Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3) Page 5

by Holla Dean

  To Stephen the definition of a spanking was to spank someone on their bottom with your hand or possibly a paddle. But many of these sites spoke about whips, belts, straps, hairbrushes, canes, and other items. Stephen didn’t think that wasn’t spanking. If you spanked with a whip, it was a whipping. Spanking with a belt or strap was also a whipping. If you spanked with a cane, it was a caning, not a spanking.

  He believed those were all more severe than a spanking and to his way of thinking bordered on BDSM (bondage, discipline, slave, master or sado/masochism).

  When these websites spoke about alternative punishments they talked about standing in the corner and bedroom time, which was the basically the same as corner time in which the wife was to reflect on her misbehavior. The more Stephen read about these things the sorrier he became that he had made Eve stand in the corner. He decided he would never do that again. It was humiliating and he did not want to humiliate Eve. He would apologize to her.

  Other alternative punishments were washing her mouth out with soap or putting hot sauce on her tongue. This apparently was offered as a good choice when your wife was acting like a brat or ‘smarting off’ to you. Stephen knew that was not for them.

  If you were in a situation where you could not spank immediately, there was the option of a ‘silent spanking.’ Spreading capsaicin cream on her buttocks would give her the same burning feeling as a sound spanking would. This suggestion came with a warning about not using too much, apparently the burn could get quite nasty. It was also recommended for the spanker to use gloves for the application of the cream.

  As he continued to do his research, Stephen discovered no less than seventeen kinds of spankings to keep your wife in line. Many of these appeared to be used for the same purpose but given different names and Stephen could only imagine that some men were using them as an excuse to spank their wives more often.

  The most obvious type of spanking was of course the punishment spanking. This spanking would be used to punish the misbehavior in an attempt to discourage a repeat offense of the same type. It was recommended that this type of spanking be appropriately painful for the misdeed that necessitated it.

  However, before administering the punishment spanking, it would be wise to conduct a warm-up spanking. This would insure the nerves lying under the surface of the skin would come closer to the surface and allow the wife to take more strikes during the punishment phase. A warm-up spanking was also useful to help reduce or eliminate bruising. Stephen did see the logic of this. If he was going to spank Eve, he certainly didn’t want to cause her any bruising.

  There were maintenance spankings which were to maintain your wife’s good behavior, they would be lighter and less intense than punishment spankings, they were meant to just ‘maintain’ good behavior between punishment spankings. Stephen thought these were unnecessary, he felt if spanking was to be a part of your marriage, it should be done only when justified. This just gave the husband another excuse to spank his wife.

  Then there were reminder spankings which were also light spankings. They were used to remind the wife that she had a punishment spanking coming, but for one reason or another you could not give her the full punishment spanking at this time. One example given was when you were on vacation or staying with friends or family and your wife has committed some spankable offense and you couldn’t carry out the punishment. Spanking is a loud process, so in these situations you would do a light reminder spanking to remind her nightly that she had a full blown punishment spanking coming once you got back home. That would hopefully keep her from committing any additional infractions until you were back in your own home and could discipline her accordingly.

  Yeah, right, Stephen thought, just another excuse to spank your wife for no reason.

  Stephen felt the same way about preemptive spankings. These were to be given just before the wife finds herself in a position where she has repeatedly committed the same offense. Such as going to the mall with a two hundred dollar budget and spending three or four hundred dollars. Stephen wondered how many spanked wives ended up blowing the budget, thinking they’d already received the spanking for the crime. On second thought; no, blowing the budget would still earn the wife a full blown punishment spanking.

  A submission spanking was one where the woman receives a spanking just because the head of the household feels she could benefit from one. The excuses for additional spanking appear to be endless and limited only by the imagination. I can’t do that to Eve.

  Transformational spankings were listed as the most severe spanking, so severe that it transformed the woman into a submissive, obedient, and meek wife. This particular type of spanking Stephen wrote off as outright abuse.

  At this point in his spanking research, Stephen had read enough about abusive practices and was about to stop reading about the various types of spankings when one more caught his eye. This one was known as a swat spanking.

  A swat spanking was meant to be used for immediate ‘on the spot’ correction of a behavior. Instantly put the wife over your knee, lift her skirt, pull down her panties, and deliver five to ten sharp spanks to her buttocks. It was proven to be very effective for wives who you were trying to help break the habit of swearing. Smart mouths could also be quickly stilled with this instant on the spot spanking.

  One thing Stephen did approve of was lecturing prior and/or during the spanking, making sure that the wife knew why she was receiving the punishment, what she had done to receive it, and giving her an opportunity to explain why she had done it and even giving her a chance to suggest another form of punishment if she felt it didn’t warrant a spanking. He liked the lecturing because it did let the wife know the spanking was deserved or earned; he felt it would make the whole process a little easier to accept. He did not think the lecture needed to be the recommended ten or fifteen minutes long. He felt it was enough to simply state what she had done wrong, give her a chance to explain, make sure she admitted to the wrongdoing and then get on with the spanking. That should be sufficient. Stephen also agreed with the recommended ‘aftercare.’ This consisted of consoling the wife after the spanking, telling her everything was all right, that you loved her. The slate was clean and both husband and wife could move on.

