Daddy's Best Friend: Complete Series

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Daddy's Best Friend: Complete Series Page 4

by Sasha Scott

  “Yes yes, right right, I understand!”

  Jasmine rubbed her sore, glowing tush when Russell finally dragged himself away from her. It was stinging so very harshly, it was no wonder her eyes had been watering.

  “Good girl, you can go now and do try to behave because next time you do something naughty, daddy isn’t going to hold back any longer.”

  A gulp ran down through her throat. She had no idea what he meant by that but she didn’t like it. Those spanks had been hard enough, she didn’t want to experience anything worse than that. Her ass would not appreciate it.

  The threat of more punishment was enough to quell the spoilt brat for some time. For the rest of the day she had to keep her head down and obey the best the could, all while still being dressed as a slut.

  For lunch and dinner she even ate out of her bowl like a good mutt, obediently scoffing down her meals. It may not have been the most entertaining day of her life but she avoided anymore scolding, spanking and even got praised for her good behaviour which deep down caused her a bit of joy.

  Things in the odd household were going quite smoothly until it got back to night and bedtime for all.

  “Come on Jasmine, to bed,” he called out, the bratty teen pulling herself up off the sofa with a groan.

  “Fine, I get it, good night,” she sighed out as she crossed her way across the lounge, heading for the stairs.

  “Jasmine? Aren’t you forgetting something?” Russell said, pointing at the large dog bed where she’d spent the previous night.

  “No, come on. I’ve been good today, can’t I just go and sleep in my own bed tonight?”


  “You haven’t even gotten me anything to wear for sleep. I can’t wear this. You didn’t even give me any underwear.”

  “I’ve made it clear, this is your bed.”

  Jasmine began to grit her teeth as the annoyance built. It was understandable really. A proud girl being told to sleep in a dog bed. It was never something to take well.

  “I don’t wanna sleep there, I wanna sleep in my own bed.”

  “Do you need some more discipline? Look it’s very simple, I even have those tapes again to help you fall asleep.”

  Russell shook the music player between his fingers, the same one he’d used on Jasmine last night to put her into a trance and feed her suggestions. It was only at this prompt that she remembered about having the headphones fitted onto her head.

  “Wait, is that the reason I was asking weird earlier. You did something weird to me, didn’t you. There is no way I’m putting that on again.”

  She wasn’t being as volatile as earlier but it still wasn’t good enough for Russell. He was expecting her to be perfectly obedient. To respect her elders and stop thinking about herself. He needed to drill his lessons deep into her mind.

  “Sit,” he said assertively, sending her crashing down onto the floor again, sitting like a good pup.

  She hadn’t actually put her mind too much at why this had happened to her earlier, mainly due to the distraction of a severe ass spanking which then followed. But now that it’d been freshly returned to the front of her mind she could see just how in control it put him over her. When he commanded her body listened on instinct.

  “Stop, lemme go!”

  “You should know I don’t like that raised voice of yours. It’s too aggressive. You are in severe need of discipline young lady. Stay.”

  She tried to pull herself away but she felt like a statue. She was unable to drag her body off the spot, swaying from side to side being the most she could muster as Russell left her all alone.

  “Hey get back here. Lemme go, lemme go!”

  He wasn’t gone for long though. He came back with her leash in hand. With her body being stuck still in place it made it ridiculously easy for him to be able to attach it onto her collar.

  “Come on Jasmine, we’re going for a walk.”

  At least those words snapped her out of her frozen state but she was still on a leash, being tugged softly by her step-dad.

  “Stop pulling me you weirdo, there is no way I’m going anywhere.”


  Something clicked inside of her as she heard those words, Jasmine jumping up onto her feet with a face wrapped in excitement.

  “Walkies? You really mean it?”

  “Yep, we’re going to go for some walkies.”

  She was practically bouncing she was that pleased at the concept, her body suddenly being filled with energy.

  “Then let’s go, let’s go, let’s go,” she gasped out, now trying to drag him towards the front door.

  “Okay I get the picture, let’s go.”

  There were a lot of people in the world sceptical about things like hypnosis but the cold hard truth was it was a real thing which could affect anybody and on Jasmine it had worked a treat.

  Thanks to a night of being put into a trance and fed commands and suggestions she was now more willing to do certain actions than she had been previously, even if that still needed a lot of work.

  The commands though had gone swimmingly. Now when he commanded Jasmine to sit down she would do it on instinct. The same with lying down. He could also ask for her paw, or hand in this instance, but right now the one he was getting the most use out of was walkies.

