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Rubbed Raw (Triple Threat Book 2)

Page 30

by Bella Jeanisse

As I watched Chad walk out the door, Giovanni pulled me down the hall to Jon’s back porch. It had gotten cooler out. He took me in his arms and tried to shield me from the breeze.

  “You’re gonna be the most beautiful bride there ever was.” He leaned down and kissed me. “Jon told me the tour stops in Vegas in mid-February. Can we get married on Valentine’s Day?”

  I looked up at him. When he asked me, I didn’t even think of saying no. So why wait? “That sounds great.”

  He took my hands in his and stepped back a bit. “I asked Jon about what happens when the tour is over. He said we’ll have almost a year to do whatever we want. The tour ends in September. Could we start trying for a baby then? I want it so bad I can’t get it outta my head. Is it too soon for you?”

  “Uh…” How could I say it was?

  He took me in his arms again. “Just think about it, my love.”

  When I started to shiver, we joined the party again. As we walked, my thoughts drifted to Chad and his broken heart. Did I make the right decision?

  Just as we entered the foyer, Dean shouted at Vince, “Fuck you!”

  Giovanni looked at him. “Hey, man, what’s your problem?”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Vince told him.

  Dean pushed Vince. “Get the fuck outta my way.”

  “You’re fucking high, Dean? Really?” Dominic glared at him. “Jon, get somebody to drive this fucking asshole home. Please. I’m so over this shit.”

  Soon enough, two large men dragged Dean outside. I couldn’t see who they were.

  Jon looked very upset. “I’m sorry about him. He’s a wreck again. How many times can we go through this crap? If Dean does something stupid again, the band’s gonna fall apart for good.”

  I knew about Dean’s battle with cocaine. He had a string of DUI arrests one year, and the band broke up for a while. If I remembered right, he had been clean for at least three years. I didn’t know what to say to them.

  Giovanni’s hand gripped mine tightly, and his body was stiff. I looked up and touched his tension-filled face. His expression was a cross between fear and anger. “Hey, you OK?” When he didn’t answer, I hugged him. “What’s wrong? Talk to me.”

  Seconds later, he wrapped his arms around me. He said, “I’m fine. It’s nothing.”

  “It’s not nothing, Giovanni. You looked like you seen a ghost.”

  He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “Can we please drop it? I can’t talk about it.”

  “Why do you always shut me out when something’s wrong?”

  He pulled me closer. “There’s just some things that—that I don’t… I can’t say.”

  Dominic’s voice startled me. “You know he’s gotta go back to rehab again.” He sighed. “I knew something was going on the last few weeks. I’m too old to keep cleaning up after him.”

  I turned to him and smiled, deciding to let Giovanni win. “You’re not old, Dominic.”

  “I feel 48 instead of 38 after this.”

  I winked. “You don’t look your age.”

  “Thanks.” Dominic exhaled loudly.

  Tommy and Chris came over to us. “Hey, I wanna show you something,” Tommy said to Giovanni.

  Giovanni put his hands on my arms and kissed me. “I’ll be right back.” Then they walked away.

  Jon put a hand on Chris’ shoulder. “You are the reason why I worry about Dean so much.”

  Chris looked confused. “Why? I’m not a drug addict.”

  “No. I mean the singer makes the band,” Jon explained. “You made Triple Threat famous. Rosario did nothing for these guys. You changed it all. If we lose Dean, we’re done for.” There was silence for quite a while after that.

  When Giovanni came back, he whispered in my ear, “Hello there, beautiful lady.”

  “Well, hello, handsome stranger,” I jokingly replied. “My fiancé’d be so jealous if he saw me talking to you.”

  He laughed quietly, and then whispered, “What he don’t know won’t hurt him. Right?”

  I cringed; hearing Chad say that to me in Rosario’s rental, but I recovered quickly. “It depends. What’d you have in mind?”

  “I know the perfect place to get you alone.”

  He led me down the hallway we had taken to the back porch. I hoped he didn’t bring me outside. It was too cold for that. He opened a door on the right side. The room only had a dim light on. I could just make out a couch and a television. Giovanni tugged me to the back of the room and opened another door.

