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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

Page 19

by Holla Dean

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  And then finally, gentle circles were being drawn with Joe’s palm on her sore behind. She sniffed a little bit.

  “Thank you. For stopping, I mean.”

  Joe laughed, “Oh, I thought you were thanking me for the spanking.”

  His fingers wandered down over the back of her thighs and nudged her legs apart. Her panties were in the way and he pulled them all the way down and slipped them off one leg. Now he could spread her legs apart more.

  His fingers climbed back up along the inside of her thighs and soon reached her soaking pussy. Joe couldn’t wait much longer. He flipped her over onto the bed and undressed her completely. Then he stood up and slipped out of his clothes.

  Francine’s eyes widened at the sight of his engorged cock. It wasn’t that he was too big in length; she’d guess that he was just a little bit above average there, but the girth of his cock was more than she would have thought possible.

  Would she be able to take that enormous thickness into her pussy? Don’t be silly, she told herself. Of course I can, I’ve had two children, and it’ll fit inside just fine. Besides, I want it inside me, filling me up.

  Joe knelt between her legs and lifted her legs up, exposing her reddened bottom. He kissed it, his lips feeling the heat of her skin from the long spanking he’d just given her. He kissed her inner thighs and then plunged his tongue inside her pussy and lapped at her wetness. When he licked the full length of her slit and sucked her clit into his mouth, Francine bucked her hips and exploded in a flood of sensations as her orgasm ripped through her body.

  She lay there panting, trying to catch her breath as Joe kissed his way up her stomach, over her ribs, and took each nipple in his mouth and suckled. The fingers of one hand were busy working their magic on her pussy. Two fingers entered her pussy and stroked the front wall of her vagina setting off the sensitive nerves of her G-spot.

  He continued trailing kisses in the wake of his lips as they left her nipples and moved over her collar bone and up the side of her neck to just below her earlobe. He trailed across her jaw to the corner of her mouth and kissed her deeply, his tongue finding and tasting hers.

  Joe’s fingers slid in and out of her soaking pussy, pulling the wetness over her clit and then sinking back deep inside her cunt to stroke her G-spot and make her come again. His cock was about to burst, he needed to get inside her.

  Quickly, he grabbed a foil packet from the night table and ripped it open. He rolled the condom onto his cock and then impaled Francine in one hard thrust. She met that thrust and together they paused for a second, their eyes open and looking at each other, before he began pounding relentlessly into her.

  Joe slipped his arms under her legs and positioned them over his shoulders causing him to sink into her even deeper.

  Francine’s head moved side to side as the tension mounted within her. She’d lost count of how many times he’d made her come already. Once with his mouth, and at least three, maybe four times with his fingers stroking that spot inside her pussy. She was going to come again, but this felt so fucking good that she didn’t want to come too quickly.

  Each hard, deep thrust stroked her clitoris and brought her closer to the precipice. She felt Joe stiffen just a bit and knew that he would come soon. Francine let herself go at the same moment as Joe and they come together in a searing, blinding release.

  Joe collapsed on top of Francine but immediately rolled to his side, taking her with him. Slowly, he withdrew his cock from her still quivering pussy. He removed the condom and dropped it to the floor.

  Francine was getting dressed when her smart phone alerted her to a text message. She looked at the screen and saw that it was the service reminding her that Joe’s time was up and she was due to check in and let them know she was out of the call.

  She answered quickly saying she was just leaving and would call when she was in her car.

  “I’m sorry,” she told Joe. “That was the service; they’ll expect to hear from me in less than ten minutes or they’ll charge another hour. I better go.”

  Joe threw his clothes on and said, “I’ll walk you to your car, I want to talk to you.”

  On the way to her car Joe asked if she had made enough money that evening to not have to work for the following week.

  “Yes, I did. And I want to really thank you for it. It means I can spend a little more time with my girls.”

  “That’s good, Francine. I don’t want you working this week. I’ll be back next week and I’ll request you as my escort when I call the service.”

  Francine liked Joe and she truly appreciated the amount of money he’d spent tonight for her company. But she had mixed feelings about the spanking thing. It hurt! At the same time, she couldn’t deny that she’d been aroused. She was so ready for sex at the end of that spanking and it seemed that her hot, rosy ass made her want the sex even more.

  What gave her doubts was that he had not stopped when she had begged repeatedly. He had promised her he would, but then had just ignored her and continued smacking her ass.

  “Joe, why didn’t you stop spanking me when I asked you to? You promised you would.”

  He looked at her in astonishment. “You never used the safe word.”

  Oh god, she had forgotten the safe word! What an idiot she was! After he had made it clear that he wouldn’t stop just because she said stop. She couldn’t even remember now what the safe word was. Something about red?

  “I forgot about it.” She confessed.

  Joe gave a short laugh. “The safe word is very important, Francine. It’s to keep you safe, especially when I don’t know you well enough to recognize any subtle signs of distress. I apologize if I didn’t impress that on you.”

