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CONQUEST: The Dungeon Core Gambit Book One

Page 17

by Antony W. F. Chow

  Gormanda smiled broadly at her guests. "The Guildmaster will make the final decision on both the investigation of your dungeon and the set up of a new branch office near the dungeon's entrance. But I am convinced by the sincerity of your invitation and I will give my support for both actions," she announced.

  Sibalt nodded in acceptance of her announcement. As a former employee in a company, his master, Markos, understood Gormanda's need to wait for approval from her superior. In fact, her answer was better than he expected because he didn't think she would candidly support his invitations. "When do you think we will get an official answer from the Guildmaster?" he asked.

  "Fieyara is currently meeting with certain people inside the inner circle. I'm not certain when she would return," the officer answered honestly.

  In other words, the nobility, Markos thought.

  Indeed, Yozka confirmed through the Hivemind. Unless they are planning for war, these meetings are usually short in duration.

  While we're connected mentally, I would like to discuss the idea of having you wait here at the Adventurer's Guild for the Guildmaster's return. Meanwhile, Sibalt will head over to the Administrative Office with the rest of my entourage, aside from Sin who will remain here. I think she is most comfortable with you. Besides, dark elves might not be welcome in a government office, correct?

  The witch thought for a moment. Ideally, Yozka should be the one headed to the Administrative Office because she was more familiar with the ways of the city. However, appearance-wise, it would be more effective to have a young man like Sibalt with his unusual entourage of dwarves make the petition for a charter to establish the town. Frankly, he had more credibility than she did. If that is your wish, master, she conceded.

  Great! Let's do it! Markos was relieved that Yozka did not oppose to splitting up the group. Sibalt turned toward Gormanda. "Would it be alright if Yozka and Sin wait here for the Guildmaster's return while I head over to the Administrative Office?" he asked.

  The officer nodded. "That's fine. She could wait in the general lounge on the first floor." Gormanda rose from her seat. "I'll escort you down the stairs."

  Chapter 34

  Administrative Office

  When the group, led by Gormanda, returned the lobby, there was a palpable, eery silence in the room. All the adventurers were staring at Gormanda and her companions.

  The officer took note of the attention of her guild members and decided to make a public announcement. "The claims of this group regarding a new dungeon appearing in Vessar has been questioned. Once our Guildmaster returns and gives permission, we will select an elite group of adventurers to visit this dungeon. Until then, these people standing with me are to be left alone. They are not to be questioned regarding this matter including the specific location of the dungeon. Anyone found to violate my order will face severe punishment, including possible fines and even expulsion from the guild. Am I making myself clear?"

  "Yes, Vice-Guildmaster," the room said in unison. The people in the room returned to their silent conversations but their eyes still lingered on Sibalt's party.

  Sibalt raised a hand to gain Gormanda's attention before she walked up the staircase. "Is it possible for Yioka and Sin to remain here in this office and await the Guildmaster's return?" He pointed at the two women.

  The officer's face was expressionless while she cursed inwardly. Originally, she was going to have the two wait in the lounge. But their presence would only tempt the guild members into disobeying her order. Thus, it would be more prudent to leave them somewhere else.

  Gormanda offered a polite smile and then turned to Qrivana. "Please take Yozka and Sin to our VIP room. And make sure to bring them some refreshments." Gormanda then turned toward Sibalt. "Is there anything else?"

  "No," the young man shook his head. "Yozka will guide your adventurers to the dungeon's entrance. I have other tasks to perform on behalf of my master. I will not be able to accompany you," he explained.

  "In that case, it was nice meeting you," Gormanda replied. She offered her hand and gave Sibalt a firm shake. "Safe travels to all of you."

  Sibalt bowed deeply and walked out of the guild building with his entourage less Yozka and Sin. Using the directions mentally provided by Yiozka, the group headed toward the inner gate. There were actually two Administrative Offices: the one inside the inner circle were staffed by nobles and catered to the nobility while the one in front of the gate addressed the affairs of the commoners.