  “Tommy showed me this room. Did you know Jon had a recording studio downstairs? It’s real cool.”

  Then he lifted me up and sat me on what felt like a desk or table. I couldn’t see much of anything, which I didn’t like. Giovanni saw better in the dark than I did.

  He opened my legs and stood between them. I could tell I was high enough off the floor that his hips met mine. “Perfect.”

  Then he quickly got me down. “Changed your mind?”

  “No, my love,” he responded as he pulled my panties down fast.

  Within seconds, he lifted my dress and had me back up on the desk. Next, I heard his belt opening. Then I was relieved to hear him open a condom. Even thinking of an accidental pregnancy with him still freaked me out a bit.

  “Put your hands behind you, so you don’t slip.”

  I did as he told me, but I was getting more nervous. I tensed a bit when his legs touched mine. He put his hands on my bare bottom and pulled me to him a little more. Then I closed my eyes so I could forget about the dark.

  Giovanni kissed my lips softly. “Relax, my love.”

  I took a deep breath and imagined we were home. That helped. When he slowly pushed into me, I tensed inside, a bit fearful again.

  “It’s gonna hurt if you keep doing that.”

  I tried to calm myself, because it was hurting somewhat. I wanted him to hold me, but I said nothing.

  As soon as I relaxed, he thrust into me all the way and moaned. “Damn, I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I whispered.

  I got over my fear of the dark after just a few fast and amazing strokes. The desk was shaking, and Giovanni was making soft noises. My head went back as a world of pleasure took over me. I tried to stay quiet, having no idea if anyone could hear us. It was difficult not to express it like usual.

  “You don’t like it?” Giovanni asked. “Should I stop?”

  I sighed as he began moving his hips in a circle. “Don’t stop. Please.” I let out a soft moan as he kept grinding. “Oh… I love when you do that.”

  “I know,” he whispered, continuing to go up and around slowly while he stayed deep inside of me.

  He did it a bit faster, and that forced out a fairly loud moan. I couldn’t help it. As the build-up began, I wanted to grab him so badly. Out of nowhere, I screamed while my body trembled all over. It was so strong, my hands slipped. Then I was on my back.

  “You OK?”

  I was still shaking. “Yes. Just keep going. Please.”

  He spread my legs wider and started thrusting quickly again. I grabbed the end of the desk behind my head. It kept moving a bit under me as Giovanni picked up his pace.

  He clutched my waist. Then he grunted a little as he started pounding me hard. I picked up my legs and found that I could hook my feet on the desk by using my heels. I just hoped I didn’t break them.

  “Oh, that’s so good.” Giovanni moaned.

  I held the desk firmer. It felt too good to stay quiet anymore. “Giovanni… Oh… Oh yeah… Giovanni!” I lifted my hips overwhelmed with ecstasy. He quickly pushed me back down.

  His thrusts came faster, faster, harder and harder. The desk was shaking even more. Our breathing became labored while the gasps, grunts and moans got louder. Anyone nearby would know what we were doing.

  After a few harsh thrusts, I screamed again, consumed with bliss within. Then before I closed my mouth, Giovanni grabbed me. “Damn!” He held my hips tight while my insides trembled around
him. Then he grunted as semen burst from his cock.

  Seconds later, he helped me get my legs down and pulled me to a sitting position without leaving my body. We held each other closely, almost out of breath from the encounter.

  When finally Giovanni moved away from me, fear gripped me again. Obviously, he felt it. “I’m right here. Don’t move. I’ll get you down in a minute.” He soon hugged me while setting my feet on the floor. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too. This was so much better than I expected.”

  He kissed me. “I want this night to be unforgettable.”

  “It is.” He led me to a bathroom connected to the room.

  When we walked into the hall, Tommy quickly came to us. “Dude, that was you guys?”

  Giovanni put an arm around me. “We were that loud?”

  “Nah. I just happened to walk past a little while ago. That room is cool, huh?”

