Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3) Page 2

by Holla Dean

  Eve really wanted to ask him what the subject titles were, thinking that it might open things up to talking about it. But she was afraid that Stephen would figure out that she was the sender. Instead she made a suggestion.

  "You know, I think you could open them. I don't think you're risking a virus unless you click on a link. Maybe you should open one of them and see what’s inside.”

  Stephen didn’t know what he’d say if she asked him what the subject titles were. If he told her, she’d think he was out of his mind for not deleting them immediately. Or she’d be insulted at the suggestion of a wife being spanked, or needing a spanking. No, that wasn’t something he wanted to deal with right now.

  Tomorrow he would risk it; he’d open one of the emails and see what was there. He told Eve, “You’re right; the risk is usually only in clicking on links. Besides, my anti-virus software should protect me against any problems. I’ll open one tomorrow.”

  “Good, let me know how it goes.”

  They watched some television after dinner and Eve realized that even that activity had changed. They used to sit together on the sofa and Stephen would have his arm around her. Now, Stephen sat in his big leather club chair and she sat in a small recliner with her iPad, sorting through her photos during the commercials. No wonder they hardly ever had sex.

  At bedtime Eve went into the bedroom to change while Stephen made sure all the windows and doors were closed and locked. While she was in the bedroom trying to pick out a sexy little thong and negligee to try and entice Stephen, she decided to forget the lingerie. She would slip into bed naked and she would initiate the sex tonight. Stephen wouldn’t be able to say no.

  Eve waited and waited for Stephen, but he didn’t come to bed. She wondered if he’d fallen asleep in his big club chair. Maybe she should get up and check. Eve fell asleep still thinking about checking on Stephen.

  Stephen had not fallen asleep. He was using the home computer to open one of the emails. After logging on, he went to the first email and clicked on it. There was nothing in the message area. It was a blank email with just a subject title. He clicked on the second one and it also had a blank message area.

  One by one, Stephen clicked the emails open and all of them were blank. Why would anyone send me empty emails like this? Who would send them?

  Stephen didn’t know. He gave up and went to bed. He slipped in under the covers and slid over close to Eve. Stephen reached out his hand to touch her and found that she was naked. He felt his penis harden. He touched her breast, found the nipple and gently caressed it and then gave it a light tweak. Eve moaned and rolled over on her side so she was facing away from Stephen.

  This was an even better position for Stephen. Eve bent the knee of her top leg and moved it higher up, making her vagina more accessible. His arm snaked over her side and gave her nipples a little more attention before he ran his hand down her side, over her hip, caressing her butt cheeks, and then between her legs. All those emails about spanking had him obsessed with Eve’s ass. From behind, he slipped his fingers between her legs and found her wet pussy. It was one of the things he loved about Eve. She was always ready for sex, she became wet at just the thought of sex.

  He stroked her pussy and inserted two fingers deeply into her cunt. He withdrew his fingers almost completely before plunging them in again. Eve moaned and woke up completely. She was going to roll on her back so she could open her legs to Stephen’s hand, but he held her on her side.

  “No, baby, don’t move. I’m going to make your pussy come for me.”

  Eve’s eyes opened wide. She was surprised. Stephen didn’t normally use that kind of language. Usually he just said something like, “I’m going to make you come” or “Come for me, baby.” They had never used the more vulgar terminology. But that wasn’t all that surprised her; she discovered that dirty talk was exciting. It made her hot; it made her pussy contract with desire. Wow, she even liked using those dirty words in her head!

  Stephen was very hard now; he wanted his cock inside Eve. He pulled his fingers out of her pussy, grabbed her hips, and turned her so she was on her stomach. But he kept her hips lifted, shoved two pillows under her, and drove his hard shaft into her cunt from behind. Eve gasped. The intensity of this was so much more than usual.

  Stephen reached around and found Eve’s clit. He stroked it, circled it with his finger and then pinched it lightly with his thumb and forefinger. He felt the sudden contraction that it caused inside her cunt.

