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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

Page 24

by Daniel Fife

  Anthony nodded and gave Danny a heavy pat on the back while Alonso shook his head as if to impart his doubt.

  Breaking away from his friends, Danny felt the heavy burden of all eyes upon him. Making his way through gathered spectators, he heard whispers containing his name and noticed looks of skepticism. It seemed as though no one believed he could do it, a fact that was beginning to wear him down, turning his stomach inside-out with tension. Emerging from the crowd, seeing Sir Syndil's smiling face, provided Danny with a small comfort. However, his respite disappeared as he spotted Squire Rigil, standing on the opposite side of the clearing.

  Danny had thought that the squire was large before, but he looked massive now, wearing the full complement of his dueling armor. Danny guessed that the armor added almost half a foot to the larger squire's stature. However, as intimidating as Squire Rigil looked, it was the figure standing next to him that drew Danny's attention, Squire Vyce Ven Lasko, Captain of Dragon Army.

  Although he was shorter than his lieutenant, Captain Vyce had an aura about him that demanded attention. His deep blue eyes seemed to peer right through Danny.

  "Make an example of him, Lieutenant Rigil," the captain said candidly, his gaze unwavering as he met Danny's stare. With that said, he pivoted, paced to the edge of the crowd and did an about-face.

  "I did na think you'd show, lad."

  Danny leveled his gaze toward his opponent. "I'm surprised that you did," said Danny, with a confidence he did not feel.

  Rigil simply smiled and rested his hand on the spiraling hilt of his Bonded.

  "Are you both ready to begin?" Sir Syndil asked, appearing between them.

  "I request a change to the terms of this duel," said Danny, stepping forward.

  "You can't change…" began Rigil in protest, only to be silenced by Sir Syndil's slender arm.

  "State your reasoning."

  "The initial terms of this duel have already come to pass," explained Danny. "I no longer need Squire Rigil's assistance to locate Squire Drake. Therefore, this duel has already been settled."

  "Cowardly newb!" said Rigil. "Ya think ta squirm your way out of this?"

  "I only wish to change the terms," said Danny, hoping that his voice didn't betray the butterflies fluttering within his gut.

  "The terms?" Sir Syndil asked.

  "Should I be the victor, I only ask that I be allowed to visit Squire Drake openly on the seventh day of every week, our day of rest."

  "Are these terms satisfactory?" Sir Syndil inquired, turning toward Squire Rigil.

  The larger boy's face tightened with anger as he looked to Captain Vyce for permission. "Agreed," said Rigil, after receiving an acknowledging nod from his captain. "It's not like ya going to win anyhow, newb."

  "Then the terms are agreed upon and the duel will commence," announced Sir Syndil. "All that is required is the proper environment," he added, reaching into his pocket, producing a glowing green orb about the size of a marble, similar to the bauble Sir James had used to transform the surface of the table during his instruction of strategy.

  Danny watched in awe as Sir Syndil bent a knee and touched the stone to the sand. Instantly, the white sand shifted as a small quake lurched beneath Danny's feet. Cracks formed into proper angles as the sand solidified into bricks of white stone, forming a large circle that dipped low into the ground. Danny nearly lost his balance, the stone beneath him stopped suddenly as the final details etched themselves into the surface, creating the familiar symbols of a dueling circle, four times the size of the one in Sir Syndil's classroom.

  Looking around, Danny's jaw dropped further, the chamber had transformed into a proper arena, complete with stair-step seating. When the rumbling of the ground ceased, he found himself at the bottom of a large circular pit, surrounded by a wall of stone at least six feet in height with the crowd suspended above. Peering across the dueling circle, he noticed that Squire Rigil seemed unimpressed, obviously he was familiar with such an overwhelming display of magic.

  "Prepare yourselves!" Sir Syndil said, stepping between them, securing the jade orb back within his pocket.

  Squire Rigil went to work instantly, securing his helm upon his head.

  Danny did the same.

  "A strike to the head, chest, abdomen or pelvis is an automatic win," instructed Sir Syndil. "A strike to the extremity is a crippling blow, but it does not assure victory. Should one of you suffer loss of consciousness or death, victory will go to the squire still standing. Are there any questions?"