  “No, it’s not your fault. You did tell me about it and I simply forgot. It was an entirely new experience for me and I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “Perhaps another spanking will improve your memory,” he joked.

  “My ass will be remembering the spanking you gave me tonight for the next few days. No need for another one so soon.”

  “Then you’ll accept my request next week? Will you be able to spend another four hours with me?”

  Francine looked at him and thought of everything that had transpired that evening. She had enjoyed the entire time she spent with him. Other than those few moments when she needed him to stop smacking her ass and she’d forgotten the safe word.

  “Will you be expecting to spank me again?”

  “Probably. I can’t say I spank every time, but I do love turning a lovely behind red. And your behind is one of the loveliest I’ve had the pleasure of reddening.”

  They were at her car now and she clicked her key fob to unlock it. Joe opened the door for her and she slid in behind the wheel.

  “What do you say, Francine? May I request you next week?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I’d like that.”



  The following week sped by for Francine. The first day or two she had a little trouble sitting down. Every time she sat, especially in the hard wood chairs at school, her ass reminded her that she had been thoroughly spanked.

  She tried to concentrate on school but the extra money she had earned led her to spend some time with her daughters that she should have spent studying.

  She had a test that week and only scored a C-. Another paper she turned in had only received a D. She had to do better than that or she’d lose the small scholarship she had that helped pay for her tuition and books.

  On top of those disappointing scores her mother was being very inquisitive about the extra money Francine seemed to have. Francine didn’t know what to tell her mother; how to explain the extra money. She had hidden half of it in her room. Then she gave her mother a few hundred for food and rent. She got her car fixed; that cost nearly three hundred dollars.

  Her mother wanted to know where the money came from. How was Francine able to
suddenly get the car repaired and pay a few hundred for rent and food?

  Francine lied. She felt bad about it, but didn’t feel she had any other option. She told her mother she had done well on her job and had earned a bonus for the month.

  Now it was Friday and Joe would be calling the service this evening and requesting Francine as his escort. How on earth was she going to explain the money from tonight to her mother? She couldn’t, she’d just have to hide it and maintain her usual frugal practices with money so her mother wouldn’t become suspicious.

  Francine left the house at six, saying she was going to the library to study. She did this often since the house wasn’t all that conducive to studying with the girls playing until their bedtime.

  She hadn’t had dinner and told her mother she would pick something up later. She did go to the library, and she did study for about a half hour, so at least that wasn’t a lie.

  The text message came in just before seven saying she’d been requested by Joe for a four hour escort assignment. She replied, accepting the call, and then packed up her books and headed for her car.

  She was more nervous tonight than she’d been last week. She knew she’d likely be getting spanked again tonight, and oddly enough, the muscles in her ass cheeks were tightening in anticipation. And she swore her pussy was damp from thinking about a spanking. Was she a pervert? No, of course not. Maybe a deviant, but not a pervert.

  Tonight she had worn black pants and a black top with sparkling thread shot through it. Her underwear consisted of a black thong and a black, sexy, lacy push up bra. Black thigh high stockings with a satin bow at the top and three inch black heels completed her outfit.

  Of course she’d had to change in the ladies room off the lobby in the hotel. She had left her house in jeans, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt so as not to cause her mother to ask questions that Francine couldn’t answer. At least not truthfully answer.

  She took the elevator to Joe’s room and knocked on the door. He opened it almost immediately and again she was struck by how handsome he was. He smiled at her and that dimple in his cheek made her want to kiss it.

  “Hi, Francine, come on in.” He opened the door wider to let her pass.

  “Hi, Joe. How have you been this week?” She asked.

  “I’ve been good, but you’ve been in my thoughts a lot this last week.”

  “Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing?” She was half teasing.

  “Oh, it’s definitely a good thing,” he answered. “Trouble is it’s been distracting my mind from work.”

  “Hmmm....what is it you do? I don’t think we talked much about that last week.”

  “I’m a venture capitalist. I invest in companies that need help starting up or expanding.”

  “That must be very interesting. And rewarding when you know you’re helping someone else achieve their goals.”

  “It can be, when you can keep your mind on business instead of a pretty nursing student.” Joe teased her.

  They spent close to an hour talking and then Joe suggested they go downstairs and have dinner.

  This time he ordered grilled salmon for their main dish along with fresh seasonal vegetables. He was a take charge kind of guy when it came to ordering dinner.

  A luscious white wine that Francine had never heard of before had her asking for a second glass and then a third. Joe raised his eyebrow and asked, “Are you nervous? Or do you just like the wine that much?”

  Francine blushed and said, “A little bit of both, I think. The wine is very good.”

  “Yes, it is. What are you nervous about?”

  “ know. What might happen later on.”

  “Ah, you’re worried about a possible spanking?”

  “Shush! Someone will hear you!” She whispered.

  “There’s no one nearby, Francine. Our secret is safe. Is that what you’re nervous about...a possible spanking?”

  She nodded her head.

  “You shouldn’t be so nervous. You know what to expect now, and you can use the safe word.”

