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Beast (Happily-Ever-After: The Illegitimates Book 1)

Page 11

by Trisha Grace

  Her smile faltered when he didn’t say anything. “I’m kidding.” She dropped her hand from his neck. “I’ll go change out of it.”

  Liam took her hand. “It’s not that I don’t want to ask you out. I’m sure you’ve noticed how I’m finding every excuse to be around you.”

  “We don’t have to go out out.”

  He frowned.

  She waved it off. “You know what? I’m talking nonsense. I’ll go change out of this.” She pulled her hand from his and strode into the bathroom.

  Liam sighed and moved back to the lazy-boy chair to continue his breakfast.

  Helena came out in a white blouse with a floral print and faded blue jeans. “I really like this outfit.”

  “Looks great.”

  She smiled and turned back to the bathroom. She changed into five more outfits.

  He thought she looked great in all of them. As expected, everything fitted her perfectly.

  Cassian’s mother had the uncanny ability to gauge a person’s size just by looking. Which was why Liam had needed a photo of Helena next to him, for Cassian’s mother to eyeball their comparative sizes.

  Helena stepped out of the bathroom in black leggings and a red leather jacket over a white T-shirt. “This is cool.” She walked over and dropped onto the couch to finish up her cereal.

  Liam had waited for her so they could have breakfast together, and they sort of did. She would stride over and take a few mouthfuls after each change of clothes.

  She adjusted the jacket. “Do you like it?”

  She looked amazing. She had been gorgeous in his oversized sweaters too, but he was glad that she was enjoying the clothes.

  He had been worried that his surprise was an utter failure, but seeing her enjoy the clothes made it completely worth the endless questions his half-brothers would no doubt have for him.

  “You should try on the shoes.”

  She went over to the few boxes he’d brought in. She opened up the first one. “Check out these stilettos.” She dangled a pair of five-inch heels from her fingers. “I’m not sure I can walk in these.” She slipped one shoe on, then tried to get the other one on with one hand pressed up against the wall.

  Liam got up and jogged over. Taking the shoe from her, he knelt down and slipped the shoe onto her foot. It took him a while to figure out how to tighten the strap.

  “Thanks.” She looked down at her feet. “Whoa. They look cute.” She took a wobbly step forward, and he immediately extended his hand toward her. “Clearly,” she put her hand into his, “I need practice.”

  He grinned and curled his fingers around her hand. He wondered when he would stop feeling awe whenever she so willingly took his hand.

  “Let’s take them off, so you can change into the next set.”

  She shook her head. “I’m sure you’re bored.”

  “I’m very entertained.”

  She cracked a smile, then leaned her weight on him and kicked an ankle back.

  “Here.” He shifted her hand onto his shoulder and knelt down to take the stiletto off for her.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  He glanced up at her a few times, but her gaze was locked on the shoes. “I don’t mind.” He waited for her to put her foot down on the floor before taking the other off.

  She slipped into her white sneakers and checked her watch when it buzzed. “I have some emails I need to answer,” she said to her watch.

  “Okay.” Liam couldn’t help feeling that something was off.

  She headed over to the coffee table and reached for her bowl.

  “Leave it. Kelly will clear it later.” He was about to ask her if everything was okay when the door was flung open, and Helena gasped.

  “Hi again, Helena,” Cassian said.

  Liam sighed at the sight of his half-brothers. “I told you guys not to come,” he said as they all came tumbling in.

  “But we have to see her.” Killian strode in and extended a hand after adjusting his glasses. “Killian Parker. You look great in that jacket.” He sat next to Helena and swept his ginger locks neatly back.

  “Thank you.” Helena smiled at Cassian. “Your mother has great taste.”

  “Yes, she does.” Cassian took the seat on the other side of Helena. “That suits you much better than Liam’s sweater.”

  Helena’s eyes widened.

  “You were wearing Liam’s clothes?” Elias leaned his elbows in the back of the lazy-boy chair. “I’m Elias Ross, by the way.” He cocked his head toward the door. “Trevor Foster.”

  Liam was glad Trevor had come through the door last and was keeping his distance from Helena. Elias was slightly shorter than Liam. Build-wise, they were similar. Of all the half-brothers, Elias and Liam looked the most alike—except that his brother’s tanned skin from all his years of adventure was a stark contrast to Liam’s indoor pallor.

  Character-wise, he and Elias were complete opposites. Elias was lighthearted, fun, always seeking a new adventure. Liam was … well, Liam. That was probably why they fought so much when they were younger.

  Trevor was the largest of the group, and probably the most lethal. He wasn’t just involved in senseless brawls as a teenager. He basically grew up in a fight club, and he had continued to hone his skills with MMA.

  Trevor leaned in the doorway and gave Helena a nod.

  If she was intimidated by any of them, she wasn’t showing it.

  “And she was standing right outside his room,” Cassian continued. “I assume you were sleeping in there?”

  She opened her mouth to say something, but Elias interjected before she could say a word.

  “That explains the two big bags of Victoria’s Secrets.” Elias smacked Cassian on the shoulder. “Your mother’s wise.”

  Helena blushed and got up from the couch.

