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The Skin of the Gods

Page 26

by Phil Armstrong

  This man is a powerful and dangerous man. I believe he is the head of a secret society. It’s a group dedicated to the pursuit of cracking one of times most enduring mysteries. I don’t need to convince you of the existence of portals. What if you could open a portal at will? Imagine if you could travel through it, to another world or another time? Einstein was trying to show this mathematically. It’s believed that certain artifacts, if combined, can unlock a portal and allow mortal beings to travel through.”

  David looked at Beth. She raised her eyebrows, as if seeking acceptance. David knew she believed this to be true. She had experience with Subra, Corom and Toshie. “Tell me about these artifacts?” asked Beth, hardly able to contain herself.

  “Sacred items from long ago. Very valuable items, which if combined, can open the portal and enable great powers. Back to Matt, if we can. The first thing I noticed, from the image sent to me, was the pendant around Matt’s neck. Did he wear this when he was around you?”

  “Oh yes. That damn crystal thing. I had told him I didn’t like it. It looked old and dated. It was an odd thing for a guy to be wearing. He told me that it was sentimental. His Grandmother had given it to him.” Beth watched the reaction sweeping across David’s face. “And that was a lie, wasn’t it?”

  David was nodding. “Yes. The Lemurian crystal hanging around David’s neck is a priceless artifact. It’s held by three gold sea serpents, supporting a rare and flawless crystal, of the highest quality. It belonged to the high priestess Cryanna. Here’s where it gets interesting. Crystals can be programmed by the mind. People can heal all kinds of ailments with crystals. Cryanna was a Master. She was very advanced. Legend says, she created a number of these special pendants, but this is the only one I’ve seen in existence. I think it’s authentic. The crystal is designed to provide temporary refuge for a spirit without a physical body.” David watched Beth’s reaction. She recoiled and placed her hands over her mouth. David made strong eye contact and nodded. “Yes. I think Matt provided a capability. A spirit did pass through the portal that you opened. That spirit could have passed through you and into the Lemurian crystal. What I don’t know is why? I also can’t prove, that Matt knew what he was doing.”

  David paused and rubbed his cultured hands together. “Beth, I think he did know. I think he was using you. I know that’s a painful thing to comprehend. Why would a boy of Matt’s age be trusted with a priceless artifact such as a Lemurian Cryanna crystal? I have heard that this was acquired on the black market. A buyer named Ay acquired it. Buyers often use false names or handles, to disguise their identity. Ay was the name of a guard in ancient Egypt. His lover was killed and he used a group to revenge her death. He would find these powerful artifacts and gain access to the portal. This group was called, The Order of the Serpent, and they continue today. Matt’s university friend had a powerful Father. It’s the Father, who is the head of The Order of the Serpent. They’re a dangerous and powerful group. They’ve existed for thousands of years, avoiding exposure, coverage and press. The Father is rarely photographed and recruits carefully. It’s rumored that people who try to leave the group or have indiscretions, simply vanish. You don’t mess with this group.”

  David sat back in his chair. “I think Matt is part of this group and I think he’s now being controlled by a spirit. I know that sounds crazy.”

  “Go on, say more,” said Beth, hungry for additional details.

  David accepted the encouragement. He felt comfortable, that his theory was not met with scornful ridicule. “I don’t know who this spirit is? I don’t know why they’ve decided to contact the spirit or how they’ve managed to get it here. Like you, I really suspect the portal. It’s no coincidence that Matt was there, just as the portal opened. We know he was there with an alternate motive but I can’t figure out why he stuck around. I don’t mean to offend you.” David noticed Beth’s raised eyebrows. “You’re a beautiful woman, but he needed something from you. You understand?”

  Beth felt used and embarrassed. “Yes,” she managed to get out. She wondered if David was protecting her wounded heart or if he really did think she was beautiful?

  David broke the awkward silence. “I’m sorry Beth; we’re going to have to figure out what Matt wanted. He obviously found the information he needed and took off.”

  “Took off,” Beth repeated. She thought about the impact those words had on her. “What do you think he wanted from me?”

  David knew Beth was upset and fragile. “I’m not sure Beth. These aren’t nice people. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say they’re trying to find information that leads them to the next portal. I simply don’t understand what they’re doing with the spirit and the crystal? I do know one thing. These guys are in this for all the wrong reasons.”

  Beth shot David a look of concern. “So, I should just write Matt off?”

  “I’m sorry Beth, I know it’s not romantic, but I would.”

  David proceeded to inform Beth about his research and described his collecting activities, pertaining to portals. Beth spent time outlining her story. She completed details about her journey to the Shell in Brussels. She described the feeling she had and David hung on every word. The time flew and suddenly both realized that they were hungry. Consumed by their conversation, finally their bodies demanded food. Beth suggested a local restaurant and they settled in for a good meal. It was half way through their entre, that Beth realized she really liked David. She liked him a lot and she caught herself flirting mildly. He was easy to talk to and understood her experiences around energy, spirits and the portal.

