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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

Page 3

by Holla Dean

  “Honey, I know you. And you’re not going to change. I’m just hoping we can keep you under a little better control with regular punishment when you’ve been bad. Yeah, there will be a next time.”

  Eve giggled and said. “I am a naughty girl, aren’t I?”

  “Yes, you are.” Stephen agreed. “Naughty girls need to be punished, and in this house from now on, you better watch it, because that punishment will be a thorough spanking.”

  Eve snuggled closer to her husband. “I love you, Stephen. I will try to be good, and when I can’t be good, I’ll take the punishment I deserve.”

  “That’s my girl,” Stephen answered as they both fell into a deep, contented sleep.



  Over the next several days Eve found that Stephen had changed. He was much more forceful in his attitudes about what he expected from her. He demanded that she respond to him immediately when he asked her a question. If she didn’t, he asked her again, with a lifted brow and a warning look. Eve wasn’t sure if she liked him this way.

  She wasn’t sure she was willing to partake in any more spankings either. Her ass was still a little sore from what she considered was a pretty severe spanking. When she first came up with this idea, she was thinking more along the lines of a few mild smacks on the butt for fun. She felt Stephen had possibly lost a little bit of control and gone overboard when he was whaling on her behind.

  Ever since that night, he often gave her a dark, warning look to something she said to him. She’d admit it was probably more the way she said it than what she said. But she was not sure she could tolerate always having to watch what she said for fear of getting her ass warmed by his hand.

  Eve had to admit though that ever since they started talking dirty to each other in bed, and especially since the spanking, the sex had been great. Hell, it had been out of this world. Stephen wanted to make love every night. Sometimes he ordered her to the bedroom as soon as he walked in the door.

  She thought she might like her old easy going husband back as long as when they went to the bedroom he turned into the tiger he’d been in bed lately. But she had a suspicion that it was his new assertiveness that made him so much hotter in bed.

  Eve went into the kitchen to get dinner ready. Stephen would be home shortly and he would be hungry. She got out the usual prepared frozen diet meals, and a frozen vegetable. She knew Stephen had a point when he referred to these dinners as cardboard meals. But Eve hated to cook and the convenience of these was so nice. Dinner was ready in just fifteen minutes with minimal fuss and hardly any clean up. No pots or pans to wash. Just a couple of plates and some silverware.

  Eve heard the garage door open and then came the slam of Stephen’s car door. She heard him open the doorway to the house and then the garage door closed. He walked in and kissed her on the cheek just like he did every evening.

  Only tonight, he took one look at the frozen meals on the counter and said, “We’ll have no more of these cardboard meals every night. I’ll agree to a few times a week, but I’ll expect real food for the majority of our dinners.”

  Eve protested, “Stephen! You know how much I hate to cook.”

  Stephen looked at her with his brow raised as if to warn her that she was treading on dangerous ground.

  That did it! Eve had enough of this game he was playing. “You can just take your dark warning looks someplace else, Stephen. I’m an adult and I have a right to decide whether or not I’ll cook every damn night!”

  Stephen sat down at the table and said, “Eve, do you remember the talk we had after your punishment? Do you remember that I told you that it was up to you how severe your future punishments would be?”

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake! Stephen, the spanking was simply a game to spice up our sex life. I certainly didn’t expect it to be a life altering thing.”

  His brow rose again as though he couldn’t believe she was provoking him like this.

  “Sit down, Eve. I have a few things to explain to you. You may not like them, but I believe in the end you will see that our lives will be better for the changes we are going to make.”

  Eve stood at the counter with her hands on her hips, glaring at this husband who she didn’t know anymore.

  “I said, sit down. I will not repeat it again.” Stephen spoke sternly enough that Eve thought better of making another outburst. She sat down.

  Stephen spoke for a long time. He told her some startling things that he expected from her.

  Stephen had been a busy boy since he’d given Eve her first punishment. He had spent a lot of time on the internet looking up the art of spanking and domestic discipline.

  Eve thought to herself, The art of spanking? Domestic discipline? What the hell was Stephen talking about? There’s no art to spanking someone. And last she heard domestic discipline was now referred to as spousal abuse.

  But every time she opened her mouth to say something, Stephen gave her that warning look he seemed to have perfected over the last few days.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Eve. But I am a man, and I must have control of our household. I’m not expecting unreasonable things from you. I work hard and while I realize you also work, I believe you have more idle time than I do. You can cook dinner most nights without any hardship. I expect you to treat me with respect and follow the rules that will be put in place. If you don’t, you will be punished accordingly. And I’ll remind you that after your spanking you did agree to accept your punishments in the future when you misbehave.”

  “Rules? What rules are you talking about?”

  “I’m still working on those and of course you will not be punished for breaking any rules that you don’t know about. But once they are in place, I’ll expect you to obey them.”

  “And if I refuse to follow your rules? If I refuse to ‘obey’ them? If I refuse to accept your punishments? What then?”

  “It’s not an option for you to refuse.”

  “What do you mean, it’s not an option? Am I your slave now? What’s to keep me from walking out?”

  “No, of course you’re not a slave. But we’ve been married for fifteen years. I love you more than anything and I know you love me too. Would you really want to throw that away?”

