Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3) Page 16

by Holla Dean

  On her way back to the clinic, she was adjusting the volume on her radio when she heard the short blast of a siren behind her. She looked up in the rear view mirror and saw the sheriff’s car behind her. She knew she hadn’t been speeding and wondered what he wanted.

  Sheriff Donaldson walked up to her window and asked for license and registration. Then he asked, “Do you know why I’m stopping you, Ms. Mallory?”

  “No, I really don’t. I wasn’t speeding. Are my brake lights out?”

  “Your brake lights appear to be working fine, but you just zipped right on through the school zone without slowing down. You were going thirty miles per hour in a fifteen mile per hour zone.”

  “Oh my god,” Maggie said. “Was there a sign? I didn’t see one. I’m so sorry.”

  “Yes ma’am, there’s a sign posted. I gotta tell you that I’m real glad you’ve finally slowed down your driving around town, but speeding through the school zone is not something I can let slide. I’m gonna have to give you a citation for it.”

  “Yes, Sheriff. I understand, I’m just not sure how missed seeing that sign.”

  Great, she thought to herself, I bet I’m in for a punishment spanking now.”

  She took her citation and stuffed it in her purse and then drove to the clinic. Maggie was not looking forward to tomorrow night when Spence would ask her how the week had been. She wondered if he expected her to tell him about the ticket today. No, she would wait until tomorrow. Especially since she had just opened her Smartphone to record the fast food lunch she had and saw that it was the sixth junk food meal of the week, not the fifth as she had thought.

  Crap, did that mean a double spanking since there were two infractions? She hoped not. She wondered if she could talk Spence out of the spanking. After all, she’d been doing so well; he really should cut her some slack.

  Maggie was thankful that Spence had a full afternoon of appointments. She kept busy with walk-in patients and finally left at about four. Spence would be working until at least six or six thirty. He was going home since he had to work on Saturday and needed to get up early. Maggie wouldn’t see him until Saturday evening when they planned to go out for dinner.

  Saturday was a stressful day for Maggie. She could not stop thinking about what would happen that night. Usually they went out to dinner and then either came back to her place or went over to Spence’s house for the evening. He usually asked her how her week had gone after dinner, while they were driving back.

  Should she just tell him at dinner? No, that would ruin her appetite. Then again, her appetite was going to be ruined anyway. She might as well get it over with and then it would be out there and she could start working on trying to get him to let her out of the punishment spanking.

  When Spence showed up at her door she was ready and they drove to the restaurant in almost complete silence. Maggie tried to get into some small talk by asking how his day had been, but in the end she fell silent.

  Seated at their table, Spence studied her for a few minutes. He thought she looked nervous; maybe even a little scared.

  “What’s on your mind, honey?” He asked. “You seem distracted tonight. Is everything okay?”

  Maggie looked down at the table and shook her head. She didn’t even know how to bring up the subject.

  Spence suspected that perhaps the week had not gone as well as the prior weeks since their agreement on domestic discipline.

  “Maggie? Did you have something happen this week that maybe shouldn’t have happened?”

  “Yes, and I don’t even know how to tell you.”

  “All right, honey. Why don’t we just enjoy dinner and then we can talk about it when we get to my place. It’s not the end of the world, you know.” He reached across the table and patted her hand.

  Maggie felt better after that. Maybe once she explained, he would understand and agree that she didn’t really deserve a spanking. She relaxed and was able to eat her dinner. She was still nervous, but thought she just might get out of being punished.

  The drive to Spence’s house put butterflies back in her stomach. Maggie finally decided that she was not going to worry about it. She had agreed to this and if she had to be punished, she would accept it and get through it.

  Spence poured them both a glass of wine and they sat down on the sofa.

  “Why don’t you tell me what happened, sweetheart?”

  Maggie took a deep breath. “I was doing fine all week until yesterday. Then when I went to get some lunch the sheriff pulled me over on my way back to the clinic.”

  “Were you speeding?”

  “Well, I didn’t think so. But apparently while I was adjusting the radio volume, I missed the school zone sign and so he said I was going over the limit. I was doing thirty in a fifteen zone.”

  “Well, you know you have to watch the changing limits when school is in session. You’ve got to remember to be very careful when you adjust the radio or do anything that distracts you from your driving; it doesn’t take much to have an accident.”

  “That’s not all.” Maggie said. “I had fast food for breakfast yesterday and for lunch. That put me at six times for the week instead of the five we agreed to.”

  “I thought you were keeping track of that on your Smartphone so you wouldn’t go over the five times. What happened?”

  “When I went to enter the lunch in my phone, I realized I hadn’t entered the breakfast stop and that put me over.”

  “What do you think we should do about this?” Spence asked.

  Here was her chance. She just had to present it him in such a way that he couldn’t help but agree.

  “I think I’ve been really, really good up to this point and neither of these things were done intentionally. I was sort of hoping you could see it that way and we could just move on.”

  “You know better than that, Maggie. Try again. What are we going to do about this?” Spence spoke sternly this time. She figured he meant business.

  “I’m really scared, Spence. I’m afraid you’ll be thinking the school zone ticket is cause for a severe punishment and I’m really scared of that.”

