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Rubbed Raw (Triple Threat Book 2)

Page 2

by Bella Jeanisse

I turned my body but kept my eyes on him. He laid my leg over his left hip. I wasn’t experienced enough to know what he had planned. It made me a bit nervous.

  “You’ll like this. Relax.”

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. His cock thrust into me again, and I moaned loudly. It felt like he was able to get in as far as Chad did.

  Slowly Giovanni started to drive in and out of me. I grabbed his arm, overwhelmed by how good it felt. As he increased his speed, I couldn’t contain myself.

  “Giovanni… I like that.” He went faster. “Oh God… Giovanni… Damn… Harder!” He complied, and I dug my nails into his hand.

  He laced his fingers with mine, and then I screamed again. I squeezed his hand and cried out as the spasms continued. I tensed around his dick. His eyes closed.

  All of a sudden, he started almost slamming his hips into me. “Crystal… oh… God… That… feels… so… good… Oh shit… Crystal!” Then he shoved into me and leaned his head down. I felt his cock swell and shudder as his body tensed.

  “I love you so much,” he said breathily.

  Chapter 2

  We took Giovanni’s Harley to the studio in New York City. It was a long drive from southwest New Jersey. When we arrived, Jon was in the parking lot. He was the drummer in the famous band Gasoline. He had sponsored the contest we won in Boston and signed us to his record label, Demonfire.

  He looked at the bike. “Wow, Giovanni. That is nice.”

  Giovanni took off his helmet. “It rides smooth, too.”

  “He fixes motorcycles, you know,” I told Jon.

  Jon looked surprised. “Really? If you’re not too busy, mine needs some work.”

  They talked as we walked into the studio. There was memorabilia and pictures everywhere. Giovanni let go of my hand when we got into the main room.

  Chad was sitting on a stool. Chris, our singer, was talking to someone I didn’t recognize. Phil, who had off Tuesday and Thursdays from his job in Atlantic City, was setting up along with the studio techs. The band members and roadies all came and hugged me when they noticed me. They had all been protective and concerned about me for the past few weeks.

  “You OK?” Giovanni kissed my lips softly. “Jon needs me.”

  I nodded and watched Jon lead him to the drum set.

  Chad touched my back, and then my braided hair. “Will you be OK with all the guys here?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I was nervous but didn’t want him to worry. Since my attack, I had an extremely hard time feeling safe around strange men.

  He pulled me into his arms. “I’ll be real close. Shout if you need me.” Then he grabbed his guitar case and followed one of the studio techs.

  Tommy, Gasoline’s bassist, was in the control room. I worried he would let it slip that we fucked after the contest. He looked busy, so I hoped he stayed up there.

  I walked around, looking at the equipment, not sure what else to do. One of the men came up to me and touched my back. “Crystal, I seen you play once. You’re good.”

  I didn’t know what to say. He looked at me and moved his hand up, so I moved away a bit, fear building in me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Then another worker pulled the back of my shirt up a little. “Hey, this is a killer tattoo.”

  I screamed, suddenly consumed by terror.

  Giovanni came quickly and took me in his arms. “It’s all right. No one’s gonna hurt you.”

  “Baby, you OK?” Chad was next to me just as fast.

  I clung to Giovanni as I shook. “Please don’t let them touch me again,” I begged him, tears running down my cheeks. Filled with fear, I couldn’t move.

  “My love, you’re safe,” Giovanni assured me as he rubbed my back and held me close. “I’m here with you. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Chad had a hand on my head. “Who touched you? I’ll deck him.”

  “Don’t, Chad,” Giovanni softly told him. “That’s not gonna help.”

  Soon enough, the man who lifted my shirt came back to me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  Then Jon said, “You ready yet?”

  “Yeah.” I let Giovanni go and followed Jon.

  Walking next me, Jon said, “Crystal, I’m sorry. I didn’t get a chance to talk to everyone before you got here. It won’t happen again. I promise. Can I touch you?” When I nodded, he guided me to a room on the right.

  “Thanks, Jon. You’re nothing like I thought you would be.” I reached out and hugged him.