  “Of course not. But Stephen, I think you’re asking me to be something and someone that I can’t be.”

  Stephen looked sad for a moment, and then said, “If you find that you cannot live the way I’m asking you to, then perhaps it will be best if we do split.”

  Eve couldn’t believe he just said that! He would rather end their long marriage if she didn’t agree to this new lifestyle of his? What the hell had he been reading? She wasn’t sure what to do. She did love Stephen. Hadn’t she proved it by sending all those spanking emails to him to get their sex life revved up? She couldn’t imagine life without Stephen.

  “Tell me more about these rules you have in mind.”

  Stephen relaxed, she was coming around. Or at least she was entertaining the idea.

  “Like I said, I’m still working on them. But there are a few that I already know will be on the list. First, I want you to stop swearing so much. It’s fine in the bedroom, but I would like to see you be more ladylike in your language outside of the bedroom.”

  She could live with that, she knew she swore too much and had already decided to work on that.

  “What else?” Eve asked.

  “For safety reasons, you are not to engage in any activities where you could be hurt or harmed in any way when I am not with you. No climbing on ladders by yourself, no swimming when I’m not home, making sure to drive the speed limit, really just common sense.”

  Eve thought she might be able to live with that rule, except for the swimming. She loved swimming and she often jumped into the pool in the afternoon and swam laps for exercise. But as hot it was in Tucson, she’d be able to swim when he was at work and he’d never know. The deck would dry in a half hour or less and she could tos
s her suit into the dryer.

  “I will not tolerate lying. If you lie to me and I find out, the punishment will be swift and severe.”

  Great, that took care of her secret swimming plans. Well, maybe not. She wouldn’t really be lying, she just wouldn’t tell him about it.

  “I just don’t know, Stephen. I’m not sure I can go along with the whole punishment aspect of this. My ass is still a little sore from the spanking several days ago. I’m afraid I’ll have a non-stop sore ass.”

  “But Eve, don’t you see? The punishments are for your own good. They will teach you not to do those things again. I would never give you a more severe spanking than you deserve. And I think I’ve pointed out that you are the one in complete control of how often and how harsh your spankings will be.”

  Oh god, what should she do? She didn’t want to break up her marriage. She truly did love Stephen. If she was honest with herself she actually had little tingles of excitement with all this talk about spankings and punishments. It made her wonder if all her reservations were due more to society’s modern definition of what a woman should be. After all, throughout history women have for the most part been ruled by their men.

  “Well, shit, Stephen.” Eve said now. “I don’t really know what to say.”

  “Darling, are you trying to purposely provoke me?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” She said before she realized she had just spoken two swear words and her tone had been more than just bordering on what Stephen would call snippy.

  “I’m sorry, Stephen. I didn’t realize the rules were already in force.”

  “They are in force, Eve. And sorry doesn’t cut it; it doesn’t take the words back. I will ask you now to please go to the bedroom, strip off your pants and panties, and stand in the corner by my dresser facing the wall.”

  “What? Stand in the corner? With my ass naked? Are you nuts, Stephen? I’m not a child. What the fuck has gotten into you?”

  He looked at her very sternly and said, “You are digging a deeper and deeper hole, Eve. If you don’t do as I ask, your punishment will be that much worse. I will not warn you again. Now get in the bedroom and wait for me. I’ll be there shortly.”

  Eve sat there and glared at him. Stephen glared back at her. Finally Stephen said, “I will count to three. If you have not started towards the bedroom when I get to three, I will strip you here in the kitchen and turn you over my knee. And when I’m done spanking you in here, I will take you in the bedroom and spank you again. Do you understand?”

  Eve was scared now. Stephen had never spoken to her like this. She felt like she didn’t know this Stephen. She got up and turned towards the bedroom. Stephen spoke again, more sharply this time. “Answer me, Eve. Do you understand?”

  “Yes! Yes, I understand! Can’t you see I’m heading for the fucking bedroom?”

  Stephen shook his head, “There’s that bad attitude again. Eve, I’m afraid you have a lot to learn.”

  Eve went into the bedroom without saying anything more. She would only get herself into more trouble with this new version of her husband. She kicked off her shoes, slipped out of her jeans and then the panties. Stephen hadn’t said anything about her top so she left in on and smiled to herself when she realized that this particular top was long enough to cover her ass.

  She looked at the corner she was ordered to stand in and realized that Stephen had planned this standing in the corner punishment earlier. His dresser was moved over a little more and there was a small empty space where the corner of the dresser used to be much closer to the corner of Stephen’s nightstand. Now there was enough room for her to slip into the corner.

  How humiliating this was; standing here waiting for him to come in and do whatever he was planning to do to her. She knew she was in for another spanking and suspected that this one might be worse than the first one. She hoped there was nothing more he had in mind.

  She glanced at the clock; she’d been standing in the corner for about ten minutes now. Then she heard him come into the room and sit on the bed.

  “I asked you to stand in the corner with your bottoms off so your ass would be naked. Please take that shirt off now.”

  Eve complied without saying a word. Her stomach was in knots and her legs were trembling.