  Walkies would give Jasmine the mindset of being a normal dog, filled with excitement at the prospect of being taken out for a walk. One word was all it had taken to transform Jasmine from a stubborn brat into an energetic puppy girl.

  Despite the fact it wasn’t the warmest of nights and she was dressed in clothing which exposed a lot of flesh and would titillate any man who saw her she didn’t seem to mind the fact the two of them were walking through the streets.

  The streets were quiet but they weren’t completely empty as the duo walked, passersby giving alarmed looked towards the barely dressed teenager being led around on a collar, happily skipping around in front of her owner as they trotted through the streets of their suburban neighbourhood.

  Russell’s destination was that where all pet owners headed towards when walkies were on the table. They were going to the park.

  Due to it being night time the park was a lot emptier than it would be in the day. The kids were gone, as were the other dog walkers. For all intent and purposes the only two in the entire vicinity were Russell and his pet.

  “Do you like the park Jasmine?” Russell asked to his tranced pup who was glancing all around.

  “Yep it’s super awesome,” she barked back at him, still full of beans as she had been ever since she’d first been given the command.

  “You won’t learn anything like this though. Revert to normal.”

  Those words snapped her back into reality, her happy, euphoric state slipping away in a matter of moments to leave her confused as she stood in the dark with the cold breeze of the night blowing across her exposed skin.

  “Huh, where am I? What am I doing here?”

  Jasmine took a few moments to get to grip with her surroundings and her current predicament, noticing Russell, the leash and the fact she was still dressed like a slut, quickly trying to cover herself up with her arms.

  “What’s the big idea!?” she screamed out at him.

  “Are you sure you want to make so much noise, right here, like this?”

  She gritted those teeth of hers together. The last thing she wanted to do now was let people see her like this.

  “How did I get here?” she growled out, having no memory of her time in trance.

  “You walked here with me. Don’t you remember? You were so energetic, you almost dragged my arm off trying to get here.”

  “I don’t remember any of that. The last thing I remember was being at home, then you put a leash on me and then… you did something to me, didn’t you?”

  “All I did was ask you if you wanted to go on a walk. You’re the one who was begging me to bring you here.”

  “Lies,” she growled out a
gain. In a way he was telling the truth though, not that she had any memory of that.

  “Hey it’s the truth. Don’t blame me.”

  His attitude was really grinding her gears, “Fine, I don’t care. Just take me back, now.”

  Russell let out a sight as he moved backwards and took a seat on one of the wooden benches that were so conveniently placed along the path.

  “I don’t quite have the energy that a young kid like you has. Let me rest here for a few minutes to catch my breath.”

  It was total bullshit. Despite the fact he was double her age he was fit for his age. He worked out every day and still have an active gym membership; he certainly looked a lot younger than he was.

  “Well I’ll just go back by myself.”

  “No Jasmine. You don’t just take off your own leash. That’s my job and if I keep you on then I expect you to stay on.”

  She shot him a look of disgust as she still pushed her fingers up to unhook the leash from her collar. Russell took swift actions to stop his pet from escaping with a firm tug, toppling her body closer to him, sending her stumbling down over his lap.

  “Ah!” she coughed out, the collar squeezing down around her windpipe, “What’s the big idea!?”

  “I told you not to try and take it off.”

  Russell’s pull on Jasmine’s leash wasn’t just some sloppy move to stop her from taking it down, it was also an aimed move to position her across his lap with that soft, round, ass exposed. With her rump wiggling upwards and his weak hand grasping at her leash to keep her in place his dominant hand was free to swat down onto her rear to make it glow red,

  A squeal burst from her pursed lips as that palm spanked down onto her ass. It was the one act which had been successfully turning her to jelly over the past two days. Every spank which struck down onto her body made her squirm like a piggy, her cheeks the only part of her which was now warm.

  “Stop it,” she begged, “Don’t do that. Please, not here.”

  “Jasmine I can’t control where you misbehave. If you started listening to me you wouldn’t have to go through things like this.”

  He wasn’t backing down from his treatment, her ass soon glowing a violent shade from red from the firmness of his spanks across her backside.

  “Please stop it, stop.”

  “I told you this punishment would be more severe than the last and I meant it. If you were a good girl I wouldn’t need to do this to you but you continue to misbehave. There is nothing more I can do for you.”

  “Daddy stop it please, I’ll do anything.”



  He paused his spankings for the moment, resting his powerful hand onto her stinging backside.

  “Okay then. I’ll stop it if you strip down and leave your clothes here.”