  “Oh, God, Stephen! That feels so good! Fuck me, Stephen, fuck me hard!”

  Now it was Stephen’s turn to be surprised by Eve’s language. He responded with, “I’m fucking you, baby. I’m fucking you hard.”

  He drove himself into her, hard and fast, all the while stroking and pinching her clit. He wasn’t going to last much longer, he could feel the intensity climbing and building, in another few seconds he would explode and empty himself into her. Stephen gave Eve’s clit a hard tweak and let himself go as he felt her cunt convulse around his cock.

  He rolled to his side, taking her with him, holding her close, her ass pulled in tight against his cock. They were both panting hard and trying to catch their breath.

  “God, Stephen. That was the best sex we’ve ever had. I don’t remember ever coming like that.”

  “Yeah, I know. It was good. Shit, it was fucking great.”

  Eve giggled and said, “Stephen, we never talk like that, we never use that kind of language. Is that what made it so good?”

  “I don’t know, baby. Let’s just get some sleep now.”

  They cuddled close, with Stephen’s hand cupping Eve’s breast. Eve let out a sigh of pure contentment. She felt so good. She fell asleep with a smile on her face, wondering if part of the fantastic sex was that they both had been thinking about spanking today.



  After Stephen left for work the next morning, Eve wasn’t sure what to do. Should she send more of the spanking emails? Last night had been fantastic, the most fantastic sex she’d ever had. Maybe she didn’t need to go for anything kinkier. Maybe the dirty talk and those extra hard pinches on her clitoris was enough to liven up their sex life. They had bordered on pain, but were oh so pleasurable.

  But ever since she had started sending those emails, she seemed to get a little coil of desire down low in her belly whenever she thought about a spanking. Just because last night had been fabulous didn’t mean they couldn’t try something else new and exciting.

  She went to her computer and had just sent the first email again when the phone rang. It was Stephen.

  “Hi. What’s up?” She asked. He rarely called her during the day. “Anything wrong?”

  “No, babe. Everything’s fine.” He answered. “I forgot to tell you last night that I opened one of the emails on the home computer and it was blank. Then I opened all of them and they were all blank. So it must just be some kind of joke or something.”

  “Must be,” she replied. “Did you get any more today?”

  “No, at least not yet. Wait, one just came in. I’m going to open it.”

  In a few seconds he said, “It’s blank. No message. I wonder how long this is going to go on.”

  Eve decided to try something to get him to tell her what the subject titles were without her having to directly ask.

  Putting a little impatience in her tone she said, “Well, I have work to do. I’m sick of hearing about these stupid emails. Just delete them and forget about them.”

  “Jeez, Eve, you don’t have to get all snippy about it.” Stephen said.

  Eve sighed and said, “I’m not being snippy. This is like the third or fourth day you’ve been obsessed with these stupid emails and now you finally know they’re nothing, so just delete them. And send them a reply and ask to be taken off their email list. I gotta get some work done.”

  She knew she was starting a fight, but she had a plan and she was pretty sure it was going to work.
  Stephen said, “Fine, I’ll try not to bother you anymore with my ‘stupid’ emails. And this is only the third day we’ve talked about them. Goodbye.”

  They both hung up and Eve waited about twenty minutes and sent a new email. This time the message area was not left blank.

  Stephen was filling orders when his computer dinged letting him know there was a new email. He finished up the order he was working on and then went to check the email. It was from SpankMeNow and the title was “SHE DESERVES A SPANKING!

  That’s weird, he thought. It was exactly what he had been thinking after that little argument on the phone. He clicked the email expecting to find it empty, but it had a few lines.

  She’s a naughty girl. Naughty girls need to be punished. Naughty girls deserve punishment. Spank her tonight!

  The phone rang just as he pressed the delete button. It was Eve.

  “Honey, I’m sorry” She apologized. “I guess I over reacted to the emails.”

