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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

Page 31

by Daniel Fife

  "You know I have always favored your brews," said Calador after taking his third sip.

  "That is because a visit to Elsmelda is long overdue, Calador. I am sure that, once there, your tastes will revert back to the bland preferences of your kin."

  "I am more than satisfied with my current surroundings, Alamber."

  "You see," began Alamber, addressing his words to everyone, "Calador has not returned home since…"

  "That is enough, Alamber," interrupted Calador, his voice loud and commanding. "That is not the reason we are here."

  "In any case," continued Alamber as if quite used to Calador's tantrums, "should any of you ever visit the capital city of the Elves, I would definitely recommend adding some sugar to the teas you will be offered. That is, of course, after you taste it in the manner it was presented and assuming you can even find any sugar."

  "I'll keep that in mind," said Danny, gulping down the rest of the balmy liquid.

  "More?" Alamber asked.

  "Please," Danny said, offering up his empty cup.

  "You were about to tell me the reason for this visit, yes?" encouraged Alamber, retrieving the alabaster pitcher, pouring Danny a second helping.

  After taking a quick sip to settle his nerves, Danny began his tale, starting with his initial meeting with Sabrina Drake and his introduction to Sir Syndil on the day of his testing.

  Alamber listened intently, encouraging Danny with subtle nods.

  Taking another swig, Danny continued, detailing his duels with Squire Rigil and Calador, and the discussion with the blind Elf afterward.

  "Mageknight," Alamber whispered to himself, his eye bulging as if it searched Danny up and down for some clue to the truth. "Do you believe he is the one?" he asked of Calador.

  "I do," insisted Calador, with a slight nod of the head.

  Alamber inched forward, "I have so many questions."

  "I am afraid they will have to wait," said Calador.

  "There is more?" Alamber asked, looking confused.

  "There is," assured Calador.

  Danny continued, explaining their suspicions about Sir Syndil.

  Alamber continued to listen intently. However, once Danny had finished, he said, "'Tis true that Sir Syndil and Calador have never seen eye to eye, but why would Sir Syndil keep such a glorious discovery to himself?"

  "That is what we are trying to figure out, Professor Alamber," said Briza.

  "Why come to me? What can I do?"

  "I found an object in Sir Syndil's personal quarters."

  "…An object?" Alamber scooted right to the edge of his seat. "What do you mean, you found it?"

  "I snuck in while Sir Syndil was away."

  "You did what!" Alamber said, turning his gaze toward Calador. "You knew about this?" he asked the Elf.

  Calador remained calm, standing straight and rigid. "I did not know of their intention at the time. Had I known, I would have put a stop to it immediately."

  Alamber took to his feet. "Such action is grounds for suspension from the Academy."

  "At least listen to the discovery before you pass judgment, my old friend."

  Glaring at Calador for but a moment longer, Alamber shook his head in shame before turning the stern gaze of his lone eye upon Danny. "Continue," he said matter-of-factly.

  Danny hesitated for a moment, unsure of the interaction between the two Elves.

  "What did you find?" Alamber asked, his tone remaining stern, but growing softer.

  Danny's hand shook, causing the teacup to rattle on the saucer as he placed it on the table. He went on to describe the events of his trespass. He explained the open book that detailed the known facts of the Mageknight and then the vision of the Ghostsight.

  Alamber's eye widened as Danny clarified the event, the Half-Elf clearly enthralled by the telling.

  Danny explained how his vision had led him to the secret switch and the trap door in the middle of the floor and, finally, the objects within.

  With his anger forgotten, Alamber fell back into the cushions of the couch, stroking the fine red hairs of his goatee, whispering the description of the black orb repeatedly to himself.

  "Do you know what the object is?" Calador asked after a moment.

  Pulled from his pondering, Alamber looked at the blind Elf as if he was seeing him for the first time. "Honestly, it could be any number of things, truthfully, I am not quite sure. Have you searched the archives for a description?"

  "In painstaking detail, Professor Alamber," said Briza.

  "What a waste of time that was," added Alonso.