  Sibalt entered the commoner version of the Administrative Office. Looking around, he saw a few desks staffed by clerks. Behind them were filing cabinets. Additional tables and chairs were placed closer to the entrance. Guards stood at the entrance on both sides. And before he entered this two-story building, he encountered additional roaming patrols.

  Sibalt saw a clerk available and immediately approached. He sat down in the chair in front of the desk.

  The young woman sitting behind the desk was well-dressed with a creamy white tunic, blue vest, black leggings, and red shoes. A gold pin with a crest was fastened to her vest. Her light brown hair was neatly combed and framed her face all the way down to her chin. The clerk noticed Sibalt and gave a look of disdain for Sibalt's dirty appearance. "Yes?" The tone was light but haughty.

  Sibalt was surprised to see the young woman dressed like a man. He expected her to wear a dress or a robe like the other women he had seen. Putting the stray thought aside, he started talking. "I seek to petition for a charter to start a new town. The location will be south of the Bulddinger Mountains."

  The clerk blinked her eyes at the commoner's audacity. She held up her hand. "Pardon me for my ignorance, but is the location you are seeking to build the town near the southern border of this kingdom?"

  Sibalt nodded.

  "The area south of the mountain is dangerous. Beyond the border is a land ruled by lizardwomen and other beastkin. Heck, the forest near the mountains is home to a notorious clan of ogresses. How do you expect your townspeople to survive without the protection of Vessar's soldiers?" she asked incredulously.

  Sibalt held up his hand. "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sibalt and my master is Markos Turloch, a reincarnated dungeon core that has claimed the area in question as part of his domain. The proposed human town will be located next to the dungeon entrance. We are also in the process of having the Adventurer's Guild open a branch office there."

  The clerk's eyes widened. "A dungeon?" Then they narrowed. "How do I know that you're telling the truth?" she challenged him.

  "Before we came to this office, we went to the Adventurer's Guild where we were questioned by the Vice-Guildmaster. She possesses a magical ring that can detect lies. Gormanda can affirm the truth of my claims," he replied calmly.

  The clerk stared at him and then raised her hand above her hand. She made a fist.

  A young girl ran up to her desk. "Yes, Assistant Administrator Ponfi?" she said politely with a deep bow.

  The clerk turned to face the young girl. "Deiki, I need you to run over to the Adventurer's Guild and ask if the Vice-Guildmaster has met with a young man named Sibalt. And if so, whether his claims are truthful or not."

  "Yes, Administrator!" The girl bowed again and ran out of the office.

  Ponfi turned back to Sibalt and pointed at an open table. "Please wait there until Deiki returns," she ordered.

  Sibalt rose from his seat and bowed deeply to the clerk. He walked over to the table and took a seat. His entourage sat down with him.

  He checked in with Yozka through the Hivemind and discovered that she was still waiting in the VIP room upstairs. Of course, since the witch was treated as a VIP guest, she was having afternoon tea and cookies with Sin. Fortunately, the young girl returned some 15 minutes later.

  Deiki was out of breath when she returned to the office. She took a few breaths and then walked over to Ponfi's desk. The young girl eyed Sibalt and then whispered into the administrator's ear.

  Ponfi jerk
ed her head back and scowled. She dismissed the young girl and made eye contact with Sibalt. She waved her hand and beckoned him to return to her desk.

  With growing confidence, the young man slowly crossed the room and sat down. Sibalt waited patiently for the clerk to resolve his petition.

  "The Vice-Guildmaster has confirmed that you were truthful in your claims. Now, regarding your petition for a charter to establish a new town, this is beyond my authority as the Assistant Administrator in Bethmund. What I will do instead is to write an official letter to Queen Levioda and have you personally deliver it to her. You can make your petition to her at that time. Her Majesty may have questions regarding your master's plans and intentions before she will grant this petition," Ponfi explained.