  Giovanni admitted, “Yeah.” Then he pulled my panties out of his pocket and handed them to Tommy. “Next Saturday after the gig. OK?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.” Tommy winked.

  Chapter 32

  On the way home, I held Giovanni as tightly as I could. I never expected him to propose so quickly, or that I would say yes. It had only been seven months since we officially got together, but our future was all I could think about.

  Suddenly, I heard screeching tires, and then a loud bang. Giovanni hit the brakes hard. I clung to him as the bike fishtailed. I prayed, terrified we would be thrown off.

  The world became a blur while we started to slide sideways. It felt like the bike was going to tip, and I shut my eyes and screamed. We skidded for what seemed like minutes. Then suddenly, the bike stopped moving, and it was still upright.

  Giovanni jumped from the saddle, tore off his helmet and grabbed me. “You OK?”

  With shaking hands, I took off my own helmet, and then clutched Giovanni’s leather jacket. “I’m fine,” I replied, unsure how it all happened. It went by so quickly.

  I looked at the intersection to the right. Inches from my boot, there were two pickup trucks. One had T-boned the other. Obviously, someone went through a red light. Giovanni’s quick reflexes kept us from slamming into them. Then I glanced the other way. There were several cars stopped at odd angles all over the road. One was so close, I couldn’t believe it hadn’t hit us.

  Giovanni lifted me off the Harley and grabbed me in a tight embrace. “I was so afraid you were gonna fall, and I’d lose you. I wanted to grab you, but it would’ve made everything worse. You sure you’re OK?”


  I had been so lost in thought; I hadn’t seen the accident unfolding. When I realized how close it actually was, I started to shake more. If Giovanni had hit the brake just a little sooner or later, we would probably both be dead.

  People from the cars came to check on us. Then once the police arrived, they talked to the witnesses, Giovanni included. The people in the pickup trucks weren’t hurt, although their vehicles looked totaled to me.

  My hands were still trembling. I looked up at the street signs because I couldn’t place where we were. We were only a block from home. I pulled the mini-backpack I had started using for a purse off my shoulders. Grabbing my phone, I automatically called Chad.

  When he answered, I heard the noise echoing. “Crystal, why do I hear sirens? Where are you?”

  “At the light on our corner. Giovanni just avoided a huge accident.”

  Chad’s breathing became a bit labored. “I heard it and came outside. I’m coming, baby.” I soon saw him running at full speed toward me. He quickly pulled me into his arms. “You OK?”

  “I am; just a little shocked that we didn’t hit anything.”

  Chad let go of me and looked around. “Holy crap! How’s this possible? You should’ve hit something.”

  I looked up at him. “We kinda drifted and missed everything.”

  “That’s because there’s a plan for you, and it’s not your time yet,” Chad said profoundly. That was very unlike him. “I’m so happy you’re OK. If I ever lost you, I don’t know what I’d do.” He held me tight again.

  Chad walked me home after letting Giovanni know he would. When we were far enough away, he took one of my hands in his. The one I wore Giovanni’s ring on.

  He looked at it. “It’s nice.” He was obviously just trying to be polite.

  After I opened the door to Giovanni’s apartment, I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. I couldn’t figure out what were we going to do one day that warranted a miracle to save our lives. If the guy behind us braked a little too late… I pushed the thought away. Then I sipped some of the water, trying to relax. My hands were still shaking.

  Chad came up behind me and put his arms around me. “It’s OK to be upset, baby. It was a very close call.”

  I leaned my head back on him. “I felt like I was watching from above or something, it was so unreal. Everything went by so fast. I was sure we were gonna hit something and go flying.” Tears welled up. I closed my eyes, hoping that would make them go away, but it didn’t. They started to fall.

  Chad turned me around, took the water from me and held me tightly. I clung to him and was sobbing loudly after a while.

  He rubbed my back and caressed my hair. “You’re both fine. Try not to think about what could’ve happened. You’re alive.” He pulled away so he could see my tear-stained face. “I’m so grateful you are. I love you.”

