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Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance

Page 22

by Emma Dean

  His feelings may be hurt that she pulled rank, but Adelina refused to let him train until he was exhausted. He could hurt himself or worse, be too worn out to hold up against Nash. And she knew he was stronger than the Corinthian now. Varan deserved to find that out for himself and not cripple his chances.

  She loved him so, but Adelina also considered her reaction to the Drakesthai prince. There was a connection she had with him she didn’t quite understand. Kaiden answered a question she didn’t know she had. What that question was though Adelina was still figuring out.

  “Princess, would you like me to find something for you to wear to the Council meeting?” Nadyah asked, keeping her eyes on the floor.

  Adelina looked to her friend and lover and realized she’d stayed at the top of the dominance spectrum. It was almost effortless now and she eased up a bit so the others on Command could breathe a bit easier.

  Then she looked to the pirate captain. Delphine arched a brow and crossed her arms over her chest. The female was resplendent in her coat and leather trousers. The boots though were truly wondrous with their buckles all the way to her knees.

  “Do I happen to have a coat like hers?” she asked, inclining her head towards Delphine.

  It looked a lot like the one Varan favored, but cinched at the waist to show how small it was. The fabric flared out at the hips and went to her knees. The sharp lines and long sleeves suited Delphine so well Adelina felt the way it gave the captain that extra boost in confidence.

  Nadyah smiled. “I believe your husband actually put such a thing in your wardrobe request.” Her courtesan studied the pirate for a moment and then Adelina. “I know what you need. When you are ready come to the living quarters.”

  Then it was just Delphine and Adelina while the crew worked. She held out her hand for the captain and Delphine hesitated before she placed her hand in Adelina’s. She pulled the female closer and tugged her down.

  “When we arrive on Hai Delta I want you to stay with your ship, monitor the area, patrol, and gather whatever intel you can. Send your little sparrows and spies to gather whatever seeds are out there. No stealing, and no killing. I’ve no idea what the updated laws in Hai are. I will ensure to pay you all for your time. Worst case scenario you will evacuate and go straight to Asher. Do you understand me?”

  Delphine nodded. “I do, but I won’t leave you, Princess. I swore an oath.”

  “If me or my people can’t make it to the Ravager, leave without us. It is more important Asher stays apprised.”

  When the captain agreed, Adelina felt more settled. If something did go south she didn’t think the Drakesthai would just let her leave. It would not be a simple thing to escape with her three ships. But a pirate ship would be familiar with disappearing. And Asher would know to make war plans without her or any aid she’d claimed to bring.

  With everything taken care of she sat back and watched the stars once more.

  Nash was on Hai Delta.

  He was alive and well.

  Soon she would see him and even though it hadn’t been more than a few weeks, the time apart felt like an eternity. So much had happened, so very much.

  Adelina tried to sort through her raging emotions and decide what it was she planned to do about the usurped prince. She still loved him, loved him more than she thought possible, but Nash had always been wild and unpredictable. Their differences in culture caused problems and she knew it would be difficult for him when he found out about Varan.

  She would have to explain about her courtesan genes, about Varan’s willingness to share so she could be who she truly was…

  And there was a large possibility that once she told Nash about her true genetics he would want nothing to do with her. Her heart would break and Adelina had no inkling what would happen then. She’d keep their alliance of course…

  “Princess?” Delphine asked, cutting into her thoughts. “Do you think the Drakesthai are truly here to assist us after scorning us for so many cycles?”

  “Perhaps. We don’t know what life has been like for them, their politics, laws, ruling, and then the Neprijat took over…we know nothing relevant about them. There is a large chance this is all a mistake and they’ll throw me in a dungeon, but I’m willing to take that chance. Please, come with me.”

  Adelina nodded to the captain and left Command for her living quarters. Per the report on her console they would reach Hai Delta shortly and she wanted to be prepared. She needed her version of armor.