  "…Calador?" Alamber asked.

  "I would not have involved you in this had I not already exhausted every other resource, old friend."

  Danny shifted forward to the edge of his seat. "We were hoping you might be able to search the archives at Elsmelda."

  Alamber resumed caressing the deep red hair of his chin. "Aye, their archives date back much farther than those of the Light. Perhaps one of the elders may have more knowledge about this orb of which you speak."

  "Then you'll go to Elsmelda on our behalf?" Matt asked as his glasses drooped down the bridge of his nose, giving him a rather comical appearance.

  "Truly, with the finals for the Chalice of Light beginning in the coming week, my scholarly obligations here are complete. I have been contemplating a visit to the capital anyway. It seems you have given me a valid reason."

  "Thank you," said Danny.

  "However," interrupted Alamber, "you must understand, Mageknight, that the information you have passed on to me is rather critical to the Light. Our forces are at an all-time low and your arrival has been preordained to turn the tide in our favor."

  Danny felt self-conscious as all eyes turned upon him.

  Alamber hesitated, sensing Danny's distress. "Should I succeed in uncovering the truth about this dark object, as well as the motivation behind Sir Syndil's deception, I need your word that you will take your rightful place as the Mageknight."

  "You have my word, Professor Alamber."

  Alamber sighed. "Then, it is decided. I shall leave on the morrow for Elsmelda, the capital city of the Elves."

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  Chapter 32 - Sir Syndil's Final Lesson

  week had passed since Head Wizard Alamber had left for the capital of the Elves. For Danny, the past few days had seemed somewhat normal; he focused on training and attending the various classes of a squire. However, every once in a while, he worried about the news the Half-Elf might bring back when he did return.

  This particular evening found Danny preparing himself for his final lesson with Sir Syndil. Despite his concern over the Elf's intentions, he was looking forward to the training session; Sir Syndil had helped Danny to nearly master a portion of the Ghostsight.

  "If you don't trust that Elf, why do you keep training with him?" Alonso asked bluntly from across the room, while lying on his bed with his arms crossed behind his head.

  Danny slipped his sword belt around his waist. "It's because I don't trust him that I train with him. The more time I spend around him, the more I might learn. Besides, if I refused his training, he might suspect something was wrong."

  Alonso shrugged. "If I were you, I would've walked right up to the Pool of the Mageknight long ago, claimed what belonged to me and shoved it in Sir Syndil's face. I bet the Bonded of a Mageknight is much better than the blades we carry now."

  "Things are already complicated without everyone celebrating the fact that I may be the Mageknight. And I like my sword well enough," said Danny, slipping his longsword into the sheath with a slight ring.

  Alonso shrugged for the second time and added, "Whatever."

  "Just ignore him, man," encouraged Chris. "Are you sure you want to do this? Our training as first-years is complete, as you know. You have no obligation to see Sir Syndil."

  "I know. I really believe this is something I have to do."

  "Do you want us to come with you?"

, all of you have done more than I could have asked of you. It means more to me than you'll ever know," expressed Danny, gazing at each one to make the point. "This is something I must do on my own." With one final smile, Danny exited the room, adding, "Enjoy your evening."

  At the double doors that marked the exit to the first-year barracks, he found Calador waiting with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall.

  "Your final lesson with Sir Syndil?" the Elf asked, even though Danny knew for sure that the blind Elf already knew the answer.

  "…My final lesson."

  Calador uncrossed his arms and took a step forward. "I know I do not need to tell you to be careful."

  "If I've learned anything these past few weeks, it's to be cautious."

  Reaching out, Calador placed a stern hand on Danny's left shoulder. "Be very careful," he said before moving past.

  "I will," said Danny to Calador's back, certain that the Elf had heard him. With that, he exited into the cool night air, the breeze from the surrounding ocean carrying a salty smell. Alone, he traversed Army Avenue, making note as squires from various armies celebrated the end of the academic year, every army except for Dragon and Lion; they were both scheduled to compete for the Chalice of Light on the morrow, marking the true end to the training year.