  He did not read about any alternative punishments that he thought were acceptable for an adult. Loss of privileges was a punishment for children. What was he going to do? Take her car away? How would she be able to work then? Take her cell phone away? She needed it to communicate with her clients. Send her to the bedroom? It just all seemed too silly to Stephen.

  By mid-afternoon Stephen decided he had done enough research. He was ready to tear up his first list of rules and substitute it with a much shorter one which included nothing more that the four D’s. After all, everything on his original list could fit under the heading of one of the D’s.

  He would go home this evening and after dinner he and Eve would have a long discussion and try to come to some agreement.

  Eve had discovered crock pot cooking. She hated cooking and the convenience of the crock pot was perfect. Decide what you’re going to make, toss all the ingredients into pot in the morning and let it cook itself. Tonight they were having crock pot stroganoff. Stephen would love it. All she had to do was cook some noodles right before dinner.

  She had tried to work in her office. But she couldn’t concentrate on what she was doing. Instead, her mind was occupied with thinking about this new lifestyle Stephen was so anxious to try. The sight of that paddle had freaked her out! Wasn’t Stephen supposed to talk to her about the various aspects of this lifestyle? Wasn’t it supposed to be consensual?

  Stephen had mentioned that he was still doing research and that probably this evening they would talk about everything. It was Friday and Stephen didn’t work tomorrow. He had a part time employee that worked a few days during the week and on Saturdays, giving Stephen both weekend days to spend with his wife.

  It meant they had the entire weekend to discuss th
is. She supposed she should have done some research of her own on the internet. She would need a clear understanding of everything involved before she completely agreed. Eve would listen to what Stephen had to say, ask questions, and then if she needed more information she would look on the internet.

  Eve glanced at the clock and saw that Stephen would be home in less than an hour. She put a big pot of water on the stove to start boiling to cook the whole wheat pasta she needed for the stroganoff.

  Next, she went into the bedroom to brush her hair and put a little make-up on. Regardless of this new lifestyle Stephen wanted to embark upon, she had always taken pride in looking nice when he came home.

  Eve was draining the pasta in the sink when Stephen came home.

  “Hi, honey,” she greeted him. “Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes.”

  “Great, I’m starved,” he said as he walked over to her, took her in his arms, and kissed her. Not the peck on the cheek he usually gave her, but an honest to goodness hot, deep, satisfying kiss that left her wanting more.

  “Wow. What was that for?” She asked him.

  “That was for being the woman I love and want to spend the rest of my life with.” He smiled at her and then went to put his briefcase away and change clothes.

  Eve watched him leave the room. He was so much more attentive lately. He rarely passed by her without touching her in some way. Sometimes at night, if she was working in her office, he’d come in and massage her shoulders. And the kisses he gave her just to say hello and goodbye were more often like the one she just got than a quick peck.

  Did it have to do with how great the sex had been lately? Or was it that he simply felt more in control now that he’d given her a few spankings? She didn’t know, but she liked it. It would be sad if Stephen withheld all that love and affection if they couldn’t come to an agreement about this lifestyle.

  Eve wondered if she should tell him that the original emails about spankings had come from her. Would it be better to come clean and tell him the emails were nothing more than an attempt to add a little spice to what had become a very boring and routine sex life? She had hoped for some playful spankings mixed in with some hot sex. Would he be angry that she hadn’t already told him? Would he think it was another lie of omission? Would it give him a reason to redden her ass again?

  She wasn’t sure she was ready for what he was proposing, but she would hear him out.

  After dinner, Stephen helped with the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. Then he poured some wine and they went to sit on the living room sofa. He removed some papers from his briefcase. There were two copies of the original list of rules and two copies of the new list.

  Eve was nervous, what was he going to say? She was surprised when the first thing he said was an apology.

  “I need to tell you I’m sorry about making you stand in the corner earlier this week before that spanking. I read some blog posts about that kind of punishment and it seems most women who agree to this lifestyle, hate having to stand in the corner. They say it’s humiliating. Eve, I love you and I never wanted or meant to humiliate you. I apologize.”

  Eve almost cried at his heartfelt apology and said, “It was kind of humiliating. Especially with my naked ass…sorry, I mean my naked butt out there on display. I really would rather not do that again. Thank you for the apology, I love you too.”

  Stephen went on to tell her about all his recent web research on the domestic discipline lifestyle. He told her everything he had learned and how he disagreed with so much of it. They even had a few laughs over all the different types of spankings and agreed that most of them stepped over the line and were abusive.

  “I want you to know that I’m not trying to turn you into a meek, submissive wife. I love you as you are. But I do want to be the head of the household and I do want you to treat me with respect.”