  Delphine watched everything with an experienced eye. And Adelina eyed the female pirate. There was so much she wanted to ask her, but they didn’t have the luxury of time for her passing curiosity. Adelina trusted her instincts regarding Delphine. They hadn’t steered her wrong yet, and something about sitting at the dominant end of the spectrum helped her trust them.

  She didn’t question herself anymore and it was such a profound relief.

  But she still questioned everything else.

  They were silent as the lift doors opened onto her floor and Adelina led the pirate to her door, passing the training room where Varan was indeed stretching instead of working himself to death.

  When she entered the living space with Delphine she didn’t hesitate. Her door was open and she could hear Nadyah rustling about in her closet. While she adored the jacket Varan had picked out, she wanted something a bit fiercer, yet regal for her reunion with Nash. Something that would show him she wasn’t the same princess he’d left on Draga Terra. She needed him to see her new strength.

  While she loved Nash, Adelina was prepared to protect Varan, and she would do whatever necessary to keep her husband alive.

  “Nadyah, tell me you’ve found something,” she said as she went into her room, letting a bit of her anxiety come through in her voice now that she was in her private, safe space.

  Adelina didn’t want Delphine to be just an ally. She wanted her to be a friend as well, perhaps join her inner circle one day.

  Nadyah came out of the closet with a grin on her face. “I knew we packed this,” she said, laying the piece out on the bed with care.

  Adelina eyed the black coat. It was definitely something she’d never seen before. “Varan had this made?” she asked.

  Nadyah nodded. “He added it to the list when I shared all the plans with him.” She caressed a sleeve and then flipped it over. “What do you think?”

  It was darkest velvet, so black and inky one could get lost in the darkness. Adelina felt the fabric and smiled. It was rather simple except for the Draga crest embroidered on the back to match her new golden mark. The howling wolf and the rosanera glittered in gold thread. More intricate gold embroidery lined the bottom of the coat in sworls and curlicues, as well as the cuffs on the sleeves.

  Adelina took off her jacket and slipped the coat on. It was heavy yet comfortable and brushed the floor with its luxurious length. “This is perfect.”

  “Here, take it off for a moment,” Nadyah instructed. Then she handed it to Delphine with that way of hers. She already knew Adelina’s plans for the pirate without her having to say a word. “Put this on under that lace top, and this over it.” Then her courtesan disappeared back into the closet.

  Adelina stripped without a second thought and admired Delphine’s blush from the corner of her eye. Nadyah had selected a plunging lace bra as well as an underbust corset. She grinned when she realized what her lover had planned. The bra was a deep ‘V’ that blended with the lace shirt she put back on. It did cover her breasts enough that no one would feel the need to ogle. The black corset went over the shirt, enhancing her small waist.

  Then Delphine helped her put the coat back on and Adelina turned to the mirror to see the end result.

  The gold buttons glittered and the entire outfit demanded one to sit up and pay attention. The gold jasmine vine tattooed on her skin was still visible through the lace, just above the small corset. The coat was open and framed her nicely with the cuffs ending right at her wrists, hiding her bracel
et, but bringing attention to her wedding ring and diamond as well as the gold seal on her right palm.

  Then Nadyah reappeared with a queen’s ransom in her hands. The gold torque necklace went around her throat to offset the high-necked lace shirt. Then she placed Adelina’s coming-of-age crown on her head. “To remind the dragons and Nash who you are.” Then she placed the new signet ring on Adelina’s left pointer finger. “And this is to remind them you are the heir.”

  Nadyah fussed, fluffing her curls and then stepped back.

  “Something is missing,” Delphine said, hands on her hips.

  “Ah!” Nadyah disappeared once again and then brought out a pair of boots Adelina didn’t remember purchasing. “This was a gift from me, but I never had the chance to give it to you. Thank you for bringing me into your life, lover.”

