P.I.T.A. (L.A. Liaisons Book 3)

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P.I.T.A. (L.A. Liaisons Book 3) Page 16

by Brooke Blaine

  With a contented sigh, my eyes fluttered shut, and as Dawson pulled me closer against him, he made soft kisses behind my ear.

  “Don’t make plans tomorrow night,” he murmured against my neck, his voice heavy with sleep. “Promise?”

  I was glad I was facing away so he couldn’t see the cheesy grin that took over my face then. “Promise,” I said.


  Ace to the Rescue

  “LOOK AT YOU grinning something fierce,” Shayne said, swiveling around in her chair as I entered her office at the headquarters of Happily Ever After, Inc., her matchmaking company. She sat forward, tapping a pen against her lips. “I don’t have to guess why. I told you me moving out was a good idea.”

  I removed my jacket, set it on the back of the chair, and then took the seat in front of her desk. “I still maintain that you should be at home, but I suppose I could let myself enjoy having sex on every available surface. Your bed’s a little firm, by the way.”

  Shayne gawked at me. “You didn’t.”

  “Yeah, okay, I didn’t. I love you, but that’s a little creepy.”

  “Thank God. I wasn’t looking forward to fumigating the mattress.”

  I cracked a smile and then looked around for the man who’d called me there. “So. Is he here yet?”

  “No, but he should be here any time. I told him you guys could use the conference room.”

  “Any idea what he wants to meet about?”

  “He hasn’t told me anything, but I have my theories,” she said. “Guess we’ll find out soon enough, hmm?”

  “I guess so.” I drummed my nails along the edge of the chair as I wondered yet again why Ace Locke had called me in to Shayne’s office. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Ace (which leads me to believe you’ve been hiding under a rock), he’s one of the biggest movie stars in the world, known mostly for his action movies, though his romance with gorgeous top model Dylan Prescott had him garnering more headlines than ever. Ace’s coming out had been a huge deal, both personally and professionally, and I was glad to see the guy back on the upswing after a rocky patch. He had an interesting history with Shayne, and long story short, he was a private investor in her company, which was why it made sense to meet there.

  As if I’d conjured him from my thoughts, Ace’s masculine frame filled the doorway. With his hair trimmed to his signature buzz cut, and him dressed in what had to be a custom-made suit, because the guy’s muscles were out of control, he looked dapper and handsome as ever.

  “I’m not late, am I?” he said, and when he checked his watch, the black diamonds of his engagement ring winked at me as it caught the light.

  “Nah, just catching up with Shayne,” I said, standing up to greet him with a kiss on the cheek. “You look good. Getting engaged must agree with you.”

  “Mmm, that it does,” he said, bending over to give Shayne a kiss as well. Then he aimed a smile my way, the one that melted hearts in cineplexes all over the world. “Shall we?”

  “We shall. Later, hooker,” I called over my shoulder before heading out of Shayne’s office and down the hall to the conference room.

  Once we were seated, Ace unbuttoned his suit jacket and crossed one of his ankles over his knee. “Thanks for meeting me. I figured this was one of those things that should be done in person.”

  “No problem. I’m curious to hear what one of the most wanted men in the world wants with li’l ole me. I’ve got my fingers crossed for a threesome.”

  “Uh…not exactly the proposition I had in mind.”

  “I figured you weren’t here to talk about your sex life, but it was worth a shot. How is that going, by the way?”

  Ever the gentleman, Ace just shook his head. “I know you’re a busy woman, so I won’t keep you long. But I was hoping—well, Dylan and I were both hoping—that you would agree to plan our wedding.”

  Whaaaat? Holy shit. Okay, that wasn’t what I’d been expecting him to say.

  “You want me to plan your wedding,” I repeated, making sure I heard him right. Normally, I’d be patting myself on the back already, like, Damn right I’m a kickass planner, and I can rock the shit out of your wedding, so let’s do this, but since every bride-to-be I knew was currently giving me the evil eye, best to make sure.

  “We figured it’s time to get the ball rolling on plans, and we don’t have the faintest idea where to start. We need someone we know puts on a great event, and you’ve said yourself that weddings are your thing.”

