivered (Rook’s POV)

  31. Dinner And A Show

  32. Message Received (Gretchen’s POV)

  33. A Heart Broken

  34. Saying Goodbye

  35. Three Become One

  36. The Prince Becomes The King

  37. The Real Fight

  38. My Beloved (Winston’s POV)

  39. Hold On


  About Riley Walker

  Find Us Here


  Fated mates shall unite with their Golden Queen,

  or peace shall not be seen.

  If the bonds are not eternally made,

  evil in our realm shall raid.

  Two Kingdoms will undoubtedly fall,

  if the Golden Queen heeds not her call.

  For only love shall change this fate,

  between the Golden Queen and her fated mates.


  “Hello, Princess. I’ve been expecting you.”

  I feel a strong arm across my middle, while a callused hand covers my mouth. I only met him briefly in my kitchen when he defended me and was stabbed for his efforts, but I would still recognize that voice anywhere. Rook, the Renegade Resistance leader. His hot breath is on my neck, and my body is responding to him–his voice and his touch.

  I watch as Colton carries Shelby away, followed by Edrik and Winston. Before I have the chance to pull my mouth away and scream, I feel a prick in my leg and chance a glance down to see a needle sticking out of my thigh. “Everything will be alright, Princess. I have you now.”

  That is the last thing I hear before my world goes black.


  Back at the Castle (Edrik’s POV)

  The Prince and I arrive back at the castle, Colton and Shelby following us through the door, but I do not see Chess. Colton looks around frantically.

  “Where is she?” Colton asks me.

  “What do you mean, Colton? We went back to the meeting place, and no one was there. We thought you had already grabbed her and Shelby then headed back here,” I respond to his question with an edge to my voice.

  “Franchesca wasn’t there when Shelby and I got back. We thought she left with you. Why did y’all come back here if you weren't sure we had her?”

  “We ran into trouble on the way to the meeting point. Once we got there and no one was waiting, we decided to backtrack and lead the group of Renegades following us away from your trail. Damn it, Colton, why did you leave without her?”

  “I just told you, Edrik, I thought you had her. Besides, I had Shelby thrown over my shoulder, and I was trying to get out of there as fast as I could!”

  “Guys! Just stop! I tried to tell you, Rook just wanted to talk to her. He swore she would be okay. We just need to go back, talk to Rook, and bring Frannie home.”

  I stare at Shelby, wondering if she has hit her head on something or if she really is this stupid. Does she think the infamous Rook would not hurt my Chess? He has already killed several men. We are at war with the Renegades, and she thinks Chess will be okay because all he wants to do is talk? I do not understand this girl or what Chess sees in her.

  “We need to gather the army and leave immediately. We cannot let her–”

  My sentence is cut short when King Bastian walks in. I watch him as he scans the room, no doubt looking for his daughter.

  “Where is Franchesca?”

  “King, we do not know where she is right now, but we have a pretty good idea.”

  “What do you mean you have a pretty good idea, Edrik? Where is my daughter?!”

  Winston steps forward, both his hands clasped tightly behind his neck, ready to attempt to answer the King.

  “Sir, she demanded that we go and not tell anyone. She was afraid her friend would suffer if we took anyone else with us.”

  “What are you talking about, Winston? Did you disobey my direct orders and help Franchesca? I will not ask again. Where is my daughter?”

  “We believe the Renegades have her.”

  I wait for the King to either blow up or kill one, or all, of us. Instead, he looks around with a pinched face and his hands clenched at his side.

  “We will do nothing right now. We will wait until we hear from them. They are bound to have demands, and I refuse to storm in there with no intel. We have to be smart about this and plan. Winston, contact your father and have him gather the other Advisors. Get them here now. Edrik, find me every map, every piece of paper that has the smallest bit of information on the Renegade camp on it. You two humans, I want you out of my sight. You are the reason she is in this position.”

  Winston runs back out the front door, and I race toward the library where we left our maps and information. The only map missing is the one Chess has on her. I gather up everything and rush back to the King’s study. The only thing I can think right now is that by trying to keep her safe, we left her more vulnerable. I will never forgive myself for allowing Chess to be taken from me. I will get her back, and Rook will pay.


