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Rubbed Raw (Triple Threat Book 2)

Page 18

by Bella Jeanisse

  I closed my mouth over his dick just as it erupted. He moaned and gasped as I sucked, gripping him tightly. When he had spent his load, he practically fell back sideways on the bed, his legs over my body.

  “I hope I get to do that again. I had no idea what I was missing.” He sighed. “But I only trust you.”

  With my eyes closed, I said, “It felt incredible, but it’s not smart to do that.”

  “I know.” He groaned. “But I just had to. There was this insane urge in me. Ever since we talked about me never cumming in a girl, I wanted to feel you raw. I wish, just once, I could cum in you too, but I’ll save that for my fantasies.” He picked up my hand. “Are you mad at me?”

  I took a deep breath. “Not mad, just kinda shocked. I never expected that from you.”

  He lifted his legs and lay next to me. “If you don’t want me to, I won’t do it again.” He started playing with my nipple closest to him.

  “I don’t want an accident to happen. So don’t, OK?”

  “Fine, babe. Never thought after all these years, I could find something I haven’t done. Guess I got one thing left, though.”

  “I’m not gonna let you cum in me.”

  “I know. I know. But, maybe one day, I can trust someone enough who will let me.”

  When Tommy and I walked into the studio a few hours later, the first thing I noticed was that Dean wasn’t there. Dominic was sitting on a stool playing his guitar unplugged, and Jon was talking to Vince. Sam was sitting in the control room with Crazy Mike. Jon glanced at me and smiled, but nothing more.

  “Go hang out with Sam,” Tommy told me. Then, as he walked to Jon, he shouted, “Where the fuck is Dean?”

  I walked in the opposite direction and made my way up to the control room.

  “Hey, baby.” Crazy Mike winked at me.

  Sam smiled at me. “Nice hickeys. Still living with Tommy, huh?”

  I blushed as I sat next to him. “Yeah. Giovanni and Chad just get mad at each other all the time now.”

  “Crystal, I seen ’em together,” Sam said. “We all went out the other night.”

  I closed my eyes. “But if I’m around, they wanna kill each other.”

  “They were talking about you. Really, they’re tryin’ hard. I think it’s gonna work. They want you back in their lives.” He touched my hand. “They didn’t laugh or even smile. Giovanni’s tired as shit, and Chad got this look in his eyes like he… Oh, I guess he did lose his best friend.”

  By the time he stopped talking, I had tears falling fast. “They miss me that much?” I sniffled.

  Crazy Mike smacked him upside the head. “Way to go, dickhead.”

  “Shit! Didn’t mean to make you cry. Sorry.” Sam wiped a tear away. “But they do. It’s like you make ’em better somehow.”

  I looked up at Tommy and felt so guilty. He and I had our own little twisted life, but sex wasn’t everything. I still felt empty inside. How it felt to have sex with Chad or Giovanni came to mind. I felt loved, and it was so different. I missed that terribly, but also just missed them.

  Then I wiped away my tears and looked at my phone. Ten unread text messages from Chad alone. It had been days since I bothered to glance at them. I took a deep breath and read them.

  I’m sorry, baby. Please don’t throw 15 years away. I love you.

  You know I didn’t want it to turn into a fistfight. I tried to hold back, baby. I really did, but he pushed me, and I got pissed. I’m so sorry.

  I know I fucked up good this time. I’m more sorry than you could imagine, my baby girl.

  Please talk to me, baby.

  I miss you so much. Please answer me.

  Baby, I love you so much. This is killing me. I’ll do anything. Please.

  Baby, we’re talking. I swear. No more fights. I’m working on not being jealous. Please, just give me a chance.

  I stopped, not able to read anymore. I could feel Chad’s pain in my heart. Maybe we could be friends still, what could it hurt?

  My phone buzzed, and I looked down. I love you. Please take me back.

  I got that exact same message every day from Giovanni. Dominic was right. I needed to leave Chad and me behind before I could have a real future with Giovanni. He needed to be able to trust me.

  I wiped away my tears and looked out the window. The guys were playing. I hadn’t even noticed. “Dean showed up?”

