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Daddy's Best Friend: Complete Series

Page 2

by Sasha Scott

  She started laughing, laughing openly into his face, “You can’t be serious? You think I’m going to degrade myself before you just because you tell me to.”

  “You’re the one who signed the contract to agree to this, you don’t have a choice. You have to listen to me or else you will breach your contract.”

  “What you’re gonna go to a judge and say your daughter didn’t sit when you told her to and now you want her to pay you thousands in compensation? Yeah good luck with that.”

  “Jasmine, sit now or you will be punished.”

  “Yeah, good luck with that,” she scoffed out, turning out and strutting away from him, climbing back up the stairs back to her room. Clearly he was going to have to be even stricter, he should have known the contract would only make things easier, not a walk in the park.

  Russell followed after his daughter as she returned back to her room, pushing the fortunately lock-free door open to find her sprawled across the bed, messing with her smartphone.

  “Hey!” she called out as he marched in, “Don’t you just come into my room all of a sud-ah!”

  Her demand turned into a squeal as he wrapped his hands around her legs and pulled her across the bed, Jasmine losing control of her phone in the process. Unlike when she was downstairs with Coco nustled up in her arms, Russell was now free to grasp hold of her without worrying about the lil pup; being free to take care of the big pup instead.

  “Now with a conventional pup, they understand being rewarded a lot more than punished,” Russell added as he started to wrestle with Jasmine’s small jean shorts from behind, “However when teaching a spoilt brat who’s always had everything they wanted, punishment is really the only way.”

  “Get off me! I’ll call the cops! You’ll go to jail!,” she whined out as his fingers slipped into the waistband of her shorts, managing to drag the material down to leave her bottom half hidden in just a pair of dotted panties.

  Russell pulled her closer, legs along his lap. “I told you, read the contract,” he sighed out in frustration as he delivered a firm right hand slap down across her bottom.

  “Ah!” Jasmine squealed out as her tush was spanked by her step-father, the same hand drilling down again with a booty reddening spank. “Stop it, stop it creep!”

  “It was all in the contract that I can take whatever measures necessary to discipline you and keep you in line. This is nothing, just an effect of you being a bad girl.”

  His hand got into a steady motion, swinging down and swatting her soft, round, behind and leaving it with a faint pink glow that started to turn brighter every time he spanked down firmly.

  “Let me go, stop it!” Jasmine cried out, her cheeks burning and stinging from the palm strikes onto her softness, making her whimper helplessly.

  “Well have you learned your lesson yet?”

  “Yes!” she whined.

  “Which is?”

  “I’ll do what you say! I’ll listen, I’ll sit down, just stop spanking me it hurts!”

  Many a child had grown up knowing the feeling of a firm hand punishing their behind for misbehaving but Jasmine had lived a life free of discipline. Being spanked was completely alien to her and hurt her ego as much as it hurt her booty.

  “Good girl,” Russell declared as he dragged his hand away from her backside, “I guess you really did learn your lesson after all. That’s a good girl.”

  He reached out and petted along the top of her head as she whined out. The feisty, bratty attitude was effectively knocked out of her for now thanks to the firm spanking. She probably never imagined she would experience such a thing in her wildest dreams.

  She kept still, allowing him to stroke her head he was satisfied, not wanting to receive another frenzied attack on her backside.

  “Now I want you to sit,” Russell commanded firmly.

  “But I already am?”

  “On the floor Jasmine.”

  She clicked her tongue and slowly pushed herself off the bed, lowering herself down onto the ground, letting out a small wince when those stinging cheeks pressed into her soft carpet.

  “Like this?” she asked, peeking up at her father to check with him.

  “Yep that’s perfect. Now just hold still while I attack this,” he declared as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out the leash he’d been carrying.

  Russell leaned into her neck, finding the ring around her collar and locking the leash in place, attaching her on like she was a real pet.

  She whined out, fingers rubbing across the pink collar, “Hmph, this is so humiliating. Are you really expecting me to wear this?”

  “You know I am.”

  Even in public?”

  “That was the plan, yes.”

  “To your own daughter?”

  “Well unless you’re an imposter.”

  She clicked her tongue and turned away, “Well at least let me put a scarf on.”

  “But it’s not cold today.”

  She hissed out in annoyment. Now she was just being toyed with. Being taken out on a leash, in public, like some sort of mutt. Just the thought was completely humiliating.

  “This is humiliating!” Jasmine screeched out as her, Russell and Coco, nustled in her arms, walked their way into the pet store.

  “Keep your voice down, you’ll disturb the other customers.”