  “I want to ask you something,” said David, resting his fork on the side of his plate. His voice sounded serious, prompting Beth to raise her eyes to meet David’s gaze. “Did you see an image of the next portal, as the prophecy states?”

  “Yes,” said Beth simply, before putting food into her mouth to delay any detailed response.

  “More importantly, did you tell David what this image was?”

  Beth smiled knowingly; she could ease his worried mind. “No. I didn’t describe to Matt the image that I saw. I didn’t even tell him that I’d seen an image. He never asked.”

  “Good. That’s a relief. Then it’s clear to me that they’re using the spirit to guide them, to find the location of the next portal. Or they could be using the spirit to find the artifacts, that will open a portal.”

  “Will they find it?”

  “A journey is only as important as its outcome.”

  “I don’t know that one, it’s an original. That’s your quote isn’t it?” said Beth, not recognizing the quote.

  “If they find the portal and get their desired outcome,” David paused. “Well, it wouldn’t be good, let’s just leave it at that.”

  David tilted his wrist; the light caught his Blancpain 1735 Grand Complication watch. It was getting late. We should talk some more tomorrow. I need a good night’s rest, the jet lag is starting to kick in.”

  “Of course, I’m sorry. It’s just so nice to talk with someone who understands me. I feel like such a freak sometimes.” Beth realized that she had tilted her head, opened her eyes and brushed her hair off her face, using her fingers. She was openly flirting with David. Her cheeks flushed slightly. Her eyes fell to David’s hands. You can tell a lot about a man from his hands. He had the soft hands of a refined businessman. These hands were smooth, with lean fingers and manicured nails. David’s hands were more at home typing on a computer and writing with a Mont Blanc pen, than fixing a motorbike. He had handsome hands and she marveled at their simplicity.

  David broke the silence, “Okay let’s go, I’ll be more awake in the morning, I’ll meet you for breakfast at say 8.30am?”

  “Would you like to stay the night with me?” The words raced through her head as she hid her thoughts behind her smile. Her mind turned to her ring, still sitting at the bottom of a ceramic pot, perched upon her mantelpiece. They left the restaurant and David walked Beth to her door. By now
he was looking pretty tired. The jet lag had really caught up with him.

  “Perhaps, when I’m more alert, you can tell me the story behind this cute little thing?” David turned her wrist to expose her fox tattoo. Beth just nodded.

  They bid each other goodnight and David disappeared into the shadows of the evening. Beth reflected upon their conversation. She’d just met David, but she knew there was an attraction. The question was, did he feel the same way? Beth couldn’t wait for the morning to come. Already she was planning her outfit and hairstyle with an air of anticipation. What would they talk about tomorrow?

  Back safely within his hotel room, David assembled some materials relating to the sacred artifacts and the Servants of Byblos. He compiled a folder with materials and photos. He included profiles of Nesu Narmer and a few documents he had found describing the Order of the Serpent. Disturbing images swirled around his head as he finally drifted off to sleep.

  He woke to feel the sun warming his olive skin. His arms and shoulders seemed larger and more muscular. He was lying on a bed made of reeds, when he suddenly realized he was not alone. He turned his head to look at the beautiful woman, lying next to him. She had a sheet draped over her hips with her naked back facing him. She rolled over onto her back exposing her chest adorned with a crystal necklace, hanging from her perfect neck. A gold serpent clasp wrapped itself around her upper arm. The jewelry sparkled in the strong morning sun. David looked around the room, trying to get his bearings. The air was warm and dry. He could hear faint voices. He was in the palace of the Nesu. His beautiful companion looked Egyptian, with her long black hair cut in bangs. Her face was silent and asleep. She had beautiful eyes, closed to the invading day and lined in a familiar black Egyptian style. Her upturned nose complemented her high cheekbones and perfectly formed mouth. He instantly recognized this beautiful woman. It was Beth, he was dreaming of being with Beth. David knew he was attracted to Beth, from the minute he first saw her. She was on the rebound and he felt uncomfortable making a move. His subconscious was reaffirming his strong interest.

  As they had chatted, his interest had grown stronger. She was a strong, intelligent woman, independently wealthy and confident. He had caught her with her guard down, but had recognized a strong mind and a resilient character. She was both mentally and physically appealing. She was a welcome change from the companions he had cycled through in Hong Kong. He was looking forward to resuming their conversation over breakfast but fell asleep thinking about her. It had been a productive and enjoyable day for David. He felt important and needed. His journey was long and inconvenient, with other pressing business issues left unattended. He was particularly interested in Beth’s account of the portal.