  “No. They record without him sometimes,” Sam replied. “Maybe you guys could do that.”

  I closed my eyes and just listened. The song had a fast, metal-edged beat, but it was different from their usual heavy style. Jon used more double bass beats, and Dominic had the distortion up for the most part. Tommy played fast and strong, his rhythm more pronounced than normal, which I liked. I just wished Dean had shown up to make it sound complete.

  Then I heard a door close quietly and looked up. Vince had walked in. He looked at me and blushed. I turned away, knowing he saw me with Phil on Tommy’s couch.

  “I don’t think I could play my part without the guys,” I thought aloud.

  Vince sat down. “Well, some bands can do it. It couldn’t hurt to try. At least if you get the album done, you’ll start making money. If it sells well.”

  I sighed and watched Jon, Dominic and Tommy for a few minutes. I missed playing my bass and doing gigs. Tommy’s comment about music being in my blood echoed in my head. It was another reason none of us were happy. We needed each other and music. I had to find a way to put it all back together.

  * * *

  “What if we get in the studio, and they start fighting again?” I asked Tommy as we drove home.

  “I wasn’t thinking you guys playing together.” He exhaled loudly. “Maybe Chad or Giovanni should do their part alone, or you can have them all record theirs, and then you do yours after. You should at least have Chris come over to hear your song.”

  I looked out the window at the fast moving scenery. “I guess that’s a start.”

  When we got to Tommy’s place, Chad was sitting in the lobby. His hair slicked back in a ponytail. He was dressed in his work clothes, his white shirt unbuttoned. Quickly, I moved my hair to cover the marks on my neck.

  He stood up as soon as he saw us. “I’m sorry, but I had to see you.”

  “You’re supposed to be at work.” I looked up at him, shocked that he took time off.

  He touched my hair. “I couldn’t concentrate.” He glanced at Tommy, and then continued, “Can we take a walk on the beach so we can talk?”

  “Go.” Tommy encouraged me. “Tell him my ideas.”

  Chad picked up my hand. “Please, baby. In all these years, we’ve never been apart this long. You can’t say you don’t miss me.”

  “I do, Chad. It’s just things got so complicated between the three of us. I—I didn’t know what else to do. I don’t wanna hang out with only you or Giovanni. I want you both in my life again.”

  “Baby, come on.” He handed Tommy his laptop case, and then pulled me away. “Just come with me. We’ll talk about it.”

  I turned to Tommy, unsure.

  He gave me a sly grin. “Go with him, and tell him about your song, too. I’ll be upstairs.”

  Chad lifted my hand and smiled. Then he tugged me toward the beach. Just before stepping into the sand, we took off our shoes, and he rolled up his pants. We walked right to the ocean, and then strode down the shoreline, still holding hands.

  “Baby, you know we’re friends again. Right? Me and Giovanni, I mean.”

  I watched the water flow over our feet. “I heard, but I bet as soon as I’m in the room too, you’ll try to bash each other’s heads in again.”

  He sighed. “I been reading as much as I can to find a way to stop being jealous. And I know I butted into your relationship a lot and made things worse.”

  “You’re so impulsive and over-protective.”

  “That’s nothing new,” he said, sounding unhappy. “I’m sorry. I try to stop myself, but when it comes to you, i
t’s almost impossible. When I saw what he did to your ass, I was pissed. Then when he hit you, I wanted to kill him.”

  I stopped. When I pulled on Chad’s hand, he came back to me. “That’s the problem. You can’t control yourself, and it fuels Giovanni’s anger. Chad, I love him. Help me fix this, please. I wanna be with him.”

  He looked down at me. “I know. You look so sad. I can’t stand that. I was hoping walking with me would make you smile, but you need him, don’t you?”

  “I need you both. I tried to make Giovanni understand us, but he just thinks I’m gonna cheat on him again.”

  He lifted my chin. “No one understands us, and you know it.” He exhaled loudly. “I’ll tell him I’ll mind my own business from now on. Maybe I can convince him I can change too.” Then he ran a finger down my neck. “Tommy’s work?”

  “Yeah,” I quietly replied.