  Yeah…I had said that, hadn’t I? “And you want me even with all the current backlash.” Not a question, more that I was making sure he knew I wasn’t exactly the most desired person on the celebrity wedding planner list at the moment. Oh, how the mighty fell.

  “Backlash?” he said.

  “You know. The article thing.”

  “What article? I don’t exactly keep up with the papers, Paige.”

  Ahh, good point. I wouldn’t either if I was plastered all over them constantly.

  “Well,” I said, “in the interest of full disclosure, I feel I should tell you that you may not want to hire me.”

  Ace let out a surprised laugh. “I shouldn’t?”

  “No. Apparently some comments I made off the cuff made it into LA Today, and there was a feature about how I don’t believe in marriage, how it’s all a crock and a business arrangement.”

  Ace’s brows shot up. “Uh…is all that true?”

  “Sort of. But in my defense, it was bad timing. I was trying to get my marriage annulled, so I wasn’t exactly in the best mood.”

  “Hold up. You’re married? When did this happen?”

  “Oh…right. I’m surprised Shayne didn’t fill you in on that. Just one of those spur of the moment when-in-Vegas decisions.”

  “Wow,” he said, sitting back in his chair. “So I suppose congratulations are in order.”

  “Um.” Were they? After last night, I was inclined to say yes, but I didn’t really know where things would lead. “It’s complicated.”

  “Huh. Well, I never thought you’d be talking me out of hiring you.”

  “Just giving you fair warning. Your wedding is going to be the event of the year.”

  “Which is why I need the right person making sure I don’t fuck it up.”

  “And you think I’m the right person.”

  “You were the one who threw my birthday party the night Dylan and I…well…first got together.” A small flush crossed his cheeks. “And you were the one I turned to to show him a good time in Vegas. I know you. I trust you. And regardless of whatever the media is saying—which, for the record, is usually a load of crap—I think you have a good heart, and you wouldn’t be in this business if it didn’t hold some kind of meaning for you.” I opened my mouth to protest, and he held his hand up. “Yes, ballsy Pita, I know you’ll disagree on that one, but believe me when I say there’s no one else Dylan and I would rather have plan our wedding than you. And we won’t take no for an answer.”

  I was rarely surprised in my line of business, but Ace? He always surprised the hell out of me.

  “Well, then.” I put my hand out toward him. “I guess you’ve got yourself a wedding planner.”

  He shook my hand and gave me a big smile. “Perfect.”

  “Of course there’s paperwork to be done to make it all official, but I didn’t think to bring that here. And I’ll want to meet with you both to start thinking about a timeline and location. Have you already given that any thought?”

  “We’ve talked a little about it, but nothing set in stone.”

  “That’s okay; we can go over that later, as well as some themes. I’m so happy for you guys.”

  Ace cocked his head to the side, that smile still in place. “Now that doesn’t sound like someone who thinks marriages are a crock.”

  “Guess I’m ruining my newfound reputation, then.”

  “Nah, if whatever was in that article had any effect on your job, we’ll make sure
everyone knows who was the one in charge of things for us. I have a feeling you’ll be booking out years in advance when that happens.”

  “I think you’re right about that,” I said, and the relief I felt then was enormous. I’d been doing my best to pretend that getting snubbed didn’t hurt, but in reality? I loved my job. The brides and their entourages were fucking nuts, but I thrived well under the pressure of guaranteed last-minute mishaps—it gave me an outlet for my creative side—and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. So this opportunity Ace was offering? It ensured job security. “I really appreciate this, Ace. Not many people out there would lift up someone when they’ve fallen down, so thank you for trusting me. I promise I will plan the biggest, most fabulous wedding the world has ever seen. Unless you want a small, intimate affair, and then that can be arranged too.”

  Ace’s hearty laugh echoed off the walls. “Well, we can’t wait. And Paige? I know what it’s like to have people kick you when you’re down. One bit of bad press and it’s like the world converges to tear you down. But you’re not the type to take that shit, so I’m gonna give you a bit of advice I got once: go out with your middle fingers held high. And remember who’s got your back.”