  You can read legends and collect artifacts all you want; it is no substitute for actual experience. Beth was living proof that this was not fanciful story telling, the portals did exist.

  David would have traveled anywhere in the world to hear this first hand. He knew he had work left to do. For David this was a good start. What he didn’t know was the extent of other events unfolding that day. While he was introducing himself and educating Beth, dark forces were gathering. Matt and his colleagues also had a good day.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 18: Serpents and Hounds

  Haworth, West Yorkshire, England, Present day.

  Matt felt weird sharing his thoughts with a total stranger but he was surprised at how quickly he had adjusted. He knew his actions would force the Elders of the Order to recognize his commitment and elevate his status. To belong to the Order of the Serpent was an honor. If he could pull this task off he would be admitted to the inner circle. His destiny in life would be set allowing him to interact with the rich and powerful. Matt’s Oxford school friend had cautiously introduced him to the Order. He had entered willingly; he was not recruited. It was Matt who pestered and probed, wanting to be part of something larger and important. One night, a loose drunken remark had opened the doors to an intriguing secret society. For Matt to learn more and gain acceptance, he had to demonstrate his loyalty. He had carefully followed the instructions leading him to Brussels and to Beth. Matt was a good-looking lad and very intelligent. He felt bad misleading his parents. He needed them to provide a plausible cover. He felt worse deceiving Beth into thinking their relationship was genuine.

  Over time, Matt started to enjoy Beth’s company and he began to develop feelings for her. It was impossible to fake what they had. His drive for power and acceptance overrode his growing feelings for Beth. He hated hurting her but soon realized she was strong and would get over him. He rationalized his actions. He was not physically hurting Beth, she was just collateral damage in a larger, more important plan.

  He proceeded slowly. Eventually Beth talked about her past and her experience in Brussels. As time passed, the trapped spirit gained strength. He moved from his crystal housing into Matt’s mind. Matt’s fabricated story was effective, preventing Beth from removing his crystal necklace. She hated the necklace on him. It was dated and feminine looking.

  One cold night, Beth had snuggled up close to Matt and fallen asleep. Her breathing became steady and deep. Matt was reading and his eyes grew tired. He stroked her soft hair, brushing it from her bare shoulders. She shuddered briefly and smacked her lips. Beth was dreaming.

  “Go. Go now!” Her eyes darted, moving around wildly under her closed lids. She moaned, as if trying to form words. “Portal …. Energy …. Surge.” Beth’s spasms increased. Matt listened, not wanting to wake her. “Go through,” she said, with urgency in her voice. Beth seemed to relax, sinking back into Matt’s warm body. “Beautiful,” she murmured. Matt was about to reposition Beth and turn the lights out, when she said it. “An Angel, she’s beautiful, the image is an Angel.”

  Matt smiled and his eyes narrowed. He had collected what he came for. The Elders in the inner circle of the Order would be pleased. He could now move to the important part of his assignment. Beth had unwittingly told Matt her vision. The vision she had seen, when she stepped on the Shell. This vision would point to the location of the next portal. Matt was pleased but spirit had other ideas. An uneasy alliance had formed between the Order and the spirit. It was an alliance built upon mutual interests, not upon trust.

  * * * * *

  Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, England, Present day.

  Eighteen months earlier, the wind swept fiercely across the crashing waves as they battered the steep black rock face. It was almost mid-night and the combination of mist, sea spray and a light rain, made visibility poor. Dr. Adler would rather have stayed in tonight and played with the kids. At this time of night, he would be snuggled up in bed, lying next to his much younger second wife. She was curvaceous and warm. Instead, he had reluctantly agreed to participate in a ritual, for the Order of the Serpent. He had become an Elder three years ago.

  He parked his grey Aston Martin and walked towards the security guard. It wasn’t the first time Dr. Adler had visited Bamburgh Castle. The Castle was an impressive sight. It cast a daunting profile, high above the small market town. The rear of the Castle backed onto steep, jagged, stone cliffs. Located below was the swirling sea that battered the North East coast of England. This formidable cliff face blocked any thoughts of access. The Castle was impressive, a dark imposing building that cast a large silhouette against the night sky. Bamburgh Castle had featured prominently in many movies. Dr. Adler recalled a Dracula movie, starring Christopher Lee, as his favorite. It was an old movie and suddenly he felt old. He turned his collar up against the lashing rain and hurried into the reception area. Two large men were posted at the door. They looked like they would rather be inside, having a hot steaming cup of tea.

  “Good evening Sir, welcome to Bamburgh Castle.”

  The accent was clearly eastern European but the give away was the pronunciation. The large man pronounced the castle, “Bamberg Castle.” The Doctor smiled as thoughts ran through his mind. “Bamborough Castle would be correct.” Many words
in English don’t sound the way they appear. This is what makes true English, one of the hardest languages to master.


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