  Adelina took the boots that were close to what she wore when sneaking out of the palace, but somehow appropriate for a princess to wear. Nadyah kissed her cheek and she stared at her courtesan in wonder. The boots were knee-high, darkest black, and multiple buckles went from the ankle to just below the knee. Not only that, they were wedged heels that would add height to her small frame, yet still stable enough she could move quickly if need be.

  Delphine grinned. “That’s exactly what was missing. Here, let me help.”

  Adelina watched Nadyah and smiled. The female completed and complemented her in ways she’d never thought possible. She hoped the courtesan would be able to stay with her for many cycles to come.

  Chapter Twenty


  The Royal Eyrie

  Planet Hai Delta

  The Hai Galaxy

  She stepped off the ramp and onto a world she could hardly comprehend. It was so different, so foreign, and Adelina had to stop to take it all in. Hai Delta was dark and gloomy with roiling red clouds in the sky. There was no greenery to be seen anywhere and the buildings were cut and carved into the stone of a mountain. A rock bridge connected the landing station to what appeared to be some kind of eyrie castle.

  Glancing down Adelina could see nothing but brown, barren and rocky ground…so very far down. Adelina supposed the height didn’t matter if one could fly. There was no obvious tech she could see and they even had fires burning as light. But just because she couldn’t see it didn’t mean it wasn’t there.

  It was like nothing she could have ever imagined. All her cycles of study could never have prepared her for this. There had been no descriptions of the planets, only the brief mention of the number of them and their names. A few texts had mentioned royal houses that ruled the various planets as well as the two that were ruled by the Unchanged.

  A place of gloom and fire and rock somehow seemed to fit.

  Adelina had finally made it – she’d done what she’d set out to do – accomplished a dream she’d never thought she would see become reality. It was a bit overwhelming, but she had to push down the small feeling of pride, the wonder, and the nerves at a place so new and unfamiliar.

  It was time to get to work.

  Adelina glanced back at Varan, keeping any emotion from her face, and he nodded. She studied him, noting the sweat on his forehead and his determined expression. She was so worried, yet she believed in him completely. No matter what happened, she would keep him safe. Adelina only hoped he knew it.

  As she considered the carved stone castle before her, Adelina tried to figure out the best mask to wear for these vicious warriors. No doubt they would only respect strength…what was that expression Raena had used so effectively before she’d lost all control, when her sister had been nothing more than a strong queen and not a power hungry one? Adelina pursed her full lips, painted a dark, burgundy color, and then narrowed her eyes ever so slightly, keeping her chin up.

  She was the heir and she would demand that recognition.

  Males with wings approached her from the castle and she strode out to meet them. Kaiden’s black wings and blue iridescence blended into the dark stone of the mountain and he was barely more than a shadow with his brown skin. He was death incarnate and Adelina felt that flutter in her stomach as they grew closer.

  She had to remind herself they were brutes, vicious and cruel – or so the reports all said. But as she studied them it didn’t ring true.

  Kaiden was taller than the Corinthians. Even with her heeled boots she had to crane her head to look up at him when he stopped with only a breath between them, closer than was appropriate. With a small smile Kaiden took her golden hand and stepped back to bow low, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

  Her heart leapt into her throat. Adelina hadn’t known what to expect, but such a warm greeting certainly wasn’t it. It took everything she had not to glance back at Varan. Was this where he’d gotten that strange custom?

  “Princess Adelina, Heir to the Draga throne, I acknowledge your strength and power,” Kaiden said, his voice booming over the rock. “Please let me assist you to the Council.”

  Those words in that deep voice rattled her. Kaiden had practically handed his soul to her on a silver platter, or at least in Draga he had. She wasn’t sure what those words might mean to him in his culture.

  Everything she’d heard about the Drakesthai, the rumors and speculation – none of it fit the male she saw before her. It made Adelina wonder what else they’d been wrong about. “Prince Kaiden,” she said in Drakesthai, pulling her hand back. “I appreciate the escort.”

