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Rook (Chess Chronicles Book 2)

Page 3

by Riley Walker

  “What do you want, Princess?”

  He sounds so weary, so worn down. I don’t like hearing him this way.

  “I want answers, Rook. I heard some people saying that my home is on lockdown. Has there been another incident?” I take a deep breath, worried about what his answer will be when I ask him my next question. “Did you attack my family again?”

  Rook growls in frustration before answering me. “No, Princess. I did not attack your family or your precious castle again. I would wager a guess that it's on lockdown because you are missing.”

  I look at the ground, blinking my eyes to keep the tears from falling. “I need to go home, Rook. I have responsibilities there. If you want me to help, you have to know this is not the way to get your demands heard. You are not a stupid man, and I am not a stupid woman. Tell me why I am still being held here like a prisoner.”

  He throws his hands up in the air in exasperation. “I have never treated you as a prisoner, Princess. I allow you free reign to come and go as you please.”

  “You allow me to walk around and see the despair here. I get it. I cannot do anything about it while I am being held here. Why won’t you just let me go, and we can work together to change the way the Inferiors are being treated.”

  He turns from me, grasping the bag with both of his hands, his shoulders raising with each heavy breath he takes.

  “I can’t let you go. Not yet.”


  “Can you feel it, Princess? The pull? Everytime I come near you, I feel it. Why is this? I am supposed to be your enemy, and yet my beast keeps fighting me when I walk away from you. Tell me you feel it, too.”

  I don't want to respond. It scares and confuses me, but I will not lie to this man. “Yes, I feel it, too.” My answer is only a whisper, but I know he hears me when he drops both of his hands from the bag.

  Rook turns, now fully facing me. I can’t help but appreciate his chiseled body. This is a man that works hard with his hands daily, and he has the build to prove it. My eyes roam over him, his muscles drenched with sweat, his pants tight across his thick thighs. When I look back up, Rook is in my face, his nostrils expanding with every huff he takes. He grabs me by the face and pulls me to him, crushing his lips to mine. This is no sweet kiss, no kiss of passion or love. Oh no, this is a raw, take no prisoners kiss. My instinct–or is it hormones?– takes over, and I reciprocate the kiss with everything I have in me. Heat swarms through my body, and Rook sets me on fire everywhere. His fingers tangle in my hair, and our bodies collide. I grab his strong shoulders and feel his hardness press into my stomach. Lust consumes me, and all I want right now is this man between my thighs.

  I pull away from his bruising lips and see a beast behind those eyes. “Rook, what are we doing?”

  “I’m not really sure, but I refuse to stop now.”

  His eyes roam my body with a hunger that I have never seen before. This man just might devour me right here, right now. Rook picks me up, and I have no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist as he slams my back up against the tree. His lips come crashing down on mine once again, and I gasp from the impact. This causes my lips to open, and he takes the opportunity to delve his expert tongue into my mouth. I have never felt such raw intense hunger in my life. I am not sure what has come over me. I have never been this brazen before, but Rook brings out the animal in me. It is almost like his beast is calling out to me.

  I let go of his neck and run my hands over his rock-solid pecs, down his chiseled abs, and straight to the button on his pants. I am fumbling with the button and getting highly frustrated when I feel him grin against my lips. I pull away to look at the cocky bastard and see he is highly amused by my actions. Rook sets me on my feet and confusion sets in. Does he not want me? Was this just a game to him?

  Rook gives me a huge toothy grin while freeing himself of his boots and cargo pants. His very impressive cock is standing at attention, and I am starting to wonder if it is also part beast. I must be standing there drooling and looking like a fool when he clears his throat.

  “Princess, you have on way too many clothes.” He moves toward me and uses one partially shifted hand to remove my button on my pants and rip my shirt right down the middle. I now see the convenience of wearing no underwear.

  “I cannot wait to taste you, Princess. You smell so divine, like honeysuckle and citrus.”

  Wait. What? Taste me? Is his beast going to take a bite out of me?

  “Don’t look so terrified, love,” he says as he prowls toward me. He growls, “Grab the limb above your head and put your thighs on my shoulders.” He then grabs me by the waist and hoists me up.

  I grab the limb, holding on tight, and wonder what in tarnation this man is about to do to me when I feel his mouth clamp down on the sensitive nub between my thighs. Oh my stars! Rook is sucking and lapping at my very wet folds, and his little purrs are vibrating my nub to the point of pure ecstasy. This man can taste me anytime he wants. Rook’s tongue starts switching between my sensitive clit and my entrance till I just can’t take it anymore. My core tightens down on his amazing tongue, and I come hard as the fireworks behind my eyelids explode.

  While I am still trembling with the aftershock of my orgasm, Rook lowers me down to his waist and impales me with his rather large manhood. He waits until he is fully sheathed in me before uttering a word.

  “You taste better than I imagined, and you feel even better wrapped around me.”