  “One thing I’ve learned,” Stephen went on, “is that we can custom tailor this lifestyle to our lives, to what we want out of our lives. We can take only the things that we think will work for us. And if it turns out that something doesn’t work, we can stop it.”

  Eve nodded her head; she could understand what he was saying. She almost hated to admit it but there were things he had mentioned in his research that sounded like it could help their marriage.

  Stephen handed her his original list of rules and smiled when her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “This was my original list and here is the new one.” He handed her the sheet of paper that had four rules written on it, the four D’s.

  “Well, the new one certainly looks more appealing.” Eve said. She was still reading over the first list and had just gotten to the explanations of what the punishments would be. Had he really thought there was any chance she would have agreed to this insane first list?

  When she looked over the second list, it was so simple and looked so easy that she felt it would be no problem to go along with it.

  Stephen said, “I should point out that pretty much everything on the first list could fit under one of those items on the second list. I just felt that we didn’t need every single thing spelled out. But the no swimming rule when you’re home alone stands. That falls under dangerous activities and you know a buddy system is always recommended when swimming.”

  “Okay, I get that. But then I’ll want to swim either in the morning before you leave for work or in the evenings.”

  “That’ll work.” Stephen said.

  “I’m not sure about this no disobedience rule. Does that mean you’re going to start ordering me to get you a beer and if I don’t, you’re going to start whaling on my butt?”

  “No, it doesn’t mean that. I don’t ask you to get my beer now unless you’re already up. I think what it means is that you have to accept me as the head of the household. We’ll still talk everything through like we’ve always done, but if we can’t come to an agreement, instead of having a big argument, I’ll make the final decision and you’ll have to abide by it. Meaning, I’ll take no smart remarks or sarcastic attitudes about it.”

  Eve had another question. “Your first list laid out all the punishments in quite a bit of detail. The new list doesn’t even mention punishments. How come?”

  “Because I thought it would be best if we talked about it and decided punishments together. I think I sort of got a little carried away on the first list.”

  Eve smiled, “Yeah, you kind of did. So what are you proposing now for punishments?”

  Stephen went over all the punishments he’d learned about in his research and told Eve how he felt the majority of them were silly for an adult woman. Most of them gave him a feeling of juvenile school type punishments. Standing in a corner, washing her mouth out with soap, taking away privileges, none of those things seemed appropriate for a grown woman.

  Eve agreed. “But then that seems to leave only one punishment available. Spanking.”

  “That’s true,” Stephen confirmed. “But we can discuss the severity of the spanking for different infractions.”

  “So if I swear, are you going to drag me into the bedroom and spank the crap out of my butt? Is crap a swear word?”

  “You can say crap. No, I will not spank you for one swear word. For swearing, I’d give you a warning. Something like, ‘watch the language, please.’ If you did it again, another warning. On the third time, I’d maybe say ‘this is your last warning on the language.’ And finally, if you continued, I’d have to spank you.”

  Eve tilted her head to one side and asked, “You’d have to spank me?”

  “Well, yes. Eve, if there are no consequences for your actions, then how will we get them under control?”

  “Do I get the same warnings for the disrespect category?”

  “Yes, of course. I think we should be as consistent as possible with this.”

  “What if you’re disrespectful towards me?”

  “Can you remember a time when I’ve ever been disrespe
ctful to you?”

  Shit, no she couldn’t. He always spoke to her calmly and rationally. When he was angry he just stopped speaking until he cooled down.

  “No, you never have been disrespectful to me. What if you violate one of the other rules? Do I get to spank you?

  “No Eve, I do not get spanked.” He spoke sternly; she thought to make sure she got that idea out of her head. “If I break one of the rules, I will admit it to you, apologize, and make amends in some appropriate way.”

  “Doesn’t really seem fair that I’m the only one who gets her ass…uh, butt spanked.”

  “I’m the head of the household, Eve. That’s the way it will be.”

  She sat, nodding her head, thinking about all of this. Was it worth a try? If it kept her marriage from falling apart, then yes, it was worth at least a try.

  “Is there anything else I should know?” she asked.

  Stephen said, “Yes, I have two more things to add. The first one is the condition of your office. You do agree that it’s a total mess and very disorganized, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I know it is and I’ll work on it.”

  “Well, I think we can incorporate the cleaning up of your office into our new life. I suggest that we give you thirty days to straighten it up. If you work on it for just fifteen minutes a day, five days a week, that will add up to just over five hours of work and should do the job. If you don’t have it done in thirty days, then you will receive punishment, the severity of which will be determined by how much of the clean up you have completed.”

  “I need more clarification,” she said. “If I do nothing to my office in thirty days, how severe will the spanking be?”

  Stephen wasn’t sure how to answer that; he hadn’t really thought about it. Should it be by the number of spanks, or by time, or by how hard the spanks were? He made a decision.

  He spoke firmly, “If nothing is done in that room at the end of thirty days, you will receive a spanking of the same severity as the spanking you had earlier this week. It will be adjusted if you are half done, or three quarters done.”


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