  “Dammit, Ace,” I said. Fuck me twice if I wasn’t getting emotional at his words. “Are you sure you don’t want that threesome? Because I think I’m in love with you.”

  “I think we’re good here, yeah?”

  “If it helps, I love Dylan too.”

  He just chuckled and straightened in his chair to button his suit jacket. “Let me know when you want to get together to go over the paperwork, and I’ll check our schedules. Dylan’s in Antigua shooting until next week, but then he should be home for a bit. I hope.”

  “Ooh la la, must be a nice gig,” I said, and then I had a thought. As long as I was fixing up one part of my life, why not take care of the other? “Hey, Ace? You wouldn’t be willing to give me a referral for your lawyer, would you?”

  “My lawyer? Sure, why?”

  “I’m looking to buy out my father’s part-ownership claim on my house. He’s not the type to give in easily, so I need a shark. I figured you’d have one.”

  “I’ve got a shark, all right,” Ace said, grabbing a pen and one of Shayne’s business cards. He quickly scribbled the name and number on the back and pushed it my way.

  “Logan Mitchell of Mitchell & Madison…in Chicago? Your lawyer is in Chicago?”

  “You want the best? He and his brother, Cole, are the best. Your father won’t stand a chance against them.”

  “Perfect. I’ll give him a call today.”

  “I’ll touch base with him when I leave to let him know to expect you.”

  As we stood up to leave, I couldn’t resist giving that man a big, airtight hug. And not because I wanted to feel all of those glorious muscles or anything, though those were a nice benefit. That Dylan was a lucky bastard.

  “You guys done already?” Shayne said, as we walked out into the front.

  Ace gave me a lopsided grin. “Yep. We both got what we came for.”

  “You make that sound so dirty,” I said. “I approve.”

  Nodding at what we all referred to as the Love Locker, Ace said, “Next time I come by, remind me I need to bring a lock to put on that thing.”

  “You got it,” Shayne said, fingering one of the love locks on the immense structure in the corner that was made of thin red iron bars and had been specially designed in the shape of a heart. Clients who had found love through Shayne’s services, or friends of hers, were invited to make things official by carving their initials into a padlock and hanging it off the heart. It was a throwback to the bridges and sculptures around the world where lovebirds had taken to posting their love for each other.

  She glanced over at me and grinned. “And it looks like we might have to add another new lock on here soon. Isn’t that right, Paige?”

  I made the motion of zipping my lips, as the lyrics of one of Ryleigh’s favorite songs played in my mind. Perhaps…perhaps…perhaps.


  Fabio and His Mistresses

  WHEN DAWSON HAD made me promise to keep the next night free, it’d been an easy promise to make, but when he told me we had plans for dinner? Well, that had me a little nervous.

  “Relax,” he’d said, when he opened the door of his black Maserati GranCabrio to let me in. “I won’t be throwing food at you tonight. Unless you ask nicely. Later.”

  And, shocker of all shocks, he’d kept his word. We’d gone to Vik & Johnny’s, which sat atop a hillside overlooking Hollywood. We’d talked about everything under the sun for hours: his job, how I’d met the girls, his favorite place he’d traveled (Iceland), and mine (Mykonos). The snarky comments were plentiful, because that was who we were, but this easygoing side of Dawson was one I hadn’t spent one-on-one time with in far too long. I’d forgotten how much I’d actually liked the guy. He was funny, sharing the same twisted sense of humor I did; he pulled out chairs, stood when I’d needed to use the ladies’ room; he listened and tipped well. And, as infuriating as it could be sometimes, he was one of those guys that things came naturally to. That drew people in without even having to try. Waiters and staff loved him, and friends we ran into were genuinely happy to see him. Where I’d convinced myself the past few years that he was this cocky, arrogant bastard, in reality that wasn’t true at all. Not to say he didn’t play up that side of himself whenever I was around, but now I saw it for what it really was. An act. A bit of role-playing that depended on who he was entertaining at the time. That little revelation had me looking at him in a different light. And it was after, as we were walking into Verve because we weren’t quite ready for the night to end, that he reached for my hand. That moment when his fingers linked with mine stole my breath, because the last thing I’d expected to feel at Dawson’s touch was hopeful. Hopeful for what? The promise of something more? That whatever it was happening between us could translate into a relationship?

