Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3) Page 17

by Holla Dean

  In the car, Maggie turned to him and asked, “When did you get this gorgeous ring?”

  “I bought it when you agreed to try domestic discipline. I knew I loved you and it was only a matter of time until you were free to marry me.”

  “What if I had said no? That I wasn’t willing to try it? Would you have still wanted to marry me?”

  “Yes, to be honest I didn’t expect you to agree and had already made up my mind to learn to live without domestic discipline if you refused.”

  “So if I wanted to stop, you’d be willing?”

  “We agreed at the start that if you should ever decide it wasn’t for you, we will stop.”

  “I love you, Spence. I love you so much.” She leaned across the console and kissed him. “Take me home now. I want to make love with you.”

  Wedding plans were in the works. It was going to be a small wedding. Just their parents and a few of Spence’s close friends. Maggie had made a few friends in Blue Moon and invited them to attend. The date was set for just two months away.

  About a month before the big day, Maggie was busy sorting through her through her things, packing up what she didn’t use regularly to move it to Spence’s house. She planned to have a garage sale to sell her almost new furniture and other household goods.

  As she worked, she heard some scratching noises from the roof. At first she didn’t pay any attention, but then she heard a distressful meow. She thought she better go out and investigate, maybe some cat was hurt out there and needed help.

  When she went outside, she didn’t see a cat. She didn’t see anything. Maggie looked around for a few minutes and then started to head back inside when she heard the mournful meow again. It was coming from the roof and when she looked up she saw a half grown kitten that appeared to be stuck up there, afraid to come down.

  “Well kitty, how did you get up there? And if you got up there why can’t you get down?”

  Maggie couldn’t think of a way she could help. She tried to coax the kitty into jumping down into her arms.

  “Come on, kitty. I’ll catch you, just jump down and everything will be all right.”

  Of course the little kitten didn’t understand a word and was too frightened to jump. Maggie saw a nearby tree branch hanging over the roof and figured that was how the cat had gotten on the roof, and now it didn’t realize it could just get off the same way.

  Maggie went next door and knocked on the neighbor’s door, but there was no answer. On the other side, was old Mrs. Carter who wouldn’t be any help at all.

  Finally she went into her garage and got out the six foot step ladder she had purchased to hang her new blinds. She set it up at the back of the house where the patio cover was lower than the roof. Maggie figured if she stepped on the top step of the ladder she could pull herself up on the patio cover and from there get on the house roof and get the kitty.

  It worked perfectly. With one of the patio cover support posts to steady her, she got on that top step (the one with the printing that said ‘do not step here’) and managed to get onto the roof. As she wiggled her hips over the edge, her cell phone worked its way out of her pocket and fell to the grass.

  Maggie found it a little bit scary to be on the roof, but she approached the cat and then headed back to where she could slide off the roof to her ladder and get back on the ground.

  But then she had a problem. As she shimmied on her butt to the edge of the roof, she suddenly became afraid to turn around and dangle her legs off the edge. What if she missed the ladder? What if she knocked the ladder over?

  She froze. For the first time in her life she realized she had a fear of heights. Now what? She couldn’t even call for help since her cell phone was down in the grass.

  Maggie sat down on the roof. Sooner or later Spence would call her and when she didn’t answer he would come looking for her. All she had to do was wait.

  Eventually her phone rang and it went to voice mail. It rang again a few minutes later. Then again in ten more minutes. She thought it must be Spence, he’d be coming soon.

  The time went by; it felt like she’d been on the roof for hours. Her phone rang several more times. As she sat there it slowly dawned on her that she was in big trouble. She was in very serious trouble. Surely this little rescue mission of hers was going to fall under the danger rule and Spence was going to spank her. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that not only was he going to spank her, he was probably going to use the paddle on her butt this time. Maybe even the belt. Shit!

  She heard a car on her driveway and she got up and went to the front of the house. Yes! It was Spence. She called down to him.

  “Spence! Up here! I’m stuck on the roof!”

  Spencer looked up at her and his jaw dropped open. “What the hell are you doing up on the roof?”

  “There was a kitty stuck up here and I tried to rescue it, but then I got scared and couldn’t get down. The ladder is in the back by the patio.”

  He gave her a dark look that told her she was in for it now. Then he strode to the backyard. She was there on the patio roof when he climbed up the ladder to help her down.

  For a brief time she even had some hope that he was not angry with her. First he took the little kitten and set it on the ground. The climbed back up and coaxed Maggie gently, told her to roll onto her stomach and slide down. He would guide her feet to the ladder and everything would be all right.

  Once she was down, he hugged her and said, “Get in the house and get what you need for tonight. We’re going to my place.”

  Maggie was afraid to argue with him, he still had that dark look in his eyes. She went and packed a small bag with a change of clothes. When she was ready she said, “I have a couple of boxes that are packed and ready to go.”

  “We’ll take them next time. Let’s go.” Spence replied brusquely.