  Cheers and hoots surrounded him as he passed through a kaleidoscope of colors created by the dyed robes of each individual army. Passing the barracks of Dragon Army, Danny felt a desperate need to tell Sabrina the truth, but he didn't. Not that he could anyway, most likely Dragon Army was engaged in some last minute training before the final battle against Lion Army.

  Before he knew it, Danny stood outside the doors that marked the training facility supervised by Sir Syndil. Taking a deep breath, he lifted his hand to knock. Before his knuckle could even contact the surface, the door swung open, revealing Sir Syndil and his ever-present smile.

  Suddenly, a high-pitched tone marked the first of ten bells.

  "Squire Firoth," greeted Sir Syndil, "right on time. Please, do come in." Stepping to the side, he gestured for Danny to enter as the smile widened upon his face.

  Danny forced himself to obey, the familiar smell of sweat and steel greeted him as he stepped into the large room.

  "This marks our last session together, Danny," said Sir Syndil, as he closed the door. The door shut with a loud click, as if to enhance the finality of his words.

  "I'd like to thank you for all of your help," said Danny sincerely. "Truly, without it, I could never have mastered my ability."

  "So, you think you have mastered it, do you?" Sir Syndil asked, taking a few steps forward and stopping within arm's reach.

  Danny turned away from the Elf and entered the dueling circle. He felt uncomfortable in such close proximity to Sir Syndil in lieu of recent events.

  "I can nearly hold the…" Danny stopped himself; he had almost referred to the named ability of the Mageknight. "Ability," he corrected with a quick turn of the tongue, "for a full day."

  "Is that the full extent of your power?"

  Caught off-guard by the question, Danny looked down and found himself at the center of the dueling circle, the stone marking Sir Syndil's secret hiding place just beneath his feet. "I don't know," he said, fighting to keep his tone even.

  "Nor do I," imparted Sir Syndil, taking a step forward. "However, I have always found that the best way to find out where one will end up is to test him or her to find out their current level of expertise." At that, his right hand slipped over the silver hilt of the Bonded at his side and pulled the slender blade free.

  The Ghostsight had become nearly second nature to Danny. He focused his breathing, causing the familiar apparition of Sir Syndil's future actions to take a noticeable form. This was the first time he'd ever seen Sir Syndil draw his Bonded; Danny was frightened as he slowly moved his hand down to the hilt of his own blade.

  Sir Syndil moved in slow increments as he gracefully twisted his Bonded back and forth within his hand, the ghostly image created by the Mageknight's ability showed nothing more than a soft silhouette.

  "Do not be afraid, Squire Firoth," he said, reading Danny's reaction. "We have dueled countless times and I only wish to see the extent of your progress."

  "This is the first time you've ever drawn your Bonded," said Danny, taking two steps in retreat, tightening his grip around the sword at his side. His knuckles turned bone-white as he prepared to free it from the sheath.

  Sir Syndil presented his Bonded before him, the slick steel of the blade catching the light and reflecting it in a brilliant rainbow of colors. A collection of runes, in a language Danny couldn't understand, was inscribed over the length of the ornate brand, from tip to hilt. However, Danny found its beauty easily interpreted.

  "The name of my Bonded is Kryssagrim, and I present it as an honor to your hard work over the past few months. I propose one last duel between us to measure the extent of your progress. As you have not yet gained the privilege of a Bonded, I shall not use any of Kryssagrim's Awakenings."

  Although Sir Syndil seemed sincere, Danny never relaxed his grip. "I accept," Danny said, with more confidence than he felt as he pulled his own sword free with the familiar singing of steel.

  Sir Syndil's ghost flowed elegantly in a salute and then melded into an offensive stance, the Elf following in the exact movement a few moments later. "For the honor of the Light," added the Elf.

  Danny returned the honor with a twist of his wrist, causing the naked steel of his blade to linger evenly between his eyes before swiping to the side. "For the Light," he said, stepping back into a defensive position.

  "Are you prepared?" Sir Syndil asked.