  Both boys shook their head, indicating that they understood the rules.

  "Then take your positions," Sir Syndil commanded, pointing at the two triangles carved on opposite ends of the dueling circle.

  Danny walked to his designated triangle, his breathing picking up as the sound of each breath echoed within the confines of his helm. He could feel the palms of his hands begin to sweat beneath the armor plating that protected them as his stomach began to twist into a knot. He was extremely nervous. Stepping onto the triangle, he felt the full weight of all eyes upon him.

  "Make ready!"

  Squire Rigil drew his Bonded without hesitation, revealing a thick, light blue blade, a little longer than a longsword, broad from base to tip. Eager to begin, he settled into an offensive stance and leveled his broadsword behind, readying to strike.

  Taking a steadying breath, Danny freed his own sword with a ring of steel that seemed to echo throughout the arena. Angling his blade behind him, he entered into a defensive stance. The weight of the sword felt good in his hand, providing him with a small comfort.

  "Salute," said Sir Syndil.

  "For the Light," responded Squire Rigil, twisting his wide blade in an elegant pattern of honor before returning to his threatening pose.

  "For the Light," said Danny, going through the practiced motion.

  Sir Syndil took a single step forward and held his right hand high, ready to signal the beginning of the bout.

  Danny closed his eyes, cleared his mind and filled his lungs, going through the breathing exercises Sir Syndil had taught him. As he concentrated on the rhythmic pattern of his breathing, his anxiety dissipated.

  "Begin!" shouted Sir Syndil.

  Danny opened his eyes to find that the ghostly form of Squire Rigil had already charged forward, closing the distance quicker than Danny thought possible, opening with an overhead chop. The real Rigil followed moments behind.

  Anticipating the attack, Danny twisted to the left as his opponent's broadsword whistled through the air, striking the stone floor with a loud crack, causing the white stone to split from the force of Rigil's attack.

  Too easy, thought Danny, seeing the chance of Rigil's open back, angling his sword for a counter-attack. Committing to the motion, Danny watched with joy as Rigil's ghost recovered and moved to block the blow. Danny knew the larger boy wouldn't be able to execute the defensive tactic in time.

  However, Rigil did just that, almost surpassing his specter. The two blades met with a loud clang as Rigil parried the attack to the side, sending a jarring motion down Danny's blade and up his arm.

  Knocked off-balance, Danny twisted to the right as Rigil's image raised his sword for the final blow. Expecting the attack, Danny raised his own blade to block.

  Fulfilling the prediction of his spirit, Rigil put both hands to the task and hacked downward, the blue blade almost humming as it flashed through the air.

  Already off-balance, Danny had little choice but to take the brunt of the blow as the full strength of Squire Rigil descended upon him. With a concussive sound of metal meeting metal, the two swords collided, forcing Danny to his knee. Danny's arm wavered as Rigil forced his attack, his brand inched toward the front of Danny's helm. In an attempt to stave off defeat, Danny reached up with his opposite hand and wrapped his fingers around the tip of his opponent's sword. He felt his armored gauntlet stiffen, freezing his hand in place. Forcing Rigil's blade upward, freeing his own, Danny slashed outward, connect
ing with his opponent’s left greave just below the ankle.

  Rigil grunted as a kick from his opposite foot connected squarely with the front of Danny's helm. The arena spun temporarily before Danny rolled back to his feet to find Squire Rigil retreating to the opposite end of the dueling circle. It brought Danny some small pride knowing that the larger squire now moved with a slight limp. Investigating his left hand, he found it stiff as stone and curled into a fist.

  "Ya move well, newb. I'll give ya that," said Rigil from a distance. "You're a lot quicker than I would've expected. I underestimated ya."

  "I could say the same for you."

  "My Bonded is much lighter than most, weighing a little less than a feather. I win most of my duels because I'm underestimated."

  "That would've been nice to know beforehand," said Danny, shooting Sir Syndil a glare.

  The tall Elf shrugged, smiling in response.

  "Ya seemed to handle it well enough," said Rigil. "Almost as if ya could read my movements or predict them," he added, his tone rising questioningly.

  "Stop playing with him, finish it," yelled a deep-toned voice, thick with a British accent.