  “You’ll have to tell me what it is again. All I can remember is something red or red something.”

  “It’s ‘red light,’ just like a stop light. Just think of a traffic light. Red light means stop.”

  The food came and they ate, talking little while they finished their dinner. Again Joe ordered the dessert to be sent to his room along with another bottle of the wine that Francine liked so much.

  Once they were in his room, Francine was much more relaxed. The four glasses of wine were a large reason for that and she intended to have at least two more once the dessert arrived.

  The dessert came, the waiter poured two glasses of wine, and Joe tipped him and double locked the door when the waiter left.

  “Tell me about your week. Did anything happen or did you do anything that perhaps you shouldn’t have?”

  He’s looking for a reason to spank me. And I can give him three reasons.

  “I have a question first. If I were to tell you more than one thing that could be a reason for you to spank me would you give me two spankings? Or make one spanking extra long or extra hard?”

  “It would depend on what those reasons were. If they were things that are completely unacceptable, then you might get two spankings. Though I wouldn’t do them both tonight. I would ask you to return tomorrow for the second one. Or I might just spank you tonight but use the paddle.”

  “The paddle?” Francine felt her legs squeeze tightly together.

  “Yes, the paddle. But tell me what happened this week and we’ll take it from there. Remember you always have the safe word.”

  Francine considered telling him only about her low grades on the test and on the paper she had written for class. But she thought if she didn’t tell him she’d lied to her mother about where the money came from, it was sort of like telling another lie. Then again, did she really have to worry about it? He simply had a spanking kink and liked to have a reason to spank. Really, all she needed to do was come up with one thing.

  “I did poorly in school this past week. Since I didn’t have to work, thanks to your generosity last week, I spent more time with my daughters and not enough time studying. That earned me a C- on my test and a D on a paper I had to write.”

  “I see,” Joe said. “What sort of consequences might you face from school with such a poor showing?”

  “I need to keep at least a B average to keep my scholarship. I wouldn’t be able to continue with school if I lost that.”

  “So it’s necessary for you to make sure you spend enough time on your studies to maintain that average.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, it’s real important.”

  “Was there anything else this past week that you might want to talk about?”

  Francine blushed and hung her head a little bit.

  “I lied to my mother. She asked where the extra money had come from and I lied and told her I got a bonus at work.”

  Joe didn’t say anything for a few minutes. He watched as Francine squirmed nervously in her chair.

  Then he began to lecture her. He talked about the importance of maintaining her grade average so she could finish school and become a nurse. He spoke about the advantages for herself, her daughters, and even possibly her mother. He told her that she needed to keep a balance of spending time with her children and studying as much as she needed so she wouldn’t lose her scholarship.

  Several times he paused to ask her if she understood what he was trying to say and each time she nodded her head.

  Joe lectured her on school issues for about fifteen minutes and she was feeling pretty irresponsible about not putting enough time into studying. To her relief he didn’t seem to think lying to her mother about the money was too terrible. He only had one thing to say about it.

  “I normally don’t condone lying to one’s mother. However, under these circumstances you couldn’t very well tell the truth without upsetting your mother. The guilt you feel about the
lying is probably punishment enough; though perhaps we can dispel some of the guilt.”

  Francine wasn’t sure what he meant by dispelling some of the guilt but didn’t want to ask.

  “I think it’s time, Francine. I want you to remove your pants and your top now and come here.”

  Joe wasn’t sitting on the bed this time. He was sitting on the desk chair which he had pulled out away from the desk.

  She wasn’t nearly as nervous this time as she had been last week. She knew what to expect and assumed he was going to take her over his knee to spank her. She thought doing it on the bed would be more comfortable, but maybe this way would be quicker.

  She slipped off her shoes and then took off the pants. She was about to remove her thigh high stockings when Joe said, “Leave the stockings on, please. And put your shoes back on.”

  Francine did as he asked and then took her top off. Now she was clad in only her push-up bra, thong, stockings and shoes.

  Joe looked her over from head to toe. “You are lovely, Francine. Turn around for me.”

  She did and Joe got up from his chair and walked over to her. He caressed her bottom with one hand while taking her hand with the other.

  “I couldn’t wait for you to come to me, I had to touch you.” He said as he led her back over to the chair. “Do you remember the safe word?”

  “Yes, it’s red light.”

  Once seated, he patted his knee. “Come on, over you go.”

  Francine bent forward, positioning herself over his knee. This was much more awkward than on the bed. There was no support for her upper body and her head was facing downward. She reached out her arms to touch the floor so she could support herself. Her legs were flailing in the air behind her.

  Joe held her tightly at the waist with his left hand and began to rub her ass with his right hand. The rubbing became light taps, and then those became light slaps, and slowly they became harder.

  She gasped at a particularly sharp smack and Joe paused for a moment and rubbed her now stinging ass. He began lecturing her again; explaining why she was being spanked. He went over all the points he had already made and every so often he emphasized a point with an extra hard smack.


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