  Sibalt nodded in understanding. As a low-level company employee in his master's former life, there were many issues in his work which could only be resolved by a higher-up. That being said, Markos was surprised that his petition would require the queen's personal approval.

  "Please return to the table and wait," Ponfi ordered. "I will need time to write the letter to the Queen and also inquire with merchants to see who can take your group to the capital city of Lamour."

  Sibalt rose to his feet and bow deeply. He returned to his seat at the table again.

  The clerk called for Deiki and gave the young girl additional instructions. The girl ran out of the office. Once Deiki was gone, Ponfi reached into her drawer and took out the official stationery of her office. She started writing the letter addressed to Queen Levioda, explaining the petition, the proposed location of the town, and the young man's claim of working for a reincarnated dungeon core.

  Ponfi could scarcely believe this claim but she lacked the magical resources to test him. Thus, the need for Sibalt to present himself to the Queen personally and to be examined with magic. Ponfi smiled to herself at the thought of this dirty looking man being examined by the Queen's interrogators.

  By the time the clerk had finished writing the letter, it had spilled over to a second page. Ponfi neatly folded the two sheets of paper to fit the red envelope. Once the letter was inside, she glued the flap to close the envelope and then placed a gold seal over the flap. The seal depicted a flower in bloom and it matched the pin on her chest.

  Deiki returned to her desk. "I found a caravan of merchants leaving today for the capital city. The leader of the merchant group is willing to take additional guards for the passage," she reported.

  The administrator nodded. "Excellent. Please give this letter to that young man. He will know what to do with it. Please take his group to the merchant and explain the arrangement."

  Deiki bowed. She took the sealed letter and walked over to Sibalt's table. "This letter is from the Assistant Administrator. She said you know what to do with it. I have arranged for your passage to the capital city. Please follow me." Without waiting, she walked out of the office.

  Sibalt stored the important letter in his pocket and quickly followed the girl. His companions followed him and left the office.

  Chapter 35

  Merchant Caravan

  Deiki led the group past throngs of pedestrians and peddlers on the streets while heading north. Unaccustomed to such crowds, the group had some difficulty navigating past them. And to her chagrin, it took longer than expected to reach the northern gate. She looked around and then approached a group of merchants.

  "Why can't we go now?" someone argued.

  "I promised the girl that we will wait. Besides, having additional guards for our caravan will only make the journey safer for all of us," a matronly looking woman replied. She was short and a red hair band kept her curly gray hair in place. She wore a tan colored tunic over blue pants, brown leather boots, and a green travel cloak.

  Deiki ran up to her. "Thank you for waiting, Kurosa. These are the people who will be traveling with you," she said.

  Kurosa turned and smiled at the girl. "Safety in numbers," she said. The woman turned her attention to the newcomers and she had a mixed reaction. Looking at the three dwarves and the tall male warrior with full armor, the merchant's impression was that they were strong and would be valuable as guards.

  However, the young man accompanying them elicited a different reaction from Kurosa. The leader saw his handsome face and wondered if he was intended to be a plaything of the queen herself. After all, Queen Levioda was known for bringing new lovers into the capital city every now and then.

  If Kurosa's assumption was correct, then he was worthless as a guard for the merchant caravan. Yet, the merchant could not deny a request from the Assistant Administrator for safe passage to these guests.

  The traveling merchant offered the group a welcoming smile. "Hi, I'm Kurosa, the leader of this merchant caravan. Deiki has informed me that you are also headed toward Lamour and wish to accompany us as guards. While we have our own guards already, we are willing to do a favor for Administrator Ponfi and allow you to accompany us as additional guards."

  "We won't be able to pay you for your services because we already budgeted for our guards and don't have the additional funds. We can, however, provide your members with three hot meals per day and guidance during our journey together. Now, what do you say?" she asked.