  "Are you?" Danny said in jest. He took one final breath to focus his mind, becoming somewhat excited. Despite Sir Syndil's newly discovered deception, Danny had come to relish his bouts with the techniques professor. In many ways, he looked up to the Elf as a mentor. Caught between conflicting feelings of betrayal and fondness for the Elf, Danny found himself quite confused.

  Sir Syndil responded with a smile, reassuring the bond that had formed between them over the past few months. Seconds later, his ghost surged forward with the blade leveled to the right in an upward attack. Sir Syndil followed directly behind.

  Anticipating the attack, Danny planted his right foot behind him, stepping back just at the last second, allowing Sir Syndil's attack to glide past his upper chest by mere inches. Danny felt the swift breeze of the blade as it passed before him. Believing that Sir Syndil had left himself exposed, Danny followed with an attack of his own, leveling his sword in a quick swipe.

  However, the cunning instructor recovered faster than Danny had expected, and Sir Syndil's shining silver brand appeared out of nowhere, the swords meeting with a loud clang.

  Eye to eye, knight and squire lingered a moment before Sir Syndil smiled and spun to the right, angling a low attack.

  With the help of the Ghostsight, Danny anticipated the move.

  This simple sparring went on for a few minutes as both got into a rhythm of blocks and blows. Then, just as quickly as he'd begun, Sir Syndil retreated, ending in a defensive stance just beyond Danny's striking distance.

  "Good," said the Elf. "I believe I am thoroughly warmed up. Are you ready for the true bout?"

  Danny couldn't help but return the Elf's smile as he stretched a tight muscle in his right shoulder. Testing the weight of his sword in his hand, he twirled it with a twist of his wrist and readied himself in a defensive stance. "Ready when you are."

  Sir Syndil sprang forward, his speed almost matching the ghost that predicted his movements.

  Expecting the move, he'd dueled with Sir Syndil now more times than he could remember, Danny stepped to the side and parried his opponent's attack downward. However, just as he felt the pressure of the blades making contact, Danny felt as if he was pushing down nothing but air. Then, in his peripheral vision, he glimpsed a ghostly light.

  Moving instinctively, he bro
ught his blade up to block. A forceful clang ensued as Sir Syndil's attack threatened to push Danny off his feet. Taking a few steps in retreat, Danny recovered as Sir Syndil pressed his advantage, the once-present smile upon the Elf's face reduced to an expression of surprising seriousness.

  Sir Syndil came at him with a flurry of attacks, his movements coinciding with the ghost that predicted his advances.

  Without the advantage of foresight, Sir Syndil forced Danny to fight merely with the instinct learned from the training he'd undergone over the past few months. However, what scared him the most was the grave look upon Sir Syndil's face. It was the first time he'd ever seen the Elf with such an expression, frankly, it frightened him.

  Sir Syndil, as if unaware of Danny's fear, fought on with a frenzy of blade work, his attacks growing in a smooth flow of speed and strength.

  It was no contest as Danny battled on a purely defensive level.

  "Enough!" he yelled, rolling to the right in an attempt to put some distance between him and the crazed Elf. Holding his left hand pleadingly out in front of him, he requested a respite.

  Sir Syndil didn't even blink as he turned on Danny, his face a mask of grim conviction. "Is this the extent of your ability?" he asked, twirling Kryssagrim with a blinding speed. However, he left no time for an answer as he surged forward, his Bonded leading the way in a sideways swipe that looked more like a streak of light than solid steel.

  Danny barely dodged to the right, parrying the deadly attack away, watching as Kryssagrim passed within inches of his eyes. It was no mere practice blade that Sir Syndil wielded and Danny knew that, should even the faintest attack find its mark, he would take the full brunt of the blade. He wore no armor, only the white robes of a first-year squire. Panicking, Danny danced around the dueling circle, desperate to put as much distance from Sir Syndil as he could.

  "Please, stop!"

  Sir Syndil's eyes bulged with focus as he pressed the attack. "Show me your true power!"

  Danny's concentration left him, the Ghostsight vanished from his vision. His muscles began to burn as his blade became heavy in his hands and his breathing quickened.


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