  “Yeah, you did.” Stephen said. “I just got another one, and it was not blank.”

  “Really? What did it say?”

  “Well, I don’t know that I should tell you. I think it might get you mad. You know you never even asked what the subject titles were.”

  “Oh, I guess I didn’t think about it. Why do you think it will get me mad?” She asked.

  “I’m going to tell you the titles. If you get mad and don’t want to hear any more just tell me. Okay?”

  “Sure, honey. But I won’t get mad. Now tell me the titles.”

  “Okay. The first one was a question. It asked, does your wife need a spanking.”

  “Oh my god! How crazy is that?” Eve tried to sound surprised.

  “Well, there’s more. Some of the titles are repeated but I’ll just read them all to you one at a time.”

  Stephen went through the entire list. When he was done, Eve didn’t say anything.

  “Honey? Are you still there?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I’m here. Can you read them to me one more time?”

  After he read the second one, which was, ‘well does she,’ Eve asked him, “Does she?”

  “Does she what?” Stephen asked.

  “Does your wife need a spanking?”

  “Uh…honey, I’m not sure how to answer that.” Oh,shit! Now she’s gonna think that I think she does need a spanking!

  “Oh, so you do think I need a spanking. Goodbye, Stephen.” Eve hung up and smiled to herself.

  What would happen tonight? She could hardly wait. Her phone rang, she saw it was Stephen. Eve decided not to answer it. Let him get mad.

  Stephen called Eve a few more times, but she wouldn’t pick up. He figured she was good and pissed now. Maybe he’d just give her that spanking when he got home tonight.

  Eve was at her computer sending another email to Stephen. The title was, “WILL SHE GET SPANKED TONIGHT?” The message area was blank.

  Stephen heard the email ding and looked to see what it was. When he read the title he opened the email, saw the message area was blank, and hit the reply button. He left the title the same and in the message area he wrote, “Please take me off your email list. Yes, she will get spanked tonight.”

  He hesitated for a brief moment and then hit the send button. Stephen took a deep breath, satisfied with his decision. He wasn’t sure how he was going to do this; he’d never struck a woman in his life. But Eve definitely needed a sound spanking and he decided he would be the one to administer it.

  Eve received the reply and thought, Oh no! What have I done? But even as she thought it, her legs squeezed together in anticipation. Did he really mean it? Was he really going to spank her tonight? How would he do it? Would he strip her naked first? Would he leave her panties on or spank her bare bottom?

  Stephen spent the rest of his day thinking similar thoughts. How would he approach her to spank her? Should he announce that he would be giving her a spanking? Or should he just get her naked and then take her over his knee? Should he leave her panties on? No, this would be a bare-assed spanking. One of the emails suggested spanking her until her ass was cherry red. That wouldn’t happen if her ass was covered. Oh god, could he really do this? But even as he wondered, he felt his cock twitch with anticipation.

  At home, both Stephen and Eve did their best to act normally. Eve prepared a couple of ‘cardboard meals’ and then put them on regular plates to make it appear as though they were eating a home cooked dinner. When they were done, Eve cleared away the dishes and wiped the table. Her hands were shaking a little bit and she hoped Stephen didn’t notice.

  Stephen watched her as she moved about the kitchen and noticed she was wearing a short skirt. Well, he thought, that just might make it a little easier. I’ll pull her over my knee and toss the skirt up, pull her panties down, and spank her bare ass to a nice rosy red.

  Eve didn’t know what to do next but figured she should just sit down in the living room like she normally would. Stephen went into the bedroom and sat on the bed. He worked it out in his mind, exactly how he would do this. What would he do if she fought him?

  He called out, “Hey, Eve? Can you come in here for a minute?”

  Eve’s belly clenched, her legs tightened together. “I’ll be right there.”

  She got up, took a deep breath, and went to take her spanking. In the bedroom she saw Stephen sitting on his side of the bed. He had changed out of his work clothes and had on some pj pants and a t-shirt. Eve approached him and asked, “What is it, Stephen? What do you want?” She deliberately put an impatient tone in her voice.

