Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3) Page 1

by Holla Dean

  Spank Her Now

  Spank Her Again

  Spank Her Hard


  Holla Dean

  Warning: This ebook has adult content including consensual spanking and some anal play. If this subject matter offends you, please return this item.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and dialogue in this novel either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014

  By Holla Dean



  Stephen unlocked the door to his shipping and packaging business and stepped into the stifling heat that had built up in the shop over night. He punched in the code to turn the alarm system off and then locked the door again. He still had an hour to go before opening.

  He flipped on the lights and lowered the thermostat to seventy-five degrees taking note of the current temperature which was at eighty-five. The Tucson summers were so damn hot and the electric bills were so high that Stephen raised the thermostat every night when he left his business and headed home. Already it was ninety-four outside with an expected high of one hundred fourteen for the day.

  Stephen turned on his computer and while he waited for it to boot up he went to the back room where he had a corner with a refrigerator and a small counter with a microwave on it. He put the lunch his wife Eve made for him in the fridge and then went back up front to his desk to check his e-mail.

  He always received a lot spam and junk e-mail for the business. There was always some new system that was going to increase his profits or some new gadget that someone was pushing for him to sell in his shop. While most of these e-mails would end up deleted, Stephen had to take his time to go through them because he purchased a lot of merchandise from different companies and he didn’t want to miss any bargains from those companies that he did do business with.

  About halfway through the e-mails one subject was printed in all capital letters. It said “DOES YOUR WIFE NEED A SPANKING?”

  Stephen glanced up at the sender name and saw that it came from someone whose e-mail address was SpankMeNow. He chuckled, deleted it and moved on to the next e-mail. In half an hour he had gone through all the e-mails, glanced at the clock and saw he had 15 more minutes before opening. That gave him enough time to open up the shop website to see if any online orders had come in during the night. He opened a new window, leaving his e-mail open so he could see when anything new came in.

  Stephen smiled when he saw that there were seventeen new orders waiting to be filled. That was great; his average website orders were about sixty-five dollars each which would give him approximately eleven hundred dollars. He quickly calculated that his final net on those seventeen orders would probably be somewhere around eight hundred dollars.

  As he started going through those orders, printing them out so that he could fill them, his computer made a dinging noise, telling him he had another e-mail. He didn’t bother to look at it until he had printed out all the orders and went to unlock the front door. It was time to open.

  Back at his desk, before he started filling out the orders he took a quick peek at his new e-mails. There were three of them and one of them had the subject of “WELL DOES SHE?” Does she what? He wondered impatiently as he glanced up at the sender name before hitting the delete button. It was from SpankMeNow, the same sender that had earlier sent the message asking “DOES YOUR WIFE NEED A SPANKING?”

  He shook his head, deleted it, and then started filling his web orders. Stephen was interrupted several times as customers came in with packages to be mailed. Some customers couldn’t pack their own packages so they would just bring in what they needed to send and ask Stephen to pack and ship them.

  At about one o’clock there seemed to be a lull and Stephen thought it would be a good time to eat his sandwich and check his e-mail again. It had now been a couple of hours since he’d had a chance to look at his e-mail. He brought the sandwich and a cold bottle of water to his desk before opening up his website again and checking orders. No new orders, so he clicked over to his e-mail.

  There were several new e-mails, two of which immediately caught his eye because the subject title was printed in all capital letters. The first one asked “HAS YOUR WIFE BEEN NAUGHTY?” The second one was a statement instead of a question as the previous three had been. It said “THAT NAUGHTY GIRL NEEDS HER BOTTOM SPANKED.”

  Even before he looked at the sender Stephen knew that it would be SpankMeNow. Sure enough, SpankMeNow was apparently having a busy day sending emails. He deleted the new emails.

  Stephen’s afternoon slowly passed with more customers coming in and a few more web orders to fill and ship out. SpankMeNow continued to send his/her provocatively titled e-mails throughout the day. Some of the subject titles were repeated and there were a few new ones added. There was “SPANK THAT NAUGHTY GIRL!” The next one came in about a half hour later and said, “SPANK HER NOW!” The one after that said “SPANK HER BOTTOM TILL IT’S CHERRY RED!”

  About an hour before closing time another new one came in, this one saying “SPANK HER TONIGHT!” Finally, it was time to turn up the AC for the night and get ready to leave. One more look at his emails before powering down the computer, Stephen found “SHE KNOWS SHE NEEDS TO BE SPANKED!”

  Driving home Stephen thought about all those e-mails referencing spanking. He had never actually opened a single one of those e-mails, deleting them all, not wanting to risk opening something that might give his computer a virus. Now he wondered what he would’ve found if he had opened them.

  Stephen and Eve had been married for fifteen years and over those years he had thought several times that he’d like to take Eve over his knee and give her a thorough spanking. He loved his wife and thought they had a great marriage. Neither one of them had ever wanted children. They each had a good income, allowing them to have their dream house, nice cars, and great vacations.

