Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3) Page 4

by Holla Dean

  While Stephen was in the shower, Eve laid on the bed for a few more minutes reveling in the aftershocks of her incredible orgasms. When she sat up, she felt the burning of her behind and quickly stood to relieve the stinging. She grabbed her short cotton robe and went into the second bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she turned around and lifted her robe. Holy shit! Her ass was not pink, it was fire engine red! No wonder she couldn’t sit down without pain. She shook her head, and wondered what the hell she had started with those damn spanking emails.

  In the kitchen she made some quick scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. The coffee was ready in a minute with their new single serving coffee machine. On the counter two cardboard boxes and a bag of thawed out frozen veggies were sitting in a small puddle of water.

  They never had dinner last night. Stephen had apparently forgotten about dinner once he felt that she was due another punishment. No wonder she was so hungry this morning. Eve tossed the meals in the garbage along with the thawed out frozen vegetables. Next, she made Stephen his lunch of a healthy turkey sandwich with low fat cheese, low fat mayo, and mustard. She prepared a small container of baby carrots, cucumber slices, sliced bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes to go with the sandwich. She put everything in an insulated lunch bag and popped it in the fridge until Stephen was ready to go.

  When Stephen came into the kitchen, dressed and ready for work, he sat down at the table and started eating breakfast. Eve sat down opposite him but immediately jumped up again. “Shi..oot! I can’t even sit down, Stephen.”

  She went to the bedroom before he could respond, and grabbed her down pillow. Eve hoped Stephen hadn’t noticed that she almost said shit before correcting herself and turning it into shoot.

  Back in the kitchen, she placed her down pillow on the chair and sat down to eat.

  “Nice save,” Stephen said. “For a second there I thought we’d have grounds for more punishment.”

  “Stephen, we’re going to have to talk about this. I can’t go around for days not being able to sit down comfortably.”

  “It will get better, Eve. You will learn and your punishments will become lighter and less often.”

  How insufferable can he get? He’s not even sorry for the pain he’s causing me! And why do my insides have to quiver so deliciously every time he mentions more punishments?

  Eve didn’t say anything for fear of sounding snippy or sarcastic. Stephen finished eating and took his dishes to the sink. He opened the fridge and grabbed his lunch bag. Then he came over to Eve and rubbed her shoulders. He bent down, kissed her neck and said, “I love you. Now remember the rules we spoke about last night are in force. I’ll be working on the rest of them today and will bring home the list tonight. Be good.”

  And with that, he walked out to the garage, got in his car, and went to work.

  At his shop, Stephen quickly checked his website for orders and his email. Since he had requested to be removed from SpankMeNow’s list, there were no more suggestive emails concerning spankings.

  Stephen took care of his orders and then sat at his computer putting together his list of rules for Eve. This took him a long time. He visited several websites and blogs that discussed domestic discipline and certain tools he could purchase to aid in disciplining his wife. There were suggestions for the list of rules, some of which he thought were ridiculous. But he saw the sense of several and included them in his list.

  General rules

  No swearing other than in the bedroom during sex.

  No poor attitudes - snippy, impatient, or sarcastic.

  No overly sexy clothing worn out in public.

  Always be respectful to your spouse.

  No lying.

  When going out, check in regularly.

  No excessive spending.

  No procrastinating, get your work done.

  Clean up after yourself.

  Good hygiene.

  No embarrassing behavior in public.

  No temper tantrums.

  Keep house clean and free of clutter.

  Hold still during spankings.

  Cooperate throughout all punishments.

  No infidelity.

  Health and safety rules

  No swimming when home alone.

  Doors to be locked when home alone.

  Proper diet, exercise, and sleep.

  No risky behavior when home alone. This includes climbing on ladders to change light bulbs, lifting heavy articles from closet shelves, and similar activities that could cause an accident and/or harm.

  No drinking alcohol to excess.

  No smoking or drugs.

  Obey all traffic laws.

  No texting while driving.

  Below the list was a notation that rules could change and/or be added as the need arose. And below that was an explanation of what punishment could be expected.

  Breaking any general rules would warrant a hand spanking of a severity to be determined by the head of the household. Hand spanking may or may not be followed by paddling, the number of which to be also determined by the head of the household. If two or more general rules were broken at the same time, such as a bad attitude with swearing, there would be a more severe spanking administered that would definitely include paddling.

  Breaking any health and safety rules would be cause for the same punishment as above, but the spanking would be much harder and longer depending on severity of the infraction.

  Should several rules be broken requiring more severe punishment than reasonable in one session, these will be spread out over several sessions to be determined by the head of the household.

  Standing in the corner is to be viewed not as punishment but as time to reflect upon the infractions committed and consider ways to prevent future violations that result in punishment.

  Stephen had more research to do and was sure that there would be additional rules added, but he felt this was an excellent start. Eve needed a strong hand to rein her in. He was sorry he had not taken her over his knee fifteen years ago when they were first married. But it would all be remedied now.

