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English Lads

Page 10

by Adam Carpenter

  The second bottle finished off, that’s when Hunter launched into the business part of their drunken luncheon.

  “Sandy, you’ve made the call I asked?”


  “And what was the reception.”

  “Well, he’s good and pissed for sure.”

  “To be expected.”

  “Tell me exactly what he said.”

  “He called you a cad.”

  “Who did?” Jake asked.

  They ignored him.

  “Said you were out of your league and that before all was said and done, you’d owe him so much you couldn’t possibly pay him back. He said he would enjoy exacting his revenge.”

  “Utter nonsense. If things get too out of hand, Patsy will bail me out,” Hunter said, with a knowing grin. “She always does, that sister of mine. But this time I won’t need it. I have a plan, as well as an ace up my sleeve.”

  “What might that be?”

  “My ace?” Hunter asked, “why, it’s not a what but a who. Or is that whom? Never know the difference. No matter the grammar, our who is none other than my new friend here, Jake Westbury.”

  Jake had been watching the volley between these two men as though attending a tennis match, and finally one of them faulted. Jake, like a referee, suddenly said, “Uh, no, I don’t think that’s going to happen. I’m done with the subterfuge, and I’m done carrying around a boatload of money.”

  Both men laughed at Jake’s comment, and then he reddened at his double meaning. The image of himself on the Thames in a kayak with a bag full of cash flashed in his mind.

  “Oh, Jake, don’t take it personally,” Hunter said. “You were never in any real danger, and you won’t be now. See, Sandy here has arranged a game to take place two nights from now at Voignier House. We will all have a role to play. But that’s for later, we’ll have our strategic meeting tomorrow. For now it’s all about fun, sun, bubbly.”

  “Speaking of…how about a bit of fun before I need to get back to the wifey?”

  “Yes, yes, Sandy, we’ll get to that. Impatient much?” To Jake, Hunter said, “He’s not very subtle after he’s had a few drinks.”

  “Uh, what kind of fun?” Jake asked warily.

  Hunter answered his questions with not a word but an action. He stood from his chair, made his way toward the more comfortable lounge chair. From there he slipped off his Speedo, his hardening cock bouncing in the air. He spread himself onto the chair, opening his hairy legs while he stroked his cock to its full, impressive length.

  Well, if that didn’t answer Jake’s question, nothing did.

  Sandy rose from his seat and quickly made his way over. He slipped off his own swim trunks, standing naked in the backyard, his very hairy body on full display. He dropped to his knees and immediately took Hunter’s large cock into his mouth. Jake watched in amazement as the entire length disappeared; Sandy no doubt had practice sucking that big thing. Hunter helped anyway, his hands pushing at Sandy’s head, thrusting it down, down. My God, Jake thought, he wondered how much of Sandy’s talents and actions his “wifey” was familiar with.

  After a few minutes of generous fellatio, Sandy’s mouth released the cock with a string of saliva still connecting them. Hunter spun around, getting on his own knees, splaying open his ass. Sandy plunged his tongue deep into the crack, licking, sucking, thrusting deep into Hunter. He was moaning loudly as Sandy ate him out, sounds that only spurred Sandy on. It spurred Jake on too. By now his cock was rock hard inside his swim trunks and he wanted nothing more now than to join in on the fur fest he was witnessing. Is that what they wanted?

  “Jake, what the hell, get over here,” Hunter said, “join the fun.”

  Good thing a bit of champagne remained in the bottle, because Jake first drained it. The buzz in his head gave him the fortitude to join them. It had been years since he’d indulged in a threesome, and quite honestly he wasn’t sure what he should be doing, who he should be doing. Should he go after Hunter, or was Sandy waiting for him? Was he supposed to suck Sandy? He pushed his shorts down around his ankles. With his hard cock leading the way, he approached the two men. Sandy was still licking at Hunter’s ass, and all Jake had available to him was Sandy’s hairy ass. He wasn’t ready for such an intimate action with the man he’d just met, and besides, he was still sort of pissed at him for the whole money-exchange ploy. So what he did was slap his hand against the furry butt.

  “Owww,” Sandy said, but he was grinning. “Do it again.”

  Jake slapped him again, this time not as hard.