  She could feel Varan slightly behind her, and she was aware of her guards he’d brought with them, the skill he and Roxy possessed, and the beautiful little package Nadyah came in. No one would know what she was capable of except Nash. Adelina felt stronger with them at her back – protected.

  It gave her the strength and courage to be who she needed to be for the upcoming events. They had to feel out the situation, pick the best route to take – after days of planning for multiple outcomes they had signals and cues.

  All the preparation helped ease some of her nervous hysteria waiting on the edge for her to trip and fall so it could pounce.

  She smiled politely at the dragon prince and clasped her hands before her. Kaiden nodded, appearing to recognize her discomfort as he took another step back. He signaled to the other two and they led the way to the castle carved into the mountain.

  Adelina couldn’t help but admire Kaiden’s wings as they walked. So many cycles of study and discussions with two other scholars – and here she was, on the capitol planet of the Hai Galaxy, following an actual Drakesthai. He looked healthy enough despite the reports they’d died out at some point, but they’d been wrong about that too when a traveler had been forcefully returned to the Draga Galaxy.

  Nothing she’d read seemed to be accurate. At least the language was mostly correct as he’d been able to understand her and she him.


  Instantly she froze, recognizing that voice.

  “Adelina!” Nash called again.

  Kaiden glanced back at her and noticed her hesitation. Varan took her hand and squeezed in reassurance and then released, taking a step back so she was front and center. He was there for her if she needed, but knew she had to do this alone.

  Adelina threw her shoulders back and clasped her hands before her at waist height again, watching as Nash crossed that narrow bridge from the eyrie castle. Her heart was pounding and her breathing short. Goddess it had been so long, and she was so nervous she felt sick to her stomach. So much had changed…

  But the Corinthian prince was just as large as she remembered. Somehow his strange red, yellow, and green eyes of aapoak looked right against the dark, flaming backdrop of Hai Delta. His powerful shoulders were encased in that Kharan armor and he looked every inch the battle-hardened warrior.

  When he spotted her Nash closed the distance between them so fast she gasped when his hands went around her waist. He lifted her up in a hearty hug that broke every rule of protocol, but it made Adelina smile.

  Being in his arms felt so right an
d she realized just how much she’d missed him when that pain in her chest finally eased. Adelina had become so used to it over the last few weeks she hadn’t even noticed it until it was gone. The relief was overwhelming and it made her lightheaded as she smiled down at Nash.

  The love on his face – and the sheer relief, it matched her own and Adelina was so thankful he still had feelings for her after the time apart.

  Nash set her down and held her face, staring at her and the intensity of it made her breath catch. Then he kissed her.

  His lips on hers felt so perfect. The passion Nash infused into that kiss filled her with love and desperation. His tongue flirted with hers and left her breathless. Adelina had to hold on as she lost all sense of place and purpose.

  Goddess, she’d missed him.

  The taste of him was fire and passion and spice. Adelina gripped his shoulders and breathed him in, feeling that incessant ache in her chest finally ease.

  Until Nash yanked back with a frown on his face. “Your scent is different.” Then he really saw her.

  Nash took a step back and Adelina felt cold when his warmth left her, but she’d expected this to some degree. “You don’t smell like jasmine, you smell like…” Then his eyes flicked to Varan. His nostrils flared as he scented them both. “Why do you and the thief have the same scent?”

  Adelina let one hand fall to her side and kept the other at waist height, palm up as she’d seen Raena do. She’d always thought it looked so powerful, yet elegant.

  She didn’t really understand Nash’s question as one’s scent never changed outside the courtesans, but she ignored that for the moment and let him notice the other differences in her before she responded. His eyes flicked to the new tattoo framing the underside of her breasts and Nash’s frown deepened, no doubt remembering the placement had been forbidden. Adelina was no longer the shy princess everyone ordered around.

  “Prince Nash, I’d like to introduce you to my husband, Prince Varan.”


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