  “It does call for a more severe spanking than normal. You obviously weren’t paying attention when you missed the school zone sign and that could have caused all kinds of trouble. Then there’s the fast food issue, and that gets a spanking as well. I’ll go easy on you this time. If you agree to only four fast food meals next week, we’ll skip the spanking for that. Then we’ll only have to spank for the school zone ticket.”

  Okay, she thought, at least that’s something of a break. But I have to try one more time.”

  “Please, Spence. Can you let it go this time? I promise I’ll pay more attention to the school zone from now on.”

  “We need to be consistent, honey. Come on, let’s go upstairs and get this done.”

  Spence took her hand and led her upstairs to his big bedroom. He turned the sheets down on the bed and turned to Maggie.

  “I need you to take your jeans off and lay down on the bed for me. Put a couple of pillows under your hips.”

  “You’re not going to spank me over your knee?” Maggie asked.

  “Not this time. Now lay down.”

  God, she was scared. She slowly took her jeans off and walked towards the bed.

  “Panties off, too.” Spence said.

  For some reason, that command made her pussy contract in anticipation. Why? This was going to be a punishment, not a fun spanking.

  Maggie did as instructed, she lay on her stomach and put two pillows under her hips. Now her ass was up in the air, making an easy target for Spence. Great!

  Spence rubbed her bottom and said, “You know why we’re doing this, right?”

  “Yes,” Maggie murmured, clearly afraid. “Because I didn’t pay attention while driving through the school zone.”

  Spence didn’t want to prolong her fear any longer. He began spanking Maggie with his hand. These were not the playful fun spanks before wil
d, fantastic sex. Spence started right in with firm, stinging smacks to her ass.

  He alternated between cheeks until he counted twenty spanks, ten per cheek. Maggie gasped and yelped with each strike. Damn, these were hurting a lot more than any of the other spankings they’d done.

  Spence took a break for a few seconds, rubbed her pink ass, and then did a quick flurry of five very hard smacks on her left cheek, then repeated those five hard spanks on her right cheek.

  “Ow! Please stop! You’ve made your point!” Maggie begged.

  He ignored her protests and repeated the set of five hard smacks per cheek.

  “Shit! That hurts! Stop it!” Maggie’s ass felt like it was on fire.

  “It’s supposed to hurt, Maggie. I bet it’ll be a while before you forget to pay attention while driving.” Spence rolled her over, and lay down next to her.

  “We’re done now, sweetheart. It’s all over.” He held her close until her heart slowed down and her breathing was back to normal.

  The spanking had not made Maggie cry, but neither was she pissed off like she expected to be. Her ass was burning and stinging, but with Spence holding her, she felt good. There was one thing she wanted to ask about, but she didn’t want to give him any ideas.

  After fifteen minutes or so, Spence asked, “How do you feel? Are you okay?”

  Maggie nodded, “Yeah, I’m okay. I don’t feel like I thought I would. I thought I’d be pissed off at you and was planning on giving you the cold shoulder for the next week or so. But I’m not pissed, I’m feeling okay.”

  “That’s how it usually seems to go. I’m sure you read about it when you were checking out the blogs.”

  “I did, but I thought they were all nuts. I thought no way anyone would be feeling okay after their ass just got blistered.”

  Spence chuckled and asked, “Do you want to go in the loft and watch a movie?”

  “I’d rather have some wild and crazy sex, but I know that’s not going to happen tonight. A movie would be nice. But I have one question that I’m almost afraid to ask.”

  Spence kissed the back of her shoulder and said, “Ask away, sweetheart. You don’t ever have to be afraid to ask me anything.”

  “Okay, remember when we talked several weeks ago? You said for a severe spanking you might use a paddle or a belt rather than your hand. Was this a severe spanking? And if it was, why didn’t you use a paddle? Uh…not that I wanted you to use the paddle.”

  Spence thought for a few minutes before answering. Yes, he knew he should have used the paddle. He explained his leniency.

  “This was not a severe spanking, it wasn’t even moderately severe. I’d say this was just one little step up from a normal punishment spanking. I know what you did wasn’t intentional so I felt we could go lighter on the punishment. I also knew you were scared about this and I just couldn’t bring myself to dole out anymore than what I did. That said; if we have another incident that calls for tough consequences, I will not hesitate to use the paddle or the belt. Nor will I go as easy as I did tonight.”

  Wow! Maggie thought. He said all that very calmly but it sure came across with a lot of steel in his voice. If this was just a little step up from a normal punishment spanking, I don’t want any more.

  “Do you understand, Maggie?” Spence asked when she didn’t respond right away.”

  “Yes, yes I understand.”

  Spence sat up and pulled a bottle of lotion from the nightstand. He poured some in his hand and then rubbed it into Maggie’s burning butt.

  When he was done, he gave her a light smack on the hip and said, “Let’s go start that movie.”

  Maggie spent the night in Spence’s arms. When he woke up on Sunday morning, he had a raging hard on and wanted badly to take her. Instead, he got up and headed for the shower.