  He felt so much better since undertaking the task of Eve’s discipline. He felt more like a man, more confident and secure in his role as head of his household.

  Stephen couldn’t wait to get home and ask Eve if she’d been good today. The paddle he ordered online a few days ago had just arrived and he wanted to show it to Eve so she would know exactly what would be used for the more severe punishments.

  He expected her to protest the use of the paddle, but she would have to understand the rules were in place for her benefit, that the health and safety rules were the most important and as such, breaking them required a more severe punishment.

  While Stephen was busy with his list of rules, Eve spent a mostly uncomfortable day around the house. She couldn’t sit at her computer for long, even with the down pillow cushioning her butt. She worked for a while on her ipad while laying on her side, but that was comfortable for only a short time as well.

  She finally put on some loose shorts and a top and went outside to work on the yard. She pulled weeds, trimmed a few plants, filled the hummingbird feeders with more sugar water, and hosed off the pool deck. When she was done, she was hot and sweaty and the pool beckoned to her. Without even thinking about it, she stripped down to her bra and panties and dove in.

  Before she even hit the water, she realized that she had just broken Stephen’s new no swimming when home alone rule. Shit. Shit. Shit. Now what? She swam to the other end and started to get out but then thought, what the hell. I’ve already broken the rule and if he finds out I’m in for a walloping. I might as well get my swim in since I’m already in the water.

  Eve swam twenty laps and then did fifteen minutes of water aerobics before getting out of the pool. She picked up her shorts and shirt, and went into the house to shower. After blow drying her hair and reapplying her makeup, she dressed in clean clothes and then ran to the grocery store to pick up some chicken and fresh veg
etables for dinner. Her menu would consist of baked chicken breasts with some fresh steamed broccoli. For desert she bought some churned ice cream that claimed it was lower in fat.

  Once she was back home she laid down on her stomach for a nap. She was tired from the yard work, her swim, and the trip to the grocery store. She could get in a nap of about an hour or so before she had to start making dinner.

  Eve was still sleeping when Stephen came home. He entered the kitchen through the garage door and was a little surprised that Eve wasn’t working on dinner. The house was quiet and he walked into the living room. She wasn’t there and he took a look in her office. Next, he went into their bedroom and found her sound asleep on her belly. He smiled at the thought that her ass was too sore for her to sleep on her back.

  She’d had a rough time last night with her punishment. He wasn’t starving; he could wait for dinner and let her sleep a little longer.

  Stephen went into the bathroom to change into a t-shirt and pajama bottoms. On the floor of the bathroom there was a pair of wet panties near the shower. Next to the panties was a wet bra. Why were they wet?

  Stephen went out of the bedroom and stepped outside in the yard. He could tell that Eve had done some yard work and he knew that she often jumped in the pool after doing yard work to cool off. In this summer heat, the wet deck would dry quickly; he couldn’t prove she’d been in the pool. But this was as good a time as any to see if she’d risk lying to him. It was time to wake the sleeping princess. He checked her wet bra and panties and found they had a definite chlorine smell. Eve had been in the pool.

  “Eve! Wake up, I’m home.” Stephen said as he walked back into the bedroom.

  Eve was startled and woke up immediately. “Oh, Stephen. You surprised me. I meant to take a short nap and then start dinner. I’ll do it right now.”

  “Not so fast, Eve” Stephen said as she stood up. “I have a few things to ask you first.”

  “Okay. I’m all ears, honey.” Eve kept her voice calm, but inside she knew that new stern quality of his voice meant trouble for her backside.

  “Tell me how your day was.”

  “Well, my butt was too sore to sit much so I didn’t do a lot of work. But I did some yard work and went to the store for a few things to make dinner.”

  “Did you do anything else? And I’ll remind you about the rule against lying.”

  Shit, he knew and he was just waiting for her to lie to him so he could whale away on her already aching ass.

  “Stephen, I wouldn’t lie. When I was done with the yard work, I was so hot and sweaty that I took off my shorts and top and dove into the pool. I didn’t even think about it, it’s what I’ve always done.”

  Stephen nodded, pleased that she had told him. But now he asked, “Were you going to tell me?”

  Eve shook her head, “No, not unless you asked.”

  “And you don’t think that would have qualified as a lie?”

  “No, it wouldn’t. It would have just been something I didn’t mention.”

  “It would have been a lie of omission, Eve. As such, it requires punishment.”

  “Stephen, please. Don’t. I’m sorry and it won’t happen again. I was just so hot and sweaty and all this is so new to me. I just didn’t think. Please forgive me this once.”

  Stephen moved towards her and said, “I accept your apology, however I cannot let it go. If I do, you won’t learn.”

  In one quick movement, he sat on the bed, pulled her across his lap and delivered five very hard, very quick spanks to her ass.

  When he was done he said, “I know your bottom is sore and very red from last night’s punishment. That’s why I allowed you to keep your shorts on. Do not expect much of that in future punishments. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  “Good.” He hugged her and kissed her. “Come on, I’ll help you make dinner.”