  During the drive to his house he lectured her. “Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? You used a totally inadequate ladder. Why couldn’t you just leave the damn cat alone? What if I had been too busy to leave the clinic and you were stuck up there for hours? What if I had patients all day and didn’t even have time to call you, much less leave to check on you?”

  He went on and on, never even pausing long enough for her to answer any of his questions. When they pulled into his driveway he finished his tirade by asking, “You do know that you’re getting spanked tonight, don’t you?”

  Maggie pressed her legs together as her pussy betrayed her and quivered in anticipation of a spanking. She nodded and said, “I know. And I’m sorry I did that and caused you to worry, but I just wanted to help the kitty. I don’t want you to spank me when you’re angry.”

  “I’m not angry; I’m just venting all the worry that I had when I couldn’t reach you on your cell phone. Let’s go upstairs.”

  Maggie followed him up the steps to the master bedroom. He took her hand and pulled her to the bed, where he sat down. Without another word, he tugged her down over his knee and began spanking her hard. Spence hadn’t even told her to take her pants off. They were just casual knit pants and didn’t offer her ass much protection, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as a bare-assed spanking.

  As he spanked her he repeated everything he had said in the car. Then he slipped his hand under the waistband of her pants and pulled them down along with her panties.

  “This is going to be a long and hard spanking, Maggie.” And he continued spanking her hard, this time on her bare butt.

  Her butt cheeks clenched together and she whimpered. “Are you…are you going…to…to use the paddle?”

  “Yes, I will be using the paddle when my hand starts hurting too much. And then maybe even the belt.”

  “Spence, no, please, not both of them.” She begged. “I know I have this punishment coming, but please, don’t spank me with both the paddle and the belt.”

  He could hear the fear in her voice and it had the effect she was hoping for. He stopped spanking for a moment and

reached to pull open the nightstand drawer and removed the paddle. He left the belt in the drawer.

  Spence spanked her with the paddle lightly to start with, but built up to harder and harder spanks, and then they started coming faster.

  Maggie gasped and she cried out. “Stop! Please stop! I can’t take any more. Please!”

  Soon she was sobbing openly and clutching the bed sheets. Spence gave her several more strikes and finally stopped, dropping the paddle to the floor as he gathered her in his arms and soothed her.

  He rubbed her ass gently. It was a very bright red and he wouldn’t be surprised if she had some bruising show up the next day.

  Maggie cried in his arms until she fell asleep and then Spence undressed her completely and tucked her in his bed before undressing himself and joining her.

  In the morning, her hot ass was tucked right up to his groin and his cock was hard. He cupped a breast and then his hand traveled down her belly and between her legs. Spence felt the moistness there.

  He thought he really should get up and get in the shower. Sex would not be appropriate now; not so soon after a discipline spanking. But she felt so warm and his cock had already worked its way to her hot, wet opening. All he needed to do was give a little forward thrust and he’d be inside her.

  Maggie woke up, but didn’t move. She felt his hard cock between her butt cheeks, and it was so close to entering her pussy. She wiggled her butt and felt his cock work its way in a little bit.

  Was he teasing her? Last time she had a real spanking here in his house he was in the shower before she woke up. Now he was cuddling and it seemed he was ready to make love.

  “Spence? I thought your rule was no sex after a real spanking.”

  “Yeah, that’s the rule,” he answered. “But your pussy is so wet and my cock is so damn hard, that I think we should break the rule this once.”

  Maggie smiled and thought she’d tease him a little bit. “But what about consistency? Do you think it’s wise to break this rule?”

  Spence heard the teasing tone in her voice and gave it right back to her. “Are you being a smart mouth, Maggie? Am I going to have to paddle your butt again? It’s still looking mighty red this morning; it’d be a shame to have to turn it a darker shade.”

  Maggie giggled and rolled over so she was facing him. “Don’t you dare paddle my ass again! It still stings and feels so hot from last night that I’m almost afraid to look at it.”

  Spence kissed her breasts and began to work his way down, leaving a path of kisses until he reached that sweet, hot spot. He looked up at her and said, “No more spanking for now. Now it’s time for loving and to hell with the rules. I think I’ll keep you in bed all day long.”

  The End



  Francine was nervous as hell. She was a full thirty minutes early for her appointment. What should she do? Park and sit in the car for twenty minutes before going in? Or should she kill some time driving around? No, she was going to park and walk into the hotel. She could kill the time in the lobby. That would be better than driving around and risking being late.

  Brenda, her new boss, had made it clear that she was to arrive at every appointment on time. Not one minute late. Brenda had built her business, Executive Escorts, by running a tight ship. She expected all of her escorts to look and act like professionals.

  They were not to wear any revealing clothes and no heels higher than three and a half inches. Brenda said heels higher than that screamed call girl. If they were dressed like professional business women, they would be able to breeze into any hotel and head for the client’s room without drawing any attention or suspicion as to their real purpose for being there.

  Not that Brenda would ever claim there was another reason for her ladies to be going to strange men’s hotel rooms besides simply serving as an escort. Brenda didn’t want to know any details of what went on when the ladies were escorting their clients to dinners and other business events. She specifically didn’t want to know about anything that went on in the client’s hotel room.