  Jasmine had gone ahead and put on as many encumbersome, collar hiding items of clothing as she could get away with but anybody who looked closely would be able to notice her being led away by a man using a leash. Perhaps keeping her mouth shut would be the better option?

  “Should we ask someone for assistance?” Russell asked to his daughter who hissed back.

  “Don’t you dare! It’s bad enough I gotta follow you around like this.”

  He gave her collar a sharp tug using the leash, “I said to keep it down Jasmine.”

  She hugged a hold of her adorable chocolate Lab tightly. The adorable little fuzzball was the only thing capable of calming her down in these conditions.

  While they were there they were also going to be picking up some items for Coco too, like a collar, food and a dog bed of his very own. The latter was also on the shopping list for Jasmine, something she was not too impressed with.

  “Are you seriously planning on making me use a dog bed for the next week?”

  “Of course I am. I want you to think like a pet so that means you need to sleep like a pet.”

  “Don’t say things that aren’t sayings like they are one. Couldn’t you just have bought one of these for me? Why did I have to come too?”

  “Because I wanted to bring you. A pet doesn’t just need to learn to behave at home, they also need to learn how to behave in public.”

  Russell was leaving out the part that he’d already been to this shop today to buy a collar and leash for her. He just wanted to make the most out of his week in control.

  She puffed her cheeks out and sighed below her breath, “I said to stop calling me a pet.”

  After looking over some collars for Coco it was off to the dog beds. Russell had already scouted out the shop earlier in the day so he knew exactly where he wanted to drag his new pet.

  The aisle was filled with dog beds on either sides. Cushions, baskets and even some closer to a conventional bed. They came in different shapes, sizes, colours, textures. The choices were really something but sadly some mutts just can’t be satisfied, Jasmine having a face like thunder.

  “You can pick any you fancy, I’m buying,” Russell added from behind as her glance ran across the selection.

  “Well I hate them all.”

  “Don’t say that, look how cute some of them are. Feel the texture of this one, it’s so soft.”

  “I have a bed at home I’m not gonna be impressed by some dog bed.”

  “Well what about this one?” he asked, pointing down at the bottom shelf to one of the small baskets which would be the perfect size for Coco.

  “You’re kidding right? You
expect me to squeeze into something like that?”

  “Well if you’re not going to pick one yourself you’re going to force me to do it for you.”

  She clicked her tongue again. The further she got away from the spanking the more her old attitude started to resurface. One small spanking wouldn’t fix everything, especially when she had a genuine reason to be annoyed.

  Because she knew that Russell was serious when he said he’d buy one for her if she didn’t choose she went ahead and looked over all of those baskets, inspecting the larger ones at the top.

  “That one doesn’t look too bad,” she muttered out below her breath.

  “Is it because it’s pink? You do like pink don’t you.”

  “Shut up, you’re trying to tease me aren’t you?”

  “Hey it’s cute, don’t mind me,” he confessed, reaching up and pulling down the large pink dog bed with a white, fluffy padding on the inside. “This one looks like it could work but just to be safe,” he dropped it down onto the floor, “Get in.”

  “You serious?” she puffed out, “You really expecting me to get in?”

  “I am. I don’t want to waste my time bringing it back if it doesn’t fit you in.”

  “Come on it’ll be fine, I’ll take Coco for a minute and you just need to try out the size.”

  “There is no way I’m doing this.”

  “Nobody is even looking Jasmine. You’re willing to risk ten thousand dollars because you don’t wanna get in a dog bed?”

  She hissed out, damn him and that damn contract. How fair is it that she has to pay such a huge fine if she doesn’t give him his way? This is just modern slavery.

  “Fine here,” Jasmine said, handing Coco over to her father as she went ahead and stood in the middle of the basket.

  “You’re gonna need to sit down to test it.”

  “I know that! I’m composing myself!”

  “Hey if you make too much noise people will come and see what all the fuss is around.”

  He was right, she didn’t want to draw a crowd, not when she was going to be sitting in a dog bed like some sort of mutt. It may not have been a conventional dog basket but it was still something designed for pets, not humans.

  She sighed out as she slowly lowered herself downwards into the softness of the white, fluff padding. Being sat in a dog bed was already humiliating enough, in public didn’t need to be added into the proceedings.

  “See, it fits,” she huffed out. Of course it did, a large dog on its back legs would be quite tall, easy enough give for Jasmine.

  “Are you expecting to sleep sitting up? You need to curl down to test it.”

  “No,” she snapped back, glaring up to him.

  “It’ll just take a moment. Nobody else but me can see. This would be a silly thing to lose all that money over.”

  Jasmine growled up at him as he made the same threats to her. She took a glance from side to side, just to make sure the coast was completely clear. Yup nobody else but her and Russell in sight.