  Sibalt kept a polite expression on his face. There were a total of six horse-drawn wagons and only eight guards accompanying them. With the addition of his five-member party, the merchants will significantly increase their guards.

  Furthermore, Sibalt was an elementalist with access to the four lower elements. Thus, he alone will exponentially increase their protection. Nonetheless, the reincarnated dungeon core did not wish to offend Kurosa and Ponfi, who had made this arrangement on Sibalt's behalf. Therefore, there was only one answer he could submit to Kurosa: "Yes, you have a deal." He shook hands with the merchant to seal the bargain.

  Alethea gave him a scowl but kept her mouth shut. She wished she had the ability to link with her husband's mind telepathically. Her grandmother was already linked to the dungeon core and Alethea should be able to do so as well. The dwarfess resolved to make the request whenever she was alone with her husband.

  Despite the welcoming words from Kurosa, neither the other merchants nor the guards exchanged friendly words with Sibalt's group. Instead, the newcomers were viewed with annoyance and suspicion.

  "Kurosa, I would like to split my group in the following manner: Aletha and I will take the left post, Tensa and Pewma will take the right post, while Ryota will take the rear guard," Markos proposed while pointing at each person by name.

  Kurosa nodded in acceptance. "That's fine. My guards will rearrange their positions accordingly to supplement your force. We leave now!" She clapped her hands.

  The merchants climbed onto their wagons and started moving toward the gatehouse.

  The guards recognized Kurosa and permitted her group to leave Bethmund without inspection. Soon, the caravan entered the Queen's Road.

  Markos was surprised by the sweeping change of scenery to the north of the town. The forest near the dungeon entrance was isolated and devoid of human civilization. The road leading to the capital city, however, was paved with stones and the road was wide enough to fit two wagons moving side-by-side. The area next to the road was grassland with occasional farms. Signs of human inhabitants were abundant.

  Alethea noted that it was currently mid-afternoon. Other wagons and carriages occasionally passed by the merchant caravan while heading south.

  Sibalt was thoroughly enjoying the scenery as it seemed rather peaceful. However, he was wary of ambush by bandits on the road and kept his eyes open for them.

  Underground, the dungeon core was busy claiming dominion over the land that his representatives were traveling through. He was encountering the magical barrier of the dark elves with such frequency that he couldn't help but wonder if this was due to the presence of another dungeon core. Markos was very alarmed at this possibility and tried to avoid extending his claim of territory to the long, mil
es wide barrier.

  Furthermore, the dungeon core occasionally felt tendrils of power running through the land and had to consult with his dungeon helper. Jessica, what is this power I'm sensing?

  The faery appeared before the primary core. She closed her eyes and concentrated. "Master, it feels like a ley line," she answered.

  What's a ley line?

  "A ley line is a geographic alignment that somehow produces an enormous amount of energy. We don't know why this occurs. But magically attuned beings are able to harness this energy to create magical effects."

  Like the magic barrier that I kept butting into?


  Speaking of the barrier, was it created by a dungeon core?

  Jessica tilted her head for a moment. "It's hard to say. If talismans are being used to maintain the barrier, it may be the work of the dark elves themselves. But then again, a dungeon core could be located at the heart of that dark elf underground city," she speculated. "We just don't have enough information to tell if that is the case."

  Am I endangering myself by claiming territory so close to the barrier?

  The faery shook her head. "It feels like the barrier was placed to keep unwanted visitors out. If they truly wanted to expand into the territory that you're claiming, they would have done so by now. It is more likely that the dark elves have sufficient territory for their population and they have no interest in the land that you're claiming. I just don't see how you would endanger yourself if you respect the barrier and don't try to break through."

  Markos was very relieved by her answer. In that case, I will claim just the land that I need for my personal interests. I would like to provide support for my emissaries on the surface. But in order to do that, I need to claim dominion over the land that they travel. I will focus on observing my assimilated beings on the surface and supporting them as needed. In the meantime, can I count on you to keep an eye on my dungeon?


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