  “Harder, Jake.”

  This time Jake slapped that ass with new determination. The smack of skin against skin crackled in the air. Sandy spun around, giving Hunter’s ass a break. Instead he grabbed harshly at Jake’s cock, opening his mouth to suck it. The heat which washed over Jake threatened to knock him to his knees. He reached out, steadying himself by latching onto Sandy’s shoulders. He felt the thick black hair, its texture coarse. He pulled. Sandy must have liked it, because his sucking intensified. Sliding, sucking, jerking it with his hands, cupping Jake’s heavy, hairy balls. Damn, Sandy was good at cock sucking. Jake felt pressure begin to build inside him, and he let out a sharp cry. Suddenly Sandy pulled out, shaking his head.

  “Not yet, not now,” he said. “First, you do me.”

  “Do…” Jake said, feeling stupid. What did the guy want? To be sucked…to be…

  “Fuck me, fuck me nice and hard,” Sandy said, and as if to demonstrate his strong desire, he spun around, his ass practically thrust into Jake’s face.

  Jake gazed over at Hunter, who was still lying on the lounge chair, stroking his sizable cock. He paused to reach under the chair where a towel lay clumped and then tossed something Jake’s way. It was, of course, a condom and a pack of lube. Several others packets were in the folds of the towel. Once again Hunter had planned for everything. He had known this little threesome would take place. He gave Jake the thumbs up.

  Attraction was a curious thing. Jake recalled Sandy when he’d been dressed in the suit, all buttoned up and nervous, as straight-laced as they came. Now, standing naked before him, his body coated with dark hair, pleading to be fucked, fucked hard, he was seeing rather another side to the curious man, and if he wasn’t necessarily hungry to have sex with him, the booze had unleashed his inhibitions. His cock had hardened at the prospect of getting a chance to play the top. Since he’d been with Hunter, his ass had taken the brunt of all their sex, and so faced with the chance to pound at someone else…well, Jake realized he was more than ready. The head of his cock was thick, red, ready, and so he slipped the condom on and swiped at Sandy’s hairy ass before adding a bit more lube to the condom. He positioned himself before the waiting ass, Sandy urging him, do it, slide in, hard, fast, now…

  Jake pushed, pushed again, and suddenly his hard cock had entered Sandy’s open, puckered ass. Grabbing hold of the cheeks of his ass, Jake thrust again, again, and Sandy cried out with evident desire. He bent over further, and Jake saw him take Hunter’s massive cock into his mouth. He began to suck and Jake began to fuck harder, turned on by the blow job he was witnessing. He could hear Hunter’s groans as his cock slide between Sandy’s lips, hear Sandy’s frantic slurps, could hear his own balls as they slapped hard against Sandy’s ass. Hot, bothered, unstoppable, Jake ran his hands over the patches of hair that covered Sandy’s back, gripping tufts between his fingers. Hunter’s cock slid out of Sandy’s mouth as he screamed aloud from the pain of having his furry back yanked at, but it was a howl of desire, and he started to beg, beg, beg, harder, pull harder, more, yeah, “fuck me, fuck my furry little body, give me all you’ve got…yeah, yeah, yeah,” and that only gave Jake more motivation, more desire, which flooded from his loins to his cock, to his heart, his hands, his brain, and suddenly all bodily functions were in overdrive. His cock thrust fast and hard, fast and hard, faster…faster…

  “Uhhh….” Jake started to say.

�No, not in me, on me. Yeah, come all over me…”

  Jake pulled out and whipped off the condom just in time to watch his cock twitch as shot after shot of white hot come splattered against Sandy’s furry back. Sandy then let out a strangled sound and soon his own cock was exploding all over Hunter’s chest, his hands stroking the length of his shaft to elicit every last shot, every last drop. Jake was still hot and he was still horny, despite his orgasm, and he maneuvered between Sandy’s legs and made way for Hunter’s ass. He lifted him from the lounge chair, opening his ass, thrusting his tongue into the furry enclave. He licked and he licked more, pulling at the thick hair with his teeth and listening for Hunter’s fierce cries. He saw Sandy licking at Hunter’s nipples, digging through the carpet of chest hair for those fiery red tips. Both men continued to attack their leader, waiting, watching, wanting to see Hunter’s throbbing cock explode. They licked, they sucked, and then they changed positions, with Sandy eating his ass and Jake grazing his chest, and then each of them reached out a hand and together the two of them jerked him, milked him, frantic, hard, desperate, and at last Hunter let out a sharp bellow and his cock expanded, it grew warmer, and the head just exploded with a violent burst of come. Sandy lapped at it, and Jake, not to be denied, joined him at the lusty fountain, and together they drank from the member which they worshipped, the cock they remained slaves to.