  “Thank you,” He said. “Now come here to me.”

  Eve approached him warily and when she was within reach, he pulled her close to his side and asked, “Do you know why I am punishing you now?”

  Eve nodded and whispered, “Yes.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Because I’ve been a naughty girl.”

  “Yes, Eve. That is correct. But I would like you to tell me specifically what naughty things you have done to deserve this punishment.”

  “I swore.”

  “Yes, you did. What else did you do that you shouldn’t have?”

  “I told you that you’re nuts.”

  “Yes, actually I had forgotten that one. What else?”

  “I yelled and was snippy with you.”

  “Very good. It’s important that you know why I am punishing you. It’s the only way you will learn to not behave in that manner again. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  “All right then, we have three reasons you are being punished and as I’ve promised, your spanking will be only as much as you deserve. Nothing more, but also nothing less.”

  Stephen moved his legs slightly apart and pulled his wife over his knees. Just like the first time, he positioned her so her ass was centered on his lap. His hand gently caressed her smooth buttocks. He was happy to see the redness from the first spanking had faded completely. Her ass would be even redder this time. His research on domestic discipline had suggested that five spanks per infraction was the proper amount.

  He lifted his hand high and brought it down on her ass quickly and sharply. Eve sucked in her breath but refused to yell. He whacked her again and again. She wondered how many times he planned to strike her.

  Again his heavy hand landed on her ass. She wished she had counted the spanks. The pain was getting worse with each blow. There was no part of her behind that had not already felt the force of his hand. Now each smack was being repeated on an already sore and tender spot.

  Stephen paused and said. “That’s ten. Five more and we’ll be done.”

  “No! Stephen please! I can’t take five more. Please stop! I promise I will be good.” She begged. “I’ll do what you ask. Please don’t spank me anymore.”

  “Your punishment will be over in five more spanks. You can and you will take these five spanks.”

  Before Eve could beg anymore, Stephen brought his hand down on her ass five more times. Mercifully, he did it quickly. Unmercifully, Eve was sure he struck her harder each time.

  When he was done, she was crying. Stephen turned her over and held her close on his lap, gently rubbing her back and telling her how much he loved her.

  Eve just continued sobbing until she fell asleep in his arms. Stephen tucked her into bed, slipping his hand between her legs. Yes, she was wet. As much as she said she didn’t think she wanted anymore of the punishment, it did arouse her.

  His cock was hard and he wanted to make love to her, but she was exhausted. He would love her in the morning. For now, he found some lotion and gently rubbed it on her apple red ass.



  Eve awoke to her bottom being softly caressed. Then Stephen was raining light little kisses on her butt cheeks. She moaned and tried to roll over but Stephen held her on her stomach. “Just stay like this, baby.”

  He lifted her hips so her ass was up in the air and moved her knees further forward and further apart. Now her rear was up high and her head and shoulders were on the bed. She felt completely exposed in this position and tried to move.

  “I said stay, Eve. I’m going to fuck you and make your pussy come. You’re already wet and ready for my cock.”

  She didn’t say anything and did as she was told. Last night’s spanking had been harder and she was sure there were more spanks applied than the last time. Her ass must be flaming red; it was still burning from the many times Stephen had brought his hand down on her. The cool air from the ceiling fan was actually soothing on her tingling butt.

  Stephen moved closer to Eve and caressed her pussy. He slipped two fingers in and found it very wet. He stroked that wetness up to her clit and massaged it in circles, every now and then tweaking it with a slight pinch.

  Eve moved her bottomed towards Stephen, letting him know she wanted more. His other hand moved to pinch a nipple. She felt the tip of his cock at the entrance to her pussy and pushed backwards. But Stephen teased her. He would enter her only slightly and then withdraw almost completely. With each stroke he pushed in a little deeper. It was driving her crazy. He was playing with her breast with one hand, her clit with the other hand, and his cock was teasing her pussy. She needed him all the way inside her. As he pushed into her, she slammed back so he would be fully inside her.

  Stephen had not expected this move, and he suddenly held her in place as his body shuddered with his release. Eve came in multiple waves of pleasure, crying out in ecstasy.

  They collapsed together and Stephen pulled her close. “Eve, the sex just keeps getting better. I want to stay home with you and fuck you all day.”

  She smiled into his shoulder and said, “Mmm…that would be nice. But what about your customers?”

  “I know, I’m getting up and heading in the shower.”

  Eve rubbed her hand over his broad chest, tweaking his nipples, and then sucking on one. Stephen moaned and said, “Enough of that, I’ve got to go.”

  She moved her hand down his belly and found his cock had grown hard again. “I want one more fuck before you go.” Eve said as she straddled him and lowered herself onto his shaft. She leaned forward to take as much of him into her as possible and Stephen lifted his head to suck greedily on one breast while his hand massaged the other one. Faster and faster; Eve pumped up and down like a piston. Her clitoris was stimulated by his hard cock with every stroke. She could feel the slight throbbing of his cock and knew he would come in a few seconds. Stephen suddenly stiffened and then shuddered. In that moment he sucked almost violently hard on Eve’s nipple and she exploded in a sheer, mind numbing orgasm.


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