  She pressed her head downwards as she slipped her full body into the bed, resting herself down into the softness of the basket. It was nice, soft and it was large enough for her body to curl up in.

  “Hello sir,” she suddenly heard her father say, making her leap out of the basket in a hurry, panicked. Her nervy eyes jumped up to look all around but the only people in the aisle where the two of them.

  Jasmine growled out, “You dick!”

  “Haha, it was just a bit of fun Jasmine.”

  She didn’t really see the funny side, pushing up onto her knees, lightly beating her fists across his stomach.

  “I hate you!” she growled out, getting her leash tugged tightly in response.

  “That is no way for you to talk to your master, bitch.”

  Her eyes popped open wide as her face began to glow a bright shade of red.

  “Who are you calling a bitch,” she growled out aggressively.

  “The name for a female dog is a bitch. That means that you’re a bitch.”

  She reacted instantly, jumping to her feet and swinging her hand, slapping it firmly across Russell’s face.

  “Don’t call me that!” she screamed out through the store, signalling over a member of staff.

  “Is everything okay?” he called out down the hall, Russell placing his hand over Jasmine’s mouth to keep her quiet for the moment.

  “Everything’s fine. My daughter is just in high spirits is all.”

  He only pulled his hand away once the staff member left them alone, pulling it back sharply to get away from the biting teeth of his bratty, disobedient, pet.

  Jasmine hissed up at him, “Get your hands off me you creep.”

  Her behavior treatment from earlier had already faded away. She became so obedient after a quick dose of physical discipline. That was the little girl he was hoping to create, one with some manners and respect but still he had a volatile brat. He had to chance that.

  Russell let Coco down into the big, cushy basket they’d gotten off the shelf for Jasmine to try before pushing forward and covering her mouth with his hand as he pressed his hand into the waistband of her shorts, tugging to slide them downwards around her thighs as she struggled, trying to escape from his clutches.

  Being a spoilt princess who had always been given everything meant that Jasmine never really did much in the way of exercise or working out so the much larger Russell, standing almost a foot taller than his daughter, was easily able to overpower her.

  He managed to slide her shorts down and once again left her lower body in her small, spotty panties. He pushed his meaty fingers into her mouth, hooking into the corner to keep her from biting down as he went about spanking at her behind firmly.

  “I told you to learn some manners. Discipline. I expect you to be a good girl. Bad pets will be punished accordingly.”

  A spoilt brat who didn’t know discipline was taken out of her stride by spanks more than anything else, tears already bubbling out of the corner of her eyes as her cheeks quickly turned from a light peach colour to a faint pink glow and onwards to a bright red.

  “I’m swoweh,” she whined out from around his fingers, slurring her words with a slobber of drool pouring down over her bottom lip.

  Russell looked down at his little girl with her helpless, whining red face, squirming in her panties with that ass glowing a bright shade of red. She looked so defenseless, drooling down around his thick fingers, leaky, whimpering eyes looking up to him. He felt something throb down below. He couldn’t be finding this arousing could he?

  He released his hold over her and let her stumble away, Russell leaning down and planting a soft kiss onto her glowing tush.

  “Good girl, that’s better. Now pull up those shorts and we’ll go and finish up the shopping. I’ll even buy you a toy if you keep quiet.”

  She quickly pulled those jean shorts back up and nodded her head, sniffling as her eyes stung with a bright redness, “Okay…”

  Once again he’d managed to turn his little girl docile through a firm beating on the behind, leaving her quiet and squirming as her ass stung something fierce. She even remained quiet as he picked up the large dog bed with the adorable little puppy nestled in the middle.

  Russell couldn’t help and feel concerned about that stiffness pressing into his boxers. He’d never been aroused by his little girl before but seeing her in such a helpless way? It just stirred something inside of him.

  The rest of the shopping had gone without a hitch after the little incident was resolved, Jasmine being a lot more obedient for her father.

  They’d managed to get a whole lot of goods. A basket and bowl for each of them and even a few toys, Russell paying for it all.

  Coco seemed a lot happier to have this new stuff than Jasmine who had returned to her openly sulking form ever since they’d returned home from the store, sitting down on the floor playing with her pup in the very loosest of sense; just clearly showing her lack of interest in th
is whole thing.

  “Okay dinner is done!” Russell called out from the kitchen, “Come and get it!”

  Coco didn’t really know what was going on but still scuttled over to check out the loud noises while Jasmine rose up and slowly trudged her way over to check things out. The sight of her bowl being on the floor next to Coco’s was not a welcome sight to her.

  “Are you really expecting me to do this?”


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