  He looked toward the sky, and then down at me. “I guess you guys started—”

  Then suddenly, it was raining hard. I squealed as the cold drops hit my skin. Chad pulled me back toward Tommy’s, and we started to jog in that direction. By the time we got to the elevator, we were both soaked.

  “Come in my room, I gotta get these clothes off,” I told him as I turned the key in the lock.

  Soon after, I stripped right in front of Chad. I didn’t give it a thought, until his naked body pressed to mine from behind. His stiff cock poked my back. It was hard not to react to him.

  He ran his hands down my arms. “Let me make love to you. Please.” Then his hands covered my breasts.

  I quickly pulled away and looked at him. His body was so sexy, better than ever before. My words were lost as I stared. He had worked on every muscle group and was starting to look as strong as Giovanni.

  My body quickly responded to his. I put my hands over my hardening nipples and tried to stop my pussy from aching for him. Then I rushed to my dresser and threw on a T-shirt, so he couldn’t look at me anymore. I found that all my shorts were in the laundry, and I just put panties on. I knew they would not stay dry long.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” Chad suddenly said. “Just seeing your body again created such an urge in me.”

  I looked up at him. “I understand. Believe me I do.”

  He grabbed his boxers and put them on. “So tell me about the song Tommy mentioned. Is it about you and him?”

  I took a deep breath. His tented boxers drew my attention. It took me a few minutes to stop thinking of how it felt when he was inside me. I shook the thought away and replied, “No. It’s about all of us and this mess we’re in. Would you mind if I played lead on it, and Tommy did the bass? He said having you play rhythm would sound awesome.”

  “Baby, if that’s what you want, and then fine.” He smiled and touched my cheek. “That’s what I wanted to see.”

  Then I realized I was smiling as well. Music was in my blood. I needed it as much as I needed him and Giovanni. “Can we work on it today?”

  “Should I ask Chris to come by? Or are you gonna sing it too?”

  I laughed loudly. “I don’t wanna kill people’s ears. You can call him.”

  “Does Tommy got guitars here?”

  “Yeah, a bunch.”

  “I’ll go get two. You can play it for me, and I’ll work out the rhythm. Did he already create a bassline for it?”

  “No. He’s been busy with a song Gasoline recorded today.”

  He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “Then I’ll call Chris.” He reached into his pants pocket and grabbed his phone just before walking from the room.

  I sighed, and then picked up the laundry basket I had in the corner of the room. If Chris was going to be there, I had to have clothes to wear. Why I always waited until the last minute to do laundry made no sense, but I did it all the time. When I got the first wash in, I walked to the living room.

  “Do you wanna try on a pair of my shorts?” Tommy asked Chad. “That huge thing sticking out is distracting. How the fuck did you wind up with a baseball bat like that, anyway?”

  I rolled my eyes. Tommy was probably a bit jealous. Although I was sure he never had complaints. Looking at the two of them was making my desire even stronger. Suddenly, they got up and walked away. I guess I missed Chad agreeing to put dry clothes on. As soon as they came back, Chad had on pajama pants, except they were too short.

  I played the song and sang it softly, although badly. I wanted Chad to hear it. He smiled through most of it. When I played it a second time, they picked up the guitars next to them. Tommy started playing right away, and it went with the song perfectly. Chad listened and moved his fingers without strumming with his eyes closed.

  “Baby, there’s so much emotion in that song,” Chad said as soon as I stopped playing. “It’s amazing. You never write stuff like that. This shit is killing you, ain’t it?”

  I looked up at him, tears falling. “I don’t know how much longer I can take it.”

  “So, and then me and Giovanni are gonna fix it. We’re gonna make you happy again. I swear.” He got his fingers in position to play an E chord. “Play it again. I got something that sounds good in my head.”

  We played for about a half an hour before Chad’s phone rang. He walked away with it. Then I heard him talking between pauses, “How much later?” He came back into the room and paced as he spoke. “So bring her here.” “You can show off for her.” “I don’t care if you just wanna fuck her. Crystal’s willing to start playing again, so get your ass over here.”

  Tommy stood up. “Hey. He can fuck her here. I don’t care.” Then he looked at me. “Maybe I can finally get my neighbor to come over. Say it’s a party.” He winked at me.