  “I told you I believe in you guys, and I can’t stand when a guy hurts a woman. We’re not gonna let it happen to you again.” He kissed my forehead. He was a huge hulk of a man, but all teddy bear.

  As soon as he walked away, Tommy came to me. He smiled, and then got behind me. Brushing my hair away from my neck, he left a trail of kisses from my shoulder up to my ear. “What’re you doing later? I got a hot tub at my place, and I can’t wait to get you in it.” His deep, raspy voice went right through me and melted me to the core.

  “I can’t.” Although I wished I could.

  I was glad that the room was somewhat obscured. No one saw us. I still looked at Tommy as if I was a teenager. He was such a heartthrob. My crush on him hadn’t ended, but it was only a crush.

  “Worried about your other lovers?” He breathed on my neck, sending shivers up my spine. “I won’t tell. I’ve been dreaming about getting your clothes off since Boston.” He ran his hand slowly around my body and grabbed my breast.

  “Get off of me!” I shouted, suddenly full of fear again.

  He backed away. “What’d I do?”

  Giovanni was by my side in seconds. “What happened, my love?” He looked at Tommy, and then at me. He hugged me as I started crying. “What’d you do?”

  Tommy stammered, “Um, I… uh… Well…”

  I sniffled. “It’s no big deal.”

  Giovanni kissed me and left us again.

  Tommy got closer, facing me. “Something happen to you?”

  I nodded.

  “Somebody hurt you?” He wiped a tear away with a thumb. Then he touched my side, and I jumped. His voice got softer. “Were you raped?”

  I shuddered and closed my eyes. “Almost.” It came out as a squeak.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” He hugged me gently and put his fingers through my hair. “I guess later’s a no-go, huh?”

  “I told you. I can’t.” I pulled away from him.

  He touched my cheek. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I told you in Boston, I’d think about you. I was dying to see you again.” He kissed my cheek. “Let me know if you change your mind.” He leaned in and breathed in my ear. “I can keep it a secret.”

  Then Jon came back to me. Quietly, he said, “Tommy, don’t. She’s dating the drummer. I know what you’re thinking. Use the other head today. OK?”

  “Fuck you,” Tommy replied.

  Jon smirked. “She turned you down, huh? Good girl, Crystal.” Then he walked back to the main room. “Let’s get started!”

  We had written nine new songs for the album. We decided on keeping “Sex Addict,” “You Can’t Change Me” and “Where Is She?” After a few minutes of talking, we started out with, “I’m Gonna Be a Rockstar.”

  Jon bobbed his head with the music as we went through it once for him. Just after Chad hit the last note, Jon came down the stairs. “I like that one, but it's missing something.”

  I moved so I could see them.

  Chad had his favorite guitar strapped on. Many people took pictures of that guitar. A music website once asked Chad if they could use it in a spotlight on custom guitars. He, of course, said yes, and they mentioned the band’s name, which was so cool. The two-tone, black and blue body had skulls painted all over the black section of it and up the fretboard. Chad had a few pairs of skull earrings, which gave him the idea to have the paint job done on the guitar.

  “Try it again with this one.” Jon hit a pedal on the board nea
r Chad’s feet.

  Chad played a C chord. It had an echo-type effect. “Hey, I like that. The one I got has something like it, but I never played with it before.” Chad played the entire intro with a huge smile on his face. “Damn, Jon. You ain’t kidding. Much better.”

  “Everything’s gotta be just right.” Jon walked back to the control room. Then he asked over the speaker, “Did you guys write background vocals for this one?”

  Chris got back in front of his mic. “No, do you want them?”

  “Yeah, but we can record them after.” For a minute, we only heard muffled voices. Then Jon continued. “You and Chad should do them together. I like how it sounds when you guys do choruses. Chad, you ever thought about singing one of your own songs?”

  Chad looked nervous. “I don’t sing, man. I just shout the words.”

  “Fine.” Jon sounded disappointed. “Everybody get back in place.”

  When we finished that run-through, Jon called down to us. “It’s still missing that grit you usually have. If you guys are just nervous, relax.”

