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Falling for the Rookie (Fan Girl Book 1)

Page 9

by Trish Williford

  "I do. I'm afraid Melody is going to freak out. She didn't do well with the attention she got from opening day."

  "Well, I wouldn't have either if everyone was making memes about me taking balls to the face." He took the phone and swiped it to the picture of us holding hands. "But this is different. Look at her face in this photo. She's looking at you like you're the best thing in the world. The only untrue thing they wrote in that article is you were seen going into a hotel. So what if they're implying you two had sex? That will happen eventually if you continue to date her. There wasn't anything technically bad in that article. And the picture of you slamming her against the wall? That's hot as shit. Chill out about it, I think she'll be just fine."

  I looked at the picture on the screen, and he was right. She was beaming, smiling bigger than I've ever seen her. Her eyes were fucking sparkling like green diamonds. "I hope you're right."

  "You really like this girl, huh?"

  I leaned back on my bed, still looking at the picture. "Yeah, she's pretty cool."

  "Are you going to call her and let her know?"

  I looked at the time, it was after ten at night, which would be after two in the morning back home. "I'll call her in the morning, I don't want to wake her up."

  Ryan opened his book and fell onto the bed. "I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away from her. Look at you, falling for a fan."

  I glanced at him to make a smart remark, but noticed the cover of the book he was reading. "Are you seriously reading a romance novel?"

  He grinned widely. "Hell yeah, man. This shit is porn in written form. Extremely graphic porn."

  "Bathroom is free if you need to take care of business." I told him.

  He thought for a moment, then stood up. "Thanks man, don't mind if I do. The guy is about to-"

  "I don't care. Just go."

  He laughed the entire way into the bathroom. I flipped through the pictures of Melody and I for an uncertain amount of time. Minutes, hours? I don't know. But her smile was the last thing I saw before drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter Sixteen: Melody

  "Lex, have you seen my phone?" I yelled down the hall.

  "No." Her voice came muffled from the other side of her bedroom door.

  I huffed, wondering where in the world I left it. I was in the middle of gathering my things to help out at the spring festival at Lexi’s school when I heard a shriek come from her room.

  "MEL! OH MY GOD!" She came barreling into the kitchen.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Look at Celebrity Tab's website!"

  I rolled my eyes. "I'm getting ready for the festival, which you should be doing too. I don't have time for that stupid crap right now." Last time she did this, news had just broke that Justin and Selena broke up.

  "You're on the freaking website!"

  I put my head in my hands. "I really thought the damn ball thing was over with."

  "Oh it is. There are pictures of you are Carson from your date the other night."

  My head snapped up. "What?" I snatched her phone from her, and sure enough, there was a picture of Carson and I on the front page. And not just any picture, but Carson and I were kissing in the alley. That mind blowing, kiss the fuck out of me kiss. "How in the hell did they get this?"

  "Obviously someone followed you guys around on your date. There are other pictures on there. And a small, but interesting story."

  In bold letters at the top of the article, they named me "Fangirl". Sure enough, there were a few other pictures from the date, none of which were as revealing as the one on the front page. The article didn't divulge any great detail, except the fact that they wrongly reported that we spent the night in a hotel.

  "They need to fix this article. You didn't stay in a hotel with him that night. You came home and crawled in my bed, baby. I want credit for boning you." Lexi winked.

  "Actually, it was my bed, and you were already in it." I stood from the table and resumed the search for my phone. I needed to call Carson and make sure he was okay.

  "What are you doing?" Lexi asked.

  "Looking for my phone, I need to call Carson."

  "Are you going to freak out on him for ravaging you in public?"

  "No, I just want to make sure he's okay with the pictures being leaked."

  "Wow, I'm surprised with how well you're taking this."

  "There's nothing that I can do about it. Besides, if things don't work out between us, I at the very least have photo evidence of the best kiss of my life."

  She looked back down at the screen. "That is pretty fucking hot. Damn it, Mel. If he kisses like that, can you imagine what he's like in bed?"

  A shiver ran through me at the thought, and it wasn't the first time it happened, either. Just thinking of Carson alone caused the butterflies to come alive in my stomach, but when I think about the kiss...I quickly shake the thought. "He'll ruin me for other men."

  "If it doesn't work out, then become a nun, because I'm not sure if it can ever get much better than that." We both stared at the picture for a long moment, Lexi outwardly swooning. "I hate you, Mel."

  I finally looked away from the picture and grabbed her phone.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm calling my phone, I can't find it." It went directly to voicemail. "What in the hell? It didn't even ring."

  “That’s so strange.” Lexi mumbled before walking out of the room.