  I smiled, but I rolled my eyes. “If you say so.”

  Chapter 19

  By the time Chris arrived, I was in a blue skirt and white tank top. Tommy did convince his neighbor, Stephanie, to come. She was hotter than I expected, taller than Tommy, with flowing red hair, green eyes and long legs. Chris even snuck glances at her. He had brought a gorgeous blonde with blue eyes named Sophia. We all sat around the leather sectional, in guy-girl formation.

  “Chris, don’t laugh at my singing. OK?” I asked him, as I got ready.

  He smiled as he looked at the lyrics in front of him. “I’d never do that.”

  Chad was next to me in just his pants. “None of us could do that to you.” Then he rubbed my thigh at the hem of my skirt. “Just sing it, baby girl.”

  Chad, Tommy and I played it for Chris once. Then Chris grinned. “Damn. I had no idea you could play like that, Crystal.” He gave Sophia a kiss, and then stood up. “Can I change it a bit? Not too much. Promise.”

  “Yeah, you’re the master of the vocals,” I admitted.

  Then he looked at me. “How’s Giovanni gonna come up with a beat for it?”

  “I didn’t think of that,” I replied.

  Tommy lifted his hand while he eyed Stephanie. “I got it covered. You guys go to the studio tomorrow like before and record. Then Giovanni’ll come afterward. Jon’ll be there. We don’t got that timeframe booked.”

  Chad glanced at me. “I’ll be there.”

  “Me too,” Chris chimed in. “OK. Tell me if you like it my way. Start playing again.”

  Chris came in right on time and was even better than ever. He took my song to a level I didn’t expect it to go. How did Tommy know it would turn out so good?

  When we were done, the girls clapped. “I’ve never heard anything like that,” Stephanie commented. “You guys work well together.” Then she gave Tommy’s arm a squeeze and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  “Let’s do it again, to make sure we got it,” Tommy said.

  We wound up playing it three more times. Chris added some words to my intro that sounded awesome. Chad decided to add notes to the solo in the middle to compliment me. It was the best song we had ever done, in my opinion.

  “So, I’m gonna break out the alcohol if we’re done.” Tommy got up and went to the kitchen.r />
  Stephanie came closer to me. “Is he really a rock star?”

  “You never heard of Gasoline?”

  “Well, I like country music,” she told me. “I’ve heard the name before, but I thought he was giving me a line.”

  I smiled. “He’s the best bassist in the business and the hottest rock star I ever—” I stopped myself from saying fucked. “—laid eyes on. He’s more famous in the music world than you could imagine. He gets recognized everywhere we go.”

  “Seriously?” She looked nervous. “And he wants to hang out with me?” Tommy came back at that moment and handed her a beer. She took it with a huge smile.

  After a few drinks, Stephanie and Tommy were making out. Chris and Sophia had already been doing that for a while by then. Chad and I sat there trying not to watch them.

  “Baby, can I kiss you for a while, too?”

  I looked at the other couples. Chris had Sophia’s blouse off and was sucking on one of her nipples. Tommy was just starting to open Stephanie’s buttons. I turned to Chad and said, “What the hell?”

  Then I got into his lap and put my hands on his shoulders. He slid his hands down my back to my waist and pulled me closer. As soon as our lips met, desire immediately took hold. I closed my eyes and held back as much as I could. He seemed to be doing the same, gripping my shirt tightly.

  After a few minutes, Chris said, “Oh, yeah.”

  Then I turned to the sound. Sophia was riding him. Tommy had Stephanie’s panties in his hand. I assumed he was going to screw her, but he spread her legs and started eating her out. Then moaning filled the room.

  “Baby, my dick’s so hard. I can’t watch this anymore. Can we go outside?”

  “Please, yes,” I replied. The scene was turning me on even more than before.

  Chad took my hand, and I led him to the balcony. “Wow, this is nice.” He dragged me to the railing and looked toward the ocean. “So romantic.”

  I put my arms around him and leaned on his bare back. “Sometimes, I open the window at night so I can hear the waves.” I absentmindedly ran my hands over his abs. “That makes it nice to stay here.” Then I realized my hands had traveled up to his chest.


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