  His dirty talk turns me on even more. No one has ever spoken to me in such a way. I don’t have much time to think about this before my back hits the tree once again. He begins thrusting in and out of me with such a fierceness that I am not sure that the beast has not fully taken over. I try to meet his thrusts with my hips, but the bark at my back and his powerful movements keep me immobilized. I can only hang on and enjoy this wild ride.


  Deja Vu

  I feel the bottom of my stomach fall as soon as Rook lets go of me and grabs his head in both hands. It’s déjà vu. Please do not let this be happening again. How can this be happening again?

  “Rook, are you okay?”

  “Hell no, I am not okay. There is something wrong with my eyes and my head! What did you do to me?”

  He snaps his head up and takes a large step toward me, leaning in and looking me directly in the eyes as he asks me again. “Princess, what did you do to me?”

  The same beautiful lavender eyes that adorn the face of my Knight are now staring back at me from a man I barely know.

  “Rook, I am going to need you to take a deep breath and stay calm.”

  “Princess, I am not a dog. If you tell me to sit and stay, I will completely lose it.”

  “Okay. Well, see, Royals have fated mates–”

  “I know all about the fated mates, Princess. You just need to tell me what you did to cause the pain in my head and the burning in my eyes.”

  I whisper as quietly and quickly as possible, “I think you are my fated mate.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t think I heard you correctly. What did you just say?”

  I take a deep breath and repeat what I just said. “I think you are my fated mate.”

  Rook lets out the loudest belly laugh I have ever heard. Either he thinks this is funny, or he has lost his mind. I might be going with the latter.

  “Are you seriously trying to tell me that you think we are fated mates? What would make you say that?”

  “It’s your eyes.”

  “My eyes? What about my eyes?”

  I grab Rook’s hand and lead him back to his tent. Thankfully, someone has lent him a small hand held mirror that I have been using. I hold it up to him, so he can get a good look at his new eye color. As soon as he sees the change, his entire body tenses up. I immediately take a step back, allowing him to hold the mirror on his own.

  “Princess, my eyes are purple.”

  “Technically, they are lavender.”

  “You want to talk tec
hnicalities? My eyes are freaking lavender. Why are my eyes lavender, Princess?”

  “Like I told you, we must be fated mates.”

  “If we are fated, then why are your eyes still blue?”

  I lower my gaze and take a deep breath. Raising my hands to the amulet that hangs from around my neck, I begin to slowly remove it. Once it is off, I lift my head and look up at Rook, allowing him to see my lavender eyes for the first time.

  “I am not your first mate, am I?”

  I shake my head no.

  “How many?”

  “There is only one.” My response is so soft, I am surprised he could hear my answer.

  I refuse to tell him who it is. I will not let anything, or anyone, harm Edrik. For now, I have to keep his identity a secret because I am still technically betrothed to Winston.

  “You aren’t going to tell me who it is, are you?”

  “No. I’m sorry, but right now, I just can’t.”

  Rook runs his hands through his hair. His movements are harsh, showing his frustration.

  “What are we supposed to do then, Princess? It is not like I can walk around with purple eyes.”

  “First of all, they are lavender. Secondly, I can get you an amulet like mine. I need to get back to the castle and see someone.”

  “Who do you need to see, Princess? Do you think having this happen,” he points to his eyes, “would suddenly give me a conscience, and I would just let you leave? Do you take me for a fool?”

  “NO! Of course, I don’t think you are a fool. Gretchen is there. I trust her with my life. She can get you an amulet, just like she did me.”

  Rook gives me a funny look when I tell him about Gretchen.

  “You don’t need to worry about me, Cara. I have it covered.”

  I watch Rook as he storms away from me. Cara? What the hell is Cara?


  Meet Me At Ruby’s (Rook’s POV)

  I didn’t mean to let Cara slip, but she just seems to have a way that gets under my skin and causes me to lose all my senses.

  “Hawk!” I yell into his tent. I never just walk into the other’s tents without announcing myself first. Especially Hawkeye’s. I don't think I will ever get that vision of Hawkeye and one of his many exploits out of my mind.

  “Rook. What do you need?”

  I slip my hand through the flap of his tent, handing him a small piece of paper. I rolled it up, so he can carry it in his beak. We learned over the years that if we make it small enough, he can swallow it if needed. You can never be too careful when sending instructions to other camps, or to important people, during a war.

  I watch as the hawk takes off, and I begin my own journey towards my destination. It will take me much longer to reach our meeting place than it will her. I need to use this time to regroup and get my head on straight. The Princess has been keeping me twisted since the moment she stepped foot in my camp.

  It takes me three hours to reach the Merchant’s Square. I notice the bright yellow awning with red letters spelling out ‘Ruby’s’ over all the other shops. Ruby always has stood out from everyone else.

  The bell above Ruby’s door dings when I enter, and I find her standing behind the counter.

  “Thomas. What a nice surprise.”

  “Ruby. I’m meeting Mom here. Do you mind if I wait for her in the back?”

  “Of course, not. Go on back, and I will send her to you.”