  But Eve sometimes had an attitude; she was impatient and could get pretty damned snippy and sarcastic at times. If he failed to listen to everything she said and had to ask her to repeat something, she’d start right in with “Can’t you ever listen to me the first time I say something? Why do I always have to repeat everything I say to you?”

  Stephen would apologize and say he had been distracted but Eve would still be pissed off. And if they didn’t see eye to eye on something, it always turned into an argument. Eve always said that Stephen didn’t want her to have her own opinions, he expected her to agree with everything he thought. And that simply was not true. He did try and get her to see things his way when he felt he was right, but if she felt strongly about something he usually left it alone. He actually thought it was Eve that expected him to agree with everything she thought.

  As he continued with his introspective thoughts on his marriage, he thought the sex hadn’t been as great as it could be lately. He wasn’t sure why; he still loved Eve and she still looked great. With her thick golden hair that she kept shoulder length, and her blue-gray eyes, she had been (and still was) his dream girl. It just seemed that they had both lost interest in sex. It was okay if they had
sex and it was just as okay if they didn’t. Neither one of them seemed to ever get really excited about it anymore.

  Stephen wondered whose fault that was. Was it his fault? He wondered if his testosterone levels were low. They shouldn’t be; he was only thirty-seven years old. And Eve was thirty-five; she should be at the height of her sexuality. Maybe he’d make an appointment with the doctor and have himself checked out. They were just too young to be bored with sex.

  Stephen put all these thoughts out of his mind now as he drove up his driveway, hit the garage door opener, and parked his car. Eve’s SUV was already in the garage telling him that she was home. He hoped she was making something other than frozen meals for dinner. Lately it seemed that was all they ever ate. A three hundred calorie frozen dinner, a serving of some kind of frozen vegetable, and a diet frozen fudge bar with one hundred twenty calories. Those damn frozen dinners all tasted the same; he couldn’t tell if they were chicken, beef, or shrimp. All the fancy names those companies gave the meals and practically every one of them tasted more like the cardboard box they were packed in than anything else.

  He walked into the kitchen and there was Eve, standing at the counter with two of those damn cardboard boxes waiting to be popped in the microwave.

  Stephen kissed her on the cheek and asked, “What’s for dinner tonight?”

  She kissed him back and answered, “Beef and Portobello mushrooms in a creamy sauce over whole wheat pasta with buttered baby Brussels sprouts.”

  “Mmm… Sounds good.” He lied.

  “Did you have a good day?” Eve asked him.

  “Yeah, it was a pretty good day. There were seventeen orders on the website when I got in this morning and a few more came in during the day. I had quite a few customers with packages to ship too. But I had a lot of junk e-mail today.”

  “Don’t you usually get a lot of junk e-mail?”

  “Yeah, but these were from the same person or at least the same e-mail.”

  “What were they for? Did you ever open them?” She asked.

  “Nah, I just deleted them. I didn’t want to risk opening something that would give my computer a virus. So how was your day?”

  Damn! Eve thought as she answered, “Pretty much the same as always. I didn’t have a photo shoot today, but I did keep busy working on the final submissions I plan to send in to Arizona Vistas magazine.”

  Eve was a landscape photographer and her photos often made it into the popular outdoor magazines. Whenever they went on vacation Eve took a lot of pictures and sent the best ones to magazines that showcased nature and travel destinations.

  The microwave beeped, signaling that the dinners were done. Eve took them out of the microwave and put in the pack of vegetables, setting the timer for the prescribed amount of minutes. She poured two glasses of wine and set them on the table.

  Next, she pulled down two plates from the cupboard, opened the cardboard boxes and arranged their contents on the plates. The microwave dinged and the vegetables were added to the plates.

  Once they were seated and eating their properly portioned, calorie, fat, and sodium controlled meal, Eve wondered if she should say anything else about the junk e-mails that Stephen received. She certainly didn’t want to seem too interested in the subject or he would suspect that she had been the one that sent them. And that would never do. She wanted this to be his idea. Well, she wanted him to think that it was his idea.

  It had been kind of fun sending him those e-mails even though it had been quite a hassle setting up a totally different e-mail address so that Stephen wouldn’t know where they came from. She’d spent more time today thinking up those crazy subject titles than she had on her work. Every time she had sent one of them she wondered if he had seen it and what his reaction was. Well, she would just start again tomorrow. She’d send them all over again, every single one of them.

  She had to do something to spice up their sex life. It had become so dull and routine that it was boring. She still found her husband extremely attractive. What woman wouldn’t swoon over that almost black hair and the bright blue eyes? He was nearly six feet tall, and worked out regularly so he looked very good. But where was that excitement she used to feel when she climbed into bed next to Stephen? She used to get into bed and snuggle up to him, using his shoulder for a pillow and putting her arm across his broad chest. It used to be just moments, actually seconds, before Stephen would start to play with her nipples, squeezing and pinching them, making them hard and erect, tingling with anticipation of what was to come next.