  I was nervous, and I was pretty sure everyone else was, too. Giovanni wasn’t playing as loud, and Chad was paying more attention to getting every note right than to really getting into it.

  Jon said, “How about this? Do it again without us recording. Pretend you’re at a bar and just get into it.”

  I felt the slight tension in me dissipate. Then I started to play the opening notes over and over on my bass. Chad quickly joined me, and we repeated the sequence several times until Giovanni began to tap a snare drum and the high hat. Chad and I continued the intro together as Giovanni kept the same beat.

  “That’s what I’m looking for!” Jon yelled just as Chris and Chad finished the chorus. “Play it just like that!”

  I smiled. Jon wanted us just to be ourselves, but the studio was a bit overwhelming. We were used to recording in the basement of a friend of Chad’s. Besides that, wearing headphones so we could hear each other was really different. I was glad the setup allowed us to hear the whole song at once. Otherwise, it would be more complicated for us.

  When we stopped recording for the day, we met Jon and Tommy for dinner at a steakhouse downtown. We didn’t even have that first song done yet. I had expected to be done within a week. Boy, was I wrong.

  We got funny looks from the other diners as we walked in. I guess we looked a bit rowdy. Between our tattoos, earrings and black clothing, I might have been worried if I’d been them.

  After we all ordered, Jon smiled. “I gotta tell ya. You guys really chose your songs well. Nowadays every song’s gotta be great, or the CD don’t sell. Just individual songs do. The way to make money is selling the whole album. You guys are going places. I haven’t heard a shitty song yet.”

  “Thanks,” a few of us said simultaneously

  “And I’m glad you guys didn’t lose your edge when you moved away from playing metal.” Jon leaned forward. “I also wanna talk to you guys about the CD insert. All of us have seen your website, and the photos where you’re basically naked, Crystal, are phenomenal. Chad, you’re a great photographer.”

  Tommy joined the conversation. “Sex sells. With your body and a professional photographer, I think you guys got it made.”

  “Yeah,” Jon agreed. “That, combined with the talent you all have, will blow everyone away.” Then he smiled. “I have to ask. Does the name Triple Threat have anything to do with three guys on one girl? That’s what it sounds like to me.”

  Chad smiled. “Yeah, I thought it was really appropriate. With three of us and Crystal, I always thought about that happening.”

  “You would.” Chris shook his head.

  Tommy winked at me. He knew the truth about Chad and Giovanni both simultaneously being my lovers.

  “Hey, Chad.” Jon nodded at him. “Can we use the videos you have on the net for the studio’s site?”

  Chad grinned. “Of course. Those were fun to make.”

  “We also have to find time to make one for the first single,” Tommy added. “That attracts a lotta attention.”

  “Where you going?” Giovanni asked when I stood up.

  I turned to him. “I gotta pee.”

  Giovanni stood and told the table, “We’ll be right back.” He and Chad didn’t even let me do that on my own yet. They feared another attack as much as I did. They were obviously somewhat overprotective.

  Tommy stood up as well. “I gotta go too. I’ll take her.”

  Giovanni looked at Chad, who shrugged his shoulders, but smiled broadly. I was shocked when Giovanni said, “OK, but I don’t let her out of your sight.”

  Tommy came to me and put a hand on my back. He guided me to the men’s room. He didn’t wait for me to turn away, just unzipped and urinated. I turned around quickly.

  “What’s the point of looking away? You had it in your pussy.”

  “Tommy, that was a one-time thing.” I walked to a stall. “I’m not cheating on Giovanni with you.”

  When I was done and had washed my hands, I found Tommy behind me. He grabbed me and kissed my lips, hard. Then he edged his tongue past my lips and slid it over mine. His mouth tasted like mint again. I stifled a moan when he pulled me tight against him and ground his stiff cock into my pelvis.

  Then he put a piece of candy in my mouth with his tongue and pulled away. “Something to remember me by,” he whispered. “You blew me away that night, you know. I can’t get you out of my fucking head. I wasn’t kidding when I said I never fucked a girl like you before. When you cum, it’s like nothing I ever felt before.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Should I take it as a compliment? Is he trying to convince me to sleep with him again?