  The fee Brenda charged was three hundred dollars an hour for her escorts. She took a third of it and the escort would keep the remaining two hundred.

  What an escort did with the client was their business. Brenda simply served as a service for executives to find someone to have dinner with, take to a business dinner event, and sometimes even just for a tour of the area. The fee was for the escort’s time. What was done in that time was not Brenda’s concern.

  Francine sat in the hotel lobby and looked at her watch. Fifteen more minutes to go. She would wait ten more minutes and then take the elevator up to the eighteenth floor and knock on Joe Ryan’s door.

  This would be her fourth escort appointment since she made the decision to get in this business. It had not been easy to make up her mind about this, but it was the quickest way to earn enough money to support herself and her two little girls while she went to nursing school. It also had the most flexibility for scheduling.

  Thank goodness for her mother, Gail, who watched the girls for her while she went to school. Francine felt very bad every time she lied and told her mother that she was going to the library to study. She’d also lied and said she got a job at an internet company a few nights a week. That was sort of true, since the escort service did have a website and even made appointments on their site. Or so she tried to tell herself.

  Francine had serious doubts that this appointment would be as easy as the previous three had been. All three of those had been pure luck for her.

  The first one was a guy named Steve who was so friendly that he put Francine at ease right away. He was an older guy, maybe about sixty-five or seventy. Steve knew how the game was played and paid her right up front with three one hundred dollar bills that she put in her purse. Then they’d sat on the small sofa in his room and just talked for about thirty minutes or so. Eventually he had unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. It was already hard and Steve took Francine’s hand and put it on his shaft. Then he guided her hand up and down with his hand. In less than ten seconds, Steve spurted his cum and it was all over.

  When Francine suggested they give him a little time to rest and then try again, Steve said, “It’s nice of you to offer, sweetheart. But I’m not a young kid anymore. Once is all I’m up for in one night.”

  Francine felt bad for him, but she didn’t really know what else she could do. To tell the truth, she was kind of relieved that she had not had to have sex with him. She stayed the full hour, even a little over, and then Steve gave her another hundred dollar bill ‘for being such a nice girl’ and offering him a chance to try again.

  When Francine left Steve’s room, she immediately called the office to report she was out of the appointment, safe, and on her way to her car. That was another rule of Brenda’s. Always check in upon arrival and again when you were completely out of the room. If the client ended up wanting more time, then that had to be reported as well. The rules were there for the safety of the ladies and Brenda insisted they all follow this rule.

  Her second appointment was a man named Vinnie who was about fifty and more than a little bit overweight. Francine wondered how she was going to manage to have sex with this guy. She thought he must have weighed over three hundred fifty pounds and there was no way she was going to let him get on top of her. She didn’t think it could work even with her on top of him.

  He paid her up front, she checked in with the office, and when she got off the phone he was already undressed and laying on the bed.

  “You don’t have to bother getting undressed honey,” he told her. “I’m too big for anything but a blow job.”

  Francine dug a condom out of her purse and the flavored gel to kill the taste of the latex. She expertly (due to the numerous times she’d practiced on a banana) slipped it on his fairly small dick and then knelt between his legs. A little squirt of strawberry gel and she closed her eyes and went to work.

  It didn’t take him long; he came in just a few minutes. He patted her head and said, “Thanks honey, that was great. Just what I needed tonight.”

  He sat up and then made his way to the restroom to dispose of the condom. He was in there for a long time, more than ten minutes. Francine was wondering if she should knock on the door and ask if he was okay. Finally, he came out and they chatted for a few more minutes.

  Francine wasn’t sure what to do. He’d paid for an hour and she’d been there for less than thirty minutes. Some of the more experienced girls had told her she could leave once she got the guy off as long as she didn’t act like she was rushing him. But she didn’t feel right about doing that. The other girls had also told her a client gets to get off only once, if he wants more he’s gotta pay more.

  Vinnie solved her dilemma by saying, “I gotta get some sleep, Frannie. Thanks for coming by.” He patted her on the leg and got up to walk her to the door.

  “Thank you, Vinnie. Have a good night.” She said as she walked out the door. Down in the lobby, she made her phone call to check out and then went home. One appointment for each night she worked was all she wanted to do for now. Her plan was to work three nights a week.

  Her third call was the easiest of all so far. Dave let her in, took care of the finances and then asked her to sit next to him while he finished watching the replay of some game. Francine was a little leery of this man. He reeked of liquor and was slurring his words. She hoped he wasn’t going to give her a hard time.

  They sat there for about fifteen minutes and when the show was over Francine turned to Dave and found that he was passed out. She nudged him, spoke to him, and tried to wake him up. But he was out. He was breathing and Francine even checked his pulse to make sure he was okay. Then she switched channels on the TV and watched a sitcom until her hour was up. The last thing she wanted was for Dave to wake up, find her gone, and feel like he was cheated.


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