  “I let her stay in my room. I’ve been sleeping on the couch.” Liam moved forward and put a hand on her back. “Why don’t you take the clothes into the bedroom?”

  Helena nodded and headed for the door after flashing a smile at the guys.

  “Don’t forget the V—”

  “Complete that sentence and I’ll kill you,” Liam said and glared at Elias.

  Trevor shifted to let Helena leave, then strolled in. “What happened?” he asked in his usual serious tone.

  “It’s a long story.” And he didn’t want to waste time with them.

  “Liam, where did you find her?” Killian asked while staring at the empty bowl on the coffee table. “Online? Does she think you’re an Eolenfeld? Did you tell her about Shadow Corp.?”

  Liam sighed and summarized what had happened.

  “Have you lost your mind?” Elias asked, his gaze focused on something behind him. “She’s with Bobby.”

  “She’s not with Bobby.”

  Cassian leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Liam, I can see you’re infatuated with her. But are you sure you can trust her? I mean you’re kind of … inexperienced.”

  “I’m not infatuated with her.”

  Cassian cocked a brow. His gaze landed on Liam for a moment before dropping to the coffee table. “You think you’re in love with her.”

  Liam didn’t bother to reply to Cassian.

  “Liam.” Killian frowned. “I get that she’s the only woman who has ever been here. Besides Kelly and … your mother.”

  “That’s not why I’m crazy about her.” Liam leaned back on his desk. “I know what I’m doing.”

  “Do you?” Elias asked.

  “Get out. All of you.”

  Trevor crossed his arms. “Let’s have lunch together.”

  “No.” Liam didn’t want the guys around him all day.

  “We won’t bug you about her after that.”

  “I don’t care what you guys think. Get out.”

  “What are you afraid of?” Trevor stepped forward. “If she has nothing to hide, she’s nothing to worry about.”

  “She doesn’t need to prove anythi
ng to any of you.”

  “We’re here,” Elias said. “And we’re not leaving.”

  Killian nodded.

  Cassian shrugged and brought an ankle to his knee. “It’s just one meal, Liam. We’ll leave you guys alone after that.”

  As much as Liam wanted them out, he knew his half-brothers wouldn’t let this slide—not when they had set their minds on it. “No more mention of Victoria’s Secrets.” He glared at Elias.

  Elias raised his hand in peace.

  Liam got up and walked over to the door. “Stay here.”

  “Is everything okay?” Helena, seated on the bed, asked the moment he walked into the bedroom.

  Liam walked up to the bed. “May I?” He pointed at it.

  She nodded and scooted over to join him. “What’s wrong?”

  “My brothers want to stay for lunch.”

  “Why do you make it sound like someone’s died?”

  He sighed.

  “Let me guess. They think I’m up to no good because I’m associated with Bobby.” She shrugged a shoulder. “It’s okay. They can stay and grill me. I’m used to it.”

  Liam frowned. Do I have the word ‘gold-digger’ engraved on my forehead? This clearly wasn’t the first time she’d been grilled about her motives.

  He shook his head.

  He wasn’t going to let anyone treat her that way. “No. You don’t have to deal with them.” He tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “I won’t let them treat you that way.”

  “Liam.” She tried to grab his hand, but he was already halfway toward the door.

  Liam was out of the room before she could pull on her shoes.

  “We’re going out to buy lunch,” Elias said. “We’ll let Kelly know.”

  He nodded. “You can leave, just don’t come back.”

  “She said no?” Trevor asked and crossed his arms.

  “I’m saying no.”

  “Liam.” Helena rushed into the room. “I don’t mind having lunch with them.”

  “I do.”

  She put her hand on his arm. “It’s all right. Really.”

  “Great.” Elias clapped his hands. “We’ll head out and get food.”

  Chapter 11

  Helena stared at the emails on her laptop. She was almost done with her work for Judith, so she could start picking up illustration projects again. She just needed to go through the emails and see what she had lined up.

  Except she couldn’t concentrate on anything.

  She rubbed her face as she thought about how she had tried—and failed so miserably—at her attempt to flirt with Liam. She shouldn’t have done that. They might have shared a kiss, but it didn’t mean anything.

  It was just a peck. They were both caught up in the moment, that was all it was—even if he couldn’t seem to stop touching her after that.

  Helena sighed and licked her lips. She was being stupid. “We don’t have to go out out,” she mumbled and rolled her eyes.

  She closed her laptop and set it aside, then grabbed her iPad. She tried to continue with her illustration of the game character, but she couldn’t concentrate. After a couple of minutes, she gave up.

  She grabbed her phone and called Judith.

  “I’m so glad you called,” Judith said. “I’m going crazy.”

  “So am I.”

  “Then you won’t like what I’m going to say.”

  “No. No bad news. I’m going to end your call.”

  “I’m sorry, Helena. I need you to redraw the backgrounds.”

  “No. That’s the first thing I completed.” Helena groaned. “I hate you.”

  “I know.”

  Helena sighed. “Why are we changing it?”

  “I’m changing the storyline.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right.”

  “You’re just nervous.”

  “It’s not just that. I kept feeling like something was missing.”

  “I know that feeling.” Helena sighed again. “Let me know what has to be changed.”