  Finally, all three came to a rest, realizing their bodies were coated with sweat and come. Hunter rose first and announced the last one in the pool had to go home to Sandy’s “shrew,” and well, none of them wanted that and so they raced to the pool’s edge and dove in, three bodies near-simultaneously delving into the cool waters of the shimmering pool. When they resurfaced, they decided they did not have a clear cut winner, but since Sandy had already married the woman it was only fair he returned to her side.

  “Bastards,” Sandy said. “Fine, I’ll go. But I won’t like it.”

  “Clearly,” Hunter said.

  Ten minutes later, Sandy was gone from Voignier House, Jake was swimming laps, and a naked Hunter was once again sunning himself on the diving board. As though what had transpired between the three of them had been a dream, and now life had awakened, resumed, and only Hunter and Jake existed in the present. But Jake, staring back at the house, at the sky, at the lush English countryside, knew that reality would soon return. A reality that had Hunter owing some guy 50,000 pounds. And that a scheme was afoot in which Hunter would try to steal more money from him.

  For the first time since arriving, Jake was nervous about what tomorrow would bring. Who was this Henderson Fellows, and how was it he and Hunter had come to know each other? What did they really mean to each other? Jake feared he already knew the answer.


  Change was in the air when Jake awoke on Tuesday morning. His first clue was the fact that he was alone in the sprawling bed, a first since he and Hunter had arrived at Voignier House. Each night they had gone to bed, horny and hungry for each other, only to wake the next morning feeling exactly the same way. Jake could barely count the number of times they had been intimate since they’d met, and with each screw Jake had felt himself forging a deeper connection with Hunter, and the only problem he could anticipate was that Hunter did not reciprocate those feelings. Love had never entered the conversation. But sweaty sex all day long with a furry guy went a long way toward burying any sense that things were not as they seemed. Jake did all he could to deny the nagging feeling in the bit of his stomach that the end was near, and damn if his nerves weren’t newly rattled when he got out of bed that morning.

  Hunter was nowhere to be seen. He’d showered, there was evidence of that. He’d had a quick breakfast, dirty dishes still in the sink. The red Mustang was not in the driveway, nor the garage, and finally Jake found a note under the blanket when he went to make the bed: “Errands to run. See you later.” Hunter’s note was a poor substitute for his voice, his kisses, the nibbling on Jake’s neck that he awoke to each morning.

  Showered, shaved, dressed, Jake made his way down the expansive staircase, gazing at the huge foyer before him, at the series of hallways and doors that led to various rooms of the large house, and he realized this was the first time he’d been alone in the grand house. He didn’t like it. If he wasn’t already feeling displaced from his home in New York, the fact that he hadn’t spent much time in his London flat (and was still paying for it) made him realize just how quickly his life had changed. In just a few short weeks, Hunter Abbott had become the center of his universe, and while Jake had come to London to fall in love, he wasn’t so sure that’s what was happening.

  Right now the house felt stifling, and so Jake exited through the front door. Outside a beautiful summer day was in full bloom, with a bright, blue sky and wandering, aimless clouds. A slight breeze ruffled his hair. He breathed more easily now, as though the claustrophobia he’d just felt had been sucked away by the wind. Jake, dressed in his uniform of shorts and T-shirt, decided to take a walk along the grounds, skirting across the driveway and onto the great wide lawn. The grass was lush and so he removed his sandals. He took off like a little kid, waving his arms, the rush of air around him almost giving him flight. He felt loose, free, open, as though all he’d been worrying over dissipated. No bags full of money, no thugs, no Hunter.