  “But that means…”

  “Yes it does mean that. I’m not ordering you to do this, I’m giving you an option. You don’t need to take it though. We can carry on like this instead.”

  The hand which had been resting went back to spanking and once again she was writhing around in pain, the air being polluted with the sound of skin slapping together and teenager squeals.

  “Okay, I’ll do it! I’ll do it, just stop, please.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  He showed her behind the mercy it had been so desperately seeking for, instead tugging on the strings holding her super, tiny, bikini top together, letting the fabric tumble down from around her chest. It may not have been covering much but it covered a whole heck of a lot more than nothing at all.

  With the spanking ended it was also time for Russell to loosen the grip he had on that leash, giving Jasmine to leeway to move backwards, her ass still stinging harshly, her naked chest now on show.

  She covered her nipples up with a forearm squished tightly into her chest, eyes averted from her step-dad, inspecting her with his gaze.

  “Do I really have to, take this off too?”

  “You do, but you can leave on the heels.”

  She hadn’t even noticed she had high heels on. They must have came sometime in the big gap in her memory, probably just before they left the house.

  Jasmine unhooked the side of the microskirt and let it tumble down around her legs, quickly using her other arms to cover her pussy. It’d be the only thing that skirt had actually hidden up until this point.

  Apart from high heels and a collar Jasmine was now completely naked, the slender brunette exposed in a public park, eyes quickly shooting around to make sure that they were still the only two in the area.

  “So ready to go home now?” Russell asked, “My joints feel a little bit better. I think I can manage the walk if you can.”

  Her naked body shivered as she nodded back to him, not needing words to describe just how much she wanted be back in the safe confines of her own home once again. Sadly for Jasmine there was a long walk still to go.

  Every step sent shivers running through her body. It wasn’t even the fact that the night was cold and popping goosebumps all over her body. It was that she knew at any moment somebody could appear in the street and see her like this.

  Her arms were still pressed tightly over her breasts and pussy, trying to cover herself to hide the slight modesty she had remaining but it was running thin.

  More time had passed since they’d been in the park but still the streets weren’t completely deserted. There was still the strum of engines in the distance and spattering of noise fluttering in from unseen locations. There was no way that a nude girl, exposed in public, could stay calm in these conditions.

  Despite the fact that noises still flowed from distant locations the only immediate noises were those of feet tapping against the ground as Russell led the way, with his daughter trying to hide in his shadow.

  When a car came driving close she took shelter behind his back, doing her best to stay covered, out of sight.

  “Having fun back there?” Russell asked after the lights flickered over their bodies and vanished into the distance.

  “No! You know I’m not. Just hurry up and get me home.”

  Jasmine’s legs shook as she shook from side to side, balancing on those large heels, entire body shivering from the cold, night, air, eyes constantly darting around to make our any shape, desperate not to get seen by anybody.

  She was so busy glancing from side to side, to make sure nobody was looking out of their windows or were walking on the other side of the road she wasn’t actually looking ahead.

  “Good evening,” Russell suddenly said, giving the teenager quite a fright.

  Startled she pinned herself tightly into his large back, desperate to keep herself hidden from the stranger who was coming. She remained pinned into his back for cover as they walked on and waited for the stranger to pass. They never did, even as they walked further and further down the street,

  “Hey, what’s going on?” her meek voice called out to him from behind.

  “Oh nothing.”

  “What? But you just said.”

  “I know, I did, didn’t I?” he snickered, looking down at her with a grin on his face.

  Her hands balled up into fists and began to shiver in rage, a loud squeal whining out of her lips as she tugged as his jacket.

  “Don’t do that to me! Do you know how scared I wa-!?”

  Suddenly, disaster. She’d been distracted, just as they were getting to a crossroads. As the two of them walked past the corner Jasmine found herself coming eye to eye with a man only a few paces away. He could see her, he could see everything!

  She panicked. She darted forwards, grasping a hold of her father’s arm as she started to run, dragging him along after her. She needed to be away from that place and that man as quickly as possible.

  Her heart pounded in her chest, not even from the sudden burst of exercise but from the extreme embarrassment of having her naked body seen in its fullness by a total stranger in the middle of the street. If it got out th
at she was a pervert like that it’d be the end of her. She may not have had many friends to start with but she’d never be able to live down such a rumour following her around.

  However running in high heels was not the easiest thing in the world. They weren’t used in the Olympics for a reason. It wasn’t too many streets away from the scare when Jasmine found herself tumbling down into the ground at quite a pace.

  Jasmine began to whine out as her naked body scraped into the pavement, rolling over on one of her ankles.


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