  Although Danny already knew who'd spoken, he followed the sound to the speaker anyway, finding Squire Vyce Ven Lasko, Captain of Dragon Army, gazing down upon him with startling blue eyes, his face resolute.

  Movement flashed in Danny's peripheral vision, causing him to return his attention to his opponent. With a single smooth motion, Squire Rigil's ghost raised its broadsword upward to strike. Danny repositioned into a defensive stance as Rigil followed in the phantom's predicted pattern of movement. Clear on the opposite side of the dueling circle, Danny could only guess at his opponent's intention as the ghost of Squire Rigil stepped forward and swept its shadowy sword downward, mouthing some unintelligible words, the sound muffled as if he was speaking under water. Dark swirls emerged around the brand, creating a tunnel of churning air aimed directly at Danny.

  Before Danny could study the attack further, the real Rigil mimicked the movement, adding, "Gust, Whiril."

  Unlike the phantom's attack, the windy vortex that Danny knew was coming showed no signs of its presence, except for the stirring of dust and debris as it whirled across the stone floor in its designated path.

  Diving to the right, Danny felt the pull of the current as it whooshed past him. The turbulent attack struck the wall directly behind the spot where he'd been standing only moments before, causing the stone to split and crack from the impact. Rolling to his feet, Danny glanced behind him, noting a small crater in the stone wall. He quickly concluded that being on the receiving end of such an attack would mean instant defeat.

  "How could ya have possibly dodged that?" Squire Rigil asked, the tip of his blade sagging in surprise.

  Danny didn't honor Rigil with a response. Instead, he turned his attention inward, thinking quickly, he knew that he would have to engage his opponent in close combat if he wanted to win. Apparently Rigil's Bonded was more dangerous at a distance. Rigil’s retreat to the opposite end of the dueling circle had hinted as much. Now, seeing the power of Rigil’s Bonded firsthand, Danny was sure of it.

  "It makes no difference," said Squire Rigil when confronted with Danny's silence. "Ya won't dodge this next attack," he added, angling his blade behind him for a second assault.

  Swayed from his inner reflections, Danny pushed his mind back to the task as Squire Rigil's ghost weaved its sword in an intricate pattern of attacks, creating three individual wind tunnels. One of the black whirlwinds traveled in a straight line, right down the center of the dueling circle, while the other two arced to the left and the right, following the curve of the circle and converging on the exact spot where Danny now stood. He realized instantly that he would be unable to avoid this attack in the same manner as the last. Panic gripped Danny as Squire Rigil began his deadly wind dance, yelling, "Bluster, Whiril."

  The dust stirred in the flurry of the wind; chunks of stone ripped free from the floor and the wall, tumbling end over end within the belly of the raging vortex.

  Danny charged in two quick, bounding steps as the forward airstream bore down upon him. However, just before the coiling wind tunnel could overtake him, he leapt to the right at an angle. All but his left foot made it free as the powerful current of air propelled him upward like a rag doll. The wall of stone behind him exploded under the weight of the wind attack, causing large chunks of rock to cascade into the air and plummet to the ground in rhythmic thuds.

  Danny landed heavily on his right side; he rolled to his feet and charged forward. Dazed, lungs filled with fire, he forced himself onward, charging to within striking distance of Squire Rigil.

  Surprised by Danny's charge and the smaller boy's ability to avoid his best attack, Squire Rigil took two quick steps in retreat, causing his back to brush against the wall.

  Unwilling to give his rival a chance to use his Bonded, Danny pressed his attack, opening up with an underhand swing. The tip of his longsword scraped the stone floor beneath him, causing the metal to ring out in anticipation of the strike.

  Backed into a corner, Rigil barely got his Bonded up in time as the two blades clanged off one another.

  However, Danny was far from finished; he forced the offensive, following up with a barrage of blade work.

  Forced into the defensive, Rigil parried every attack. However, with his left foot frozen, every movement seemed to put him off-balance.

  Finally, angling for an overhead attack, Danny watched as the specter of Squire Rigil moved to intercept. Anticipating the parry, Danny switched momentum in mid-swing, driving the blade lower than his opponent would be able to block, or so he thought.