  Stephen looked up at her and put his arm around her waist as if to draw her closer to him. But instead he bent her over his knee so her ass was directly on his lap. He lifted her skirt and yanked down her panties, exposing the flawless skin of her beautiful ass.

  While he was doing all that, he was saying, “Eve, I’ve had it with your snippy attitude. I’ve had it with your impatience. I’ve wanted to give you the spanking you deserve many times, and I’m going to do it now.”

  The first blow came down sharply on her ass and startled her. She gasped, but didn’t yell. The next one landed in a different spot, sharp and stinging. Then there was a short pause and the third smack came down even harder.

  “OW!” Eve yelled. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Stephen, please stop!”

  Stephen paused again and gently rubbed her reddening behind. As he rubbed it he said, “I love you, Eve. But you’ve had this coming for a long time and I’m going to finish the job.”

  He struck her again. And again. And again. Stephen was surprised by how much his hand stung. He hadn’t taken into consideration that every smack on Eve’s ass was also a smack on his hand. He moved around her ass in a pattern. Smack on the left cheek, then smack on the right, another strike in the center, and another in the lower center.

  Each spank caused Eve to sharply suck in her breath. Each one stung, and they stung even more when Stephen struck the same spot a second time. Her buttocks tightened with each slap across her ass. She didn’t know how much more she could take. When would he stop?

  Stephen had been counting and when he came to twelve he thought Eve’s ass was a beautiful shade of red. He stopped and rubbed her bottom. His hand slipped down between her slightly parted legs and he felt the wetness of her pussy. She was aroused by the spanking! So was he for that matter. His cock was hard and ready to fuck her.

  Stephen moved to lie on the bed, pulling Eve with him, turning her around so she was on her back. He positioned himself between her legs and rammed his hard cock into her. Eve’s entire body shuddered almost instantly with the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced.

  Stephen felt her muscles tighten around his rigid organ and he buried his face in her neck, whispering, “I love you, Eve. I love you so much.” Eve was experiencing multiple orgasms for the first time. She wanted to tell him that she loved him, but she couldn’t speak. She was coming and coming, wave after wave of p
ure ecstasy washed over her and then she felt the pulsing of Stephen’s cock as he emptied himself into her.

  Stephen rolled off her and asked, “Are you okay? How do you feel?”

  “My ass stings and feels like it’s on fire. But I’ve never felt anything like what just happened. And I’m not talking about the spanking.”

  “I know,” Stephen said. “I thought last night was the best sex we’ve ever had, but that didn’t come close to this.”

  “Do you think it’s because of the spanking?” She asked.

  “I don’t know. But your pussy was soaking wet after I gave you your punishment and my cock was hard as a rock. It definitely aroused both of us.”

  “So we’re going to call this my punishment?”

  Stephen held her close, and continued to rub her stinging ass, trying to soothe it. “Well, it was a punishment. I’m sorry I had to hurt you, but you’ve got to admit you deserved it. To tell you the truth, I’ve wanted to put you over my knee several times over the years. When those emails started coming, and you went into your snippy mode, I made up my mind.”

  Eve blushed and said, “I know I can get bitchy at times. I’ll try to do better from now on.”

  “That would be to your benefit, honey. But I’ll tell you now, when you get snippy or impatient or in one of your shitty attitudes, you can expect that I’ll be giving you a sound spanking.”

  Eve felt her belly clench at the thought of another spanking. Her pussy contracted suddenly, making her body shudder.

  “But, Stephen, it was almost too much. I was at the point where I thought I couldn’t take any more.”

  “I’m sorry about that, but you did take it. And I want you to remember why I had to punish you. The whole idea of punishment is to make it painful so you’ll think twice before you misbehave. Next time, your spanking will be as harsh as you deserve. Remember, it’s up to you how severe your punishment will be.”

  “So you think there’ll be a next time?”


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