  At the edge of the property a small stream cut through the ground, and Jake took to following it gurgling trail. He went beyond the stables and the old cricket field, crossing over a small, open wooden bridge. Water lapped over rocks, flowers grew on the riverbank. The scene was idyllic, causing Jake to stop there. Hanging his legs over the edge of the bridge, he dipped them into the surprisingly cool water. Pulling off his shirt, he let the sun hit his bare chest, felt the wind ruffle his chest hair. He leaned back, his eyes staring up at the sky, and sighed.

  He thought first of his friends Matthew and Freddie, in the thick of their quests for love. He thought of new friends Steven and Jennie, who were probably wondering what the hell had happened to him after Nevil’s party. Or for that matter, their kayak. He’d have to apologize for that one when he got back and explained his involvement with Hunter Abbott. They had warned him, hadn’t they? Trouble, trouble, trouble were the first words to describe him. And yup, he was all that and more, much more, and for a second Jake allowed a smile to cross his face. It had been more than two years since his last true relationship, and while he’d dated and survived a few one-nighters or booty-call like flings, it had been awhile since he’d had any steady man in his life. All this time with Hunter, he had to wonder about the basis of their relationship. Jake knew what he wanted. Did Hunter feel the same?

  A slight ruffling from the nearby trees broke Jake from his thoughts. He gazed up and saw the approaching form of Sandford Berenson heading his way. He was similarly dressed in casual summer wear and a button-down shirt and he waved over at Jake, who returned the friendly gesture. A fleeting image of Sandy and Hunter naked popped into Jake’s mind. Was it only just two days ago that the three of them had indulged in a champagne-fueled sexual frenzy?

  “Hello, Jake, what brings you here?”

  “Just went for a walk. Didn’t even know where I was going. Ended up here. It’s nice, peaceful.”

  “Calm before the storm?”

  Jake’s eyes crinkled. “What does that mean?”

  “Tonight. The game…oh, so Hunter still hasn’t told you?”

  “Apparently not. Why not have a seat, fill me in.”

  Sandy appeared visibly nervous, as though he didn’t want to betray Hunter’s trust and say anything he shouldn’t. But he sat anyway, dangling his hairy legs over the side. Jake set aside all thoughts of sex, quieting his cock from getting too excited. Nothing was going to happen, he was with Hunter, and Sandy…wasn’t he married? To a shrew?

  “Can I ask you a question, Jake?”

  “You can ask anything. Not sure I can guarantee an answer.”

  “Are you falling for Hunter?�

  Silence fell over Jake as he contemplated the question set before him. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to give voice to his feelings, he just wasn’t sure of the right answer. “I don’t know. Maybe. Probably.”


  “Why not?”

  “Because he’ll never return it.”

  “You sound like you speak from experience.”

  Sandy laughed, shaking his head. His feet kicked at the water, sending up a spray of water that landed on their shorts. “No, no, don’t mistake my relationship with Hunter. It has never been about…feelings. Sure, I like the guy, he’s entertaining, he’s edgy and unpredictable and darned sexy, but no, I could never see myself pursuing him seriously.”

  “Seeing as though you have a wife, I guess that would put a damper on things.”

  “My wife and I—not that it’s your business—have an ‘arrangement.’ Our marriage was financial at the start and it remains so today. She knows what I like, she doesn’t stop me or question me. But I’m not going to run off on some fool’s errand and think a sexy man like Hunter Abbott is going to change all his bad habits for the sake of his nebbish-y banker friend.” He paused to consider his next words. “Hunter…he’s complicated. Sure, he loves sex. He loves to have it, he loves sharing his body, and yes, sharing his rather impressive cock. Monogamy is not his strong suit—he tried it once and it failed. Not sure he ever recovered from that attempt at love, and so now he goes around living his life however he sees fit. Though I will admit, he does seem a bit changed this summer, like he’s got a renewed purpose—take tonight, for example. He knows he’s in a bit of spot financially, but rather than continue to run from it—as he’s been doing for the past few months—he’s going to face it head on. Why the sudden change, I don’t know, and before you go and give yourself too much credit, know that Hunter is fickle. He likes you, Jake, that’s real obvious, but if you look for little clues you’ll be able to see he’s beginning to distance himself. It’s just his way.”


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