  “I love you. I love you. I love you.”

  “The feeling is far from mutual right now.”

  Judith laughed on the other end. “Why did you call?”

  “I’m feeling … blah.”

  “Something happened?”


  “So something. You have to learn to speak up, Helena. Remember? That’s your new year’s resolution.”

  Yes. Helena really needed to learn that. Aunt Beth had always been independent, and she taught Helena to be that way too. But it had also resulted in Helena bottling everything up.

  It was tough for her to talk about her problems. It was tough for her to ask for help. When she’d woken Nigel up about her parents’ shouting, she had condemned her brother to a life of drugs.

  No one deserved that, and she’d always felt she should learn to fix her own problems.

  Helena sighed softly. “I’m just being stupid.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I tried to flirt and it was disastrous.”

  “Yikes. How disastrous?”

  “Well, he kind of just kept quiet.”

  “That’s better than a rejection, right?”

  “Is it?”

  “Well, I guess not.”

  “And we were having such a good time.” Helena sighed. “I guess your request came at just the right time. I need a distraction.” Helena looked over at the few boxes she’d brought in. “I have bags and boxes of new clothes.”

  “You blew off your budget because of a failed attempt at flirting?”

  “Of course not.” Helena rolled her eyes. That was who she was. She was nothing like Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Helena didn’t seek adventure. She was, and always had been, Miss Boring, one of Bobby’s many apt names for her.

  Boring life. Boring clothes.

  “Liam bought them.”

  “So you called me up to brag?”

  Helena laughed and nodded. “You know what, I’m going to try them out.”

  “You should. You deserve to have nice clothes. Have some fun.”

  “Yeah. I do deserve that.”

  “Send me some photos.”

  “Will do.” Helena ended the call. She dropped her phone on the bed and looked over at the boxes. “Why not?” It wasn’t as if she could concentrate on anything else.

  To the music of her playlist blasting from her phone, she dumped the clothes onto the bed and picked out an outfit.

  She tried on so many outfits she had lost count when Liam knocked and entered the room.

  He stopped and stared at her.

  She was in a moss green off-shoulder crop top she’d matched with the faded jeans. She’d thought the outfit was cute. Her shoulders were bare, and the top came to a little above her belly button. It was a little more daring than she was used to, but definitely cute.

  She cut the music from her phone. “I got bored.”

  Liam glanced over at the mountain of clothes on the bed.

  “I’ll clear them off.”

  He nodded once.

  “You look nice,” she said.

  Liam had put on a black suit jacket over a black shirt.

  “Do you want to change out of that?” he asked. “They’re back with lunch.”

  “No. I’m fine.” She grabbed her phone. “Let the interrogation begin,” she mumbled under her breath.

  Liam was trying to come up with an excuse to convince Helena to change out of that top she was wearing. He didn’t want his brothers or anyone else seeing her in it.

  “Let the interrogation begin.”

  He barely caught what Helena said under her breath. He reached out and tried to take her hand, but she slipped right by him before he could.

  Liam couldn’t quite put a finger on it, but something was definitely off between them.

  Something had changed after she talked about going out on a date. Was she upset that he wouldn’t take her out?r />
  Liam ran his hand through his hair.

  She wasn’t asking for much.

  “Whoa.” Helena skidded to a stop when they reached the dining room. She licked her lips when she saw the opened food packages on the dining table.

  Elias pointed to the seat across from him. “That’s yours.”

  Cassian set a bottle of mineral water, which he had already opened and thrown away the cap, next to her grilled chicken.

  Slowly, she trotted forward as if she was about to face the guillotine.

  Liam settled into the chair at the head of the table, and Helena slowly lowered herself into the seat on his right.

  Trevor, who was next to her, handed her a set of utensils. Helena stared at them for a moment—enough for his half-brother’s brows to twitch—before taking them.

  Helena’s chest rose as she sucked a breath through her mouth. Her gaze skittered across the faces of the rest of Liam’s unaware half-brothers.

  Liam cut his grilled chicken into smaller pieces while she tightened her grip on her utensils. With another deep breath, she stuck her fork through a cherry tomato in her salad.

  Liam reached over and pressed her hand down. Certain that her eyes were on him, he took quick bites of his fries, salad and grilled chicken, then swapped their containers.

  Helena’s lips curled back into such a brilliant smile that it took Liam a moment to react. He cracked a smile before grabbing his mineral water and taking a sip. As subtly as he could, he switched their bottles and exchanged their forks since she still had the tomato on hers.

  The rest of the guys around the table were still taking out some of the other side dishes and opening the containers of sauces.

  The only person who seemed to notice what Liam had done was Trevor, but his half-brother’s attention immediately shifted to Helena. A corner of his lips hooked back when he saw Helena’s smile.

  Trevor might not understand why Liam did what he did, but he didn’t seem to care.

  Still smiling, Helena dug into her food.

  “Are you going to stare at her the whole time or actually eat something?” Killian asked.

  Liam shot a glare over at him and shrugged off Cassian’s black suit jacket. Cassian had come to his study to let him know that the guys had returned with lunch, then insisted he wear the suit jacket.


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