  God, just the word relationship usually sent me into a cold shiver, but as Dawson led me inside the dark nightclub, I didn’t feel the tremor up my spine that normally accompanied the word. But, strangely enough, it was the lack of a freak-out that had me freaking out. Which made no sense.

  As if he could sense the sudden tension, Dawson changed course, veering to the right toward the dance floor instead of the bar we’d been heading to, and he didn’t let go of my hand. Instead, he kept me close to his side as we made our way down the steps to the crowded floor, where a pulsing beat had the couples we passed grinding together with moves that were better suited to the bedroom.

  But it was my kind of place, exhibitionist that I was, and that was exactly why Dawson had brought me here first. To loosen me the hell up.

  “Come on,” he said, drawing me tight against him, his hands spread along my lower back. “Dance with me.”

  As we began to sway, one of his legs pushed between mine, and I rocked my hips side to side while he matched me move for move. Closing my eyes, I breathed in his scent and let the music sweep me away, clearing my mind until there was nothing but me, the rhythm I kept time with, and Dawson pressed up against me. Soon, I was in my element, turning my back toward Dawson and sliding down the length of his body as others in the crowd turned to watch. I gave them a teasing smile, biting down on my lip, and I circled my hips as I heard whoops ring out.

  This was me. This was where I felt alive.

  Dawson’s lips came up by my ear, and he said, “You look so fucking sexy,” before nipping at my lobe and easing back, letting me do my thing.

  We continued that way for what felt like hours, never stopping, never losing body contact, the push and pull and thrill of dancing the night away content in someone’s arms. But Dawson wasn’t just anyone. As the music changed into a slower beat, his hand came up to push back the hair that stuck to my neck.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, a small smile tipping his lips up, and then he touched his fo
rehead to mine. “Especially when it’s my cock you’re grinding on.”

  I laughed, shaking my head, and we kept moving side to side. “You’re crazy.”

  “I am.”

  The change in his tone had me pulling back to look at him, and the sincerity that shone in his eyes scared me. He was looking at me like I’d hung the moon. Like I was some amazing being who’d cut out stars and sprinkled them across a night sky. Our movements slowed, but my heart pounded harder than ever. As he tilted his head ever so slightly to the side and leaned down to kiss me, I broke out into a cold sweat.

  Unwrapping his arms from around me, I said, “Dawson, I’ll…be right back.” Then I stumbled my way to the restroom, my head swimming like I would pass out at any moment. Thankfully, there wasn’t a line, and I quickly turned on the faucet and splashed some cold water on my neck and my wrists.

  Okay, why was I having a freak-out all of a sudden? This was what I wanted, wasn’t it? What I’d always wanted, but time and my stubborn brain had told me I couldn’t have. It was like I couldn’t reconcile the me now with someone who could be in a relationship. How would that even work? Was that what Dawson wanted?

  As I steadied my breathing, I looked at the woman I saw staring back at me in the mirror. Sure, she was flushed and her hair was tousled almost like it was windblown, but she was still the same person she’d been before she’d gotten hitched. Maybe she could work her shit out and try to be vulnerable. Open herself up by putting it all out there in a way she’d only ever tried and failed to do once. It was just Dawson, for fuck’s sake. The least judgmental person on the planet, and what was the worst he could do? Laugh? Tease me to no end forever and ever?

  Or…maybe he’d feel the same?

  With my mind made up, I toweled off my neck and arms, and headed back for the man I’d abruptly left behind. As I rounded the corner that led back to the dance floor, my eyes searched the crowd for him, and when I found him, he wasn’t alone. A voluptuous brunette hung on his every word, throwing her head back as she laughed at whatever he was saying. But as she turned to the side to whisper in his ear, I got a better look at her, and that was when I realized it wasn’t just any woman. It was Destiny Landis.


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