  The spring festival at Lexi’s school is an annual event that occurs during May each year. Local venders from all over the city pay a fee to rent a space inside the school’s gym to sell their products. Businesses donate items for raffle and auction and the PTA parents set up food stations. All proceeds from this event contribute towards the providing low income families with their school supply needs.

  I volunteered and was put in the face painting booth with Lexi. Let’s be honest here, my artistic abilities aren’t anything of value. I’m not even sure I’m capable of drawing a straight line, even with the assistance of a ruler. I hope these poor kids don’t look in the mirror after I’m finished with them.

  Lexi was practicing her drawings on a blank sheet of paper. “Alright, you’re in charge of doing butterflies.”

  “Why can’t you?”

  “Look at my butterflies, Mel. I’ll get fired if I paint them on some child.”

  I looked down at the sheet of paper and immediately realized why. “Oh my god, Lexi. They look like cocks with wings!”

  “I told you! I’m not putting that on a student!” She crumpled up the sheet of paper and threw it in the garbage can under the table. I was practicing my drawing skills when I heard Lexi gasp. “Look, there is Grady and his DILF.”

  Grady and Adam were at a booth playing games across the aisle from our station. We both sat back appreciated Adam’s beauty from afar. Lexi let out a swoony sigh. “It’s not right for a guy to be that gorgeous.”

  “That is your student’s father, Lex. Behave.”

  “Just one night, that’s all I want.” She groaned.

  “Keep dreaming.” I laughed.

  “Miss Murray! Miss Mel!” Grady called out when he noticed us. He ran over to our table, his dad in tow. “Dad, can I have my face painted?”

  Adam looked at us and smiled. “As long as Miss Mel and Miss Murray don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.” I said, patting the empty chair beside me. Grady has really opened up to me during the program after school. He is a really great kid, and I enjoy talking baseball with him. Adam told me during pick up a few days ago that Grady has been more like himself at home, and thanked me for taking the time to talk to him one on one.

  “What do you want painted on you today, buddy?” I asked.

  “Hmm…how about a baseball bat?”

  That’s probably not the best idea, considering it may look an awful lot like Lexi’s butterflies, minus the wings. “I can do a baseball and a mitt? Maybe the number twenty-two since Cruz is your favorite player

  Grady bounced excitedly in the chair. “Yes! All of it! And the twenty-two can be blue!”

  I giggled at his enthusiasm and started with the ball first. Before long, Grady face was painted, proudly displaying his love for our favorite team. He hugged me quickly before throwing a “Thank you Miss Mel!” out and running over to his friends.

  “You’re welcome.” I called out. I stood and smiled at Adam. “He’s a good kid.”

  “He’s something, alright.” He laughed. “Thanks again, he really adores you.”

  “No problem. Actually, I wanted to ask you something. I have two extra tickets for the game tomorrow night. I know it’s a Sunday night game and Grady has school the next day, but do you two want to join me?”

  “Really?” He asked, sounding just as excited as Grady would be. “That would be amazing. Grady is going to be so surprised, thank you for thinking of us.”

  “I’m glad you’ll be able to use them. I thought Grady might enjoy it.”

  He smiled brightly at me. “We both will, thank you.”

  I was giving Adam the specifics on where to meet me for the game when Lexi’s coworker, Ms. Bradley, walked up to Adam and I. Ms. Bradley is the teacher in the school who has made her way around the male population of the faculty and several fathers of students. It appears as if Adam is aware of her reputation, taking a step back when Ms. Bradley stepped a little too close to him for comfort.

  “Adam! It’s so good to see you here. I just wanted to say hello and I miss having Grady in my class. He’s such a sweet boy.”

  Adam gave a polite smile, not quite reaching his eyes. “Thank you, Ms. Bradley.”

  She put her hand on his arm. “Thank you for supporting our school.” She turned to Lexi and squealed. “Oh, Ms. Murray! I’d love to get a butterfly painted on my face.”

  My eyes grew wide, waiting for Lexi to turn her down. Instead, she smirked. “Well, you’re in luck. Butterflies are my specialty.”

  I turned back to Adam and stifled a laugh. “I better supervise. If something comes up, just give me a call tomorrow on Lexi’s phone. I can’t find mine right now.”

  “No problem. Thanks again, Melody. See you tomorrow.” And with that, Adam walked down the aisle and out of our view.

  I sat down and watched Lexi begin to outline a “butterfly” on each of Ms. Bradley’s cheeks. “Lex, if Adam cancels for the game tomorrow, he’s going to call you on your phone since I still can’t find mine.”

  “Yeah…that’s a good idea. I’m not sure if you’re going to find it.”

  I frowned. “Lexi, did you do something to my phone?”