  “I know. You can’t.” He frowned. “That gets to me, too. I’m used to groupies who’ll do anything to get in my pants.”

  Suddenly, a man came in. He looked at us in shock. “Aren’t you Tommy Fischer?”

  Tommy took my hand in his. “Yeah, man. Come by our table, and I’ll give you an autograph.” Then he led me back to our table.

  Giovanni stood up and kissed my lips. “Where did you get the mint from?”

  “Tommy,” I admitted as I sat down. Chad and Jon burst out laughing. “What?”

  Giovanni whispered in my ear, “Chad told us about your crush on Tommy. He said you screamed like crazy at your first Gasoline concert.” Then he pulled me closer to him. “If you kissed him, I don’t wanna know.”

  All the way home, I couldn’t stop thinking about Tommy. The way he kissed. How his cock felt against me. The sexy way he talked in my ear. He was so different from Giovanni or Chad, and also, he was a real rock star.

  As soon as we were inside, I grabbed Giovanni and pulled him against the door with me. I wanted him to do me as Tommy had. I yanked him down and kissed him forcefully. I felt like I was going to die if he didn’t hurry.

  “What’s up with you?”

  Without replying, I quickly opened his jeans and pulled out his hardening cock. I stroked it with one hand and got my pants and panties off with the other. Before he could react, I pulled him closer, with my back against the door.

  “Fuck me now. Please!”

  He leaned down. “I can’t do it like this. I can pick you up—”

  “No. Not like that.”

  “Why not?”

  “I just—I like it this way.”

  “But you’re too short.”

  I sighed and pulled him to the couch. I lay down and yanked him down on top of me. Then I picked up my right leg and put it over his back.

  “Wait. We need a condom.” Giovanni tried to get up.

  I grabbed his shirt and held him down, almost frantic. “Fuck me now!”

  “Crystal, you OK?”

  I ignored him and grabbed his cock. I was on fire. Then I pulled him down with my leg. “Please, Giovanni. I can’t wait. Please.”

  He groaned and thrust into me quickly. I shifted my hips until it felt a little like it did with Tommy. Giova
nni’s bigger size made that difficult, though. I tried to get Tommy out of my head, but I could still hear him whispering to me.

  “Talk to me,” I begged him.

  Giovanni’s breathing quickened, as did his pace. He leaned down and kissed my lips. “I love you.”

  “No. Whisper nasty things to me.”

  He gave me a confused look, and then closed his eyes. “Your pussy’s so tight.” He breathed in my ear as he drove into me faster. “I wanna fuck you all night.” He sighed. “Why am I doing this?” He pulled out and got to his knees. “Crystal, I can’t talk like that.”

  “Please,” I begged.

  He shook his head, “Only if you tell me why.” He waited, and then his eyebrows went up. “You fucked him. Didn’t you?” He stood up, looking hurt. “You cheated on me?”

  “No. I didn’t cheat on you. I swear.” I got up and put my arms around him. “I haven’t slept with anyone else since you told me you loved me.”

  He stroked my hair. “I’m sorry. You’re just not acting like yourself.” He lifted my chin. “You want him. Don’t you?”

  I looked away. “Yeah. Since I was a teenager. It’s hard to believe he’s our friend now. I keep thinking, wow, Tommy Fischer. I’m sorry if that bothers you. It’s just a celebrity thing.”

  “If I met Sandra Bullock, could I fuck her?” he asked, sounding hopeful.

  I laughed. “If you had that chance, I’d hand you the condom. You couldn’t pass that up.”

  “The thing about Tommy is… He’s gonna stick around.” Giovanni exhaled loudly. “I wanna tell you to do it, but I’d have to look at him all the time. I—”

  I put a finger to his lips. “It’s OK. I understand. I told him no.”

  Chapter 3

  Thursday, instead of going running, we took a ride to a huge park across town. We walked hand in hand along the pathway that circled the lake. It was so beautiful and peaceful. The flowers were in bloom, people were feeding the ducks and young children were everywhere.

  “Crystal, do you want kids someday?”

  I smiled because it meant Giovanni was thinking of our future. “Yeah, maybe three or four. I don’t know. What about you?”


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