  I shouldn’t think about it, she told herself. It’ll only get me hot and then I’ll be disappointed when nothing happens.

  Lately it seemed like whenever she got into bed and tried to cuddle up next to Stephen he was already asleep. They were doing good to have sex once a month; and that just wasn’t enough for her. Eve wanted more and she was ready to try something new and different to breathe some life into her marriage.



  As soon as Stephen left the house the next morning, Eve went to her computer and logged in on her secret e-mail. She looked over all of yesterday's sent e-mails and began to send them all again in the same order. She sent the first one, "DOES YOUR WIFE NEED A SPANKING?’

  A half hour later she sent, "WELL DOES SHE?” And she continued on in this manner throughout the day, making sure that one e-mail was sent at least every hour.

  Oh, she hoped she wasn't making a mistake. She wasn't even sure that she would like getting spanked. What if she hated it? What if it hurt too much? What if Stephen was repulsed by the idea?

  There were so many questions. Maybe she should just abandon this whole idea and try and come up with some other way to spice up their sex life. But what? How? She had already tried the standard ways. She spent a small fortune at Victoria's Secret on all kinds of sexy lingerie. She bought hot little G strings, push up Demi bras that squeezed her breasts together giving her unbelievable amounts of cleavage and lifting her breasts to the point that they were about to spill right out of the bra. She purchased sexy see-through nighties and camisoles hoping to entice Stephen.

  But none of it seemed to work. She would prance about the bedroom in her new lingerie, brushing her hair, fiddling with this or that. She’d bend over, giving Stephen a view of her ass, naked except for a skinny little thong. But he didn't even notice her; it was like she wasn't even there. Eve didn't know what else she could do. She had no choice now but to try something a little more off the beaten path, something just a little bit kinkier than they were used to.

  She made up her mind. She would see this plan through to the end. Either it was going to work or it wasn't. She just hoped that Stephen wouldn't find out that the e-mails were coming from her.

  Stephen opened up his shop and went through his daily routine of turning off the alarm, turning down the AC, booting up his computer, and checking his website for orders and his e-mail.

  Just like yesterday he already had one e-mail from SpankMeNow. It is said exactly the same as the first one yesterday, "DOES YOUR WIFE NEED A SPANKING?”

  He was sorely tempted to open it. He wondered what the e-mail might say. Would it be nothing more than a link to a website where you could purchase spanking implements? Would it possibly give instructions or advice on how to introduce your wife to receiving spankings?

  Ever since his drive home the previous day, he had been thinking of how many times he’d wanted to just grab Eve and toss her over his knee. Eve thought he didn't notice all that sexy lingerie she'd taken to wearing lately. But he did notice. And it made him wonder why after fifteen years of sleeping together in the nude, she suddenly decided to wear something to bed.

  Stephen had actually gone so far as to wonder if Eve might be having an affair. She may have purchased all that sexy lingerie for another lover. That would just break his heart. He loved Eve and he would never cheat on her.

  With his finger poised over the delete button, Stephen hesit
ated. Should he open the e-mail? Should he delete it? He couldn't make up his mind. No, he could not risk a virus on this computer. Before he could think anymore about it he hit the delete button.

  A half-hour later came the next e-mail and Stephen went through the whole process again. But this time he didn't hit the delete button. He didn't open the e-mail either. He just let it sit there in his inbox, marked boldly as an unread e-mail.

  He went about his day, filling orders, taking care of his customers and checking his e-mail. About every hour there would be a new one from SpankMeNow. There were no more new subject titles, just the same ones from the previous day repeated over again. Stephen didn't delete any of them, he just left them sitting as unread e-mail wondering if he should risk opening one of them. Or opening all of them for that matter.

  At the end of the day, all the e-mails were still sitting in his inbox waiting for Stephen to make up his mind. Delete them or open them? He turned off his computer without making a decision.

  Dinner was a repeat of the previous night, and even though this entrée was called Five Cheese Macaroni and the vegetables were crinkle cut carrots, Stephen could not detect any difference in flavor.

  Eve asked, "Did you have a good day today?"

  "Yeah, I did. Funny thing though, I got exactly the same amount of those junk e-mails I told you about yesterday. The same amount with the same subject titles."

  "Wow," she replied. "I guess that is kind of strange, but you do get a lot of junk e-mail so maybe it's not so strange."

  "I guess. But they all have the same titles as the ones from yesterday and came in the same order that they came in yesterday. You'd think they'd be mixed up a little bit."

  "Did you open any of them today?" She asked.

  "No, I didn't. I'm still worried about the risk of a virus. But I was tempted, so I didn't delete them. They're all sitting in my inbox as unread mail."


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