  She bit her lip and looked over at me. “Yeah…about that…”

  Chapter Seventeen: Carson

  Melody's phone had been going straight to voicemail all day. I left my phone at the hotel before heading to the stadium so I wasn't constantly checking it every two minutes to see if she called. I was dressing for the game when Nathan walked into locker room, putting his bag in the locker across from mine.

  "I saw some nice pictures of you and your little fangirl online this morning. Might as well just have fucked her in the alley." He smirked.

  I glanced up to him while strapping my leg guards in place. "Fuck off, Ross." I wanted to punch the smug grin off his face, and I would if I knew coach wouldn't bench me. But he would, because he is the organizations golden boy. Prick.

  Although I was still angry about the photos, seeing her again, even if just an image, helped calm me down. I wanted nothing more than to have her by my side, smiling at me right now.

  I would really like to have her answer her goddamn phone, but that's not happening either.

  "Hey, I'm not trying to be an ass. You two looked good together." He chuckled. "I can't blame you for taking advantage of trying to tap that sweet ass. She's pretty hot when her face isn't jacked up."

  I wasn't aware that I was less than two feet from him until I was being jerked backwards by my arms. "He's not worth getting suspended over, Carson." Ryan said from behind, restraining me.

  "You don't need to hold him back, Cruz. Lawrence is a little pussy."

  "A little pussy who has a higher batting average than you right now." Ryan bit back. He let me go when I calmed down a little, and I grabbed my chest protector from the bench and walked past him and out of the club house.

  Ryan fell in step beside me. "I'm sorry I intervened man, but I really thought you were going to tear him apart."

  I gritted my teeth, still seething. "I'm glad you did. I hate that he got a rise out of me. I usually don't give a shit what he says, but he brought up Melody."

  "Still haven't heard from her?"

  "No, I only get her voicemail." And maybe that is why I'm so on edge right now. Usually if I text or call Mel she is quick to respond, but I haven't heard anything from her since I left Baltimore. I hate that these pictures came out while I'm on the other side of the country. If we were at home, I would at least still see her at the stadium or stop by her place. But the radio silence is killing me.

  "I doubt she's avoiding you, so get out of the funk that you're in. I'm sure she'll call later. Get your head in the game. You might not be able to punch Ross, but pretend the ball is his face and smash the shit out of it today. Use that aggression for good."


  Ryan's suggestion did me well. Once I stepped foot onto the field today, I left all thoughts of Mel in the dugout and focused on smashing the fuck out of that ball, which rewarded me with a double, a single, and three total runs batted in.

  Although we lost the game by one run, I walked back into the club house revitalized. A good game was exactly what I needed to get back into my usual mindset. After talking to reporters at the after game press conference, I took a quick shower and headed back to the hotel for the night.

  I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, scrolling through numerous messages congratulating me on a good game, but none of those were from Mel. I checked my voicemail, which said I had zero new messages. I scrolled through my contacts and my thumb hovered over her name. I debated for at least a minute before pressing the call button and holding the phone to my ear.

  "Hey, it's Mel. Leave me a message."

  It went straight to voicemail. Again.

  Instead of calling Mel again, this time I dialed a very familiar number without even thinking.

  “Hello, my handsome son. You did a fantastic job tonight.”

  Her warm voice seemed to soothe my irritation. “Thanks Mom.”

  She was quiet for a moment. “What’s going on? Are these pictures causing you trouble?”

  “You can say that. The girl in the pictures hasn’t talked to me since that night. I think the publicity scared her off.”

  “If something that little scared her off, than she isn’t the girl for you.”

  “That’s the thing though. I really think something could come out of this. She’s not answering her phone and it’s killing me. I’ve never been this wound up over a girl not returning my calls.”

  “Are you upset that she’s not answering your calls because you don’t like the idea of being rejected or because you feel guilty about the pictures?”

  “Maybe a little guilty, but mostly because I…I don’t know. Maybe I miss talking to her?”

  “Huh…it sounds like you’re caving on your no dating rule.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

  “She’s different.”

  “It sure sounds like it. You’ve only been away from her for a few days and you’re missing her? Sounds like someone has been hit by cupid’s arrow.”

  “More like that asshole used me for target practice.” I grumbled.

  She laughed. “Sweetheart, it will work out. Maybe something happened to her phone or she’s really busy. Whatever it is, you’ll see her soon and you’ll be able to talk to her about it all. When do you head home?”

  “Early tomorrow morning so we can make the evening game.”

  “You’ll be back on t
he east coast before you know it. Take your time with her, Carson. Don’t rush anything. What will be will be?”

  Just talking to my mother always makes me feel so much better. “Thanks Mom.”

  “Anytime. Now, let’s talk about that game.”

  Yeah. Best Mom ever.

  Chapter Eighteen: Melody

  "I swear to all that is holy that I will punch you in your damn ovaries if you ever touch my phone again."


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