  The P
rize (Rook’s POV)

  I catch her as her body goes limp and retrace my steps, taking us further away from where the others are attempting to leave with Shelby. The Knight and Prince have no clue that I have given strict instructions to allow them to take Shelby without incident. She was only a pawn to get the Princess here.

  I make my way back to my tent. It is the one place I know Armand and the others would not dare enter without my permission. I lay the Princess gently atop my bed and run the back of my hand down her smooth face. Her golden hair is fanned out on my pillow, and I know when she opens her eyes, they will be crystal-blue. She may be tiny, but she is full of fire. Damn, this woman will be the death of me.


  I lift my head up and glare at the only person who treats my sanctuary as his own.

  “Hawkeye, what is the status update on the prisoner and her rescuers?”

  “They are off the property and are headed back east towards the forest.”

  “Good. No problems then?”

  “None. What is going on in here, Rook? Why are you keeping her in here? Shouldn’t she be in the cells with the other prisoners?”

  I stand to my full height, looking my second in command in the eye. “She is no prisoner here. We want her to see our way and help us make the changes needed to improve the lives of the Inferiors. How will she learn to trust me, to trust us, if we just throw her in a cell like a common criminal?”

  “Of course, Rook. Is there anything you need, or shall I go back to patrolling?”

  “No. Go back to the patrols and make sure the Knight and Prince do not try to infiltrate the camps again. I allowed them in once, but I will not allow them back in again.”

  I watch Hawkeye walk out of my tent, and I can feel the tension rolling off of him. My beast has begun to feel uneasy when he is near, and I have never been steered wrong when I listen to him. I need to keep a better eye on Hawkeye, especially with the Princess here. Now is not the time to let my guard down.

  I turn back just in time to see Franchesca begin to wake up. She sits up slowly, looking around before finally setting those crystal-blue eyes, filled with trepidation, on me. I knew she was going to be livid.

  “What the holy hell am I doing here? Where is Shelby? Did you do something to my guys?”

  All hell is about to break loose. My woman is pissed. Wait? What? Did I just think that? My woman? I feel a rumble deep in my chest. Oh no, I did not think that, my beast did. Why is he trying to claim the Princess? I send out my feelings of frustration and anger to him for even thinking that this person could be our mate. She is part of the reason we are here, fighting a war for the most basic of necessities. She is a Royal and, by extension, my enemy. She is not my mate and, most definitely, not my savior.

  Before I can answer her questions, I see vines creeping up under the tent and begin to wrap around my legs and my body. Well, this is surprising, to say the least. Franchesca looks at me with a smug grin on her face, and I believe I hear her mutter, “Eddie would be so proud of me.” Who the hell is this Eddie?

  With a shit-eating grin, I partially shift my hands, using my claws to cut the vines and pull away from the impressive prison she’s attempted to put me in. Before she can entangle me again, I leap forward grabbing both her wrists, holding her captive as we tumble to the ground. She looks absolutely furious, and it only satisfies me more.

  “Princess, that was not a very nice thing to do. You do not want to anger me or my beast.”

  “Well, it is not a very nice thing to kidnap, drug, or try to accost me! And what are you? I know you are a shifter, but those are some serious claws.”

  “That isn’t something you need to know right now, Princess. Maybe I will share my beast once I can trust you.”

  I stand up and offer her my hand, which she refuses. Franchesca glares at me while getting to her feet and brushing herself off.

  “I’ll be back later. Try to get some rest, and I will think about sending someone in here with food.”

  I turn and storm out of the tent, refusing to let the Princess know that she has gotten under my skin. I cannot trust her, no matter what the prophecy says. She may be destined to unite all the kingdoms and bring my people peace, but she will never rule me.


  Going Commando

  There must be a reason for Rook keeping me here. Since he left, I have spent my time going over the events of the day. There is no way Edrik, Winston, and Colton could have walked in here and gotten Shelby out as easily as they did. What is the real reason Rook wants me here? I am not stupid, no matter what that man thinks. I know the real intention of taking Shelby was as a pawn to get me here. Now, I just have to bide my time and figure out why.