  My wait is not long. Only a few minutes pass before the door to Ruby’s office opens and my Mom walks in. She is on the shorter side and a little more round, I would say. Her hair is always kept pulled back into a bun. She says she keeps it that way to keep it from getting in the food while she cooks. Her light eyes still shine and have always been able to see straight through any bull I was trying to sling at her. She may be small, but she is a force to be reckoned with.

  “Come give your old mother a hug.”

  I stand up and wrap my arms around her shoulders. I can smell the cinnamon she must have been using before coming to meet me.

  “I am sorry for being so late. I had to give instructions to the rest of the staff before sneaking out. I just do not understand that pretentious Queen Amelia. Her only child is missing, and she is still worried about having a big dinner.”

  She takes a step back, taking in my face. I know the exact moment she notices the purple eyes I now have.

  “Thomas, I imagine your eyes are the reason for me being summoned by Hawkeye?”

  “You know I no longer go by Thomas.”

  “Rook, then. When? Tell me exactly what happened. How is she doing?”

  Of course her first concern is going to be the Princess and not my newly acquired purple eyes. I take a step back, running my hands through my hair. This has always been the telling sign that I am frustrated. I look at my Mom with a pained expression.

  “The Princess is fine. She was slightly irritated at the beginning, but she is better now. She is not anything like I expected her to be.”

  “Of course she isn’t. I raised her, after all.” She gives me a look, letting me know that she is aware I am putting off answering her original question.

  “The details don’t matter. I just need an amulet like hers. She told me you gave it to her, and I know the only one strong enough to make something like that is Ruby, so here I am.”

  “You know what this means. The prophecy is coming true. Franchesca is the one who will finally bring us peace.”

  “I know what the prophecy says. I do not need a reminder. She is supposed to be mated in order to bring the kingdoms together. How do I fit in here? I have no kingdom!”

  “I cannot answer that. I do not know what it is, but you have a role to play in the prophecy.”

  “How could I have any part of it? She already has one fated that she refuses to even name. Who is it Mom?”

  “If Franchesca did not tell you who her other fated is, I cannot. That is her secret to tell.”

  “Where do I belong in all of this? I have nothing to do with either Kingdom.”

  “I just do not know, Rook. The prophecy is clear.”

  My Mom begins to recite the prophecy that I grew up listening to. It always seemed like a fairytale, not something that would actually come true.

  Fated Mates shall unite with their Golden Queen,

  Or peace shall not be seen.

  If the bonds are not eternally made,

  Evil in our realm shall raid.

  Two Kingdoms will undoubtedly fall,

  If the Golden Queen heeds not her call.

  For only love shall change this fate,

  Between the Golden Queen and her fated mates.

  I feel the magic rolling through the room before I see Ruby enter. The new amulet she has made is dangling from her fingertips.

  “Take this, Rook. For the amulet to work, you must offer a drop of your blood to the crystal. Once it is received, put the amulet on and your eyes will immediately go back to their natural green color. Remember, when you take it off, the lavender will return.”

  “Thank you, Ruby. Rook and I are grateful for your help.”

  “Of course, Gretchen. You know I will do anything I can to help.”

  I am starting to get antsy and ready to return to the camp. I never have liked to be in town. I pull her back into my arms for another hug before I leave. She reaches up, pushing a lock of hair away from my forehead, studying my face once more. While she may not agree with the way I am doing things, she does understand the Renegades’ stance on the treatment of the Inferiors. I know she is proud of me and will stand behind me no matter what. She may work for the King and Queen of the Light Fey, but she will always be my mother first.

  I leave Mom at Ruby’s, making my way back to the Renegade camps. I have learned, over the years, how to stay in the shadows, never being detected unless I wished to be.

  The camps are quiet when I return, and I am able to make it to my tent unnoticed by anyone. When I walk inside, I find the Princes
s sound asleep. She is laid across my bed, and I am suddenly speechless. I have been told she is petulant and uncouth, but all I see is strength, beauty, and intelligence.

  I need her body and soul. I need to dominate her, to make her mine and touch every part of her. The animal in me just wants to mate her again and again. He wants his Cara.

  It’s getting harder to tame my beast when she is around. I am beginning to grow suspicious. Could my feelings for her be tied to this ancient prophecy, or is it just lust?

  I slip off my clothes and climb into bed, pulling her to me. My beast is purring, happy to have his Cara back in his arms.


  All Tangled Up

  Why am I so hot? I attempt to untangle my limbs when I realize they are being held down by a very large man, with something equally as large pressed up against my back. I manage to maneuver myself out from under Rook’s heavy body, turning around to face him.

  Rook is quite stunning with his dusty-brown hair and short beard. The rugged scar that runs from about two inches above his green eyes does not take away from his beauty.

  Wait . . . green eyes?

  “Good morning Cara. Did you miss me?”

  “Do not ‘Cara’ me. What happened to your eyes, Rook? Did you find someone to make you an amulet?”

  He gives me a knowing smirk, “What does it matter?”

  I decide to ignore his cavalier attitude and raise my finger to his cheek, brushing it along the scar on his face.

  “Rook, tell me something.”


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