  It was too soon after a punishment spanking for lovemaking. Maggie enjoyed their erotic spankings so much that Spence wanted to be sure to keep them completely separate. Tonight would be soon enough for sex, though it sure wouldn’t take much for him to change his mind.

  Maggie woke up alone in the big bed, and heard the shower running. Should she go in and join him? Just as she thought that might be fun, she heard the water turn off. She was too late. Too bad.

  She reached around to feel her ass and was surprised that it still felt warm. When she got up to look in the cheval mirror, she saw it was still very pink. And when she sat down again on the bed, she discovered sitting down hurt.

  Spence came out of the bathroom and smiled when he saw she was awake. He went over to her and gave her a deep kiss that had her wanting more.

  “Why don’t you hop in the shower and I’ll run downstairs and make some of my famous flapjacks?”

  “Sure, that sounds good.” Maggie said. What she really thinking was; so no sex the morning after a real spanking. Bummer.

  When Maggie came downstairs and sat on one of the barstools at the breakfast bar, Spence saw her wince. He went to the sofa and picked up one of the soft throw pillows. Handing it to her, he said, “This’ll ease the soreness when you sit, and it should be gone by tonight.”

  “My tush is still very pink.”

  “That’s good,” Spence said. “It’ll help you remember why you got spanked and what not to do in the future.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll remember.”



  The next five months were pure bliss to Maggie’s way of thinking. In all that time, she had only one real spanking and it was for eating too much junk food. She had had her weekly allotment but wanted more. She decided it was worth a spanking.

  Immediately afterwards, she felt guilty and confessed to Spence. They were in his office at the end of a long shift and everyone else was gone. After Maggie told him what she had done, she asked if he was going to wait until the weekend to punish her.

  “Nope, there’s no time like the present. Come over here and bend over the desk.”

  She had not expected this. “Now!? Here!?”

  “Yep, here and now, sweetheart.”

  Maggie didn’t move. He’s going to spank me over his desk?

  Spence put that hard steel tone in his voice and said, “What part of here and now don’t you understand? I want you bent over my desk and I want you to do it now.”

  Maggie meekly went over to the desk and bent herself over it. She was wearing a white nurse’s dress with a white lacy thong under it.

  Spence lifted the dress up to her waist. Maggie gasped at the feel of cold air on her nearly bare ass. The thong exposed her butt cheeks completely and Spence didn’t see the need to pull it down.

  With his left hand on the small of her back, holding her firmly in place, he used his right hand to deliver several very stinging smacks to her butt.

  She cried out once, but accepted her punishment. After all, she had thought the junk food would be worth the spanking.

  Spence continued with the spanking much longer than Maggie had anticipated it would last. It was also much harder than she had thought it would be. Her ass was on fire again and she thought this was every bit as bad as the last spanking which was for a much more serious thing.

  Finally, he stopped and pulled her dress down. “You can get up now. I know you’re thinking this was worse than you expected. And it was. I can’t have you thinking that anything is worth the spanking you’ll receive.”

  Maggie was close to crying, but she held it in. She understood and she nodded her head. “Wow, that was much worse than I thought it would be.”

  She rubbed her backside, trying to ease the ache. “I suppose I’ll have a day or two of discomfort when I sit down.”

  “That’s the idea, sweetheart. Now give me a kiss and let’s get out of here.”

  Larry called Maggie a few days later to tell her the divorce was final. She was a free woman. Frank had decided not to sell their five acre property and would be buying her out. She’d have a substantial amount of money coming in soon
and Larry suggested she open an investment account.

  Maggie ran to Spence’s office and for once he was not busy with a patient.

  “My divorce is final!” She exclaimed.

  Spence stood up and took her in his arms. He kissed her deeply and said, “You’re mine now, Maggie Mallory. All mine.”

  She smiled at him and kissed him back. “It’s such a relief, Spence. I’m so happy to be done with it, and glad that Frank didn’t fight me on anything. Let’s go out to dinner tonight to celebrate! I’m buying!”

  After dinner, while they were finishing their wine, Spence reached into his jacket pocket and came around to Maggie’s chair.

  He knelt down on one knee, opened the small box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring, and said, “Maggie, I love you with all my heart and soul. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, loving you, and having you love me. Will you marry me, sweetheart?”

  Everyone in the restaurant was watching, but Maggie paid them no mind. She had not expected this. All sorts of things were going through her mind. When did he have a chance to buy a ring? She’d just told him this afternoon that the divorce was final. She’d not even told him yet that she loved him. She did love him, loved him more than anything, but couldn’t tell him until the divorce was final and she knew she was free to love again. She had planned to tell him tonight, when they made love. He loved her; made her feel cherished and cared for, made her feel special. But she never dreamed that he would propose to her so soon.

  All these thoughts zipped through her mind in less than ten seconds. Spence had been holding his breath, waiting and hoping for the response he so desperately wanted and needed.

  She smiled brilliantly at him and said, “I love you, Spence. Yes, I will marry you!”

  He put the ring on her finger while the patrons of the restaurant clapped and cheered. Then he lifted her out of her chair, kissed her hard, and said, “Let’s get the hell out of here.”


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