  After dinner, Stephen opened his briefcase and pulled out his list of rules and a long thin box. He carried these to the living room and then came back into the kitchen and said, “Honey, when your all done cleaning up in here, please come to the living room. I have a few things to show you and talk over with you.”

  Eve nodded her assent, but didn’t speak.

  Stephen asked, “Did you hear me, Eve?” There was that damn warning edge of steel in his voice again.

  “Yes, I heard you. I’ll be there as soon as I finish the dishes.” She hoped Stephen didn’t hear the shortness in her tone. She wasn’t sure her bottom could take any more spanking today. Two spankings in barely more than twenty-four hours were taking a toll on her ass.

  “I hope that wasn’t an attitude coming across in your answer.” He warned her.

  “I’ll just be minute,” She replied. If she said she didn’t have an attitude she’d be lying and get spanked. If she admitted to an attitude she’d get spanked. There was no winning so she just avoided the attitude issue.

  In the living room, Stephen laid out the two copies of the rules so they could easily go over them together. He took the lid off the thin box and put it under the bottom of the box, exposing the new paddle for Eve to see when she joined him.

  “What did you want to show me, honey?” Eve asked as she came into the room. She stopped suddenly, just short of the coffee table, and stared at the paddle.

  “What’s that?” She inquired warily.

  “It’s the paddle we will use to spank you for your more severe punishments.”

  “What!? There’s no fucking way you’re gonna whale on my ass with that thing. You have completely lost your fucking mind!”

  Stephen merely looked at her with a frown. He had expected some negative reaction from her, but this was a bit excessive. He remained calm though, and said, “Eve, come sit down next to me.”

  She didn’t want to. She thought he was far too calm. In the bedroom, he had so quickly flipped her over his lap and administered the five hard spanks that it was over before she realized what was happening.

  “Eve, I asked you to come sit down next to me.”

  “I’d rather not, Stephen.” She answered. “I’ll sit in the chair.

  Stephen could see she was scared. He didn’t want his wife to be afraid of him. He spoke calmly, “Eve, stop it. I’m not going to spank you for the swearing now. Come here and sit beside me.”

  Eve did as he asked and Stephen put his arm around her shoulder and said, “Let’s not talk about this anymore tonight. Let’s just watch some television, relax for a while, and then go to bed. Would you like that?”

  Eve nodded her head. With her voice quavering, she asked, “Are you going to spank me for swearing when we go to bed?”

  “No, sweetheart. Not tonight,” he said. “I probably should be more consistent and give you the spanking, but we’ll let it go for now.”

  “Thank you, Stephen. You know that I do love you, don’t you?”

  “I love you too, babe.” He kissed her and held her close for a while. Then he put the lid back on the slim box that held the paddle, put the rule lists away, and turned on the television.



  Stephan spent the next few days researching websites for this kind of lifestyle. He decided he needed to take things a little slower, his wife was scared and she needed to trust him. Eve had been speaking very respectfully to him the last few days. He had not spanked her again. They had made love every night since that last spanking, and it was incredible. He didn’t understand it, but it seemed like they were both constantly on fire. They made love at night and again in the morning. It was like they were newlyweds again.

  Every moment he had free at work was spent on domestic discipline websites. He didn’t like most of them. There was so much information that he was almost overwhelmed. Some of them appeared to take this domestic discipline idea and use it to justify abuse. When Stephen read some of the comments on these sites, it seemed some of the men expected complete subjugation of the wife.
br />   That’s not for us, he thought. Eve needed some behavior modification, she needed to be a little more respectful of him, she needed to improve her attitude, and not be so snippy or sarcastic when she was irritated.

  Eve worked and made a nice income with her photography, but her personal office where she worked on her photo compositions was a mess. The weekly maid service they used wasn’t allowed in there, Eve worried things would get misplaced or photos would get mixed up. There were so many piles of paper covered with dust. All her shelves had a layer of dust on them. She often complained of seeing silverfish when she moved papers around. Stephen couldn’t exterminate well with all the piles of paper everywhere. She made no effort to clean it. Maybe he could work that into his plan. Of course, this whole thing was supposed to be consensual and if Eve didn’t agree to it, then it wasn’t going to happen.

  He liked the idea of the four D’s that some of the websites talked about. Disrespect, dishonesty, danger, disobedience were not allowed. And that applied to both spouses, not just the wife. But he in no way expected her to call him ‘sir’ or become totally submissive to his every whim and wait on him hand and foot. Eve was an intelligent woman, she was bright and funny, brilliant with a camera in her hands, and there was no way he wanted to subdue those things in her. She would never agree to that kind of relationship, nor did he want that.

  He thought it was funny that so many of these sites referred to spanking as being the main punishment for any misbehavior or breaking of the rules, and yet all of these sites included all sorts of implements with which to accomplish the spanking.


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