  I gingerly stand, stretching my sore muscles, and take in Rook’s tent. It is very utilitarian, with a large bed in the far corner, a footlocker at the end of it, with a rug covering the hard floor. On the other side of the room, is a large desk covered in papers and what looks to be rolled up maps. Sitting behind it, is a large chair and two smaller ones facing the opposite side. A tall lamp stands next to the desk, and to the right of it, sits a cabinet that has glasses, a water pitcher, and several bottles of liquor on top of it.

  I make my way over to the cabinet to fix myself a glass of water when the flap to the tent is suddenly thrown open. I remember this man. It is hard to forget a man that looks like him. He has dark-black hair that matches the black tips on his wings in his hawk form, angular cheekbones any woman would kill for, and a perfect olive complexion. He was the one who carried an injured Rook out of our kitchen the night of the Renegade raid.

  “What are you doing in here?” I ask him.

  He bows with a condescending smirk on his face. “Dinner is served, Princess,” he says, as he bends to retrieve a tray from just outside the tent.

  I watch as he brings in the covered tray and drops it onto Rook’s desk. “What is your name?”

  “Hawkeye is my name. You may remember me from before. I was there at the castle when your friend stabbed my Alpha, as well as on the Earth Realm, watching you.”

  “Bianca was no friend of mine, and your Alpha stepped in the way when she tried to kill me. Rook saved my life. Wait. What do you mean you watched me while I was in the Earth realm?”

  “Ah, I’ve said too much. Besides, what I or my Alpha does is none of your concern.”

  “I am pretty sure what your Alpha does is my concern. After all, he captured me and brought me back to this place. I don’t even know why I am here! I deserve some answers.”

  Hawkeye spins, and in the next moment, is in my face yelling at me, his eyes full of fury. “You don’t deserve anything! You live in your castle, high on a hill looking down at us Inferiors while our people are suffering and dying all in the name of power for the Royal families. What makes you think you deserve to know anything?”

  “I had no idea, until after I returned, that the Inferiors were being treated as they are. I have already spoken to my father about this matter, and I want to help fix it.” I throw my hands up in the air, exasperated at this man who thinks he can march in here, speaking of things he has no clue on.

  “If you had wanted to help, you would not have ran off like a spoiled brat!”

  “I was only a child!” I yell back at him.

  “You are the peoples’ Princess! You,” he says, pointing at me, “ are the future Queen, destined to bring peace to all your people. But instead of staying here and learning about the people you are supposed to rule over and protect, you run off to have fun until we forced you back. That is why you are here. It’s time for you to see what the Royals are really like. You are in for a rude awakening, Princess.” His hands are fisted in his hair, a sneer on his mouth, and you can feel the passion in every word he says.

  Hawkeye glares at me one last time before storming out of Rook’s tent. I am left standing there with my mouth hanging open.

  What did the Royals before us do to these people, to make them so ful
l of hate and maliciousness towards us?

  I am sitting at Rook’s desk, looking over the maps of the Dark and Light Fey Kingdoms when he walks in the tent. He moves past, completely ignoring me, and continues over toward his bed. He rips off his shirt and toes off his combat boots.

  Rook turns, looking at me and asks, “Making yourself at home already, Princess? Did you go through my locker, too? I’ll go ahead and save you the question, the answer is no. I do not wear any.”

  I blink at him, trying to figure out what he is talking about when he begins to unbutton his pants, letting them fall to the floor. Oh, now I understand what he was talking about when he says he doesn’t wear any. I immediately cover my eyes and hear him chuckle. Bastard.

  “It's safe now, Princess. I’m dressed, you can remove your hands. I would have thought someone who spends as much time in the company of three suitors, you would not embarrass so easily.”

  I take a peek through my fingers and see that he has changed into a clean shirt and a pair of pants. I drop my hands and watch as he walks over to the cabinet, pouring himself a glass of amber liquid.


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