  Quicker than Danny could follow, Rigil knocked the blade aside with his Bonded, turning an attack that would have resulted in a strike to his stomach into a blow to his lower-right thigh. Squire Rigil stumbled backward and slumped against the wall behind him, his right leg frozen from his mid-thigh down, joined by his already-stiffened left foot.

  Intent on finishing the duel, Danny stepped into striking distance and prepared for the final blow. Attempting the same trick twice, Danny leveled a strike to Rigil's sternum. With the help of Rigil's silhouette, Danny anticipated the counter, forcing his blade higher in an attack aimed for his opponent's helm.

  Rigil's experience saved him, somehow he predicted the familiar pattern of the attack, knocking Danny's longsword clear of its intent, causing the blade to clang off the stone behind them. Reversing Whiril with a twist of the wrist, Rigil swiped desperately for the exposed armor of Danny's legs.

  The attack found nothing but air; Danny had glimpsed the counter before it occurred, he retreated in a quick hop, putting himself just out of Rigil's reach.

  Danny knew that his ability to predict Rigil's movements was the only reason he hadn't lost yet. Rigil's speed and skill were far superior to Danny's meager week of training with the blade, a fact that he knew must be weighing heavily upon the other squire's mind. Even with his foresight, Danny wasn't sure if he could win.

  "Yield," Danny said, hoping the larger boy would take his bluff.

  A low, rumbling laugh echoed from within Squire Rigil's helm as he hefted his bulk back to his feet. "Ya think me beaten, newb?"

  "I do," with more bravado than he felt.

  "Ya thought ta fight me close, assuming I couldn't use Whiril's ability, yes?" Rigil asked, his tone betraying the presence of a smile beneath the helm.

  "My sword must touch your armor to win. I couldn't do that from the opposite side of the circle," said Danny, unwilling to give away his strategy even though Rigil had guessed it.

  Squire Rigil responded with another hearty laugh, muffled by the confines of his helmet. "'Tis a good answer, newb, I'll give ya that. But I've one trick left."

  Danny's right hand gripped the hilt of his sword tighter as the ghost of Rigil broke free of his body and swept its broad blade in a semi-circle, creating a whirling mass of dark tendrils. Unli
ke the previous wind attacks, shaped like small tornados, the air gusted wide and engulfed the entire dueling circle.

  Danny knew that if he couldn't dodge it, he would have to stop it. Spurred forward, hoping to end the contest now, he swung wide in an attempt to catch the side of Rigil's helm.

  "Tempest," yelled Squire Rigil as he followed through.

  The tip of Danny's sword passed within inches of Squire Rigil's brow, forced just out of range as the first waves of wind gusted past him. Danny felt his body take flight, tumbling end over end, as the hilt of his sword slipped from his fingers. He came to a jarring halt as his back impacted against the stone of the wall with a loud thud, while his sword embedded itself halfway to the hilt in the rock beside him. Forced flat against the wall, the frenzied wind pummeled him, creating tiny cracks in the stone where his body was pinned.

  Just as quickly as it had begun, the wind dwindled to a comfortable breeze, releasing Danny from its hold. Danny dropped to his knees and slumped forward, heaving the weight of his body upon his right hand. With his lungs on fire and his head pounding, he glanced up to find Squire Rigil hobbling toward him, two of them to be exact.

  Danny realized that the blow to his head had disorientated him. He had lost his concentration and, along with it, the ability to predict his opponent's movements. He was at a severe disadvantage. On top of that, his body felt bruised from head to toe. Even the smallest of movements caused spine-tingling pain to course through his extremities.

  "I'm amazed ya managed to stay conscious," Squire Rigil said, stopping within striking distance.

  Danny had no choice but to agree as he shook his head and blinked twice, managing to force the two images of his foe into one. Rigil stood over him with the tip of his Bonded lingering threateningly close to Danny's eyes.

  "I'll admit that ya fought well, for a newb. However, it's over," raising Whiril for the final attack.

  Danny raised his head slightly, the small movement sent stiffening pain down his back. Looking up, just over Rigil's right shoulder, he found Sabrina's bold brown eyes, her face a mask of worry. Sabrina, he thought, her presence and her name filled his body with strength.


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