  “I know.” I forced away the tears. Then I looked into his eyes and changed the subject. “You’re not really happy. You said you were earlier, but I can feel the pain. I’m sorry I broke your heart. I didn’t mean to.” I wiped away a tear that fell from his eye. “I wish I could be what you want, but I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  He leaned down to me, holding my face in his hands. I just knew he was going to kiss me, and then he stopped. He closed his eyes, but he didn’t move.

  I gently brushed his lips with mine, needing to be closer to him. Hoping his mouth could rid me of my fear. I kissed him again, a little harder.

  Then he suddenly lifted me up into his arms and covered my mouth with his. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feelings he was stirring in me. I wanted him to make love to me again like only he could. I needed to feel his skin, his love in my heart and hear him cry out my name. Our kissing quickly became passionate and urgent.

  Out of nowhere, my back was against a wall. My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck. I had to have him again. I couldn’t wait anymore.

  “Make love to me, please.”

  A hand ran up my thigh, to my bare ass, and he moaned. Then he shifted my body, and his zipper opened. I was desperate for him, the accident forgotten and my senses lost.

  “Are you sure?” Chad looked into my eyes with the head of his cock pressed against my entrance. “Baby, I want you bad, but…”

  Then I grabbed his shoulders. “Oh, no,” I quietly exclaimed, seeing my engagement ring. “What’s wrong with me?”

  Chad slowly put me down. “Relax, baby girl. We didn’t do anything.” He tucked his rigid cock back into his pants.

  “But we almost did. I wanted you so bad I lost my head.”

  Chad grabbed me and held me tight. “Stop. You were scared, and I was here.”

  I started crying and lay my head on his chest. “That’s not a good enough reason. I agreed to marry him tonight.”

  “Maybe that’s not what you really want.”

  He had a point. I didn’t think I was ready before he asked, but I said yes almost automatically. I couldn’t take it back though. I loved Giovanni, but Chad was so much more to me. He’s been more than a friend and a lover. He was practically my whole life for years. That’s hard to give up. Did I make the wrong choice? Am I in love with Chad?

  Then I remembered all the thoughts that went through my head as the Harley slid less than thirty minutes before, and the ones I had before that. I was happy he had asked. Why am I s
o confused? What if we did get hit, and I lost Giovanni? My tears came faster, and I started sobbing. That would be awful.

  “Chad, I’m sorry. I have to marry him. I can’t live without him.”

  “It’s OK, baby. I understand.” He was lying again. I felt tears falling on me. “I want you to be happy, whatever it takes. You know I’d do anything for you. Anything.”

  I sniffled. “I really love you, Chad.”

  “I know. Just not like I love you.”

  Giovanni and I could have both died that night. It was so close. The possible outcomes started to come back to me, and I clutched Chad harder, my hands shaking again.

  “Baby, it’s gonna be all right. Take it easy. You didn’t lose him.” He squeezed me a bit. “Please let the what ifs go. I know you’re letting them get to you.”

  I looked up at him. “How do you do that?”

  “I know you.” He smiled, tears still falling. He caressed my cheek, and then pulled my head against him again. “You’re both alive. Please just take this day as a gift. I feel every day I get to see you is a gift.” He was full of wisdom that day. I wish I knew why.

  “You guys all right?” Giovanni suddenly asked, putting a hand on each of us.

  I lifted my head. “It was just really scary.”

  Chad let me go and kissed my forehead. “She’s still pretty shaken up. Please take care of her.” He put a hand on Giovanni’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re OK, too.” Then he started to walk away.

  “Wait.” Giovanni put an arm around my back. “I need to ask you something important.”

  Chad turned back to us. “Ask me tomorrow. Crystal needs you.”

  “I need to say it now, while it’s on my mind. Please.”


  “Life’s too short, and it ain’t worth being jealous. So, if something happens to me, I want you to marry Crystal and make her happy.”

  I pushed Giovanni away. “Don’t talk like that!”

  “I’m sorry, but that shit scared me. I gotta know you’ll be OK if I’m gone.”

  Chad put a hand on Giovanni’s shoulder. “Not now, man. She can’t deal with it.”

  “Promise me you’ll do it, Chad.”


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